A gold standard would have to be in digital form with the gold being held centrally. Otherwise gold would have to be made in such small denominations that it could be easily lost by citizens. The amount of gold in existence is about 3.5 olympic sized swimming pools. Anything in digital form is subject to manipulation. Who watches the watchers, right?
A commodity basket would seem a good option as it would help to stabilize commodity prices. It would have to be digital as well but manipulating all those markets would be more difficult for the bankers.
Unfortunately, we are going to get a centralized banker owned blockchain currency. The old dollar is going to be inflated away to pay off debt but first, the bankers have to find a way to get the bonds they own paid in new digital dollars while we get the old inflated dollars. It's always the saver that gets kicked in the balls. The pandemic and riots were a setup for this... they just had to get the legislation passed legally. China is forcing their hand or so they say.
IMO, there will be a "fee" which is really an exchange rate to convert old dollars to blockchain dollars which separates the 2 as different currencies. You will be begging to get the blockchain dollar as prices skyrocket in old dollars as they inflate the "fee" higher and higher by creating more digital but not blockchain dollars to pay off government debt.
Debt based currencies always abuse the poor the most, hence the problems with poverty across the world. A currency not tied to debt obligations but tied to a basket of commodities transfers purchasing power to laborers and away from financial alchemists like bankers by removing the interest payments due which are collected by excessive public taxation and inflation. Purchasing power is restored because one trades his labor for commodities instead of a promissory note which is a promise to pay interest at a later date.