You guys really have no clue. I used to get pissed about the idiots not wearing mask, and not getting vaccinated, but I realized that they are more likely to kill themselves or there loved ones than me. I know this because I see it every single day in the ICUs. I here the code blue alarms go off repeatedly every single day. I've worked in large trauma hospitals for over 15 years, and each year you may get 1 death from the flu, we are seeing 1 or 2 a day, every day from Covid, all unvaccinated. The delta variant is definitely less picky, its killing people of all ages. I really don't care if you are anti vax, or anti mask, if thats your stance great, just don't come to the hospitals when you can't breath, or chest hurts, or you stroke out, just take your invermectin, or hydrocloriquine and die quietly at home.