Brennan Eagles Weighs In

Anyone interested in understanding the view point of systemic racism in America and the socialization we have all experienced I would encourage you to watch this video. It is a 20 minute video that summarizes some of the key points in a 6 hour audio book so it is just scratching the surface. You may not agree but it would at least allow some understanding of where others are coming from.

Ever read Mein Kampf? Justication for the repression of others based on race is evil. It's been tried before.
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Anyone notice that Morgan Scalley, DC for Utah and I believe our first choice to replace Orlando, is now suspended, for using a racial slur in 2013. Dodged a bullet there.
Anyone else notice how you could get thrown in jail for going to church and not social distancing but you can loot, steal, mass protest, not social distance and face no repercussions? Anyone else ready to admit the coronavirus shutdown was a total joke? I'll hang up and listen. This world is full of hypocrites.

I am absolutely in love with Candice Owens. She actually might be the mythical Unicorn I've been looking for all my life. Of course I'm referring to the Beauty/Crazy scale for women.

On scales of 1 to 10, her beauty is on a 9.5 level. Her crazy meter is on a 2 or 3. My lord she is almost perfect.

I feel like a better person just for watching her.

I absolutely admire any black person that doesn't fall in step with the narrative put out by the DNC. They have much more to lose than just politics, they are going against the narrative followed by the culture of Black America. She has hung a label around her neck and people remember these labels. The same with any conservative thinking black person.

She is a hero to me, because I know other black people who feel exactly like she does, but fear the mob so they stay in step with black America and don't speak out openly. They don't speak out because they have too much to lose if they do. Good people, but they are not heroes. She is a hero. She is my definition of WOKE!!!!
Let me ask this then. What on earth do these people rioting expect to get accomplished out of these riots? Are they wanting some kind of absurd laws passed? Do they just like looting and stealing?

They think it's a good idea to abolish the police force. Yeah, that will work out well for everyone. Idiots.
Bad cops are a problem. Most of the bad ones have a rap sheet of complaints. They can't be fired because of the public sector police unions. The left has created a never ending cycle of stupid. The dude that killed Floyd had 18 complaints against him but was denied termination because his union backed him up. Big government is broken. How about this, get rid of the police union and fire cops with too many complaints. No rioting needed. My invoice is in the mail.
Bad cops are a problem. Most of the bad ones have a rap sheet of complaints. They can't be fired because of the public sector police unions. The left has created a never ending cycle of stupid. The dude that killed Floyd had 18 complaints against him but was denied termination because his union backed him up. Big government is broken. How about this, get rid of the police union and fire cops with too many complaints. No rioting needed. My invoice is in the mail.

Then who ya gonna get to help the Public on crime? GhostBusters? Maybe a national Police force would be the answer, but then, you could find something wrong there also, be too much a military issue like, there is a lotta great Police officers out there, just not enough, the problem is anyone can file a complaint regardless if its true or not and thats a hazard to the Officer to even try to work if ya gotta defend your self from criminals and the public...who knows the answer, maybe go back to the old west style law and take care of your own biz...
Then who ya gonna get to help the Public on crime? GhostBusters? Maybe a national Police force would be the answer, but then, you could find something wrong there also, be too much a military issue like, there is a lotta great Police officers out there, just not enough, the problem is anyone can file a complaint regardless if its true or not and thats a hazard to the Officer to even try to work if ya gotta defend your self from criminals and the public...who knows the answer, maybe go back to the old west style law and take care of your own biz...

Well Stranger, the way it's going now isn't working either.

We need to hold cops accountable, but we can't keep cops accountable. What the hell kind of sense does that make?

I would say that a cop with more than a handful of complaints is a problem and there isn't some conspiracy to load up the filing department.
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Call it systemic racism or whatever, there are parts of the country where racism is rampant. There are parts where it isn't. Ignoring it won't make it better for anyone. Being the "yeah, but" person won't help either. It takes very little effort to listen and ask legitimate questions of concerns that are brought up.

We have no idea the amount of groups that infiltrated the protests and sparked the riots and looting. But I'd bet good money there were plenty of them.

I don't agree with everything these protesters are clamoring for, but you damn well better believe I support their right to assemble and protest. And again I find it ironic that the "don't believe the MSM and their propaganda" crowd are many of the same ones that believe the MSM propaganda in regards to the protesting/movement.
Seems to me we could find a middle ground here. How about an international police force and adopting the nuts and bolts of sharia law as a starting point?
Let me ask this then. What on earth do these people rioting expect to get accomplished out of these riots? Are they wanting some kind of absurd laws passed? Do they just like looting and stealing?
I see three different things happening here, somewhat on a continuum.

Peaceful Protesting - what the majority are currently doing. Large gatherings or marches so proclaim a message. Problem is, this is easy to ignore, gloss over, or say, oh that's nice.

Rioting - protesting where things get a little more physical. There may be violence by cops against protesters and visa versa. Collateral damage to buildings or cars. Often causes more people to seriously take notice and historically has been required for major change to occur (see Civil Rights era and the civil rights act that came only after rioting.

Looting - a crime of opportunity when the above rioting is taking place. It isn't an action looking for change or the greater good, just a self serving action. It has no place in all of this and is taking away from the overall message.

Unfortunately, it seems that rioting and looting is being instigated by all parties involved - white supremacists who want to distract from the cause, people of color and whites seeing the opportunity to get "stuff", police who are tipping protests into violence by using unnecessary force against peaceful participants.
Ever read Mein Kampf? Justication for the repression of others based on race is evil. It's been tried before.
I haven't read it, I'm sure it is an interesting perspective and a good study of things to avoid.

The repression of others we still see in this country is less explicit than the Nazi regimen which makes it harder to identify and easier to justify.
I see three different things happening here, somewhat on a continuum.

Peaceful Protesting - what the majority are currently doing. Large gatherings or marches so proclaim a message. Problem is, this is easy to ignore, gloss over, or say, oh that's nice.

Rioting - protesting where things get a little more physical. There may be violence by cops against protesters and visa versa. Collateral damage to buildings or cars. Often causes more people to seriously take notice and historically has been required for major change to occur (see Civil Rights era and the civil rights act that came only after rioting.

Looting - a crime of opportunity when the above rioting is taking place. It isn't an action looking for change or the greater good, just a self serving action. It has no place in all of this and is taking away from the overall message.

Unfortunately, it seems that rioting and looting is being instigated by all parties involved - white supremacists who want to distract from the cause, people of color and whites seeing the opportunity to get "stuff", police who are tipping protests into violence by using unnecessary force against peaceful participants.

Collateral damage. Good word. I've used that. The world has long been a violent place, specifically those who want radical change, or those that wish to keep their authoritarian shackles on its citizens.

Thankfully we're not seeing either of those things currently, lol.
Collateral damage. Good word. I've used that. The world has long been a violent place, specifically those who want radical change, or those that wish to keep their authoritarian shackles on its citizens.

Thankfully we're not seeing either of those things currently, lol.

These riots were less about Mr. Floyd and more about general poverty. It's going to get worse before it gets better. The pie is shrinking atm and everyone wants a piece. Expect more and worse unrest.
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Fed up with what? The need to get an education and work hard to be successful?

This is such a short sighted POV.

The rate of salary vs. the cost of living is asinine. Government (Executive Branch) keeps getting bigger and bigger. Insurance premiums continue to skyrocket. We just set ourselves up for an insane inflation period. Law Enforcement continues to chip away at our individual rights.

Classes are getting further split. We can choose to ignore it altogether and have a serious revolution, or we can choose to accept some things need a reformation and tackle it now.
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This is such a short sighted POV.

The rate of salary vs. the cost of living is asinine. Government (Executive Branch) keeps getting bigger and bigger. Insurance premiums continue to skyrocket. We just set ourselves up for an insane inflation period. Law Enforcement continues to chip away at our individual rights.

Classes are getting further split. We can choose to ignore it altogether and have a serious revolution, or we can choose to accept some things need a reformation and tackle it now.
The classes are getting split because of the choices they make. Choose to not get educated and sit around complaining about how unfair life is or take control and succeed in the world as it is.
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The classes are getting split because of the choices they make. Choose to not get educated and sit around complaining about how unfair life is or take control and succeed in the world as it is.

Good grief brushy, are you really this oblivious?

It's a wonderful theory to just go out there and get that 200k edumications and get yerself a business started right on up and make dem millens.

The cost of college in the last 10 years has increased disproportionately to the stagnant rise in wages. Insurance premiums are even worse. Now property taxes are increasing at a much higher rate.

Nobody is complaining about working here. My complaint is about the disproportionate rise of everything other than wages. It is ludicrous. It's even more ludicrous to ignore it and be short sighted as you're being.
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If this stuff on football teams starts escalating, then I look for FB to drop off for a while. Its gonna slow down as more Cono test come up positive, pretty we gonna be back where we started on Cono and then Sports will be over with, just a hindsight..

I am glad I am not connected to all this stuff going on, It seems as if they are after everyone from the White House, Police, Coaches etc..if ya can't keep Law and Order the right way,if someone looked at ya wrong way then we gonna be the Wild west again, Drawing guns in Costco parking Lot....Cactus Jack and Shiner Bob...someone buys the last eggs, well shoot his ass and put them in your basket...LOL and I forgot here comes the US Cavalry again to protect people, Hangings....etc and plenty of Liberty Valance's to go around.

My name is Matt Dillion , I work as a Marshal for 10 dollars a day and I got down to Kitty's and play with her titties and she takes my 10 dollars away...

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Corona has already proven to be not at all what was advertised. The WHO came out yesterday and said that asymptomatic people are not likely to spread the disease at all.

Time to open things up and quarantine only the people that are symptomatic.
Corona has already proven to be not at all what was advertised. The WHO came out yesterday and said that asymptomatic people are not likely to spread the disease at all.

Time to open things up and quarantine only the people that are symptomatic.
I saw that too.
What do you think the gold standard would look like with 7 billion people on earth? Do you think it is feasible?

A gold standard would have to be in digital form with the gold being held centrally. Otherwise gold would have to be made in such small denominations that it could be easily lost by citizens. The amount of gold in existence is about 3.5 olympic sized swimming pools. Anything in digital form is subject to manipulation. Who watches the watchers, right? I would love gold but how small will the coins have to be?

A commodity basket would seem a good option as it would help to stabilize commodity prices. It would have to be digital as well but manipulating all those markets would be more difficult for the bankers. However, there are problems here as well. Some markets are easily manipulated but a basket would have to be denominated by 30+ commodities.

Unfortunately, we are going to get a centralized banker owned blockchain currency. The old dollar is going to be inflated away to pay off debt but first, the bankers have to find a way to get the bonds they own paid in new digital dollars while we get the old inflated dollars. It's always the saver that gets kicked in the balls. The pandemic and riots were a setup for this... they just had to get the legislation passed legally. China is forcing their hand or so they say.

IMO, there will be a "fee" which is really an exchange rate to convert old dollars to blockchain dollars which separates the 2 as different currencies. We will be begging to get the blockchain dollar as prices skyrocket in old dollars as they inflate the "fee" higher and higher by creating more old digital but not blockchain dollars to pay off government debt.

Debt based currencies always abuse the poor the most, hence the problems with poverty across the world. A currency not tied to debt obligations but tied to a basket of commodities transfers purchasing power to laborers and away from financial alchemists like bankers by removing the interest payments due which are collected by excessive public taxation and inflation. Purchasing power is restored because one trades his labor for commodities instead of a promissory note which is a promise to pay interest at a later date.
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Bad cops are a problem. Most of the bad ones have a rap sheet of complaints. They can't be fired because of the public sector police unions. The left has created a never ending cycle of stupid. The dude that killed Floyd had 18 complaints against him but was denied termination because his union backed him up. Big government is broken. How about this, get rid of the police union and fire cops with too many complaints. No rioting needed. My invoice is in the mail.
Amy Klobuchar wouldn't prosecute him. Just like Art Acevado is still supporting the rest of the Houston narcotics squad.
Bad cops are a problem. Most of the bad ones have a rap sheet of complaints. They can't be fired because of the public sector police unions. The left has created a never ending cycle of stupid. The dude that killed Floyd had 18 complaints against him but was denied termination because his union backed him up. Big government is broken. How about this, get rid of the police union and fire cops with too many complaints. No rioting needed. My invoice is in the mail.
I can get on board with this post. On a side note, as far as choke holds etc. go, I talked to a law enforcement friend of mine and he reiterated to me that if you’re in a struggle with someone hopped up on PCP you use whatever means necessary to safely get the perp under control. If that means a chokehold so be it. Obviously within the realm of being reasonable about it and not over doing it.
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A gold standard would have to be in digital form with the gold being held centrally. Otherwise gold would have to be made in such small denominations that it could be easily lost by citizens. The amount of gold in existence is about 3.5 olympic sized swimming pools. Anything in digital form is subject to manipulation. Who watches the watchers, right?

A commodity basket would seem a good option as it would help to stabilize commodity prices. It would have to be digital as well but manipulating all those markets would be more difficult for the bankers.

Unfortunately, we are going to get a centralized banker owned blockchain currency. The old dollar is going to be inflated away to pay off debt but first, the bankers have to find a way to get the bonds they own paid in new digital dollars while we get the old inflated dollars. It's always the saver that gets kicked in the balls. The pandemic and riots were a setup for this... they just had to get the legislation passed legally. China is forcing their hand or so they say.

IMO, there will be a "fee" which is really an exchange rate to convert old dollars to blockchain dollars which separates the 2 as different currencies. You will be begging to get the blockchain dollar as prices skyrocket in old dollars as they inflate the "fee" higher and higher by creating more digital but not blockchain dollars to pay off government debt.

Debt based currencies always abuse the poor the most, hence the problems with poverty across the world. A currency not tied to debt obligations but tied to a basket of commodities transfers purchasing power to laborers and away from financial alchemists like bankers by removing the interest payments due which are collected by excessive public taxation and inflation. Purchasing power is restored because one trades his labor for commodities instead of a promissory note which is a promise to pay interest at a later date.
The book came out a long time ago, but it's still true. Read P.J. O'Rourke's ALL THE TROUBLE IN THE WORLD. By every standard, life is better today than ever. People live longer, children die less often, we work shorter hours. There is far less racial discrimination, in fact almost all remaining discrimination is "reverse".When I was in high school, the Dallas Cowboys played the Packers for the NFL championship in the Cotton Bowl. My dad and a friend had tickets. When the weatherman said a norther would put temps in the 20s with a stiff north wind, Daddy's friend said he wouldn't go, gave me his ticket. As we walked down the Midway, black scalpers stood with handfuls of 40 yard line tickets for $5. Nobody was buying. Today, Super Bowl tickets go for thousands. Because so many people can afford it. Only a government can screw it up.