Famous historical PHOTOS.....

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great thread. keep it up, fellas. i've copied at least 100 photos from this thread.
this is the best thread ever.. Ketch u can u please put this in the archives once its over.
Originally posted by PNG1992:
another MJ:


I lived across the street from Craig Ehloe growing up in Lubbock, cool picture.
First human x-ray 1896


Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly


Chrysler Building

Vietnamese Buddhist monk

Vietnamese Buddhist monk


Also a Rage Against the Machine album cover

Cocoanut Grove Fire in Boston, 1942 that killed 491 people.
Fall of the Berlin wall...


Baby Jessica (aka Jessica McClure) being rescued from the well in Texas

Photo of a young boy in the aftermath of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994...

The Siege on Waco...
First picture ever posted on the internet 1992

John Carlos and Tommie Smith giving the "Black Power Salute" at the 1968 Olympics

OK, folks, Help a brother out....

I'm not at my computer....at a public computer in the Cali desert!!! But have an awesome pic that NEEDS to be added to the group we've got going here...

Can I send it to one of ya'll so you can hang it? Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by UTtanker:
OK, folks, Help a brother out....

I'm not at my computer....at a public computer in the Cali desert!!! But have an awesome pic that NEEDS to be added to the group we've got going here...

Can I send it to one of ya'll so you can hang it? Thanks in advance.

The Horse Alan Ameeche score the winning touchdown in the 1958 NFL championship in overtime against the NY Giants. Often called "The Greatest Game Ever Played.

The first photograph in Yellowstone Park by Wm. H Jackson 1871. I knew his son Clarence.

Maybe I've overlooked it, but does anyone else find it weird Hornius Emeritus hasnt posted in this thread yet? He must have gotten eaten by that ghost dog or fat chick from the other day...
The beach of Normandy on D-Day. Still one of the most important days in the history of the world.


This post was edited on 5/15 6:44 PM by hookem233
More D-Day Photos



This is a photo of the statement General Eisenhower wrote in case D-Day failed. It was called "In Caseo f Failure". It was never needed.

Ensign Nimitz

Admiral Nimitz

Little known fact is that Chester Nimitz originally applied to West Point and was denied admission. I wonder how different the world would've been if that would have gone the other way?
Originally posted by hookem233:
More D-Day Photos

hookem233: Those are rare photos. The army had a bunch of correspondents that were embedded with the troops. They took lots of film of D-day as it happened. Unfortunately, it was all collected together and a LST was to take it back out to the flagship. The LST was swamped and overturned and it was all lost. A calamity. We wouldn't have needed Spielberg's movie if we had all of that.
The most decorated soldier of WWII, Audie Murphy. Grew up in the Farmersville/Greenville area of Texas.
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