Uvalde-- we've got to do something

Judging by his parking job on that truck, I’d say that’s an accurate assessment.
This needs more clarification. Wasn't qualified to drive but could buy an AR. I see red flags all over the place on this guy.
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Here's how this went down.

Homeboy was in an online relationship with some girl he'd never met in another state.

He tells her he has something planned a day before it all went down. He didn't tell her what. So she had no idea.

He tells his girl friend that he is going to kill his granny and go shoot the seniors at his high school on their "senior walk day". He tells granny this and then pops her. He thinks she is dead.
He leaves to go to the school and the dying granny calls the police and tells them what his plans are.

Police put out a BOLO on his truck and the cops find him and give chase.

He wrecks into a culvert and runs into the school. He couldn't get to the high school, so he limps into the elementary school where he starts his shooting.
Sounds plausible. Is this confirmed or hearsay?
The Supreme Court has finally decided, a few years ago, that the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to own guns. What they didn't decide, however, was what types of guns could be owned. We already have some limitations on guns such as fully automatic machine guns. Thus, the 2nd Amendment is not an unfettered right. This is the "well regulated" part of the 2nd amendment. We aren't allowed nukes and tanks, but we can have "arms" provided we get regulated through a background check-- which we here have ALL had, including this kid.

While the majority of Americans favor some limitations on weapon types and magazine sizes, the NRA and other pro gun lobbyists fight all attempts to pass laws making gun ownership a little more restrictive and laws to limit clip "mag" sizes. They make the slippery slope argument as justification.

In America, we will never get rid of guns, but as long as the NRA and other gun lobbyists prevent Congress from passing some limiting laws, the numbers of people killed will be higher than it would have been had such laws been passed. To support the gun lobbies, including the NRA, therefore is to support the policies that will lead to unnecessary of adults and children. If the deranged, such as the racist in Buffalo and this guy in Uvalde, had not been able to buy assault rifles with large clips "mags" many less people would have died.
The NRA is garbage. I do not need a lobbying organization to fight for a right that was granted to me by our creators. It's non-nogotiable. "Shall not be infringed" is pretty cut and dry.
It is time to pass some sensible legislation.
I'm going to ask you to please explain to me, if you were King for a day, what your sensible legislation would be.
Then I will ask you to stick around and answer questions about your ideas?
you cool with that?

Here's how this went down.

Homeboy was in an online relationship with some girl he'd never met in another state.

He tells her he has something planned a day before it all went down. He didn't tell her what. So she had no idea.

He tells his girl friend that he is going to kill his granny and go shoot the seniors at his high school on their "senior walk day". He tells granny this and then pops her. He thinks she is dead.
He leaves to go to the school and the dying granny calls the police and tells them what his plans are.

Police put out a BOLO on his truck and the cops find him and give chase.

He wrecks into a culvert and runs into the school. He couldn't get to the high school, so he limps into the elementary school where he starts his shooting.
On the Senior walk day in my home town they walk the halls of the elementary school. Maybe he was going to ambush them at the elementary school but his plans got messed up.
heard he was a boy that wanted to be a girl, and granny didn't support it. also heard he was a senior that failed his senior year, and was butthurt about it. the latter makes more sense with clob's story, but i could see either

Here's how this went down.

Homeboy was in an online relationship with some girl he'd never met in another state.

He tells her he has something planned a day before it all went down. He didn't tell her what. So she had no idea.

He tells his girl friend that he is going to kill his granny and go shoot the seniors at his high school on their "senior walk day". He tells granny this and then pops her. He thinks she is dead.
He leaves to go to the school and the dying granny calls the police and tells them what his plans are.

Police put out a BOLO on his truck and the cops find him and give chase.

He wrecks into a culvert and runs into the school. He couldn't get to the high school, so he limps into the elementary school where he starts his shooting.
Well if you look at the online convo’s between him and the girl, it appears he was trying to impress her and luckily for her she apparently didn’t even really know him and indicated that in her texts back to him. Just think of the trouble she’d be in if she would have shown any interest in what he was alluding to.

Secondly the DPS did an interview yesterday and said that the suspect was not being pursued at the time of the crash. He made it sound like they were not chasing him almost like they didn’t know he’d shot his grandmother. But then I’m wondering why he crashed his truck? Did he just panic or was he being chased?
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The Supreme Court has finally decided, a few years ago, that the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to own guns. What they didn't decide, however, was what types of guns could be owned. We already have some limitations on guns such as fully automatic machine guns. Thus, the 2nd Amendment is not an unfettered right.

While the majority of Americans favor some limitations on weapon types and magazine sizes, the NRA and other pro gun lobbyists fight all attempts to pass laws making gun ownership a little more restrictive and laws to limit clip sizes. They make the slippery slope argument as justification.

In America, we will never get rid of guns, but as long as the NRA and other gun lobbyists prevent Congress from passing some limiting laws, the numbers of people killed will be higher than it would have been had such laws been passed. To support the gun lobbies, including the NRA, therefore is to support the policies that will lead to unnecessary of adults and children. If the deranged, such as the racist in Buffalo and this guy in Uvalde, had not been able to buy assault rifles with large clips, many less people would have died.

It is time to pass some sensible legislation.
You're statement is factually inaccurate and misguided. When I have time, I'll elaborate further.
Uvalde is a typical liberal enclave.... poorish one but still the same. They don't need armed guards and won't have them because that's what conservatives do.

Also, all the feigned sadness from the left is trite. Were they sad when the previous 60 million were thrown in trash cans after their mothers had them ripped from their bellies? I guess if you use giant cutting forceps it's ok.... but a gun, well that's unforgivable.

They want your guns so that their shock troops can go into your house and murder your family if you use incorrect pronouns.
Uvalde is far from a liberal enclave. They're a typical small town and mostly apolitical. Your points regarding the lib mindset is true, however, that's not Uvalde.
18 year old turd. Wasn't going to get to graduate, was being held back. Puts a bullet in his granny and ends up going into an elementary school--- not HIS high school-- to exact his revenge.

Chicken sh!t didn't roll up to the High School where there are not only armed guards, but also armed STUDENTS-- (for them that don't know, Uvalde is a bunch of farm and ranch kids that own guns and many of them keep them in their trucks). He, instead, chose a soft target.

A target where kids couldn't run out to their pick up trucks and fight back. A target with children aged 8-11. From what I'm hearing, his targeting of these children was so brutal in nature that many parents are having to do DNA swabs so the body of their child can be positively identified.

Fortunately, a couple of blocks behind the school lives a man who is a BORTAC agent. Border Tactical agents are just that-- Border patrol guys who have been sent off to tactical training school to drill alongside FBI Hostage Rescue Teams (HRT), Department of State Security (DSS), Department of Energy ProFor (the guys that protect nuclear stuff) -- and these guys get special tactical and arms training similar to what our military forces receive.

But what lead us to this?

An 18 year old flunkie that was going to have to go through his senior year again, falls off the deep end. He bought his guns at the legal age of 18. He bought them through a legal gun shop. He passed a background check. He (allegedly) had two rigs-- one of them a DDM4V7-- a Daniel Defense AR15. Nothing special, but the rig and optics itself are not cheap. Where did he get this money? Did he have a job? Did granny pay for it?

Why then?

Honestly, I think it's nihilism.
Nihilism is when you come to the realization that life just doesn't matter-- it has no meaning.

How would a young mind come to believe this?

Social media. Everybody has what you desire. And you know you don't have enough time to acquire all these "things, toys, fame, money" because you're being bombarded every day with "global warming will kill us all in 12 years" talk.

People diagnosed with terminal diseases often to irrational things. Why? What does it matter? "I'm going to die anyway.... might as well go skydiving..".

Is it a huge leap for someone to think "well, I'm never going to get rich, or fvck Kim Kardashian, or own a G650 jet, or drive a Lambo, or have a million followers on Insta-chat-snap-gram.....and the world is going to end in 12 years anyway because of global warming, so fvck it, let's kill as many as we can so I can at least get famous and these dead kids-- well, I'm saving them from starving to death or burning alive in 10-12 due to the environment."

What say you?
Well said and thanks for sharing your perspective. People who are quick to react and blame guns are so way off base. We don't have a gun problem. We have a people problem. We have a social problem.
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Good lord what was beto thinking. I believe his stunt proved he's lost his faculties much like his lord sleepy. Couldn't have helped his run for governor, simply couldn't have! Or did it?

Here's how this went down.

Homeboy was in an online relationship with some girl he'd never met in another state.

He tells her he has something planned a day before it all went down. He didn't tell her what. So she had no idea.

He tells his girl friend that he is going to kill his granny and go shoot the seniors at his high school on their "senior walk day". He tells granny this and then pops her. He thinks she is dead.
He leaves to go to the school and the dying granny calls the police and tells them what his plans are.

Police put out a BOLO on his truck and the cops find him and give chase.

He wrecks into a culvert and runs into the school. He couldn't get to the high school, so he limps into the elementary school where he starts his shooting.
Wow had no idea on this lead up to what happened. Confirmed? Abbot’s PC did not indicate anything like this scenario.
The Supreme Court has finally decided, a few years ago, that the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to own guns. What they didn't decide, however, was what types of guns could be owned. We already have some limitations on guns such as fully automatic machine guns. Thus, the 2nd Amendment is not an unfettered right.

While the majority of Americans favor some limitations on weapon types and magazine sizes, the NRA and other pro gun lobbyists fight all attempts to pass laws making gun ownership a little more restrictive and laws to limit clip sizes. They make the slippery slope argument as justification.

In America, we will never get rid of guns, but as long as the NRA and other gun lobbyists prevent Congress from passing some limiting laws, the numbers of people killed will be higher than it would have been had such laws been passed. To support the gun lobbies, including the NRA, therefore is to support the policies that will lead to unnecessary of adults and children. If the deranged, such as the racist in Buffalo and this guy in Uvalde, had not been able to buy assault rifles with large clips, many less people would have died.

It is time to pass some sensible legislation.
1) The NRA isn't anywhere near as powerful as the big left voices would lead you to believe. Their funding pales in comparison to tech, pharmaceutical, PACs, unions ect...

2) Who gives 2 chits what the NRA thinks or says

3) Please define an assault rife and then explain how it functionally differs from a common "deer hunting rifle" can't.

4) other than banning belt fed systems, what would you propose as a "common sense" magazine capacity limit? (clips hold paper together) 6? 10? So adding about 2-5seconds on amateur reload time change how easy it is to shoot fish in a gun free zone? I give you a 100rd drum and I get 10x10 in a target comp....I win every time. Spray and pray is VERY inaccurate and ineffective after 2nd rd. 1:1 is much more accurate, therefore lethal....fact

5) Any 2nd amendment limiting argument is a very weak one. Read the amendment again, commas are VERY important here. Now, read supporting documents. The founders were asked in writing on account of piracy if 2a included cannons and were written back absolutely! Anything an enemy would have, the people should have as well.
We both wouldn't want rich neighbor Jimmy to have a mil grade plutonium enrichment facility in his back yard so we all agreed to "common sense restrictions" and here we are now arguing about pistol grips, bump stocks & more than 7-10rd mags.

Added note: 2a has absolutely nothing to do with hunting

6) We're giving billions to Ukraine to buy guns to protect themselves. Last taxpayer funded check was $40b+. That alone would have been enough to fund EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL in America around $440,000 each towards security.
That's enough to hire fully trained and qualified armed security, not a rent a gate guard with 911 on speed dial.
I sure as hell would feel a shitton better knowing murderous assholes had to walk past a few guns before engaging our most innocent and precious children instead of having 30mins of defenseless target practice before good guy with gun stops it from being worse. Good guns would absolutely be wat more effective in initial deterrence and more rapid response to limit the evil instead of a damn gun free zone sign.

7) maybe let's agree that ensuring little Jimmy can be called Amy, fed puberty blockers, and take a crap in the girls room isn't quite as important and protecting ALL children's lives. The priorities are all f-ing backwards. All this indoctrination thrown at developing children is causing irreparable harm. The evidence is right in our faces if everyone would only allow themselves to see beyond political BS.
Maybe then and only then can we actually curtail school massacres.
Uvalde is far from a liberal enclave. They're a typical small town and mostly apolitical. Your points regarding the lib mindset is true, however, that's not Uvalde.
Lumped it in with San Antonio, my mistake.
San Antonio for sure fits the profile of a typical liberal city.
Not typical though brother. Our mayor is independent and has imo done a good job, but yes, you might be close with yer assessment with higher population of mexican residents on the tit as far as that goes. After all, the mexican population in san antonio is probably around 75%. Nurenburg the independent has blended things fine imo as well as most mayors of past, a couple were thrown in the trash but the balance of politics in San Antone has been tolerable as long as I've been here (36 years) whether blue or red. Now enough about San Antonio. The bigger concern is our country as a whole. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Imo, sleepy is killing our country as we know it. Think about it brother. We're real close to losing our 2nd amendment rights and on top of that being forced to digital currency. What are you gonna do my man? I'll tell you what yer gonna do. Get out in that field and graze with the rest of the herd and like it. 😁
1) The NRA isn't anywhere near as powerful as the big left voices would lead you to believe. Their funding pales in comparison to tech, pharmaceutical, PACs, unions ect...

2) Who gives 2 chits what the NRA thinks or says

3) Please define an assault rife and then explain how it functionally differs from a common "deer hunting rifle" can't.

4) other than banning belt fed systems, what would you propose as a "common sense" magazine capacity limit? (clips hold paper together) 6? 10? So adding about 2-5seconds on amateur reload time change how easy it is to shoot fish in a gun free zone? I give you a 100rd drum and I get 10x10 in a target comp....I win every time. Spray and pray is VERY inaccurate and ineffective after 2nd rd. 1:1 is much more accurate, therefore lethal....fact

5) Any 2nd amendment limiting argument is a very weak one. Read the amendment again, commas are VERY important here. Now, read supporting documents. The founders were asked in writing on account of piracy if 2a included cannons and were written back absolutely! Anything an enemy would have, the people should have as well.
We both wouldn't want rich neighbor Jimmy to have a mil grade plutonium enrichment facility in his back yard so we all agreed to "common sense restrictions" and here we are now arguing about pistol grips, bump stocks & more than 7-10rd mags.

Added note: 2a has absolutely nothing to do with hunting

6) We're giving billions to Ukraine to buy guns to protect themselves. Last taxpayer funded check was $40b+. That alone would have been enough to fund EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL in America around $440,000 each towards security.
That's enough to hire fully trained and qualified armed security, not a rent a gate guard with 911 on speed dial.
I sure as hell would feel a shitton better knowing murderous assholes had to walk past a few guns before engaging our most innocent and precious children instead of having 30mins of defenseless target practice before good guy with gun stops it from being worse. Good guns would absolutely be wat more effective in initial deterrence and more rapid response to limit the evil instead of a damn gun free zone sign.

7) maybe let's agree that ensuring little Jimmy can be called Amy, fed puberty blockers, and take a crap in the girls room isn't quite as important and protecting ALL children's lives. The priorities are all f-ing backwards. All this indoctrination thrown at developing children is causing irreparable harm. The evidence is right in our faces if everyone would only allow themselves to see beyond political BS.
Maybe then and only then can we actually curtail school massacres.
Spot on. As Justice Scalia said in the majority opinion in Heller, the constitutional right to bear arms is derivative of our basic right of self defense and advancements in weapons technology over time would not extinguish or limit that right. Remember that our 2nd amendment applies to weapons we can “keep and bear” so it’s not unlimited. Handguns, rifles, shotguns, hand held rocket launchers, etc are all the types of weapons of which our right to keep shall not be infringed. But Cannons or Gatlin guns are not in this category and can be restricted but those weapons are not what leftists are going after. So whenever a leftist is triggered after a mass shooting and screams aloud about why you need to own a rocket launcher for self defense is missing the point completely. The power or technology of the weapon is irrelevant.
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Spot on. As Justice Scalia said in the majority opinion in Heller, the constitutional right to bear arms is derivative of our basic right of self defense and advancements in weapons technology over time would not extinguish or limit that right. Remember that our 2nd amendment applies to weapons we can “keep and bear” so it’s not unlimited. Handguns, rifles, shotguns, hand held rocket launchers, etc are all the types of weapons of which our right to keep shall not be infringed. But Cannons or Gatlin guns are not in this category and can be restricted but those weapons are not what leftists are going after. So whenever a leftist is triggered after a mass shooting and screams aloud about why you need to own a rocket launcher for self defense is missing the point completely. The power or technology of the weapon is irrelevant.
I agree, yer on to somethin.
if you want to see a shit storm in full force , try and tell the hispanic population here in San Antonio to give up their guns....Liberal ?...

Damned shame really.....but all the guns I used toi have before they got stolen were always loaded and lots of extra amunition.......oh well....
This was a massive f*$k up by law enforcement. Everything is on camera and as more and more stuff comes out there are going to be some major issues in the active shooter response.

It doesn't appear that anyone was looking for him until he crashed his truck? Ok, so what caused the truck crash? I looked at some google images and the street view and I think he was trying to use his truck to crash through the fence to school. The ditch is next to the fence and is hard to judge the depth from the road. It looks like he just flew off the road into the ditch through a little gap and broke the suspension. People called 911 because of the very loud crash.

The shooter then went either over a fence or through a gate to the back door of the 4th grade wing of the building. He was confronted by an armed SRO who backed off. There is video of the encounter being released and it doesn't appear like the SRO has fired a shot.

The remaining timeline hasn't been shared yet but it appears as though they waited 40 to 60 minutes for the tactical team to enter the classroom and neutralize the shooter. That was the pre Columbine play book. How do I know that. Well my first year teaching was 2000. During teacher in-service our SRO had just gone through the new active shooter training and went step by step what he would do based on shooter location. He told us the new training was to engage the shooter as quickly as possible. He told us where he would be coming from and what to expect. That didn't happen at Uvalde.

Over 120 federal law enforcement on the scene. That's great but how many of them were trained on what to do in an active school shooting? Probably none. They were using a different playbook. Isolate the shooter get everyone out then go in with the tactical team.

The other problem is no one knows who was in charge? There was probably the Sherriff, city PD, and all of the different DHS people. Who was coordinating this. We really don't know because the briefings are coming from politicians and not Law Enforcement.