Historic win against the Irish!!!

So in your estimation ND should have been awarded points for what you saw as targeting, and the game should have ended right then? I'm not aware of that rule. Also, you realize that what actually sent the game to overtime was a freakish blocked PAT return for safety. It was ND that was fortunate to get to overtime.
Come on man, if that is called its first and goal and Notre Dame had been running down Texas throat all night. They most likely score. Notre Dame blocked the kick..that's a special teams play, not luck or a no call.
To say there wouldnt have been overtime shows you to be naive.. I do find it amazing that you have such foresight to know what exactly would have happened based off of 1 friggin call going differently..... leave it to an aggy to diminish a Texas win by finding any argument they can make up.... I hope we catch you losers in a bowl and crush you... but your gutless AD and the SEC commish will make sure that you dont have to play us.. just like they did a cpl years back......
Texas deserved to win. If called though its first and goal. Texas didn't exactly stop Notre Dame all night. We are terrified of Texas. I don't know what we would do against your defense. A&M wouldn't sit and line up in a base defense and never blitz. Garrett would introduce himself. Again, enjoy the win but not sure many are scared of the mighty Texas right now.
Because I'm not ready to declare the defense as "unimproved" after one game I have orange colored glasses on? Don't think so

You mentioned in the game thread that we needed Tom Herrman. Now look I'm as big a tom Herrman fan as there is but if your main gripe is defense why are you so certain that he will fix the defense?

Like I said there are going to be people and you appear to be one that's just going to complain because they are not going to get what they wanted. As I've said in other threads 8 wins seems like the floor for this team. No way he gets fired after 8-10 wins I'm not even sure you'd want the current administration leading a football search anyway.
In your opinion, who do we lose to? W Virginia, TCU?
Desperation? It was a critical play of the game. There wouldn't have been overtime. You dodged a bullet. Read the rest. Nothing to diminish. Texas played well. Buechele played well. I was just curious as to why it wasn't called and really curious why it wasn't reviewed. Dont make it more than it is.

Damned funny that you say it wasnt reviewed when I was watching the review of the play over and over. I thought they were reviewing it to see if the man was down before the fumble.

Frankly, for a guy that had no dog in the fight I admire your tenacity....That game has been over for almost 24 hours and you are STILL trying to find a way for Texas to lose it....
Texas deserved to win. If called though its first and goal. Texas didn't exactly stop Notre Dame all night. We are terrified of Texas. I don't know what we would do against your defense. A&M wouldn't sit and line up in a base defense and never blitz. Garrett would introduce himself. Again, enjoy the win but not sure many are scared of the mighty Texas right now.
That hit was definitely helmet to helmet, I'm not sure if that alone is grounds for targeting but I don't feel like researching to find out. Also I'm not sure that shouldn't have been considered a touchdown?Not sure exactly what constitutes a catch by definition. He appeared to have possession when his feet came down with it?
Texas deserved to win. If called though its first and goal. Texas didn't exactly stop Notre Dame all night. We are terrified of Texas. I don't know what we would do against your defense. A&M wouldn't sit and line up in a base defense and never blitz. Garrett would introduce himself. Again, enjoy the win but not sure many are scared of the mighty Texas right now.

You tards ARE scared of us.... which is why you were slotted to be in a specific bowl after the rest of the SEC teams were slated... then it was discovered Texas would be in that game, so aggys magically went to a different bowl - AFTER being announced for one - which was a LESSER bowl with a smaller payout for a lower slotted team in your conference..... why would you willingly take a lesser bowl and less money unless you were afraid of something.. namely getting SMASHED like old times by Texas....

And our D did a better job of keeping ND in check than they did with ours... and so what it goes to 1st and goal.... you can garauntee ND would have punched it in and not fumbled or thrown a pick etc on the very next play? You and God are the only 2 omnipotent etc people I have ever heard of... your life must be amazing with that insight in to the future.. must have billions of dollars... model wife... big house, fancy cars.... most pwerful person on the planet... wait you arent any of those things... thats what I thought... kick rocks troll.
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Texas deserved to win. If called though its first and goal. Texas didn't exactly stop Notre Dame all night. We are terrified of Texas. I don't know what we would do against your defense. A&M wouldn't sit and line up in a base defense and never blitz. Garrett would introduce himself. Again, enjoy the win but not sure many are scared of the mighty Texas right now.

LOOK LOOK HE HAS A YOUTUBE VIDEO CLAMINING ILLEGAL HIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That makes it official..... seriously retard gtfo and go back to your trash site for your trash team built and run by cowards and hypocrites. You arent welcome here..... feel free to leave as I stated earlier.
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You tards ARE scared of us.... which is why you were slotted to be in a specific bowl after the rest of the SEC teams were slated... then it was discovered Texas would be in that game, so aggys magically went to a different bowl - AFTER being announced for one - which was a LESSER bowl with a smaller payout for a lower slotted team in your conference..... why would you willingly take a lesser bowl and less money unless you were afraid of something.. namely getting SMASHED like old times by Texas....

And our D did a better job of keeping ND in check than they did with ours... and so what it goes to 1st and goal.... you can garauntee ND would have punched it in and not fumbled or thrown a pick etc on the very next play? You and God are the only 2 omnipotent etc people I have ever heard of... your life must be amazing with that insight in to the future.. must have billions of dollars... model wife... big house, fancy cars.... most pwerful person on the planet... wait you arent any of those things... thats what I thought... kick rocks troll.
Notre Dame averaged 4.5 yards per carry. Do the math. It's not that hard.
You tards ARE scared of us.... which is why you were slotted to be in a specific bowl after the rest of the SEC teams were slated... then it was discovered Texas would be in that game, so aggys magically went to a different bowl - AFTER being announced for one - which was a LESSER bowl with a smaller payout for a lower slotted team in your conference..... why would you willingly take a lesser bowl and less money unless you were afraid of something.. namely getting SMASHED like old times by Texas....

And our D did a better job of keeping ND in check than they did with ours... and so what it goes to 1st and goal.... you can garauntee ND would have punched it in and not fumbled or thrown a pick etc on the very next play? You and God are the only 2 omnipotent etc people I have ever heard of... your life must be amazing with that insight in to the future.. must have billions of dollars... model wife... big house, fancy cars.... most pwerful person on the planet... wait you arent any of those things... thats what I thought... kick rocks troll.
Terrified. How would we move the ball against you guys. Whatever would our D-line do. Miles would be shut out for sure. Wow, 1 win has got you guys all excited
Notre Dame averaged 4.5 yards per carry. Do the math. It's not that hard.
Take away the one 60+ yard carry in the first quarter and that drops dramaticaly.. ND was also ougained by quite a bit.. we held the edge in rushing and passing etc....

Pull your head out of your rectum - its easier to breathe that way.... perhaps the lack of oxygen to your brain has messed up your cognitive functions.... you are fighting a losing argument and continue to do so bc you are an obsessed aggy determined to find reasons Texas should have lost a game they won....

and what part of kick rocks and leave didnt you understand troll? EVERYTHING you post here today has been a direct shot at why Texas should have lost.... gfy
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Terrified. How would we move the ball against you guys. Whatever would our D-line do. Miles would be shut out for sure. Wow, 1 win has got you guys all excited

Whatever helps you feel better about still being behind Texas in this State..... and we may never find out bc YOUR school hasnt got the guts to face Texas and EVERYONE got to see it when you ducked us in the bowl game... Hell een ESPN made craks about you guys ducking us when it happened... but hey reality, facts etc dont factor in to aggy logic....
Whatever helps you feel better about still being behind Texas in this State..... and we may never find out bc YOUR school hasnt got the guts to face Texas and EVERYONE got to see it when you ducked us in the bowl game... Hell een ESPN made craks about you guys ducking us when it happened... but hey reality, facts etc dont factor in to aggy logic....
Haven't been behind you the past 4 years. sfill. Aren't ahead this year. ESPN...hmm who do they have a vested interest in?? Longhorn network is a part of what network?? Classic
Come on man, if that is called its first and goal and Notre Dame had been running down Texas throat all night. They most likely score. Notre Dame blocked the kick..that's a special teams play, not luck or a no call.
In your opinion a PAT attempt not only being blocked, but falling to the ground in play, and happens to fall in front of and bounce perfectly to a player who has enough speed t take it all the way back for a safety isn't good luck? I can remember that happening one other time in 15 years of watching Texas play. It wasnt part of any plan or strategy to tie the game, it was a gift.
You say that in the same post as saying that a no call on a play for a personal foul cost ND the game. I think it just might be possible that you are a little bitter.
Just ask your conference mates who were all laughing at you scared girls. That you people still try to deny what happened that bowl season is beyond hilarious. Just a testament to your complete and I mean COMPLETE dishonesty.
Bell it wasn't helmet to helmet and you have to complete the catch all the way thru.
Huh? It sure looks like it on the video above? Not saying it was targeting because I'm not exactly sure what that definition is. I assume It would obviously have to mean hitting a defenseless player with intent to harm?
The haters always want to obsess over calls they wanted to go against Texas and completely ignore calls that could've gone our way. Calls go both ways. Every game.
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No it doesn't. He hits him with his shoulder from the side. Definitely not helmet to helmet
Sure I guess that one was as well. I don't think it was as obvious or as pivotal. I honestly don't remember, did Texas score on that drive or not? I'm not saying either one was or wasn't but last year you couldn't fart on anyone without getting a targeting call and that was as blatant as you could get and no call. Just wondering what the rule is. Texas deserved to win. Just trying to understand the call

It was more obvious than this one, as there was zero doubt even without replay. And it was pretty f*cking pivotal, given that the result was ND getting the ball at our 6 and scoring a TD three plays later.
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It was more obvious than this one, as there was zero doubt even without replay. And it was pretty f*cking pivotal, given that the result was ND getting the ball at our 6 and scoring a TD three plays later.
Unfair. 15 yard penalty for using honesty and logic.
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Haven't been behind you the past 4 years. sfill. Aren't ahead this year. ESPN...hmm who do they have a vested interest in?? Longhorn network is a part of what network?? Classic

This is really rich coming from an aggie. Lets see you had one big season in 2012 and as you aggies are prone to do when you're good in fb you overreacted. We wrts you let everyone know it. But a funny thing happened on the way to the coronation.

In the first year, 2013, Baylor passed you up.

In the second year, 2014, Baylor and then TCU passed you up. Remember TCU that was the team we replaced you with. The same TCU that is not only better than you in fb but has beaten in you in baseball the last two years to get to the CWS.

In the third year, 2015, Baylor, TCU and now the Houston Cougars have passed you up and this is just one state I'm talking about.

And this year we will assume our rightful place ahead of you. All of you've done the last three years is that you've done better than Texas. Who hasn't.

Three months from now you'll be in fifth place in your own state. Lord knows what place you're going to be in the SEC.

Your last second bowl change a cpl years ago was well documented and discussed... national media was basically laughing at yall bc to everyone NOT wearing maroon, you ducked us bc you were chickenshit.. those are facts, feel free to look it up and feel the shame all over again.....

and what difference does it make who ESPN has vested interest in?(*cough*cough* SEC NETWORK) Seems you forget all the sack riding they do for your conference.. but either way they were one of the people mocking aggy over bailing on the bowl game...

You have YET to refute anything said to this point.. just deflect and try to troll... why dont you just leave before you get an admin assisted leave of absense from here?
A couple more missed calls in ND's favor.

The gunner being held on the long punt return. If that was called that is a 50 yard change in field position.

Then OL illegally down field on the screen pass for a TD in OT. That is 3 OL 4 or more yards downfield while the ball is still in the air.

I agree with this. I was at Texas during the VY era. Texas didn't do that after beating Ohio State in the shoe at night. There are many other ways to celebrate without making it look like you won the Super Bowl.
Could you be a bigger kill joy? I was there when Earl Campbell won the Heisman. So what? It's a different culture now. This team and Charlie Strong have been skewered in the media and by its own alumni for two years, led by that racist old man, Red McCombs.

Texas beat perhaps the most storied program in college football, ranked #10, on a rare Sunday night, garnering better ratings than the NFL. Your comment reeks of "act like you've been there before". Well, they HAVEN'T! This is new. You personify what is wrong with Texas fan base. Always critical. Never happy.

A few years ago, when Nate Boyer was honored at half time with the Big 12 Sportsman of the Year Award, I watched in horror and embarrassment, from my seat in section 1, that the fat cat alums, with seats between the 20s, did not even get off their sorry asses to stand up and applaud. That would never happen at Notre Dame or (and it pains me to admit it) at A&M.

This is the new normal. Love it or leave it.
Yeah, and it's pretty obvious too. For someone who isn't willfully blind, that is.
In the game thread I said it wasn't targeting but I guess you were too busy hiding under the bed at that moment to realize. However when you look at it from the angle presented above, there is clearly helmet to helmet contact made but the shoulder makes contact about the same time so the refs called it the way they did. But don't act like it is clearly not helmet to helmet because it's really damn close and could have gone either way. Again I called it during real game time as not targeting while you and Scholz where nowhere to be found but here you both are full of bravado AFTER the game, who would have guessed?
No it doesn't. He hits him with his shoulder from the side. Definitely not helmet to helmet
It's damn close and could have gone either way.I called it not targeting during the game but it's damn close but to definitely say it isn't helmet to helmet is a bit of a stretch
And OU was Preseason No. 3, what's your point. No way is ND's offense considered good under any scenario. Nice win for the Horns but hardly one of the best in CFB history as alluded to by the OP. And yes tge hoisting is Louisville-ish not what a blue blood team should be doing.
My reply to 4MNChampsHorn applies to you too. Get over the "blue blood team" crap. This is college football, not the Queen's rugby league.
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