Ivermectin kills Covid?

Or you can go over to Tractor Supply and pick it up. It’s what many use as heart worm prevention. But I might hold off on that for awhile.

I forgot about them. It's still cheaper to get it from her though. Free is free, right? (Unsure what the state board says about giving that stuff out.) But at least one member here didn't like my joke haha
Look at the numbers of deaths per population and you tell me. US has 25 times the death/population that Australia has. I’m not saying everyone in the medical community was contrite in allowing this to happen but no MDs are prescribing any of these proven therapeutics and that’s a problem. Who’s at fault? I have no idea but it certainly makes no sense.

Apples and oranges

1) America has significantly higher population density than Australia
2) America has colder temperatures than Australia
3) Strayans talk funny
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Always Fox, always in a lab coat. Remarkable consistency.
There is plenty of Covid hypocrisy to go around.

Liberals think that the virus is so deadly that we must shut down the economy, forgo our jobs, and not meet for church or family gatherings. Yet, we cannot explore new our alternative treatments. And we cannot skip any drug test protocols, because there may be side effects that harm individuals. So, what is it? Is the virus truly deadly? Or is it just an excuse for the government to exercise more control over our lives?
As a physician, who actually sees and treats covid, it’s annoying to see another display of ineptitude regarding random treatments that have no evidence.

I’ve gotten covid and it ain’t fun. But I’d never give myself, nor my patients, HCQ or ivermectin.

Oh, it’s still not a hoax. And we are gonna lose a lot of people over the next couple months.
As a physician, who actually sees and treats covid, it’s annoying to see another display of ineptitude regarding random treatments that have no evidence.

I’ve gotten covid and it ain’t fun. But I’d never give myself, nor my patients, HCQ or ivermectin.

Oh, it’s still not a hoax. And we are gonna lose a lot of people over the next couple months.

Interesting, what do you prescribe for your Covid patients then?
Interesting, what do you prescribe for your Covid patients then?

If they are admitted, they’ll get steroids. Supportive management. Option of remdesivir and plasma, but I don’t think those two products do much. Sometimes we enroll them in a trial if ID wants to, but ours is done. There are way more therapeutic options at academic centers.

we just laugh or get annoyed when patients ask for HCQ. and if we see any physician prescribe it we know they are trash physicians.
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I'm sorry to hear that for your friend and what were the contributing factors in that family?
Why the sorry for your loss, but ”what were the contributing factors” (i.e they were about to die anyway)? maybe the contributing factor for some is Covid? Maybe they all or some had underlying conditions, but why does that minimize the situation?
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I'm sorry to hear that for your friend and what were the contributing factors in that family?
Thanks. Covid in a very wealthy family in India. I've posted numerous times you cannot trust the Covid numbers once you leave the West and certain countries in Asia.

Another friend lost his 80 year old healthy mother in Indiana a couple of weeks ago. They had a ten person family wedding in which the bride and groom took their vows with undiagnosed Covid. 6 people came down with Covid and granny died within two weeks

My SIL is in isolation at MD Anderson with Covid at the moment.

If you're an old or have older relatives I wouldn't have a cavalier attitude regarding Covid
Why the sorry for your loss, but ”what were the contributing factors” (i.e they were about to die anyway)? maybe the contributing factor for some is Covid? Maybe they all or some had underlying conditions, but why does that minimize the situation?
It doesn't minimize it and wasn't intended to but that doesn't change the fact that they most likely had pre-existing conditions.

My issue is with the continued politicization of an illness that has a very high survival rate and is being used as an excuse control the populace (not talking about masks which people should wear.) The "cure" is FAR FAR more damaging than the disease in the form of an alarming uptick in suicides (ESPECIALLY child suicides), drug and alcohol addictions, undetected cancers from missed Doctors appointments, and an untold and yet to be realized economic toll due to small business failures.

Noone is shaking their fist about people's livelihoods being destroyed or over suicides due to lockdowns, etc. Scroll through the forum and compare the number of threads on that vs. COVID is the end of the world threads. COVID pales in comparison to the other problems that have been created because of the handling of it.
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Thanks. Covid in a very wealthy family in India. I've posted numerous times you cannot trust the Covid numbers once you leave the West and certain countries in Asia.

Another friend lost his 80 year old healthy mother in Indiana a couple of weeks ago. They had a ten person family wedding in which the bride and groom took their vows with undiagnosed Covid. 6 people came down with Covid and granny died within two weeks

My SIL is in isolation at MD Anderson with Covid at the moment.

If you're an old or have older relatives I wouldn't have a cavalier attitude regarding Covid
Im 48 and my attitude isn't cavalier as I have a Father with pre-existing conditions that will certainly seal his fate if he contracts COVID.

Read my other posts in this thread. I have an issue with the politicization and mishandling of the COVID response and the effects that that mishandling has caused which massively eclipse the COVID death numbers.
Would a 98%+ survival be considered "tremendous efficacy"?

98%+ of all people who get Covid survive if they drink Camel Urine (used in the Arabian Peninsula as a medicine for centuries, and recently touted as a Covid cure).

98%+ of all people who get Covid survive if they do nothing but each chicken soup.

It is really, really hard to know how effective a proposed medicine is when the survival rate for the illness is 98%+.

This is why people thought HCL cured Covid. 98%+ of all people who got Covid and took HCL survived. And if I get Covid and my doctor gives me a choice between HCL and Camel Urine, I'll probably take the HCL.
I would change Doctors.
Ha yeah right. I’m saying this MD says it works and has a mountain of evidence. If you wish to disprove him go ahead. But to sit here and watch Americans we know get Covid and realize we have no treatment when other countries do is pathetic.
But throwing shit up against a wall just to see what sticks isn’t much of a plan
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Im 48 and my attitude isn't cavalier as I have a Father with pre-existing conditions that will certainly seal his fate if he contracts COVID.

Read my other posts in this thread. I have an issue with the politicization and mishandling of the COVID response and the effects that that mishandling has caused which massively eclipse the COVID death numbers.
I don’t know your dad. Maybe he’s in a nursing home with metastatic cancer. But almost everyone over the age of 70 has pre-existing conditions. Diabetes, hypertension, CAD. The survival rate of patients over the age of 70 that contract COVID is greater than 95% according to the CDC.
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Apparently some countries do. Especially when there’s literally no side effects or risks in the medicine.
Ivermectin is used as an antiparasitic in people. Gotta be careful using due to risk of seizures. Kids are more susceptible to its neurotoxicity.
Not sure I’d call it “risk free”.
Our politicians are bought and paid for by big Pharma. They are ignoring treatments and preventive drugs that are repurposed because most are so cheap they almost give them away. So they make up all kinds of bullshit excuses to fight the use of these drugs. The FDA and CDC are knee deep in big Parma $$$ as well. It's a crying shame people of little money are dying because docs refuse to buck the trend and their political influences and treat these patients with inexpensive but effective anti viral propagation drugs, like hydroxy and this drug.

Dexamethasone and azithromycin are two of the mainstays of inpatient treatment. Both are “repurposed” and cost pennies per pill. Hell—dexamethasone is older than most people on this board and almost as old as Rivals servers.

Before you ask, they haven’t been shown to help in an outpatient setting. If you’re not sick enough to Be in the hospital (e.g. hypoxic ), nothing really seems to help. That’s why there’s not a treatment yet for outpatient use.
I know a guy that was just given this last week with COVID. He got a lot better. It’s a part of an inpatient protocol being used inpatient. The paranoia espoused in this thread seems unfounded. This is being used and with success.
He had a 99% chance of getting better if his doctor gave him gumdrops. Not sure that means gumdrops fight COVID.

anything that has a very high survival rate without treatment, means you’re going to need to test tens of thousands of patients to try to tease out any difference in the natural survival rate and an new effective treatment.

“I know a guy” is almost laughable in its naïveté
Dexamethasone is commonly used in human medicine.
I laugh at every doctors thoughts, cause that is what they are. as on of the drs. said above "I would never do that" another says yea. The point is it might work for you or it might not. No one knows exactly but we keep getting sh!t shoved down our throats, when the majority of the time it is just an opinion. I had Covid in March. 5 days later back to normal
I laugh at every doctors thoughts, cause that is what they are. as on of the drs. said above "I would never do that" another says yea. The point is it might work for you or it might not. No one knows exactly but we keep getting sh!t shoved down our throats, when the majority of the time it is just an opinion. I had Covid in March. 5 days later back to normal
He had a 99% chance of getting better if his doctor gave him gumdrops. Not sure that means gumdrops fight COVID.

anything that has a very high survival rate without treatment, means you’re going to need to test tens of thousands of patients to try to tease out any difference in the natural survival rate and an new effective treatment.

“I know a guy” is almost laughable in its naïveté

Several condescending posts in a row. Ok. I’m pointing out to the condescending guy earlier that assuming only expensive products for a harmless disease are not accurate descriptions of this pathogen or the measures being considered to create it.

My friend had fought it for 7 days and took a turn for the worse. His physician took a stronger approach with aspects of this protocolhttps://covid19criticalcare.com/math-hospital-treatment/pdf-translations/. My friend got much better in 36 hours. His physician and family were planning to have him admitted to Methodist here in Houston if he got any worse. This is now a data point for a publication.

I know we don’t all know each other here. But, there’s a decent chance some of us have had strong careers and maybe know more than we’re showing. I’ve very aware of clinical trials, implementation sciences, life science product development, and FDA approval. Maybe holster your naiveté.
Praising article about ivermectin back from 2011. Gives a good history of the drug.

Couple of excerpts -

"There are few drugs that can seriously lay claim to the title of ‘Wonder drug’, penicillin and aspirin being two that have perhaps had greatest beneficial impact on the health and wellbeing of Mankind. But ivermectin can also be considered alongside those worthy contenders, based on its versatility, safety and the beneficial impact that it has had, and continues to have, worldwide—especially on hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people "

"Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use. Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by non-medical staff and even illiterate individuals in remote rural communities, provided that they have had some very basic, appropriate training. "
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Just thought I would bump this thread from a couple weeks ago bc so many of our brethren here are coming down with the Vid. I know some Drs are starting to prescribe this cheap, safe, and effective drug now.
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My in laws both used Ivermec when they began feeling bad and had been in real close contact. They are believers.
It was months ago.
Right now, yes. We are reopening because we have had no community cases for approx 6 weeks. Prior to that we had a 3-month lockdown. Kids were schooled via zoom, grocery shopping was permitted with online shopping (either delivered, or delivered to your car at drive through) for at-risk groups. We weren't permitted to be more than 5km from our homes (permits for work, partners, other extenuating circumstances also permitted), and exercise was supposed to be (I'm not aware of it being enforced) for no more than an hour per day. Restaurants could operate for takeaway only, retail was not allowed in-store (most offered online purchasing for delivery/store pickup).

Most importantly, those who were not able to maintain work, or had significant reduction in working hours, received around $750 (approx 500usd) weekly in government stimulus.

This might all sound extreme (it is) but we have reached an incredible goal. I'm sure folks will bark about the economy, but things have picked up rapidly, real estate is soaring, and we are now living some semblance of a normal life.

Is real estate soaring because of beating covid or lack of inventory on the market because people were scared to sell their homes?

Real estate is absolutely soaring in Austin also. Has zero to do with how well the overall economy in Austin is doing.
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