What is Wrong With the Democrat Party......

Joe Biden and the Left deathly afraid of Trump running again so they’re blaming the Supreme Court decision on him? This is all on Joe Biden’s watch and has nothing to do with Trump. The voters will take out their wrath on Joe Biden and the Left for allowing this to happen on Joe’s watch. It’s almost like they believe Trump should still be in office.

And to all of you liberal hypocrite weenies, screaming ‘my body, my choice’ your tears are delicious considering that wasn’t your mentality regarding mandatory Covid hoax vaccines. Prepare thine anuses, Clarence Thomas is just getting warmed up it appears.

And LOL at Levi Straus Co. bumping their gums like they’re calling the shots. Go ahead and help your employees out if you want to, fly them to States that will allow abortion but stop acting like you’re untouchable and will do as you please.
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This is ALL a “hey look,….a squirrel!!” Moment by Biden and the Left just drawing attention away from the horrendous job he has done and the condition of our country. Get ready Joe it’s going to get much worse for you come November especially after you allowed Roe vs Wade to be overturned on your watch.
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Let me ask you pro life fanatics something. Roe v Wade has been overturned. So what's in this for you? Have any of you ever talked to someone who has had one? I have and the emotional ordeal they went through talking about it was moving.

What gives anyone the right to tell women what they can or can not do? What business is it of theirs? This is about control, complete control.
Let me ask you pro life fanatics something. Roe v Wade has been overturned. So what's in this for you? Have any of you ever talked to someone who has had one? I have and the emotional ordeal they went through talking about it was moving.

What gives anyone the right to tell women what they can or can not do? What business is it of theirs? This is about control, complete control.
Honestly dude, we’ve been asking you to chime in since a captain Dipshit started ruining the country and you’ve declined pretty much everytime. Why do you deserve answers but you won’t defend your horrible voting decision. And this wasn’t a Trump or Republican thing this was the Supreme Court.
Let me ask you pro life fanatics something. Roe v Wade has been overturned. So what's in this for you? Have any of you ever talked to someone who has had one? I have and the emotional ordeal they went through talking about it was moving.

What gives anyone the right to tell women what they can or can not do? What business is it of theirs? This is about control, complete control.

Before asking people to answer your question, why don't you answer the questions that have been asked of you numerous times about Biden and the state of America since he's been in office?
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Let me ask you pro life fanatics something. Roe v Wade has been overturned. So what's in this for you? Have any of you ever talked to someone who has had one? I have and the emotional ordeal they went through talking about it was moving.

What gives anyone the right to tell women what they can or can not do? What business is it of theirs? This is about control, complete control.
You mean anti murder fanatics? I don't
recall you calling mandatory covid hoax vaccines control measures, do you? People lost their jobs, lost everything for not getting the vaccine and getting fired, where were you and your ilk in defending their decisions? How about the covid hoax shutdowns where thousands upon thousands lost their homes, businesses
etc. on what turn out to be one overhyped lie for control purposes even admitted to by the CDC. Nothing like that is happening with this ruling so quit complaining.
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Let me ask you guys this, now that Roe v Wade has been turned, Justice Thomas is now saying that gay marriage needs to be looked at.
I lean right, but who the fvck cares who marries who? Slam away at me I guess.
Let me say up front, that I have not yet read the decision handed down today, much less Justice Thomas' reasoning. I suspect however that he makes that comment based on the Tenth Amendment, that gay marriage as an issue should be left to the states to decide, a situation that the progressive left could not tolerate. The Obergefell decision applied the Fourteenth Amendment due process and equal protection clauses to gay marriage and basically determined the states could not decide the issue on their own. So I suspect Thomas is saying that Obergefell was a dangerous over-reach of federal authority into areas traditionally left to the states.
Let me say up front, that I have not yet read the decision handed down today, much less Justice Thomas' reasoning. I suspect however that he makes that comment based on the Tenth Amendment, that gay marriage as an issue should be left to the states to decide, a situation that the progressive left could not tolerate. The Obergefell decision applied the Fourteenth Amendment due process and equal protection clauses to gay marriage and basically determined the states could not decide the issue on their own. So I suspect Thomas is saying that Obergefell was a dangerous over-reach of federal authority into areas traditionally left to the states.
I believe that is correct as I read it today. And as far as abortion ruling, some states will allow it so it's not an end all be all like say the covid hoax shutdowns were that effected everyone.
Let me ask you guys this, now that Roe v Wade has been turned, Justice Thomas is now saying that gay marriage needs to be looked at.
I lean right, but who the fvck cares who marries who? Slam away at me I guess.
I saw that. I doubt there will be any movement to reverse prior rulings on same sex marriage. There’s no compelling reason other than to just be philosophically opposed to it.

With abortion, we’re dealing with the civil rights issue of our time. The issue is with regards to the right to life. Similar to the issue of slavery in the 1800’s. Blacks weren’t considered to be people worthy of life so they were viewed as chattel or private property. Fast forward 250 years later and unborn babies are not viewed by many as living people with the same inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Abortion proponents view unborn babies as just a “clump of cells” and nothing more. They argue it is their right to do whatever they choose with their body. They certainly have ownership of their bodies but they don’t have the right to terminate another life. The flaw in the argument is they overlook the unborn body that is a separate living human being.

The other thing that is frustrating to see is how so many abortion activists mischaracterize the debate. The SCOTUS ruling doesn’t make abortion illegal! They’re just declaring that it’s not a constitutional right, which is proper. The issue of abortion is something that can be determined at the state level through the democratic process. Some states will permit abortion and others will restrict it. That’s how it should be.
Let me ask you pro life fanatics something. Roe v Wade has been overturned. So what's in this for you? Have any of you ever talked to someone who has had one? I have and the emotional ordeal they went through talking about it was moving.

What gives anyone the right to tell women what they can or can not do? What business is it of theirs? This is about control, complete control.
Individual rights and limitations on those rights are grounded in the Constitution. The opinion correctly holds that abortion regulations, if any, will be decided by the legislative process in each state. You’re safe in CA.
It says something about a person that calls others that place a value on human life fanatics.
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I saw that. I doubt there will be any movement to reverse prior rulings on same sex marriage. There’s no compelling reason other than to just be philosophically opposed to it.

With abortion, we’re dealing with the civil rights issue of our time. The issue is with regards to the right to life. Similar to the issue of slavery in the 1800’s. Blacks weren’t considered to be people worthy of life so they were viewed as chattel or private property. Fast forward 250 years later and unborn babies are not viewed by many as living people with the same inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Abortion proponents view unborn babies as just a “clump of cells” and nothing more. They argue it is their right to do whatever they choose with their body. They certainly have ownership of their bodies but they don’t have the right to terminate another life. The flaw in the argument is they overlook the unborn body that is a separate living human being.

The other thing that is frustrating to see is how so many abortion activists mischaracterize the debate. The SCOTUS ruling doesn’t make abortion illegal! They’re just declaring that it’s not a constitutional right, which is proper. The issue of abortion is something that can be determined at the state level through the democratic process. Some states will permit abortion and others will restrict it. That’s how it should be.
Maxine Waters calling on women to defy the supreme court ruling, encouraging anarchy, she should be tased and arrested on the spot. This is what the Dems get for corruptively placing Biden in office, and it's only beginning for them.
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Let me ask you pro life fanatics something. Roe v Wade has been overturned. So what's in this for you? Have any of you ever talked to someone who has had one? I have and the emotional ordeal they went through talking about it was moving.

What gives anyone the right to tell women what they can or can not do? What business is it of theirs? This is about control, complete control.
I don’t consider myself a fanatic, but I do wonder if the overreach by left to venture into very late term abortions and allowing under age girls to get abortions without parental involvement has anything to do with it. Did the left get greedy, cali?
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Let me ask you pro life fanatics something. Roe v Wade has been overturned. So what's in this for you? Have any of you ever talked to someone who has had one? I have and the emotional ordeal they went through talking about it was moving.

What gives anyone the right to tell women what they can or can not do? What business is it of theirs? This is about control, complete
Cali, we have the right to tell anyone - man, woman, child, inanimate object - they have no right to terminate another life. It's the same thing as telling someone they have no right to kill another person. They also have no right to inject their bodies with illicit drugs like heroin, crack cocaine, etc. There are many instances where we restrict what can be done to our bodies. The argument of "my body, my choice" is illogical and irrational. It just makes no sense whatsoever.
Cali, we have the right to tell anyone - man, woman, child, inanimate object - they have no right to terminate another life. It's the same thing as telling someone they have no right to kill another person. They also have no right to inject their bodies with illicit drugs like heroin, crack cocaine, etc. There are many instances where we restrict what can be done to our bodies. The argument of "my body, my choice" is illogical and irrational. It just makes no sense whatsoever.
Save yer breath. 😉
Cali, we have the right to tell anyone - man, woman, child, inanimate object - they have no right to terminate another life. It's the same thing as telling someone they have no right to kill another person. They also have no right to inject their bodies with illicit drugs like heroin, crack cocaine, etc. There are many instances where we restrict what can be done to our bodies. The argument of "my body, my choice" is illogical and irrational. It just makes no sense whatsoever.
My body, my choice is absolutely illogical. It’s also inconsistent with other circumstances in which persons can be found legally culpable for intentionally inflicting harm on another.
Cali, we have the right to tell anyone - man, woman, child, inanimate object - they have no right to terminate another life. It's the same thing as telling someone they have no right to kill another person. They also have no right to inject their bodies with illicit drugs like heroin, crack cocaine, etc. There are many instances where we restrict what can be done to our bodies. The argument of "my body, my choice" is illogical and irrational. It just makes no sense whatsoever.
Ok, then just for conversation sake, when the government tried to force vaccination on us, wasn’t everyone using the “my body, my choice” argument? Again, just for respectful conversation.
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Ok, then just for conversation sake, when the government tried to force vaccination on us, wasn’t everyone using the “my body, my choice” argument? Again, just for respectful conversation.
No, not at all, I don't recall any liberals saying that whatsoever about the vaccine, they were all for it, they enjoyed the govt controlling them. I know alot of Republicans who resisted like hell until they were forced to do what the govt/employers demanded or be fired. Abortion is a free choice issue, nobody forcing anyone to do it. But abortion is taking a life. I wonder if folks will start being held accountable for murder at some point. Also in most cases it's going to start making some folks take a little more responsibility with their life decisions.
No, not at all, I don't recall any liberals saying that whatsoever about the vaccine, they were all for it, they enjoyed the govt controlling them. I know alot of Republicans who resisted like hell until they were forced to do what the govt/employers demanded or be fired. Abortion is a free choice issue, nobody forcing anyone to do it. But abortion is taking a life. I wonder if folks will start being held accountable for murder at some point. Also in most cases it's going to start making some folks take a little more responsibility with their life decisions.
I was speaking of Republicans saying that during vaccines.
I was speaking of Republicans saying that during vaccines.
There's a big difference. In the abortion context, the individual making that declaration doesn't take into account that their action is intentionally taking the life of another human being. In the vaccine context, the vaccine was advertised as being for your own well being. It was supposed to prevent infection or lessen its severity. Person A's decision to get a vaccine impacts that person's health. If Person A wants to assume the risk of covid infection it only impacts Person A; "my body, my choice." Person A's decision doesn't intentionally take another's human life.
There's a big difference. In the abortion context, the individual making that declaration doesn't take into account that their action is intentionally taking the life of another human being. In the vaccine context, the vaccine was advertised as being for your own well being. It was supposed to prevent infection or lessen its severity. Person A's decision to get a vaccine impacts that person's health. If Person A wants to assume the risk of covid infection it only impacts Person A; "my body, my choice." Person A's decision doesn't intentionally take another's human life.
Well said. The purpose of the vaccine mandates was that it was necessary for us to protect each other. If you also recall, the CDC was given extraordinary authority to regulate our economy and our personal interactions. They completely bypassed the will of the people and their elected representatives. All of that was illegal and unconstitutional. The CDC has no such authority.

The "my body my choice" argument was not the issue SCOTUS was deciding. We all have ownership of our bodies and are free to do what we want with it as long as it doesn't cause harm to others and we comply with existing laws. Abortion involves the certain death of another human. That fact is clear and indisputable and universally accepted. Getting a vaccine to prevent Covid is not universally accepted and requires more inquiry and debate. We were not allowed to debate the issue since the President granted the CDC with enormous power to regulate our society and economy. It was a complete end run around the legislative process.
Let me ask you pro life fanatics something. Roe v Wade has been overturned. So what's in this for you? Have any of you ever talked to someone who has had one? I have and the emotional ordeal they went through talking about it was moving.

What gives anyone the right to tell women what they can or can not do? What business is it of theirs? This is about control, complete control.

I love how you always argue from the view point of someone that has a deeper personal connection to the issue than the rest of us.

How do you reconcile your political beliefs to your faith?
I love how you always argue from the view point of someone that has a deeper personal connection to the issue than the rest of us.

How do you reconcile your political beliefs to your faith?
I don't know if this will answer your question. First of all I don't feel like I have a deeper personal connection to this or any other issue than you guys.

In my 60's I've had a pretty interesting life so far. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a recovering addict. Been clean since my 20's but I went to NA meetings for a long time and through there I met some of these women. In theory I'm pro life but listening to those women I can't pass judgement on them. It's between them and God and no one else.

As for being Mormon I'm a practicing LDS and I hold a temple recommend. Now of course I believe in the sanctity of human life. My wife and I talked about Roe v Wade today and our beliefs as LDS. Actually they do believe in exceptions. And there are pro choice LDS many of them women.
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I don't know if this will answer your question. First of all I don't feel like I have a deeper personal connection to this or any other issue than you guys.

In my 60's I've had a pretty interesting life so far. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a recovering addict. Been clean since my 20's but I went to NA meetings for a long time and through there I met some of these women. In theory I'm pro life but listening to those women I can't pass judgement on them. It's between them and God and no one else.

As for being Mormon I'm a practicing LDS and I hold a temple recommend. Now of course I believe in the sanctity of human life. My wife and I talked about Roe v Wade today and our beliefs as LDS. Actually they do believe in exceptions. And there are pro choice LDS many of them women.
Well the law has a say so when you’re taking the life of others, sorry. Some of these people now are going to have to take a look at their lives and take responsibility for their actions a little closer. As far as your last paragraph—-just wow. Do you think murder is ok? Serious question. I think some of you have been so accustomed to compartmentalizing that you don’t even view it as taking the life of a human anymore. 70 mil. Abortions have taken place since Roe vs Wade. Unbelievable.

You just said your religion has exemptions where it allows it but in your first paragraph You said you are not God so you can’t pass judgement but it sounds like you’re ok with the religions sect that you adhere to playing God and allowing it? Word salad?
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Let me ask you pro life fanatics something. Roe v Wade has been overturned. So what's in this for you? Have any of you ever talked to someone who has had one? I have and the emotional ordeal they went through talking about it was moving.

What gives anyone the right to tell women what they can or can not do? What business is it of theirs? This is about control, complete control.
I'm a retired physician. My first ex wife got pregnant before we married. I offered to marry her. She and her mother decided on an abortion instead. Not only was my first child dead, the third pregnancy was complicated by placenta previa, where the placenta implants near or on the birth canal. It can lead to fatal bleeding. Turns out that placenta previa is 30% more common after abortion. Fortunately mother and baby survived.