Ivermectin kills Covid?

Beeston!, repurposed drugs have had little high powered data research applied to their use because there is no money in them.

Yep and read the side effects to Ivermctin. Hardly none. It’s terrifying that our MDs and patients haven’t revolted considering the death toll in our beloved country. But it wouldn’t be the first time this has happened in the good ole US of A. The HIV cocktail was around years before it was allowed to be actively prescribed. Shit a movie was made about it. Millions died unnecessarily.
I know it’s been posted on here plenty of times but this looks compelling. Australia’s has been using it the since April and has less than 1k deaths. They have a population close to Canada who has 13k deaths. Watch this video. Dude on here seems angry and his testimony is a bit aggressive but if he’s right it will change the virus.

Cliffs? Is this a drug you take if you test positive?
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Our politicians are bought and paid for by big Pharma. They are ignoring treatments and preventive drugs that are repurposed because most are so cheap they almost give them away. So they make up all kinds of bullshit excuses to fight the use of these drugs. The FDA and CDC are knee deep in big Parma $$$ as well. It's a crying shame people of little money are dying because docs refuse to buck the trend and their political influences and treat these patients with inexpensive but effective anti viral propagation drugs, like hydroxy and this drug.

Let me be clear - the CDC and our state public health officials are killing people due to their silence. They have withheld valuable life-saving information for months. They have this country's attention every evening on the airwaves, yet I have not seen a single press conference or recommendation that tells people the things they can do right now to decrease their own morbidity and mortality due to COVID.

The extent of their advice is to wear a mask and socially distance.

We know with COMPLETE CERTAINTY that if you suffer from metabolic syndrome (obesity, high blood pressure, uncontrolled blood sugar, etc.), you have a poor prognosis compared to people who get COVID who do not have metabolic syndrome.

CDC and public health officials have had ten months to tell Americans in a frank manner - "Get healthy. Lose weight. Exercise. You can significantly decrease your risk of death due to COVID."

They should have also told Americans to significantly cut back on alcohol consumption, to stop smoking, to sleep eight hours a night, to practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation. We know for certain that doing these things makes the immune system much more effective.

Had they advised the above, they would have saved lives. Period. Would Americans have complied? Yes, some of them would have, and the rest would have known that they could actually have a hand in their own COVID outcome beyond simply wearing a mask.

Instead of empowering Americans, the CDC and state public health agencies have acted with complete impotence. They should be eternally ashamed of their failure, and we must demand an accounting for what passes for public health in this country.

Beyond the most obvious recommendations above, which should have been made daily with the regularity of a drum beat, they might have then considered offering the following advice:

- Buy a pulse oximeter and thermometer for your home in advance of getting sick. Having access to your O2 saturation will help physicians quickly assess your condition remotely. Regular self monitoring of O2 levels will help you get intervention before it is too late. Seeking help too late has killed countless COVID patients.

- You may be well-served to consider supplementation. People living in northern latitudes, darker-skinned individuals, and the elderly are typically deficient in Vitamin D, due to an impaired synthesis from the sun. In consultation with your physician, you may consider supplementation with Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc, as many physicians around the country are advising.

- If you get COVID, you may avoid the fatal blood clots that have killed thousands of Americans by taking a daily baby Aspirin. Again, you should speak with your physician about this, particularly if you have been treated for a clotting disorder.

The three points above are incredibly low-risk and low-cost recommendations that are being made by private physicians around the world, yet are not being discussed at all by public health officials. People are being diagnosed with COVID, sent home, and told to go to the hospital if they have trouble breathing. They are not told to consult with a physician. They know of no therapeutic options available to them. Sit at home and wait. That is the sum total of medical advice given most COVID patients, and it is killing them.

Does ivermectin work? Possibly. The thing is, people are discrediting it because our public health officials have not approved and promoted it. Of course, they haven't approved and promoted any other treatments either. Just this week, the CDC FINALLY changed their webpage and told patients that they could take over the counter fever reducers with COVID. Previously, their website stated that patients with COVID should take NOTHING unless they were in a clinical trial.

That is insane, and the biggest public health failure of our lifetime.
Our politicians are bought and paid for by big Pharma. They are ignoring treatments and preventive drugs that are repurposed because most are so cheap they almost give them away. So they make up all kinds of bullshit excuses to fight the use of these drugs. The FDA and CDC are knee deep in big Parma $$$ as well. It's a crying shame people of little money are dying because docs refuse to buck the trend and their political influences and treat these patients with inexpensive but effective anti viral propagation drugs, like hydroxy and this drug.

Let me be clear - the CDC and our state public health officials are killing people due to their silence. They have withheld valuable life-saving information for months. They have this country's attention every evening on the airwaves, yet I have not seen a single press conference or recommendation that tells people the things they can do right now to decrease their own morbidity and mortality due to COVID.

The extent of their advice is to wear a mask and socially distance.

We know with COMPLETE CERTAINTY that if you suffer from metabolic syndrome (obesity, high blood pressure, uncontrolled blood sugar, etc.), you have a poor prognosis compared to people who get COVID who do not have metabolic syndrome.

CDC and public health officials have had ten months to tell Americans in a frank manner - "Get healthy. Lose weight. Exercise. You can significantly decrease your risk of death due to COVID."

They should have also told Americans to significantly cut back on alcohol consumption, to stop smoking, to sleep eight hours a night, to practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation. We know for certain that doing these things makes the immune system much more effective.

Had they advised the above, they would have saved lives. Period. Would Americans have complied? Yes, some of them would have, and the rest would have known that they could actually have a hand in their own COVID outcome beyond simply wearing a mask.

Instead of empowering Americans, the CDC and state public health agencies have acted with complete impotence. They should be eternally ashamed of their failure, and we must demand an accounting for what passes for public health in this country.

Beyond the most obvious recommendations above, which should have been made daily with the regularity of a drum beat, they might have then considered offering the following advice:

- Buy a pulse oximeter and thermometer for your home in advance of getting sick. Having access to your O2 saturation will help physicians quickly assess your condition remotely. Regular self monitoring of O2 levels will help you get intervention before it is too late. Seeking help too late has killed countless COVID patients.

- You may be well-served to consider supplementation. People living in northern latitudes, darker-skinned individuals, and the elderly are typically deficient in Vitamin D, due to an impaired synthesis from the sun. In consultation with your physician, you may consider supplementation with Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc, as many physicians around the country are advising.

- If you get COVID, you may avoid the fatal blood clots that have killed thousands of Americans by taking a daily baby Aspirin. Again, you should speak with your physician about this, particularly if you have been treated for a clotting disorder.

The three points above are incredibly low-risk and low-cost recommendations that are being made by private physicians around the world, yet are not being discussed at all by public health officials. People are being diagnosed with COVID, sent home, and told to go to the hospital if they have trouble breathing. They are not told to consult with a physician. They know of no therapeutic options available to them. Sit at home and wait. That is the sum total of medical advice given most COVID patients, and it is killing them.

Does ivermectin work? Possibly. The thing is, people are discrediting it because our public health officials have not approved and promoted it. Of course, they haven't approved and promoted any other treatments either. Just this week, the CDC FINALLY changed their webpage and told patients that they could take over the counter fever reducers with COVID. Previously, their website stated that patients with COVID should take NOTHING unless they were in a clinical trial.

That is insane, and the biggest public health failure of our lifetime.

Jesus... great post!
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I know a guy that was just given this last week with COVID. He got a lot better. It’s a part of an inpatient protocol being used inpatient. The paranoia espoused in this thread seems unfounded. This is being used and with success.
Would a 98%+ survival be considered "tremendous efficacy"?

98%+ of all people who get Covid survive if they drink Camel Urine (used in the Arabian Peninsula as a medicine for centuries, and recently touted as a Covid cure).

98%+ of all people who get Covid survive if they do nothing but each chicken soup.

It is really, really hard to know how effective a proposed medicine is when the survival rate for the illness is 98%+.

This is why people thought HCL cured Covid. 98%+ of all people who got Covid and took HCL survived. And if I get Covid and my doctor gives me a choice between HCL and Camel Urine, I'll probably take the HCL.
Amazing that 9 months into this, people still can’t figure this part out. I guess as a society it’s just too difficult to comprehend such things. Just like it’s difficult to understand that a flu vaccine protects others more than yourself, that your individual risk to Covid-19 is very low but to risk to society as a whole is very large.
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Amazing that 9 months into this, people still can’t figure this part out. I guess as a society it’s just too difficult to comprehend such things. Just like it’s difficult to understand that a flu vaccine protects others more than yourself, that your individual risk to Covid-19 is very low but to risk to society as a whole is very large.

Are you suggesting that we don’t try therapeutics? Just sit back and die? Bc that’s what it sounds like. Can you give me reason why MDs haven’t prescribed medication like this even though it’s been proven to work in Australia? Are we below Australia when it comes to civilized healthcare? Bc it seems that way.
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Yep and read the side effects to Ivermctin. Hardly none. It’s terrifying that our MDs and patients haven’t revolted considering the death toll in our beloved country. But it wouldn’t be the first time this has happened in the good ole US of A. The HIV cocktail was around years before it was allowed to be actively prescribed. Shit a movie was made about it. Millions died unnecessarily.
Population control?
And keep posting bs conspiracy theories about a topic that’s killing Americans.

There’s no theory. Check the numbers for yourself and tell us why Australia has a death toll that’s 13 times less than a country like Canada (who’s also on lockdown). I’ll sit back and listen if you have a compelling argument. But you go ahead and post some idiotic gif instead of contributing.
There’s no theory. Check the numbers for yourself and tell us why Australia has a death toll that’s 13 times less than a country like Canada (who’s also on lockdown). I’ll sit back and listen if you have a compelling argument. But you go ahead and post some idiotic gif instead of contributing.
You posting videos isn’t proof of anything. You really think there’s a conspiracy by the American medical community?
Would a 98%+ survival be considered "tremendous efficacy"?

98%+ of all people who get Covid survive if they drink Camel Urine (used in the Arabian Peninsula as a medicine for centuries, and recently touted as a Covid cure).

98%+ of all people who get Covid survive if they do nothing but each chicken soup.

It is really, really hard to know how effective a proposed medicine is when the survival rate for the illness is 98%+.

This is why people thought HCL cured Covid. 98%+ of all people who got Covid and took HCL survived. And if I get Covid and my doctor gives me a choice between HCL and Camel Urine, I'll probably take the HCL.
Which is why we shut the country down. Oh wait...
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You posting videos isn’t proof of anything. You really think there’s a conspiracy by the American medical community?

Look at the numbers of deaths per population and you tell me. US has 25 times the death/population that Australia has. I’m not saying everyone in the medical community was contrite in allowing this to happen but no MDs are prescribing any of these proven therapeutics and that’s a problem. Who’s at fault? I have no idea but it certainly makes no sense.
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I guess we should just all by taking anti-parasite drugs. I have been following the FB group that talks about Joe Tippens cancer protocal - Panacur (dog dewormer), curcumin and CBD. It is certainly not a cure all but there are a lot of success stories and even the ones that succumbed think that it helped them alot. For those not familiar with that one there is a monster thread on the MB but also here is his blog - https://www.mycancerstory.rocks/
Look at the numbers of deaths per population and you tell me. US has 25 times the death/population that Australia has.
I’m not saying everyone in the medical community was contrite in allowing this to happen but no MDs are prescribing any of these proven therapeutics and that’s a problem. Who’s at fault? I have no idea but it certainly makes no sense.

You take Australia’s approach to therapeutics and we have 30k deaths instead of 300k deaths. And that’s only 10 times less just to give some lee way. You don’t see anything wrong?
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Look at the numbers of deaths per population and you tell me. US has 25 times the death/population that Australia has.
I’m not saying everyone in the medical community was contrite in allowing this to happen but no MDs are prescribing any of these proven therapeutics and that’s a problem. Who’s at fault? I have no idea but it certainly makes no sense.
I know it’s been posted on here plenty of times but this looks compelling. Australia has been using it the since April and has less than 1k deaths. They have a population close to Canada who has 13k deaths. Watch this video. Dude on here seems angry and his testimony is a bit aggressive but if he’s right it will change the virus.

As an Australian MD living/working in a public hospital in the worst hit city in the country, I can assure you that our success in mitigating this virus is primarily (by a long long margin) the result of universal acceptance of social distancing, business shutdowns, regular (fortnightly) government stimulus and stay at home orders.

These allowed our caseloads to remain at manageable levels for hospitals, to maintain optimal treatment, as well as making relative elimination of the virus feasible (Melbourne has not had any community transmission for >40 days now - our only active cases are returned travellers currently in quarantine).

Containing the virus is possible, but relies on active buy in from the vast majority, and this is completely dependent on government support.