Ivermectin kills Covid?

As an Australian MD living/working in a public hospital in the worst hit city in the country, I can assure you that our success in mitigating this virus is primarily (by a long long margin) the result of universal acceptance of social distancing, business shutdowns, regular (fortnightly) government stimulus and stay at home orders.
These allowed our caseloads to remain at manageable levels for hospitals, to maintain optimal treatment, as well as making relative elimination of the virus feasible (Melbourne has not had any community transmission for >40 days now - our only active cases are returned travellers currently in quarantine).

Containing the virus is possible, but relies on active buy in from the vast majority, and this is completely dependent on government support.

Fantastic, are you allowed to prescribe therapeutics like Ivermectin or other anti parasitic meds? Bc we’re not allowed to here in the US.
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I know it’s been posted on here plenty of times but this looks compelling. Australia has been using it the since April and has less than 1k deaths. They have a population close to Canada who has 13k deaths. Watch this video. Dude on here seems angry and his testimony is a bit aggressive but if he’s right it will change the virus.

This article from Snopes.com should help us not be too premature about the efficacy of this veterinary product. I doubt that the drug has been used widely enough in Australia, especially in a controlled environment to credit their low rate of infection to this drug.

This article from Snopes.com should help us not be too premature about the efficacy of this veterinary product. I doubt that the drug has been used widely enough in Australia, especially in a controlled environment to credit their low rate of infection to this drug.

Yes this article is from 3 months ago. According to the MD in this original video he talks about how much they’ve learned from the research in the last 3 months and how it’s not debatable.
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Yes this article is from 3 months ago. According to the MD in this original video he talks about how much they’ve learned from the research in the last 3 months and how it’s not debatable.
Because debate and discussion is the last thing we need when making decisions about a global pandemic.
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Because debate and discussion is the last thing we need when making decisions about a global pandemic.

Ha yeah right. I’m saying this MD says it works and has a mountain of evidence. If you wish to disprove him go ahead. But to sit here and watch Americans we know get Covid and realize we have no treatment when other countries do is pathetic.
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Yeah funny guy! People are dropping like flies in Australia taking them... GTFO!
Fvck off with that sh*t. The global survival rate for COVID is 98.72% (It's likely closer to 99.1% as not all cases are reported.) Of the 13 people I know that has had COVID, ALL of them had mild to medium symptoms and all recovered fairly quickly. 2 of them are over 65.

Have never seen you on here complaining that the total cancer survival rate for all cancers is only 71.1%.
Fvck off with that sh*t. The global survival rate for COVID is 98.72% (It's likely closer to 99.1% as not all cases are reported.) Of the 13 people I know that has had COVID, ALL of them had mild to medium symptoms and all recovered fairly quickly. 2 of them are over 65.

Have never seen you on here complaining that the total cancer survival rate for all cancers is only 71.1%.

Obviously you are reading it wrong. The post you cited was about how safe Ivermectin is. Not sure why you want to compare that to cancer.
Just let us know if you have an urge to lick your dick and drag your butt on the carpet. 😳🤣

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I'm talking about you throwing a temper tantrum when @Yu Darvish made a little joke about a virus that's almost 100% survivable.
Until you’ve personally known someone that’s died from Covid try your best to be sympathetic to the 300,000 dead Americans. Sorry if I take a joke about this and throw a “temper tantrum”
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Fantastic, are you allowed to prescribe therapeutics like Ivermectin or other anti parasitic meds? Bc we’re not allowed to here in the US.

Yes we are allowed to. No it isn't being prescribed to treat covid to my understanding. That being said I don't covid patients.

To my understanding, evidence exists that demonstrates high efficacy of the drug towards SARS viruses in vitro, however there is little if any quality evidence of effective use in human trials.

Again, this pandemic is best managed by human behaviour, care for one another, and a shared goal, rather than hail Mary pharmacotherapeutics.
This article from Snopes.com should help us not be too premature about the efficacy of this veterinary product. I doubt that the drug has been used widely enough in Australia, especially in a controlled environment to credit their low rate of infection to this drug.

Ivermectin is actually an FDA approved drug for humans. It has uses outside of veterinary purposes.
Yes we are allowed to. No it isn't being prescribed to treat covid to my understanding. That being said I don't covid patients.

To my understanding, evidence exists that demonstrates high efficacy of the drug towards SARS viruses in vitro, however there is little if any quality evidence of effective use in human trials.

Again, this pandemic is best managed by human behaviour, care for one another, and a shared goal, rather than hail Mary pharmacotherapeutics.

Respectfully, here the US we are being pretty responsible without complete lockdowns. Masks are worn in any public indoor space and no large gatherings since the election that I know of. If I get Covid I’ll go ahead and try your “hail Mary therapeutics” and I’m sure you would too. That’s my whole point. Give me a safe and risk free medicine all day... better than drinking water and getting plenty of rest.
Ivermectin is actually an FDA approved drug for humans. It has uses outside of veterinary purposes.

I have my biology degree but truthfully never use it much, if at all. I do however recall my evolutionary biology class. I wrote a paper for a class assignment (it served as a test grade instead of a midterm exam) about parasites and focused on a condition common in poor remote African villages called onchocerciasis (had to google that one again) and recall how IVM is used to cheaply and effectively treat the condition. You're absolutely right that it has uses that aren't veterinary usages.
Respectfully, here the US we are being pretty responsible without complete lockdowns. Masks are worn in any public indoor space and no large gatherings since the election that I know of. If I get Covid I’ll go ahead and try your “hail Mary therapeutics” and I’m sure you would too. That’s my whole point. Give me a safe and risk free medicine all day... better than drinking water and getting plenty of rest.

You're free to do as you please, provided you can find a doctor that'll prescribe it to you. Wouldn't recommend it, but if someone was at the end and wanted to throw the kitchen sink at it, you can't really blame them.

Respectfully, you might be strict, as may those around you, but as a whole, the US has been a basket case in this respect since day 1. I'm not here to rub salt in your wounds, and I know many on this board have been hugely affected by this pandemic. But I've got enough friends over your way, and follow what's going on over there closely enough to know that as a whole, America has not been responsible with regards to lockdowns, and even if it had, there is now endless and ongoing evidence that demonstrates that partial lockdowns are largely ineffective towards such a contagious virus. While its virulence may be relatively low compared with other SARS viruses, it is ultimately devastating on a population level when there is even a small degree of transmission acceptable
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You're free to do as you please, provided you can find a doctor that'll prescribe it to you. Wouldn't recommend it, but if someone was at the end and wanted to throw the kitchen sink at it, you can't really blame them.

Respectfully, you might be strict, as may those around you, but as a whole, the US has been a basket case in this respect since day 1. I'm not here to rub salt in your wounds, and I know many on this board have been hugely affected by this pandemic. But I've got enough friends over your way, and follow what's going on over there closely enough to know that as a whole, America has not been responsible with regards to lockdowns, and even if it had, there is now endless and ongoing evidence that demonstrates that partial lockdowns are largely ineffective towards such a contagious virus. While its virulence may be relatively low compared with other SARS viruses, it is ultimately devastating on a population level when there is even a small degree of transmission acceptable

Okay so just to be clear. Are your citizens attending school? Shopping at grocery store? Attending outside sports events in small numbers?
Okay so just to be clear. Are your citizens attending school? Shopping at grocery store? Attending outside sports events in small numbers?

Right now, yes. We are reopening because we have had no community cases for approx 6 weeks. Prior to that we had a 3-month lockdown. Kids were schooled via zoom, grocery shopping was permitted with online shopping (either delivered, or delivered to your car at drive through) for at-risk groups. We weren't permitted to be more than 5km from our homes (permits for work, partners, other extenuating circumstances also permitted), and exercise was supposed to be (I'm not aware of it being enforced) for no more than an hour per day. Restaurants could operate for takeaway only, retail was not allowed in-store (most offered online purchasing for delivery/store pickup).

Most importantly, those who were not able to maintain work, or had significant reduction in working hours, received around $750 (approx 500usd) weekly in government stimulus.

This might all sound extreme (it is) but we have reached an incredible goal. I'm sure folks will bark about the economy, but things have picked up rapidly, real estate is soaring, and we are now living some semblance of a normal life.
Until you’ve personally known someone that’s died from Covid try your best to be sympathetic to the 300,000 dead Americans. Sorry if I take a joke about this and throw a “temper tantrum”
Again, you're not crusading for the:

655,381 that died of a heart attacks this year. (People make jokes about having a heart attack all the time: like when their team almost loses a game)
606,520 that died of cancer this year.
167,127 that died from accidents this year.
159,486 that died of Chronic lower respiratory diseases this year.
147,810 that died from strokes this year.
127,019 that died from Alzheimer's this year.

Have you crusaded for any of those deaths in any threads on Orangebloods this year? Have you even mentioned any one of those people? Are those deaths less important than people who died of COVID?

Shove your outrage.
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I want to share my buddies opinion on this.
In for later
Again, you're not crusading for the:

655,381 that died of a heart attacks this year. (People make jokes about having a heart attack all the time: like when their team almost loses a game)
606,520 that died of cancer this year.
167,127 that died from accidents this year.
159,486 that died of Chronic lower respiratory diseases this year.
147,810 that died from strokes this year.
127,019 that died from Alzheimer's this year.

Have you crusaded for any of those deaths in any threads on Orangebloods this year? Have you even mentioned any one of those people? Are those deaths less important than people who died of COVID?

Shove your outrage.

What an utterly horrific take.
What an utterly horrific take.
No what is horrific is what the politicization of COVID and the lockdowns have done to a MUCH greater number of people than those that have actually died of the disease. The steep rise in suicides, drug and alcohol abuse, mental illness, etc. will result in a FAR FAR Greater number of deaths by a longshot than from COVID.
Right now, yes. We are reopening because we have had no community cases for approx 6 weeks. Prior to that we had a 3-month lockdown. Kids were schooled via zoom, grocery shopping was permitted with online shopping (either delivered, or delivered to your car at drive through) for at-risk groups. We weren't permitted to be more than 5km from our homes (permits for work, partners, other extenuating circumstances also permitted), and exercise was supposed to be (I'm not aware of it being enforced) for no more than an hour per day. Restaurants could operate for takeaway only, retail was not allowed in-store (most offered online purchasing for delivery/store pickup).

Most importantly, those who were not able to maintain work, or had significant reduction in working hours, received around $750 (approx 500usd) weekly in government stimulus.

This might all sound extreme (it is) but we have reached an incredible goal. I'm sure folks will bark about the economy, but things have picked up rapidly, real estate is soaring, and we are now living some semblance of a normal life.
While Australia should definitely be applauded for its response to this pandemic and you’ve been a real voice of reason in this thread medically, I do think it’s difficult to compare countries to each other like the US and Australia. It’s no surprise that island nations with natural borders and have handled the virus remarkably better than others. In the US, just look at Hawaii as an example, by far the best state in terms of virus spread. Lockdowns are much more easily carried out when you can decide who comes and who goes. Also, I think we’d be talking much differently had Australia had such an influx of travel from China and Europe back in Dec/Jan before we really knew how much the virus had been seeded around the world and China was not being honest about it. Of course, none of this excuses the mess that the US has made out of the response in terms of lockdowns, mixed messages, lack of stimulus, etc.
Let me be clear - the CDC and our state public health officials are killing people due to their silence. They have withheld valuable life-saving information for months. They have this country's attention every evening on the airwaves, yet I have not seen a single press conference or recommendation that tells people the things they can do right now to decrease their own morbidity and mortality due to COVID.

The extent of their advice is to wear a mask and socially distance.

We know with COMPLETE CERTAINTY that if you suffer from metabolic syndrome (obesity, high blood pressure, uncontrolled blood sugar, etc.), you have a poor prognosis compared to people who get COVID who do not have metabolic syndrome.

CDC and public health officials have had ten months to tell Americans in a frank manner - "Get healthy. Lose weight. Exercise. You can significantly decrease your risk of death due to COVID."

They should have also told Americans to significantly cut back on alcohol consumption, to stop smoking, to sleep eight hours a night, to practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation. We know for certain that doing these things makes the immune system much more effective.

Had they advised the above, they would have saved lives. Period. Would Americans have complied? Yes, some of them would have, and the rest would have known that they could actually have a hand in their own COVID outcome beyond simply wearing a mask.

Instead of empowering Americans, the CDC and state public health agencies have acted with complete impotence. They should be eternally ashamed of their failure, and we must demand an accounting for what passes for public health in this country.

Beyond the most obvious recommendations above, which should have been made daily with the regularity of a drum beat, they might have then considered offering the following advice:

- Buy a pulse oximeter and thermometer for your home in advance of getting sick. Having access to your O2 saturation will help physicians quickly assess your condition remotely. Regular self monitoring of O2 levels will help you get intervention before it is too late. Seeking help too late has killed countless COVID patients.

- You may be well-served to consider supplementation. People living in northern latitudes, darker-skinned individuals, and the elderly are typically deficient in Vitamin D, due to an impaired synthesis from the sun. In consultation with your physician, you may consider supplementation with Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc, as many physicians around the country are advising.

- If you get COVID, you may avoid the fatal blood clots that have killed thousands of Americans by taking a daily baby Aspirin. Again, you should speak with your physician about this, particularly if you have been treated for a clotting disorder.

The three points above are incredibly low-risk and low-cost recommendations that are being made by private physicians around the world, yet are not being discussed at all by public health officials. People are being diagnosed with COVID, sent home, and told to go to the hospital if they have trouble breathing. They are not told to consult with a physician. They know of no therapeutic options available to them. Sit at home and wait. That is the sum total of medical advice given most COVID patients, and it is killing them.

Does ivermectin work? Possibly. The thing is, people are discrediting it because our public health officials have not approved and promoted it. Of course, they haven't approved and promoted any other treatments either. Just this week, the CDC FINALLY changed their webpage and told patients that they could take over the counter fever reducers with COVID. Previously, their website stated that patients with COVID should take NOTHING unless they were in a clinical trial.

That is insane, and the biggest public health failure of our lifetime.

Gordon gecko is in charge of hospitals, medical schools and drug companies.

We should not be surprised.
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This thread is interesting.

Obviously there is not a big conspiracy to kill Americans by withholding effective treatments for Covid.

This would be about the 4th or 5th miracle cure so far. Perhaps this one does work, we just now a year into this virus; I am sure there are many things left to learn about it.

Modern medicine has to have a way to regulate and recommend treatment. With no regulation we would have had many millions harmed by taking one of the false cures. During a pandemic the whole earth’s population is at risk and in search of a miracle cures, unlike say pancreatic cancer that only those few with symptoms or a diagnosis affected. In a pandemic it’s vital that medical science more closely regulates treatments while it searches for cures in scientific manner otherwise billions could take a harmful or false cure (which can be harmful in itself.)

It can be frustrating, for instance we have literally had the cure (vaccine) since January. But, it’s vital to proceed with science take our time and do it right.
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I sent this video to @60 a few days ago for his thoughts. Although the Dr in the video did not reference any details of the study, he indicated they submitted it for peer review, and seems very enthusiastic about the results. He is also the Dr. (based on the intro from the Congressman or Senator) that came out saying the original thought that corticosteroids were bad, when in fact they are rather critical in treatment.

The study was in a laboratory only. No testing on humans.
The study was in a laboratory only. No testing on humans.
The study the Dr in the video referenced, did not sound like he was referencing a laboratory study, did you read the study he mentioned was out for peer review?
Sweet, my sister is a veterinarian. If needed, I'll hit her up for some. I may even experiment with them...so if I'm MIA for a time, you'll know why.

Or you can go over to Tractor Supply and pick it up. It’s what many use as heart worm prevention. But I might hold off on that for awhile.