Tweet of the Day

Has anyone checked out the show “Landman” on Paramount?

This one scene nails it perfectly when it comes to any discussion about the green energy movement. Well done.

In 1985 I came home from grade school and told my daddy- an oil man and son of a west Texas wildcatter- that my teacher told me we would be out of oil in 30 years.
My dad spit his food out with laughter.

"Son, first, let me tell you- you're teacher is a god damn idiot" (my mom dropped her fork) "Second, Texas is floating on a sea of this stuff called shale. And that shale has oil in it. And one day, we're going to figure out how to get that oil out of that shale. And when we do, we'll not only be awash in oil, but it'll take 250 years to use up all the natural gas we will have."
This was the same teacher that scolded me one day for using my little calculator to solve a long division problem.
"Clob" she said "in the future, you aren't going to always be carrying a calculator around in your pocket with you."

B!tch was wrong on both accounts.
This is a must read. This guy has a pretty good idea of what is going on with all those mystery drones and it’s pretty serious.

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