the lyrics from the songs on our players' current playlists? What about the band members? You know the ones who are so offended by the racist Eyes that they can't sing along or play the song.
A quick google search of most popular songs right now, which I'm assuming these 18-22 year olds are playing in their buds, in the workout rooms, in their dorms, etc. shows the following:
WAP - already a "virgin" thread here on that song, but 20+ pvssy, some f-bombs, and some n-word mixed in
Laugh Now Cry Later - 8 n-bombs
Savage - 8 n-words
Life is Good - 14 uses of n-word
Maybe I'll email the music director some of these lyrics and get her/its opinion on the impact of these songs on the sensitive ears of her/its students.
Can the drum major show us her playlist? Want to see what these songs she's singing along to, paying artists for, etc. say about women, crime, drugs, etc.
Hope none of the lunch pail, coaches on the field players are singing along with these songs while they cancel the Eyes.
A quick google search of most popular songs right now, which I'm assuming these 18-22 year olds are playing in their buds, in the workout rooms, in their dorms, etc. shows the following:
WAP - already a "virgin" thread here on that song, but 20+ pvssy, some f-bombs, and some n-word mixed in
Laugh Now Cry Later - 8 n-bombs
Savage - 8 n-words
Life is Good - 14 uses of n-word
Maybe I'll email the music director some of these lyrics and get her/its opinion on the impact of these songs on the sensitive ears of her/its students.
Can the drum major show us her playlist? Want to see what these songs she's singing along to, paying artists for, etc. say about women, crime, drugs, etc.
Hope none of the lunch pail, coaches on the field players are singing along with these songs while they cancel the Eyes.