Uvalde-- we've got to do something


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
18 year old turd. Wasn't going to get to graduate, was being held back. Puts a bullet in his granny and ends up going into an elementary school--- not HIS high school-- to exact his revenge.

Chicken sh!t didn't roll up to the High School where there are not only armed guards, but also armed STUDENTS-- (for them that don't know, Uvalde is a bunch of farm and ranch kids that own guns and many of them keep them in their trucks). He, instead, chose a soft target.

A target where kids couldn't run out to their pick up trucks and fight back. A target with children aged 8-11. From what I'm hearing, his targeting of these children was so brutal in nature that many parents are having to do DNA swabs so the body of their child can be positively identified.

Fortunately, a couple of blocks behind the school lives a man who is a BORTAC agent. Border Tactical agents are just that-- Border patrol guys who have been sent off to tactical training school to drill alongside FBI Hostage Rescue Teams (HRT), Department of State Security (DSS), Department of Energy ProFor (the guys that protect nuclear stuff) -- and these guys get special tactical and arms training similar to what our military forces receive.

But what lead us to this?

An 18 year old flunkie that was going to have to go through his senior year again, falls off the deep end. He bought his guns at the legal age of 18. He bought them through a legal gun shop. He passed a background check. He (allegedly) had two rigs-- one of them a DDM4V7-- a Daniel Defense AR15. Nothing special, but the rig and optics itself are not cheap. Where did he get this money? Did he have a job? Did granny pay for it?

Why then?

Honestly, I think it's nihilism.
Nihilism is when you come to the realization that life just doesn't matter-- it has no meaning.

How would a young mind come to believe this?

Social media. Everybody has what you desire. And you know you don't have enough time to acquire all these "things, toys, fame, money" because you're being bombarded every day with "global warming will kill us all in 12 years" talk.

People diagnosed with terminal diseases often to irrational things. Why? What does it matter? "I'm going to die anyway.... might as well go skydiving..".

Is it a huge leap for someone to think "well, I'm never going to get rich, or fvck Kim Kardashian, or own a G650 jet, or drive a Lambo, or have a million followers on Insta-chat-snap-gram.....and the world is going to end in 12 years anyway because of global warming, so fvck it, let's kill as many as we can so I can at least get famous and these dead kids-- well, I'm saving them from starving to death or burning alive in 10-12 due to the environment."

What say you?
He told those kids they were going to die. Truly awful. Total mental health issue with this guy. From the reports he was not being chased by cops after killing granny so why did he crash? From the pics of his truck it looked like he went airborne before he crashed? Perhaps he was on drugs too?
The only thing that stops bad people with guns is good people with guns.
Very true. Not sure how he just waltzed right in, can’t do that at my kids schools. I noticed when I dropped one of my daughters off at school this morning that there was 2 sheriff dept. cars parked in clear view. School dist. Better get with it and have armed teachers and a guard on duty full time.
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Some of you may think this is corny but I don’t care, after that Sandy Hook ordeal when Adam Lanza went door to door, and from an idea I saw on the internet I gave each one of my daughters one of those rubber door stoppers to carry in their backpack with the instruction that if anything weird happened, shove it under that door, you can’t manipulate those door stops. Luckily they haven’t used it
I would like for our politicians to stop sending thoughts and prayers and actually encourage people to read their bible, listen to the gospel of Christ and follow the best they can. Read Romans...try and live like Paul. Encourage people to have some introspection. Encourage parents to freaking parent.

As far as law...someone tell me what law would've stopped this dude from taking a gun on a school where guns aren't allowed.
Anyone with any lick of common sense knows that guns don't kill people. Someone makes the decision to use a gun, bomb, bat, knife, poison, vehicle, etc. to kill people. Normal, law-abiding citizens who own guns don't go around pulling the trigger and killing innocent civilians. Sadly today, there are lots of people with mental health issues in this country. IMO what drives a lot of these mass shootings is the exposure that the shooter is given by the media. As you described many of these people's lives, clob, they have low self esteem, insecurity issues and aren't mentally stable.

If they go out and commit a mass shooting, they get to have it made all about them and are the center of attention. When/if they're killed they become a martyr. I propose that the media stop giving so much attention and air time when this kind of tragedy happens. Kind of like how when a guy runs onto the football field during the game to draw attention to himself and the TV cameras won't show the guy, which taking that exposure away helps to diffuse the validity he's seeking. I don't have the answer as to how to put a stop this this kind of thing, but limiting or stopping the media coverage is a start and can't hurt.
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I teach and coach in a rural Texas school and I have been seeing this for years. Aside from the great points Clob made, the single biggest factor in these kids is the destruction of the family. So many kids living with a grandparent. It is unnatural for a grandparent to guide a young person with the discipline and focus needed. These young people are in every school and are numerous. People have been convinced that the nuclear family is equal to or even lesser than other situations vs. being superior. There is no way to argue that a two-parent, consistent family is not better. I see the differences everyday.
This goes back to the Great Society. The Kennedys hated state mental hospitals. Their sister Rose was probably schizophrenic. Being rich, she got the most advanced therapy of the time: a prefrontal lobotomy, by the surgeon at Johns Hopkins who invented it. He won the Nobel Prize. Rose spent the rest of her life cared for at home by the family. The Kennedys thought that everyone else could do this with the help of federally funded community health centers. There they could obtain the new anti-psychotic medications, like thorazine. Let my crazy people go!
So the state hospitals were defunded. My father was the Dallas County assistant public health officer in the 60s. Best known as "Jack Ruby's doctor." One of his jobs was to evaluate crazy people for commitment. In Lunacy Court. We don't do that anymore. This is the source of many "homeless" people.
To see the Kennedy's side, I advise the documentary "Titticut Follies", filmed at the Massachusetts State Hospital at Titticut.
I teach and coach in a rural Texas school and I have been seeing this for years. Aside from the great points Clob made, the single biggest factor in these kids is the destruction of the family. So many kids living with a grandparent. It is unnatural for a grandparent to guide a young person with the discipline and focus needed. These young people are in every school and are numerous. People have been convinced that the nuclear family is equal to or even lesser than other situations vs. being superior. There is no way to argue that a two-parent, consistent family is not better. I see the differences everyday.

Nuclear family unit with a strong Male is 100% best. Totally agreed. Men have failed. Men have chosen themselves over sacrifice for wife and kids for far too long. There are a myriad of factors. And our idiot politicians want to either ignore it, or point the finger in the wrong direction.

All we can do is try and impact our small circle and hope it makes a dent. This is why I haven't left the teaching profession. I see these anti-social kids all through the halls. They've been treated like shit since they were in elementary. Now dead behind the eyes. Treated like lepers. I try to engage as many as I can, just to show them not everyone sucks and thinks they're a loser. No family, no friends, no goals, no prospects....just porn, video games and in person rejection. What in the hell do we expect?

Bad shit happens. Humans are terrible to each other, always have been. I pray, not enough, for my kids safety both mentally and physically. What do our politicians do? Collect "stuff" and money. What a time!
Nuclear family unit with a strong Male is 100% best. Totally agreed. Men have failed. Men have chosen themselves over sacrifice for wife and kids for far too long. There are a myriad of factors. And our idiot politicians want to either ignore it, or point the finger in the wrong direction.

All we can do is try and impact our small circle and hope it makes a dent. This is why I haven't left the teaching profession. I see these anti-social kids all through the halls. They've been treated like shit since they were in elementary. Now dead behind the eyes. Treated like lepers. I try to engage as many as I can, just to show them not everyone sucks and thinks they're a loser. No family, no friends, no goals, no prospects....just porn, video games and in person rejection. What in the hell do we expect?

Bad shit happens. Humans are terrible to each other, always have been. I pray, not enough, for my kids safety both mentally and physically. What do our politicians do? Collect "stuff" and money. What a time!
I have immense respect for those in the teaching profession like you. Thank you for using your God-given gifts.
When there's no male in the family providing a strong, moral compass, what does a young kid do? They're rudderless. They're looking to belong. They're looking for community. They're susceptible.

They turn to gangs, drugs, or succumb to the myriad bad influences on TikTok or other social media.
With Uvalde being a border town, no doubt this person was bombarded on TikTok with the negative aspects of the border culture (narco traffickers, cartel, drug runners, etc.). He lived with grandma and its probable she watched at least one telenovela where the narco traffickers and cartel are lionized despite the fact that they do not value human life.

Apparently, this individual doesn't have anything positive happening in his life and, at the same time, is bombarded on social media/TV showing despicable people that place zero value on human life. Those messages that human life doesn't matter become normalized to this individual. And, with no strong, values-oriented male at home to serve as a counterbalance, it becomes a combustible situation.

Although I can intellectually explain how it's possible a person can devalue human life, I can't understand it. I simply can't understand how one human being can place so little value in a fellow human.
The Supreme Court has finally decided, a few years ago, that the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to own guns. What they didn't decide, however, was what types of guns could be owned. We already have some limitations on guns such as fully automatic machine guns. Thus, the 2nd Amendment is not an unfettered right.

While the majority of Americans favor some limitations on weapon types and magazine sizes, the NRA and other pro gun lobbyists fight all attempts to pass laws making gun ownership a little more restrictive and laws to limit clip sizes. They make the slippery slope argument as justification.

In America, we will never get rid of guns, but as long as the NRA and other gun lobbyists prevent Congress from passing some limiting laws, the numbers of people killed will be higher than it would have been had such laws been passed. To support the gun lobbies, including the NRA, therefore is to support the policies that will lead to unnecessary of adults and children. If the deranged, such as the racist in Buffalo and this guy in Uvalde, had not been able to buy assault rifles with large clips, many less people would have died.

It is time to pass some sensible legislation.
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Yeah, like the two armed guards that tried and failed to keep the gunman from entering the school.
Some things are not preventable. I want to know how he got inside the building? Did he shoot his way in?
18 year old turd. Wasn't going to get to graduate, was being held back. Puts a bullet in his granny and ends up going into an elementary school--- not HIS high school-- to exact his revenge.

Chicken sh!t didn't roll up to the High School where there are not only armed guards, but also armed STUDENTS-- (for them that don't know, Uvalde is a bunch of farm and ranch kids that own guns and many of them keep them in their trucks). He, instead, chose a soft target.

A target where kids couldn't run out to their pick up trucks and fight back. A target with children aged 8-11. From what I'm hearing, his targeting of these children was so brutal in nature that many parents are having to do DNA swabs so the body of their child can be positively identified.

Fortunately, a couple of blocks behind the school lives a man who is a BORTAC agent. Border Tactical agents are just that-- Border patrol guys who have been sent off to tactical training school to drill alongside FBI Hostage Rescue Teams (HRT), Department of State Security (DSS), Department of Energy ProFor (the guys that protect nuclear stuff) -- and these guys get special tactical and arms training similar to what our military forces receive.

But what lead us to this?

An 18 year old flunkie that was going to have to go through his senior year again, falls off the deep end. He bought his guns at the legal age of 18. He bought them through a legal gun shop. He passed a background check. He (allegedly) had two rigs-- one of them a DDM4V7-- a Daniel Defense AR15. Nothing special, but the rig and optics itself are not cheap. Where did he get this money? Did he have a job? Did granny pay for it?

Why then?

Honestly, I think it's nihilism.
Nihilism is when you come to the realization that life just doesn't matter-- it has no meaning.

How would a young mind come to believe this?

Social media. Everybody has what you desire. And you know you don't have enough time to acquire all these "things, toys, fame, money" because you're being bombarded every day with "global warming will kill us all in 12 years" talk.

People diagnosed with terminal diseases often to irrational things. Why? What does it matter? "I'm going to die anyway.... might as well go skydiving..".

Is it a huge leap for someone to think "well, I'm never going to get rich, or fvck Kim Kardashian, or own a G650 jet, or drive a Lambo, or have a million followers on Insta-chat-snap-gram.....and the world is going to end in 12 years anyway because of global warming, so fvck it, let's kill as many as we can so I can at least get famous and these dead kids-- well, I'm saving them from starving to death or burning alive in 10-12 due to the environment."

What say you?
I hear what you’re saying but I don’t know many 15-18 yr old high school kids that actually know how to deal with a situation like this. They carry guns because it’s cool and it’s what their dad does but every one of them would either freak and run or start shooting anything that moved in a panic. Maybe only one of them actually would have some wits and calm to actually deal with it. Otherwise having all the guns in trucks would have been chaos.
No. Like the border patrol agent that entered the school, on his own, and shot the bastard that was killing kids. More kids might have been have killed if the good guy with a gun hadn't taken it upon himself to help.
I agree that the border patrol agent is a hero and he saved lives. But your logical mistake is that the average person with a gun isn't trained like the BPA was and probably not even trained as well as the armed security guards that failed to stop the bastard. SImply having everyone carry may help some (I do love the stories when a citizen that carries kills the bad guy), but that is not the most effective solution.
Some things are not preventable. I want to know how he got inside the building? Did he shoot his way in?
He actually did shoot his way in and shot at least one of the two armed guards before entering.

My point is that these nutso types would not be able to kill so many if they didn't have assault rifles with high capacity magazines. Potentially, this bastard in Uvalde may not have shot his way in successfully if he didn't have better firepower than the armed guards.
I hear what you’re saying but I don’t know many 15-18 yr old high school kids that actually know how to deal with a situation like this. They carry guns because it’s cool and it’s what their dad does but every one of them would either freak and run or start shooting anything that moved in a panic. Maybe only one of them actually would have some wits and calm to actually deal with it. Otherwise having all the guns in trucks would have been chaos.
Your brains moves REALLY slow at first (when a gun is pointed at you) but then mother nature kicks in.

You get an adrenaline dump. I'm talking about Pulp Fiction shot right to the heart, adrenaline dump. When this happens, you find out ricky tick whether you're on the fight end of the spectrum or the flight end.

That whole "keep cool and remember your training" stuff are for guys like @GuaranteedFresh! that used to deal with armed ass holes before and after their morning pancakes.

Yes, granted, "flight" is going to kick in for most of these kids. But "fight" will kick in fir a few of them. And that's all you need to turn the tables.
He actually did shoot his way in and shot at least one of the two armed guards before entering.

My point is that these nutso types would not be able to kill so many if they didn't have assault rifles with high capacity magazines. Potentially, this bastard in Uvalde may not have shot his way in successfully if he didn't have better firepower than the armed guards.
18 year old turd. Wasn't going to get to graduate, was being held back. Puts a bullet in his granny and ends up going into an elementary school--- not HIS high school-- to exact his revenge.

Chicken sh!t didn't roll up to the High School where there are not only armed guards, but also armed STUDENTS-- (for them that don't know, Uvalde is a bunch of farm and ranch kids that own guns and many of them keep them in their trucks). He, instead, chose a soft target.

A target where kids couldn't run out to their pick up trucks and fight back. A target with children aged 8-11. From what I'm hearing, his targeting of these children was so brutal in nature that many parents are having to do DNA swabs so the body of their child can be positively identified.

Fortunately, a couple of blocks behind the school lives a man who is a BORTAC agent. Border Tactical agents are just that-- Border patrol guys who have been sent off to tactical training school to drill alongside FBI Hostage Rescue Teams (HRT), Department of State Security (DSS), Department of Energy ProFor (the guys that protect nuclear stuff) -- and these guys get special tactical and arms training similar to what our military forces receive.

But what lead us to this?

An 18 year old flunkie that was going to have to go through his senior year again, falls off the deep end. He bought his guns at the legal age of 18. He bought them through a legal gun shop. He passed a background check. He (allegedly) had two rigs-- one of them a DDM4V7-- a Daniel Defense AR15. Nothing special, but the rig and optics itself are not cheap. Where did he get this money? Did he have a job? Did granny pay for it?

Why then?

Honestly, I think it's nihilism.
Nihilism is when you come to the realization that life just doesn't matter-- it has no meaning.

How would a young mind come to believe this?

Social media. Everybody has what you desire. And you know you don't have enough time to acquire all these "things, toys, fame, money" because you're being bombarded every day with "global warming will kill us all in 12 years" talk.

People diagnosed with terminal diseases often to irrational things. Why? What does it matter? "I'm going to die anyway.... might as well go skydiving..".

Is it a huge leap for someone to think "well, I'm never going to get rich, or fvck Kim Kardashian, or own a G650 jet, or drive a Lambo, or have a million followers on Insta-chat-snap-gram.....and the world is going to end in 12 years anyway because of global warming, so fvck it, let's kill as many as we can so I can at least get famous and these dead kids-- well, I'm saving them from starving to death or burning alive in 10-12 due to the environment."

What say you?
Video showed him coming in at a rear "entrance", with a mess of "boxes" etc near the door. Also heard he was driving a "vehicle" and his relative said he really wasn't qualified to drive.
Video showed him coming in at a rear "entrance", with a mess of "boxes" etc near the door. Also heard he was driving a "vehicle" and his relative said he really wasn't qualified to drive.
Video? Link? Does it show the armed guards engaging him?
He actually did shoot his way in and shot at least one of the two armed guards before entering.

My point is that these nutso types would not be able to kill so many if they didn't have assault rifles with high capacity magazines. Potentially, this bastard in Uvalde may not have shot his way in successfully if he didn't have better firepower than the armed guards.
You have a link to that? Not saying it’s not true but it’s the first I heard of it

EDIT: Nevermind I see it. But to me it seems there were no armed guards in the school just the responding police officer who attempted to confront him but the video shows him going in a door unchallenged. So I guess the police shot at him prior to that
You have a link to that? Not saying it’s not true but it’s the first I heard of it

EDIT: Nevermind I see it. But to me it seems there were no armed guards in the school just the responding police officer who attempted to confront him but the video shows him going in a door unchallenged. So I guess the police shot at him prior to that
Uvalde is a typical liberal enclave.... poorish one but still the same. They don't need armed guards and won't have them because that's what conservatives do.

Also, all the feigned sadness from the left is trite. Were they sad when the previous 60 million were thrown in trash cans after their mothers had them ripped from their bellies? I guess if you use giant cutting forceps it's ok.... but a gun, well that's unforgivable.

They want your guns so that their shock troops can go into your house and murder your family if you use incorrect pronouns.
Once again signs are starting to come out that the shooter was a loner, depressed, etc... I'm sure the FBI has had the mass shooter profile locked in for years. Social media can make algorithms throw ads in front of your face solely by tracking what you look at or like on the internet. What is stopping this same technology from from being used to flag a potential mental health risk? I mean come on, if you fit the profile you make it on the list. If you then try to buy a gun you get checked more thoroughly than just a background check. Have to do a mental health exam or something.
Video showed him coming in at a rear "entrance", with a mess of "boxes" etc near the door. Also heard he was driving a "vehicle" and his relative said he really wasn't qualified to drive.
Judging by his parking job on that truck, I’d say that’s an accurate assessment.
He actually did shoot his way in and shot at least one of the two armed guards before entering.

My point is that these nutso types would not be able to kill so many if they didn't have assault rifles with high capacity magazines. Potentially, this bastard in Uvalde may not have shot his way in successfully if he didn't have better firepower than the armed guards.
The person he shot while entering was not armed.

Here's how this went down.

Homeboy was in an online relationship with some girl he'd never met in another state.

He tells her he has something planned a day before it all went down. He didn't tell her what. So she had no idea.

He tells his girl friend that he is going to kill his granny and go shoot the seniors at his high school on their "senior walk day". He tells granny this and then pops her. He thinks she is dead.
He leaves to go to the school and the dying granny calls the police and tells them what his plans are.

Police put out a BOLO on his truck and the cops find him and give chase.

He wrecks into a culvert and runs into the school. He couldn't get to the high school, so he limps into the elementary school where he starts his shooting.