Brennan Eagles Weighs In

With regard to Eagles, I don't think it would matter if he were black or white. He'd catch flack for making a commitment to his teammates and then backing out on that commitment.

When you join a team, you make a promise to your white brothers, your black brothers, your brown brothers etc etc. They are your brothers. When you don't show up to support your brothers, you have singled yourself out as an individual and now have made yourself part of the problem. You chose something over your family. Period. Full stop.

You can still drive your narrative or support your agenda (in this case, in HIS eyes, it's systematic racism) while also being a good brother to YOUR brothers.

Eagles is putting others over his brothers. If this is his choice, then I respect it. He must then respect my choice to, in my mind, label him as a poor example of what a brother is supposed to be. And does he care what a former member of his family thinks? Probably not. And that's all you need to know about him and his priorities.

I say, God speed to you, young man.
I didn't peg you as someone that bought into the fear mongering from the media, per the discussions on covid.

Btw, if anyone thinks what I underlined in your post is true, they're a ****ing idiot

IBTL! lol.

I don't subscribe to cable television. It's worthless.
With regard to Eagles, I don't think it would matter if he were black or white. He'd catch flack for making a commitment to his teammates and then backing out on that commitment.

When you join a team, you make a promise to your white brothers, your black brothers, your brown brothers etc etc. They are your brothers. When you don't show up to support your brothers, you have singled yourself out as an individual and now have made yourself part of the problem. You chose something over your family. Period. Full stop.

You can still drive your narrative or support your agenda (in this case, in HIS eyes, it's systematic racism) while also being a good brother to YOUR brothers.

Eagles is putting others over his brothers. If this is his choice, then I respect it. He must then respect my choice to, in my mind, label him as a poor example of what a brother is supposed to be. And does he care what a former member of his family thinks? Probably not. And that's all you need to know about him and his priorities.

I say, God speed to you, young man.

Nah he’s getting flack because he’s black. I remember one other black UT athlete last year or possibly year before writing a letter and he got flack on here too. Let’s just admit this forum is very conservative. I see it in post all the time been here long enough to read between the lines. You’re only lying to yourself guys.
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Nah he’s getting flack because he’s black. I remember one other black UT athlete last year or possibly year before writing a letter and he got flack on here too. Let’s just admit this forum is very conservative. I see it in post all the time been here long enough to read between the lines. You’re only lying to yourself guys.
Guilty! What’s wrong with being conservative? God, Guns and Old Glory!
So, a young black student athlete uses his platform to make a statement about systemic racism in America and the responses are as follows:
We've got other WRs
He's being selfish
personal money grab
he is now overweight (ie lazy)
he was a cancer last year??
I won't be paying to watch anymore

So, lazy, selfish, greedy, not good enough anyways, bad teammate, cancer, not worth spending my money on to watch. I wonder why black men in America have been hesitant to speak up? I wonder why so many white men are so quick to throw these labels onto a black man?

As white men, we have been socialized into a society of racism against black people and especially black men. Movies, TV, the news. The racists jokes and comments we have heard from other white people. There are numerous less explicit ways our beliefs are shaped as well (white neighbors are better, white schools are better, etc). It doesn't make us bad as people but we should all examine our preconceived notions and realize our prejudices have been shaped by a very complex system that is reinforced at almost all levels, even black people have a tendency to reinforce the notion that white is better than black. I am taking time to learn more about this currently as I have not understood it very well until recently and if anyone else is interested in understanding this perspective, I would recommend reading "White Fragility".
Uh what I see unfolding on tv does nothing to help black folks causes, I'm sorry but it just doesn't and in fact highlights many problems in the black communities. This is turning into a clown show. Black and white people need to police their own and I'd love to see the black community stand up and condemn the looting playing out right now, that's not protesting, that causing chaos, destruction, stealing, anarchy. Disgusting.
With regard to Eagles, I don't think it would matter if he were black or white. He'd catch flack for making a commitment to his teammates and then backing out on that commitment.

When you join a team, you make a promise to your white brothers, your black brothers, your brown brothers etc etc. They are your brothers. When you don't show up to support your brothers, you have singled yourself out as an individual and now have made yourself part of the problem. You chose something over your family. Period. Full stop.

You can still drive your narrative or support your agenda (in this case, in HIS eyes, it's systematic racism) while also being a good brother to YOUR brothers.

Eagles is putting others over his brothers. If this is his choice, then I respect it. He must then respect my choice to, in my mind, label him as a poor example of what a brother is supposed to be. And does he care what a former member of his family thinks? Probably not. And that's all you need to know about him and his priorities.

I say, God speed to you, young man.
Reading what Eagles said, I don't take it to mean that he is quitting football. Maybe it is, but I think he was more so making a dramatic statement to drive his point home - fighting the social injustice in our country is much more important than football.

I would also be surprised if any of his fellow players or coaches have any issue with what he said. As a team they have taken a joint stance against the issues of systemic racism in America. Maybe a Buck Burnette type ( but that's it.

Now, if Eagles does decide not to play to create a larger platform for his beliefs, that is his right. It would come at great loss to him, loss of college career and likely NFL opportunities, but he would be following in the footsteps of others who have sacrificed to share the beliefs.
Nothing but when the forum is mostly conservative views you get everyone thinking the same. Obviously I have no major issues I’ve been on here for a long time and it’s mainly been this way. What I do have an issue with is people lying to themselves as if they don’t have a problem with black folks or their views. Saying I have friends that are from all (insert BS) is typical. If you have friends that are black, hispanic, asian and white your views aren’t so limited and some post on here are so obvious it’s almost comical.
Nothing but when the forum is mostly conservative views you get everyone thinking the same. Obviously I have no major issues I’ve been on here for a long time and it’s mainly been this way. What I do have an issue with is people lying to themselves as if they don’t have a problem with black folks or their views. Saying I have friends that are from all (insert BS) is typical. If you have friends that are black, hispanic, asian and white your views aren’t so limited and some post on here are so obvious it’s almost comical.
I have black friends but they aren't out looting and acting a damn idiot, they're professional, respectful and guess what? They get treated the same. What a concept, I know.
I have black friends but they aren't out looting and acting a damn idiot, they're professional, respectful and guess what? They get treated the same. What a concept, I know.
Heres the thing Bell, they don't get treated the same. You probably don't realize it but they face racism that you don't. It may be more subtle than what you think of as racism but it is there.
I have black friends but they aren't out looting and acting a damn idiot, they're professional, respectful and guess what? They get treated the same. What a concept, I know.

i have white friends they aren’t out looting either. You obviously been watching the news right. I see white folks out there busting windows too.

Bell unless you’ve sat and actually had a conversation with your black friends you have no idea what they’ve been through. How about you speak to them and listen.
Nah he’s getting flack because he’s black. I remember one other black UT athlete last year or possibly year before writing a letter and he got flack on here too. Let’s just admit this forum is very conservative. I see it in post all the time been here long enough to read between the lines. You’re only lying to yourself guys.

Sorry, you're just dead wrong. The premise by which people like you and BLM use is that America is a racist country and "systemic racism" is pervasive in our society. Both are completely false narratives. As most of us learned in our respective UT educations, an opinion based on a false predicate makes the entire argument fall apart. To people like you, a conservative is a racist. Another example of your own prejudice and personal bias. Liberals and socialists have a very difficult time accepting truth.They don't want to seek the truth. It takes courage to be a truth seeker with an intellectual curiosity for facts and evidence. I urge everyone to read these articles which outlines the facts and statistics surrounding police brutality. A grand total of 9 unarmed African Americans were killed in 2019 as a result of police brutality. Overall police-related deaths of African Americans so far in 2020 is 88 (keep in mind these are overall deaths which includes justified use of deadly force by police). This is out of 55 MILLION total contacts by police with American citizens. That makes the likelihood that a black man of being killed by police at less than 0.00001%. They're about 10 times more likely to be struck by lightning than be killed by police. Yet, here we are today with a media narrative and political culture that continues to promote this totally false garbage. Most people on this board know exactly what's going's about money and power. The politicians and race-baiters don't really want the issue of racism to be fixed. If it gets fixed, then what is there for them to do? It's in their best interest to keep the problem ongoing and never-ending. Look at how so many corporations are throwing money around to all these BLM groups and BLM causes. It's not hard to figure out what's going on. This has nothing to do with George Floyd or "systemic" racism. The only systemic issue that I see is that all of the cities where the bad cops operate and where people are rioting and looting are all taking place in cities that are controlled by liberals. The mayor, police chief, police commissioner, DA, you name it they're all liberal democrats. The first thing that should happen to effect the change they want is to vote the Dems out of their cities.

For what it's worth to any liberal, I'm not white.
Sorry, you're just dead wrong. The premise by which people like you and BLM use is that America is a racist country and "systemic racism" is pervasive in our society. Both are completely false narratives. As most of us learned in our respective UT educations, an opinion based on a false predicate makes the entire argument fall apart. To people like you, a conservative is a racist. Another example of your own prejudice and personal bias. Liberals and socialists have a very difficult time accepting truth.They don't want to seek the truth. It takes courage to be a truth seeker with an intellectual curiosity for facts and evidence. I urge everyone to read these articles which outlines the facts and statistics surrounding police brutality. A grand total of 9 unarmed African Americans were killed in 2019 as a result of police brutality. Overall police-related deaths of African Americans so far in 2020 is 88 (keep in mind these are overall deaths which includes justified use of deadly force by police). This is out of 55 MILLION total contacts by police with American citizens. That makes the likelihood that a black man of being killed by police at less than 0.00001%. They're about 10 times more likely to be struck by lightning than be killed by police. Yet, here we are today with a media narrative and political culture that continues to promote this totally false garbage. Most people on this board know exactly what's going's about money and power. The politicians and race-baiters don't really want the issue of racism to be fixed. If it gets fixed, then what is there for them to do? It's in their best interest to keep the problem ongoing and never-ending. Look at how so many corporations are throwing money around to all these BLM groups and BLM causes. It's not hard to figure out what's going on. This has nothing to do with George Floyd or "systemic" racism. The only systemic issue that I see is that all of the cities where the bad cops operate and where people are rioting and looting are all taking place in cities that are controlled by liberals. The mayor, police chief, police commissioner, DA, you name it they're all liberal democrats. The first thing that should happen to effect the change they want is to vote the Dems out of their cities.

For what it's worth to anyone, I'm not white.

All that and I still think America is racist sorry. First you don’t know me and the racist shit I’ve been through myself. I’ve experienced racism from police and white folks. I don’t judge every cop or white person based off of my experience but it exists and people that say it doesn’t have either never gone through it or just turn a blind eye.

Also I’m not white either and neither is my wife and she never went through what I’ve been through. She’s conservative for the most part and I apologize if I made it seem that I think they’re racist. I meant to say is the forum is most conservative so when liberals have a thought this forum lights up quick.
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There is no systemic racism in America. Segregation is gone. If anything, there are preferred races of people in America. What you call "white fragility" is a backlash by whites due to being put at the back of the bus. See (affirmative action, hiring quotas, school admissions, etc...) European white males are responsible for 99.99% of the discoveries that benefit mankind. White IQ isn't going away. What I see is blatant jealousy and covetousness. Mark my words, this is going to be an abject failure by the left to affect any positive change for racial integration. Conservative governance will be enshrined for decades to come. This is a huge eye opener to those who were on the fence. White women will be voting "law and order" for decades to come.

If you want to see systemic racism, travel to Arab Muslim countries where they OWN Africans as slaves. America ain't got nothin on the Arab Muslims.

I understand that many people see supporting Black Lives Matter as virtuous. My wife has friends that think supporting BLM supports people who are struggling for equality. Let me tell you what many others think. They see BLM as being responsible for cowardly killing 6 cops in Dallas and for the mindless brutality being displayed on the net and TV's. Those cops had families and children who will never have a father. They see Herman's and Ehlinger's support of BLM as supporting murder, theft, assault, destruction of private property, rioting, etc.... This kind of mayhem will never stand. If this continues, police forces will refuse to stop the rioting. They will disperse and join sides. It's already happening in NY. Then the real fireworks will begin. The American populace owns over 300 million different firearms and large scale weaponry. I fear for the rioters if these guys ever are allowed to go full Tecumseh Sherman on the cities. It will be devastating.

Heads up... this will be the suburbs.

And the Latin Kings

What happens when all these people get tired of the lawlessness and get together?
Your head is really fuxk up
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So y’all help me understand. Where is the issue. There are bad cops I get it but we are a nation of rules and laws and I thought we believe in justice. What happened to Mr Floyd was bad and hopefully justice will be served. I watch the crap out of live PD and they go thru some shit. No way I would be a cop especially for what they make money wise. I am open to change but what am I supposed to change. A few years back I was told I was a deplorable and now I’m being told I’m privileged. I grew up dirt poor by the way and I worked in a plant my entire life to have the material things that I have today. Anyone could copy what I have done so the privileged part is really irritating me!
i have white friends they aren’t out looting either. You obviously been watching the news right. I see white folks out there busting windows too.

Bell unless you’ve sat and actually had a conversation with your black friends you have no idea what they’ve been through. How about you speak to them and listen.
Trust me, I write those idiots off
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So y’all help me understand. Where is the issue. There are bad cops I get it but we are a nation of rules and laws and I thought we believe in justice. What happened to Mr Floyd was bad and hopefully justice will be served. I watch the crap out of live PD and they go thru some shit. No way I would be a cop especially for what they make money wise. I am open to change but what am I supposed to change. A few years back I was told I was a deplorable and now I’m being told I’m privileged. I grew up dirt poor by the way and I worked in a plant my entire life to have the material things that I have today. Anyone could copy what I have done so the privileged part is really irritating me!
I couldn't agree more. Nobody paid my way after I hit 18 years old. My parents didn't buy me a car, didn't pay for college, no extras at all. I've busted my rear end in life all by my choice. It takes motivation, some are lazy and don't want it bad enough.
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We have an economic problem. I have been beating this drum for a while now but few understand the dynamics. The international banking community is concentrating 90% of the world's wealth into .01% of the population. Working class white people have nothing to do with the lack of employment opportunity. If we keep squeezing them, all we will get are bullets at this point. Elizabeth Warren actually had an idea that I found workable. We should reduce the taxes on the working classes and corporations and create a tax on total assets for the highest classes. The people that squealed and howled when she said this was telling. Ya, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc... The usual suspects. I believe our efforts need to be pointed in the direction of the owners of the banks. They are the magicians behind the curtain.

Everyday biases are always going to exist. The people protesting need to be decrying the lack of opportunity instead of an unmeasurable bias that cannot be measured from person to person. Unfortunately, the people running these banks are out in front of the situation and making sure that they are not the targets by creating a race war.... Not to worry, they will be front and center soon enough.

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I couldn't agree more. Nobody paid my way after I hit 18 years old. My parents didn't buy me a car, didn't pay for college, no extras at all. I've busted my rear end in life all by my choice. It takes motivation, some are lazy and don't want it bad enough.

Nice job Bell. My experience is similar but not as brutal. I was blessed to get into UT but I had to pay my way without loans. My parents helped me with $300 a month and $1000 for books. I paid for the rest by working part and full time at UPS while attending school. I finished in 4.5 years. I survived on 18k a year and 5 hours of sleep a night. My apartment was next to section 8 apartments off Oltorf and Riverside in South Austin. It's not a nice neighborhood.
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All that and I still think America is racist sorry. First you don’t know me and the racist shit I’ve been through myself. I’ve experienced racism from police and white folks. I don’t judge every cop or white person based off of my experience but it exists and people that say it doesn’t have either never gone through it or just turn a blind eye.

Also I’m not white either and neither is my wife and she never went through what I’ve been through. She’s conservative for the most part and I apologize if I made it seem that I think they’re racist. I meant to say is the forum is most conservative so when liberals have a thought this forum lights up quick.
America does not have a racist problem. There may be a very small percentage and it goes all ways not just whites. White privilege is a made up gimmick for racist non-whites to feel better about themselves. I would say that the only problem Americas has is that many citizens lack a fundamental appreciation for the opportunities available to all that are willing to work for it. Nothing was “given“ to any of my white friends in life except for a whipping or bitching out session from their parents when they messed up Otherwise, why on earth does almost everybody want to immigrate here.
So y’all help me understand. Where is the issue. There are bad cops I get it but we are a nation of rules and laws and I thought we believe in justice. What happened to Mr Floyd was bad and hopefully justice will be served. I watch the crap out of live PD and they go thru some shit. No way I would be a cop especially for what they make money wise. I am open to change but what am I supposed to change. A few years back I was told I was a deplorable and now I’m being told I’m privileged. I grew up dirt poor by the way and I worked in a plant my entire life to have the material things that I have today. Anyone could copy what I have done so the privileged part is really irritating me!

This is exactly how leftists and socialists want you to feel on this issue. To them, it's up to you as an average white person to admit your guilt and then give them something in return. They also believe it's up to the government and corporations to give them something or comply with their list of demands. It's a shakedown and it's disgusting.

Blacks are WAY, WAY, WAY more likely to be harmed or killed by another black citizen than by any other group. 23 blacks were killed in Chicago last weekend. A city that has been run by liberals for over 50 years.

Minorities who have figured out at an early age that nobody is going to give you anything, nobody owes you anything and nobody feels sorry for you end up way more successful than others who continue to play the victim card. Young minorities today are all convinced they're oppressed thanks to social media and pop culture.

I also can't take all the non-stop virtue signaling everywhere by people and corporations telling us how much better they are than everyone. It's exhausting and nauseating.
Until you are black in
America, you won't truly
understand what it is to
be black in America and
that's fine. But don't act
like this doesn't exist or
isn't real.

Alvin Kamara
Blacks are WAY, WAY, WAY more likely to be harmed or killed by another black citizen than by any other group. 23 blacks were killed in Chicago last weekend. A city that has been run by liberals for over 50 years.

Minorities who have figured out at an early age that nobody is going to give you anything, nobody owes you anything and nobody feels sorry for you end up way more successful than others who continue to play the victim card. Young minorities today are all convinced they're oppressed thanks to social media and pop culture.

I also can't take all the non-stop virtue signaling everywhere by people and corporations telling us how much better they are than everyone. It's exhausting and nauseating.

I looked up some data on the government websites yesterday and the data supports this.

Like I said before, there is Racism everywhere. I am racist and so is everyone posting on this board because we all have prejudices and tend to act out of them.

I also believe that things are not as extreme as these protests and outrage make them out to be.

I find organizations like Black Lives Matter rather hypocritical. If they care so much about Black lives, then they should be going after the main causes behind the loss of Black lives.

Like most things we witness around us, there is a huge tendency to politicize everything. This is not just about the "left" or the "right". Exploiting such situations for personal gain is a systemic problem and that is what is stoking these protests and violence. Not the death of George Floyd.
Until you are black in
America, you won't truly
understand what it is to
be black in America and
that's fine. But don't act
like this doesn't exist or
isn't real.

Alvin Kamara

You know what...everybody has obstacles to overcome in life. Blacks, Browns, Whites, Yellows, poor, rich, middle class, aggies, sooners, etc.

Nobody knows what it's like to live in anyone else's shoes. Anybody who assumes that another group is worse off because another group did something to them is someone who can be easily manipulated. A useful idiot.

I know I know they get pulled over and arrested for driving while black is what our political class will tell you. Go back and read the articles I posted earlier. The facts don't support any institutional bias at all toward blacks. Not even close. In fact, the opposite is true. Blacks are much more likely to harm other blacks, Browns, Whites and police. Everything going on today is just freaking asinine. What a crappy year this has been.
Until you are black in
America, you won't truly
understand what it is to
be black in America and
that's fine. But don't act
like this doesn't exist or
isn't real.

Alvin Kamara
Cali, I want you to know that I come from a position of respect for you. But, I just don't believe this quote to be true. I actually think wisdom to be the polar opposite. I also believe that as long as people keep feeding the black community this destructive rhetoric, they will continue to look outside of themselves for the answers. People should just be honest with them and not be afraid of them and being labeled racist for being honest. Candace Owens has taken a leadership role in waking the black community up with honesty and a different way of thinking.

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I find organizations like Black Lives Matter rather hypocritical. If they care so much about Black lives, then they should be going after the main causes behind the loss of Black lives.

Just wanted to clarify that I do not care for most such politically motivated organizations - whether it is BLM , or NRA or most things left or right. My comment was not intended to single out the BLM. That was just an example in this context...
Anyone interested in understanding the view point of systemic racism in America and the socialization we have all experienced I would encourage you to watch this video. It is a 20 minute video that summarizes some of the key points in a 6 hour audio book so it is just scratching the surface. You may not agree but it would at least allow some understanding of where others are coming from.
Nah he’s getting flack because he’s black. I remember one other black UT athlete last year or possibly year before writing a letter and he got flack on here too. Let’s just admit this forum is very conservative. I see it in post all the time been here long enough to read between the lines. You’re only lying to yourself guys.
I sincerely disagree. Remember when the kid from Wimberley, Buck something or another, made stupid and selfish comments on social media about the Obama election? That kid caught flack and deserved every bit of it. This isn't a black or white thing. It isn't a conservative or liberal thing. This is a burnt orange thing. You're either committed to this team and this university, despite the distractions around you, or you're not.
I sincerely disagree. Remember when the kid from Wimberley, Buck something or another, made stupid and selfish comments on social media about the Obama election? That kid caught flack and deserved every bit of it. This isn't a black or white thing. It isn't a conservative or liberal thing. This is a burnt orange thing. You're either committed to this team and this university, despite the distractions around you, or you're not.
Buck Burnette used a racial slur and made threats to kill the president. I think he even got heat from a federal level due to that. Not just stupid and selfish.

One of my good buddies in college went to school, Wimberly, with Buck. I met him a few times around the dorms.

Back to Eagles, I would still hesitate to comment on his commitment to the team. Time will tell what the meaning behind the tweet is but I think it's a stretch at this point to say he has done anything that has hurt the team in any way.
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Buck Burnette used a racial slur and made threats to kill the president. I think he even got heat from a federal level due to that. Not just stupid and selfish.

One of my good buddies in college went to school, Wimberly, with Buck. I met him a few times around the dorms.

Back to Eagles, I would still hesitate to comment on his commitment to the team. Time will tell what the meaning behind the tweet is but I think it's a stretch at this point to say he has done anything that has hurt the team in any way.

Maybe he said to much to take back!
Anyone interested in understanding the view point of systemic racism in America and the socialization we have all experienced I would encourage you to watch this video. It is a 20 minute video that summarizes some of the key points in a 6 hour audio book so it is just scratching the surface. You may not agree but it would at least allow some understanding of where others are coming from.

I certainly don't agree but I understand why people believe this nonsense.

There is an old expression that a lie that is told three times and not refuted becomes fact. White privilege assertions is that lie.

While there has been discrimination and slavery in our nation’s past, privilege exists only for the elite in academia, public sector labor unions, politics and government regardless of their race.

If our nation ever hopes to solve the problem of race relations, we must solve the problems of poverty, economic opportunity and access to quality education. Claiming the issue is just about race perpetuates poverty, poor educational opportunities and substandard economic opportunities for those who are poor – regardless of race. Prior to the pandemic, black and brown and white unemployment was the lowest it has been in our nation's history. This nation has lifted more people out of poverty from all races than any other nation in the history of the planet. Since Trump was elected in 2016 (and I'm not a big fan of Trump as a person), there has been more jobs and business opportunities for minorities than at any time in our nation's history, including Obama's administration. But that result is not what the liberal and privileged elites desire because it diminishes their power grip over those that are supposedly "oppressed".

For the vast majority of people who struggle in this nation, whites are struggling as much as any other people of color. Only in academia, public sector labor unions and politics is there any privilege.
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Heres the thing Bell, they don't get treated the same. You probably don't realize it but they face racism that you don't. It may be more subtle than what you think of as racism but it is there.
Let me ask this then. What on earth do these people rioting expect to get accomplished out of these riots? Are they wanting some kind of absurd laws passed? Do they just like looting and stealing?
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In a cartoon designed for children it felt like a pretty strong message: strive to be the smarter person in a conflict as that's who prevails more often than not. I understand that we no longer live in the 1940s and that times change, but it feels like these lessons might be more important now than ever. I really loved these cartoons as a kid. No privilege, no virtue all my years of watching cartoons I've never once wanted to emulate the idiot hunter who constantly got his pants pulled down by a wise-cracking rabbit.

In a cartoon designed for children it felt like a pretty strong message: strive to be the smarter person in a conflict as that's who prevails more often than not. I understand that we no longer live in the 1940s and that times change, but it feels like these lessons might be more important now than ever. I really loved these cartoons as a kid. No privilege, no virtue all my years of watching cartoons I've never once wanted to emulate the idiot hunter who constantly got his pants pulled down by a wise-cracking rabbit.

Things do change since then, different people, different ideas,now it money, Oil, Computers, Cell phones..half of the kids in America don't know what a dial phone is hanging on kitchen wall, or having 2 channels on Tv and no A/C, I am at fault at this as I gave my sons everything due to the fact I had nothing growing up and wanted them not to struggle as I did, that was a mistake, they should throw every damn cell phone in the ocean, I gotta sign in my hallway just for my Grandkids and Sons that says check your Cell phones in with Grandma, can't have a family dinner with everyone punching on them damn phones...Progress has runined America lifestyle about being family I think,,when Oil becomes more important than family, I would just as soon ride a horse...