Well OU it is!

"AIDS in the mouth"? I mean, I don't like the guy either but AIDS in the mouth? How does one go about contracting this exactly?

I have to stand with Clob on this one. JJ is the Donald Trump of NFL owners. That's right bitches, he is Donald Trump.

When the Oilers left Houston, I thought about switching to the Cowboy's but then I remember how JJ fired the greatest coach in Cowboy History, Tom Landry. And I remembered why I can't stand that prick. As far as I'm concerned he can get Aids in the mouth, that plastic faced midget.

F him and F the cowboys.

Makes me happy I don't watch the NFL any longer.
Should be a great game, luckily for UT the Big 12 added the Conference Championship game back. Otherwise, OU would be Conference Champs again already, have to wail until Saturday now.
Send me a pound of that shit ya smokin Bell! Murrays a one hit wonder Bell, you'll find him at Burger King yr after next

I would venture to guess you’ll find him on a baseball diamond or football field year after next. Young win a NC and willed his team to victory during a couple of wins that season. Even during the NC game. Murray has willed his team to victory during the majority of the games this year. You may not like Murray but other than the NC what did Vince accomplish that Murray hasn’t? Vince was a more physically imposing runner but his stats don’t compare imo, different era . Both great athletes.
Seriously Murray is a p***y. Of course he respects Sam's game. He can't do what Sam does. Kyler showed his lack of character after the RR game. Hes a sore loser.

God I hate these dbags.
Would you have preferred he gave a Hagar type quote, Deej? Notice how Sooner fans didn’t get all bent about Hagar’s comments? Stop wearing your feelings on your sleeve. “No comment” how dare he?!?!? They’re rivals good grief. Too much PC for me.
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Why are you UT fans so bent out of shape over Kyler saying, "No Comment" when asked about Sam?! Who Cares?! So now he's a Dbag and a p***y? When Hagar said what he did about OU having no Defense and saying OU Sux, Me and other Sooners defended that. It is a Rivalry, there is too much PC Crap these days. And like I said in another post, much worse things are said on the Football Field.
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Last time we brought someone in from Okie
I would venture to guess you’ll find him on a baseball diamond or football field year after next. Young win a NC and willed his team to victory during a couple of wins that season. Even during the NC game. Murray has willed his team to victory during the majority of the games this year. You may not like Murray but other than the NC what did Vince accomplish that Murray hasn’t? Vince was a more physically imposing runner but his stats don’t compare imo, different era . Both great athletes.

Well Murray won't will this next one!

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Why are you UT fans so bent out of shape over Kyler saying, "No Comment" when asked about Sam?! Who Cares?! So now he's a Dbag and a p***y? When Hagar said what he did about OU having no Defense and saying OU Sux, Me and other Sooners defended that. It is a Rivalry, there is too much PC Crap these days. And like I said in another post, much worse things are said on the Football Field.

Me personally, I really don't care. I still think he's a punk just like his predecessor. He showed it in that same press conference, but for some reason nobody's talking about it. He said something about how he wouldn't go up to Sam if he had won, instead he'd be celebrating with his teammates. In other words, no sportsmanship like Sam and Colt had. Don't respect your opponent and tell them good game. Very revealing of his character. Then again, I'm also no fan of Brenda.

Btw, I heard Kyler was close to signing a bobblehead deal, but the NCAA banned life sized replicas. Those assholes.
Me personally, I really don't care. I still think he's a punk just like his predecessor. He showed it in that same press conference, but for some reason nobody's talking about it. He said something about how he wouldn't go up to Sam if he had won, instead he'd be celebrating with his teammates. In other words, no sportsmanship like Sam and Colt had. Don't respect your opponent and tell them good game. Very revealing of his character. Then again, I'm also no fan of Brenda.

Btw, I heard Kyler was close to signing a bobblehead deal, but the NCAA banned life sized replicas. Those assholes.

