Very tragic news for the Ehlinger family

Jenna Ehlinger lost a husband to a sudden death and now a son to another sudden death. Maybe she wants to grieve in private. Leave her be.

I'm not messing with her... this is a public forum and this thread is about Jake Ehlinger, a football player at UT who happens to be the brother of Sam, a UT legend who was just drafted by the Colts. Jake died very suspiciously and his death has been made confidential for some reason... the word is that it was drug overdose... why should that be suppressed? Every parent grieves when a child dies. Get out of here with that.
I'm not messing with her... this is a public forum and this thread is about Jake Ehlinger, a football player at UT who happens to be the brother of Sam, a UT legend who was just drafted by the Colts. Jake died very suspiciously and his death has been made confidential for some reason... the word is that it was drug overdose... why should that be suppressed? Every parent grieves when a child dies. Get out of here with that.
It still ain't your kid
It still ain't your kid

No it's not. So? You know how many people's kids die every day? A lot. How many are celebrities? Not as many. How many causes of death are hidden? Some I assume. That doesn't mean people aren't entitled to ask questions. Don't like it? Don't be famous.
Jenna Ehlinger lost a husband to a sudden death and now a son to another sudden death. Maybe she wants to grieve in private. Leave her be.
Um....? I get your point but unless I missed something I don’t think Drinktoit went to her house asking for details. It’s a tragic deal and may be like what happened to Austin Box several years back. I truly don’t believe anyone on this board that has posted has any ill will or the intentions of looking down on the folks involved. Just my .02.
I don't care if his brother was a TX legend and I don't care if this is a public forum. Even if it was an od, and sadly this appears to be the case, we need to give this story a rest. I'm talking about the Ehlinger family not just his mother. They don't want to talk about it and we should respect that and give this story a rest.
I don't care if his brother was a TX legend and I don't care if this is a public forum. Even if it was an od, and sadly this appears to be the case, we need to give this story a rest. I'm talking about the Ehlinger family not just his mother. They don't want to talk about it and we should respect that and give this story a rest.

You give it a rest then. No one is forcing you to comment on this thread.
I don't care if his brother was a TX legend and I don't care if this is a public forum. Even if it was an od, and sadly this appears to be the case, we need to give this story a rest. I'm talking about the Ehlinger family not just his mother. They don't want to talk about it and we should respect that and give this story a rest.
I think you need to give it a rest.
I don't care if his brother was a TX legend and I don't care if this is a public forum. Even if it was an od, and sadly this appears to be the case, we need to give this story a rest. I'm talking about the Ehlinger family not just his mother. They don't want to talk about it and we should respect that and give this story a rest.
This board will talk about it without your consent. Who are you?
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Let me ask this of the younger folks on here: What on earth is the allure of taking xanax etc for recreational use? Especially when the dangers of these drugs being laced are well known? When I was 18 I was literally scared to try anything other than beer? I don't get it. So many deaths are easily preventable it's sad.
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Let me ask this of the younger folks on here: What on earth is the allure of taking xanax etc for recreational use? Especially when the dangers of these drugs being laced are well known? When I was 18 I was literally scared to try anything other than beer? I don't get it. So many deaths are easily preventable it's sad.
There’s younger folks on here?
Let me ask this of the younger folks on here: What on earth is the allure of taking xanax etc for recreational use? Especially when the dangers of these drugs being laced are well known? When I was 18 I was literally scared to try anything other than beer? I don't get it. So many deaths are easily preventable it's sad.
You smoked pot in high school at least once.

But seriously, here's what Xanax does to you.

And no, I've done Xanax 1 time in my life and it was the morning of my LASIC surgery and given to my by a doctor-- but I know people-- and some of them have had to fight that addiction.

Xanax effects everyone differently. There's several factors that will determine how it effects you. How much do you weigh? Are you a fat body lard ass or are you 5% body fat? How fast or slow is your metabolism? Do you have health conditions like diabetes or heart issues?
Are you drinking booze while taking it?

So what Xanax does is it sloooooows




Kids today feel as though they are failures if they don't have 5000 followers on social media by the time they are 12. And because if that, because many of the fvcking parents in the country bought their kids iphones and iPads before they were old enough to wipe their own asses-- all these kids see now is some 9 year old Call of Duty champ who has a half million followers and broadcasts his YouTube show three times a week and has 300k worth if video screens and 3D software with all the latest do dads.

And here's this 14 year old that's never kissed a girl, he won't even talk to them because he's got ZERO confidence, in fact he only talks to girls through his Turtle Beach headset in a video game lobby. And he feels like a failure because he's really good at Call of Duty. And he's really good at Mine Craft. In fact, he's better than this 9 year old at most all games, yet the 9 year old has as many followers as Phoenix has people and this 14 year has only 9. And 5 of those are family.

So life us over for this kid. He'll never be a social media influencer or celebrity.

So to cope with this rejection and loneliness, he tries a Xanax that his neighbor that he kinda knows, stole from his mom. Next thing you know, the kid wants more Xanax, but his neighbors mom caught him stealing it so now he's got to go find a different source.

He asks around school and finds a dealer. He buys from the dealer for months. Everything is cool. Life is better when he's zoned out of the world. Grades go to sh!t but that doesn't matter-- because his life is already over with. He's failed for the first time--- and he can't deal with it.
Then one day, the dealers supply is getting low because his supplier has heat on him from the cops, so he's got to buy his supply from a different source. Turns out the different source is a fvcking meth junky who is selling some hot doses laced with fentanyl. Meth junky doesn't know it. Dealer doesn't know it. Xanax video game 14 year old doesn't know it.

Kid takes the pill, his lungs and heart slow down, he passes out, he dies from a lack of oxygen to the brain.

I can directly trace this sh!t to 2 things.

1. Soccer moms in the late 80s making sure everybody got a trophy.
2. Social media.
The Sackler family is worth 11 billion dollars. They don't give a fvck about pride.
They will. They are about to get carved up like a goat at passover. The next 10 years are going to be the worst decade ever recorded on this earf. Credit bubbles don't end well for the greedy. Ask Marie A how the French Revolution went down. The war, murder, disease and starvation are going to kill 20-30% of the planet. The covid hysteria has ushered in another great depression. It's just kicking off now. We are in the 1928-29 phase now.
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The day after he passed I knew exactly what it was but didn't want to say it out of respect. Healthy 20 year old kids don't just die mysteriously in their sleep. This is sad for the Ehlinger family and he is just one of the thousands who have died from this fentanyl crisis we have going on in this country right now.
The Sackler family must be so proud.
The root cause of the American opioid crisis is not the drug companies. It's the university departments of pain management. Their theory that early and often narcotic administration would be safe led to the epidemic.
Fentanyl is coming over the border. Such a cluster. I care about human beings but damn it we can't save everyone. Shut the border down. Don't let anyone in just because they say "asylum."
Drugs have been coming across the border longer than I have been alive. Do you really think the US will now all of a sudden say yeah let’s stop it. Nah they haven’t and won’t.
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The root cause of the American opioid crisis is not the drug companies. It's the university departments of pain management. Their theory that early and often narcotic administration would be safe led to the epidemic.
Root cause are the drug companies and the Drs pushing them due to $$$ kickback. Athletes aren’t the only kids dying. Kids that have parents that take prescription drugs get them all the time. What player did we have on our squad that was busted for selling pills in high school? Thought he was a TE.

Now youth are listening to this new rap that talks about pill popping. It’s a huge issue but it’s been one for awhile. I was told that The Woodlands has a big problem with prescription drug use.
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Root cause are the drug companies and the Drs pushing them due to $$$ kickback. Athletes aren’t the only kids dying. Kids that have parents that take prescription drugs get them all the time. What player did we have on our squad that was busted for selling pills in high school? Thought he was a TE.

Now youth are listening to this new rap that talks about pill popping. It’s a huge issue but it’s been one for awhile. I was told that The Woodlands has a big problem with prescription drug use.
You think the Woodlands is bad?

My dude, Westlake, Lake Travis, Alamo Heights, Highland park--- anywhere you've got serious OLD money, you've got pill popping kids-- and a sh!t ton of them. Some kid offered my 13 year old nephew a freaking Xanax at his damn middle school last week. I had to tell his stupid ass that if someone offers you that sh!t and shows it to you, just start swinging until the cops show up. Scream and holler about how you don't do drugs and this guy offered them to you. But knock that MFers head off. Nobody will ever offer you drugs again.
You think the Woodlands is bad?

My dude, Westlake, Lake Travis, Alamo Heights, Highland park--- anywhere you've got serious OLD money, you've got pill popping kids-- and a sh!t ton of them. Some kid offered my 13 year old nephew a freaking Xanax at his damn middle school last week. I had to tell his stupid ass that if someone offers you that sh!t and shows it to you, just start swinging until the cops show up. Scream and holler about how you don't do drugs and this guy offered them to you. But knock that MFers head off. Nobody will ever offer you drugs again.
Oh I know all the affluent schools are bad I was just saying I heard about The Woodlands. I live here in Houston but my sister in law lives on LT and we know about the issues as well.
Drugs have been coming across the border longer than I have been alive. Do you really think the US will now all of a sudden say yeah let’s stop it. Nah they haven’t and won’t.

So the answer is to do nothing? Because right now we are basically doing nothing.
So the answer is to do nothing? Because right now we are basically doing nothing.
We didn't learn our lesson during prohibition and we aren't learning our lesson now.

Prohibition in the 20s gave us Al Capone, corrupt politicians and the Kennedy dynasty-- Joe Kennedy got rich selling Canadian whisky to folks in Massachusetts. Then he spit out a bunch of kids names John, Bobby and Ted. We are still living with that crap today.

We have, once again, made a small amount of ass holes super rich--- cartel leaders--- who in turn have bribed a sh!t ton of US elected officials. If you think the reason the left and the right won't pass border laws is because of immigration, you're dumber than a box of rocks. They won't pass that sh!t because of the DRUG TRADE. They haven't figured out how to control the legal Marijuana trade here in the US, and that's why it's still illegal on the federal level. As soon as those cock suckered in DC can control the growers, packers, rollers and distribution here in the US, Marijuana will become legalized.
Drugs have been coming across the border longer than I have been alive. Do you really think the US will now all of a sudden say yeah let’s stop it. Nah they haven’t and won’t.
You are right, but I wish we'd have federal govt leadership with balls to wage a real war on the epicenter of the drug cartels with military force that we've used trying to save foreign countries. Defend America's borders and within.
And... as unrealistic as what I said, but also if the drug had no buyer interested anymore, it'd maybe lessen in existence. Wishful, but a fairytale wish.
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funny how we could take down the cartels when they were in Colombia......and how impotent we are now. One would almost get the idea that the cartels simply wanted to move closer to their markets and had the politicians in line to do just that and made it look like we were really accomplishing something......hey!, wait a minute.....
Root cause are the drug companies and the Drs pushing them due to $$$ kickback. Athletes aren’t the only kids dying. Kids that have parents that take prescription drugs get them all the time. What player did we have on our squad that was busted for selling pills in high school? Thought he was a TE.

Now youth are listening to this new rap that talks about pill popping. It’s a huge issue but it’s been one for awhile. I was told that The Woodlands has a big problem with prescription drug use.
Back in 2003, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, at the recommendation of the pain specialists, mandated pain control standards. Threatening physicians and nurses for not treating all patients' requests for pain relief. My recovery nurses were required to use a subjective pain score and dose accordingly. When you wake up a post surgical patient if he hurts, the answer is almost always "yes." Patient goes back to sleep before the nurse can obtain the medicine. Once the people were told that pain was optional, that it can be treated without risk, everybody wants it gone. Trouble is that it's not true, people then die from the respiratory consequences. That's why the "opioid epidemic" is largely limited to the USA.