Man, I respect your position because it seems to come from a more reasonable place than what is spewed from most that blame guns for deaths.
I personally hunt with a 30-06 that was handed down from my father. It came with a 5rd mag but can just as easily accept whatever you have just like the evil AR platform. Banning the varmint hunting .223/ 5.56 round will accomplish nothing except pissing people off and the mass migration to another platform where this cycle of demonizing an inanimate tool starts over and over and over.
The thing is, none of what I typed even matters because our 2A has absolutely nothing to do with hunting. It is 100% about preventing this country from becoming what our founders left.
We've had it good for soo long that most Americans have no idea how easily our way of living and basic freedoms can and certainly will disappear in an instant if there's no deterrence or ability to resist.
I do. I've seen it all too intimately. I bear physical scars from opposing it for others.
I have no problem with a more in depth evaluation for a 1st time purchaser but the whole expand background checks talking point is stupid. Under no circumstances are you able to legally purchase a firearm without undergoing a fed check. Yes, even at gun shows. That ship sailed many years ago.
For me, it's forced single entry point with qualified armed guard for every school that does nothing but security...period. Nothing else will have more impact on school safety than that. Ban a type of rifle and something else will replace it.
94% of ALL mass shootings are in gun free zones. Of those shootings, only 4-5% are via a long rifle (All rifles to include ar styles)
Why focus on 4% instead of 94%? Because that's what they tell you.
Also, you still haven't differentiated an assault rifle from any other rifle. Please, use Google to help and you'll see how wrong that term really is.