Joe Biden: Greatest Military Loss in HISTORY!

the hatred, meanness and name calling in these Biden threads is unbelievable. I'm an old and have witnessed several questionable or incompetent Presidents and V.P.s over the years, amongst both parties. It's evident that the divide between Americans nowadays will never heal.
Hatred, meanness against marxists? Guilty as charged. At my grade school growing up, we held our right hand over our hearts and pledged allegiance to the U.S. Flag (not a Pride flag, rainbow colored flag, or some other socially based flag).
So, no, I don’t plan on moving from the position of an American Patriot. I don’t care what the Marxists have to say, nor do I care to negotiate. The eye ball test - beginning with the 2020 riots - tells me all I need to know about the other position.
That is my hill. Hatred, mean? Guilty as charged.
the hatred, meanness and name calling in these Biden threads is unbelievable. I'm an old and have witnessed several questionable or incompetent Presidents and V.P.s over the years, amongst both parties. It's evident that the divide between Americans nowadays will never heal.
You have seen greater incompetence than Biden? Who? When?
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the hatred, meanness and name calling in these Biden threads is unbelievable. I'm an old and have witnessed several questionable or incompetent Presidents and V.P.s over the years, amongst both parties. It's evident that the divide between Americans nowadays will never heal.
Question: Did you even once take this stand during all the hatred, meanness, and outright lies about Donald Trump?
the hatred, meanness and name calling in these Biden threads is unbelievable. I'm an old and have witnessed several questionable or incompetent Presidents and V.P.s over the years, amongst both parties. It's evident that the divide between Americans nowadays will never heal.
Finally-- something we can agree upon.

So--- like I've said in the past-- we have two options.

Option 1-- National divorce, peaceful ending.
Option 2-- bloodshed. It will be ugly. It will ne neighbor against neighbor. But following your logic, you know how it ends.

Now-- you choose one.
  • Like
Reactions: Metcalf #2 haven't heard that the Tali said they are for women's rights now and they've changed??? They are progressive now!!! No need to worry! Joe probably knew they were the new gentler Tali................
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Finally-- something we can agree upon.

So--- like I've said in the past-- we have two options.

Option 1-- National divorce, peaceful ending.
Option 2-- bloodshed. It will be ugly. It will ne neighbor against neighbor. But following your logic, you know how it ends.

Now-- you choose one.
After watching our former President and his followers on January 6th, in my opinion, as an old Republican who no longer recognizes his party, your group would prefer bloodshed over peace....maybe I'm wrong.
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Question: Did you even once take this stand during all the hatred, meanness, and outright lies about Donald Trump?

Notice how danhorn is nothing but crickets on this. How anyone can support those currently in the White House is mind boggling. This country has never seen this kind of incompetence. Yet Trump hurt your feelings. Sheesh. :rolleyes:
I'm a bit of a war history buff and I think I've realized something today.

Please check my math.

Our "Intel agencies" said it would take the Tali at least 90 days to take Afghanistan.
They did it in a week

Now, in the history of warfare, has any army taken an entire nation in one week-- with no standing air power?

I know Hitler rolled up into Austria, popped the hatch and everyone grabbed a Nazi flag and went to the parade. But Hitler HAD a bad ass air force.

The Tali have no air power. None. Zero. Zip. Those ignorant and illiterate muh fuggas couldn't fly a paper airplane.

But they took an entire country in 1 week. Imagine if it had been the Tali at the capitol instead of the iPhone and fanny pack crowd.

But seriously, has any army ever done what the Tali did?

Because if no army has done this, then Joe "mint chocolate chip" Wafflecone, just presided over the greatest military blunder in the history of mankind.

Nobel peace prize. Give it to him
I might add The Gulf of Tonkin incident (concerning American history) in this category under LBJ.....the reported misinformation led to escalation in Vietnam that led to over 3 million American/Vietnamese deaths. I might give the prize to LBJ (who I think did some great things).....
After watching our former President and his followers on January 6th, in my opinion, as an old Republican who no longer recognizes his party, your group would prefer bloodshed over peace....maybe I'm wrong.
Typical … he asked you a simple question and you don’t answer. Option 1 or option 2. Doesn’t require much effort to choose. Instead, you deflect and project. Typical.
the hatred, meanness and name calling in these Biden threads is unbelievable. I'm an old and have witnessed several questionable or incompetent Presidents and V.P.s over the years, amongst both parties. It's evident that the divide between Americans nowadays will never heal.
Boo hoo. So you think name calling is worse than knowingly leaving thousands of AMERICANS to die horrific deaths? How about the families that will surely be slaughtered for cooperating with us? I've been trying my damn best with a couple friends to help a handful of families that directly saved our asses, escape through back channels if possible. It's not going well but we're f-ing trying. DC doesn't give 2 shits unless their poll numbers tic down.

YOU are more concerned about party power than good innocent people being slaughtered therfore YOU are part of the problem.

Take your virtue signalling bs elsewhere. Atleast posters in here aren't afraid to call a spade a spade, including within our own political preferences. Crying about name wonder our enemies call americans pussies. Case in point.
After watching our former President and his followers on January 6th, in my opinion, as an old Republican who no longer recognizes his party, your group would prefer bloodshed over peace....maybe I'm wrong.
Oh, so we can have peace if everyone will just do what you tell us to do and not ask questions. Is that about right?
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the hatred, meanness and name calling in these Biden threads is unbelievable. I'm an old and have witnessed several questionable or incompetent Presidents and V.P.s over the years, amongst both parties. It's evident that the divide between Americans nowadays will never heal.
Everything you've said on this thread I agree 100. We have 4 POTUS who share equal responsibility for Afghanistan not just Biden.

I see that no one noticed when you said you were a Republican. This meanness you speak of started last year during election and keeps gets worse. Last year more Americans registered to vote and more Americans voted than any election in history something like 70%. But what I saw when it was all over I saw country deeply divided and all I can do is sit on the sidelines powerless to stop this hatred. As I'm sure you've noticed there's a lot of conservative people on this board and when the reconciliation bill and the John Lewis act come to the floor they'll start up again. Look at some of the replies I got on my Haiti thread.

And you know the only people who won on this war in Afghanistan were the defense contractors. Don't let the name calling get to you happens to me all the time. Nobody on here understands that guys like you and I trying to be a voice of reason. Oh well.
Everything you've said on this thread I agree 100. We have 4 POTUS who share equal responsibility for Afghanistan not just Biden.

I see that no one noticed when you said you were a Republican. This meanness you speak of started last year during election and keeps gets worse. Last year more Americans registered to vote and more Americans voted than any election in history something like 70%. But what I saw when it was all over I saw country deeply divided and all I can do is sit on the sidelines powerless to stop this hatred. As I'm sure you've noticed there's a lot of conservative people on this board and when the reconciliation bill and the John Lewis act come to the floor they'll start up again. Look at some of the replies I got on my Haiti thread.

And you know the only people who won on this war in Afghanistan were the defense contractors. Don't let the name calling get to you happens to me all the time. Nobody on here understands that guys like you and I trying to be a voice of reason. Oh well.
Wrong. The meanness started with 4 years of nothing but lies about Trump. With BLM riots being called peaceful protests that actually helped against Covid, while ACTUAL peaceful Trump rallies were called dangerous superspreaders by white nationalist terrorists. By supposed liberals like you who stood by and said nothing as the communist propaganda machine violated our freedom of speech repeatedly. By citizens protesting a rigged election, as they should, being called an insurrection, while jackasses burning cities down was celebrated. You want to to see an insurrection? Well now you have, in Afghanistan. And yes, that will end up happening here, as the communist party continues to violate the Constitution Of The United States Of America. There’s a revolution coming, you better get your mind right.
Wrong. The meanness started with 4 years of nothing but lies about Trump. With BLM riots being called peaceful protests that actually helped against Covid, while ACTUAL peaceful Trump rallies were called dangerous superspreaders by white nationalist terrorists. By supposed liberals like you who stood by and said nothing as the communist propaganda machine violated our freedom of speech repeatedly. By citizens protesting a rigged election, as they should, being called an insurrection, while jackasses burning cities down was celebrated. You want to to see an insurrection? Well now you have, in Afghanistan. And yes, that will end up happening here, as the communist party continues to violate the Constitution Of The United States Of America. There’s a revolution coming, you better get your mind right.
Please tell me you don't believe this.
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Everything you've said on this thread I agree 100. We have 4 POTUS who share equal responsibility for Afghanistan not just Biden.

I see that no one noticed when you said you were a Republican. This meanness you speak of started last year during election and keeps gets worse. Last year more Americans registered to vote and more Americans voted than any election in history something like 70%. But what I saw when it was all over I saw country deeply divided and all I can do is sit on the sidelines powerless to stop this hatred. As I'm sure you've noticed there's a lot of conservative people on this board and when the reconciliation bill and the John Lewis act come to the floor they'll start up again. Look at some of the replies I got on my Haiti thread.

And you know the only people who won on this war in Afghanistan were the defense contractors. Don't let the name calling get to you happens to me all the time. Nobody on here understands that guys like you and I trying to be a voice of reason. Oh well.

And not one word from you about the lies, hatred and treason committed on a daily basis by Democrats in the WH. You are condoning their behavior by looking the other way by not acknowledging all of what they do, all the while blaming all of the "hatred" solely on conservatives.
Boo hoo. So you think name calling is worse than knowingly leaving thousands of AMERICANS to die horrific deaths? How about the families that will surely be slaughtered for cooperating with us? I've been trying my damn best with a couple friends to help a handful of families that directly saved our asses, escape through back channels if possible. It's not going well but we're f-ing trying. DC doesn't give 2 shits unless their poll numbers tic down.

YOU are more concerned about party power than good innocent people being slaughtered therfore YOU are part of the problem.

Take your virtue signalling bs elsewhere. Atleast posters in here aren't afraid to call a spade a spade, including within our own political preferences. Crying about name wonder our enemies call americans pussies. Case in point.
Thread over.
Please tell me you don't believe this.
Oh come on now Cali. You're not a disingenuous dude-- but you kinda are being now.

When have you ever seen a president decapitated in effigy by a Hollywood elitist?

When have you ever heard of an international American pop star say that she wanted to "bomb the whitehouse" (ya, Madonna said that).

The true vile meanness started in Nov 2106.

Were there mean a crappy things said about presidents before that? Yes. Bush Sr was called a wimp. Clinton was called a cad. W was called a loose cannon. Obama was called a Kenyan. But Trump was wished DEAD by people. Daily.
One more time what people like me or danhorn are trying to say its that there is an ugliness in America and its not going to change. People hate each other for what they believe I see it on this board all the time. Just because one guy says it doesn't make it ok for the other to do it. I shake my head at people like Manchin or Sinema trying to work with a party that has no intention of working with the other. Ugly. And when people start to criticize me they're only proving my point.
Oh come on now Cali. You're not a disingenuous dude-- but you kinda are being now.

When have you ever seen a president decapitated in effigy by a Hollywood elitist?

When have you ever heard of an international American pop star say that she wanted to "bomb the whitehouse" (ya, Madonna said that).

The true vile meanness started in Nov 2106.

Were there mean a crappy things said about presidents before that? Yes. Bush Sr was called a wimp. Clinton was called a cad. W was called a loose cannon. Obama was called a Kenyan. But Trump was wished DEAD by people. Daily.
You know I think I understand what you're trying to say.

Did Madonna say that? Since like a virgin I pay no attention to anything she days or does. She says that are designed to get her in the news nothing more.

And can we pretty please with sugar on it start talking about FB?
One more time what people like me or danhorn are trying to say its that there is an ugliness in America and its not going to change. People hate each other for what they believe I see it on this board all the time. Just because one guy says it doesn't make it ok for the other to do it. I shake my head at people like Manchin or Sinema trying to work with a party that has no intention of working with the other. Ugly. And when people start to criticize me they're only proving my point.
Criticism is welcome and should be. But decapitation of a president on twitter is just ................... not even in the same league.
One more time what people like me or danhorn are trying to say its that there is an ugliness in America and its not going to change. People hate each other for what they believe I see it on this board all the time. Just because one guy says it doesn't make it ok for the other to do it. I shake my head at people like Manchin or Sinema trying to work with a party that has no intention of working with the other. Ugly. And when people start to criticize me they're only proving my point.
Provide REAL answers. You're sounding like Kamala. Duckin and weavin then hiding. Pelosi runs your party, just admit it. It's the dems that refuse to work with the GOP, Because of Pelosi. That crusty old bitch has the real power and is determined to ruin this country at all costs. Share yer spin with yer kind.
You know I think I understand what you're trying to say.

Did Madonna say that? Since like a virgin I pay no attention to anything she days or does. She says that are designed to get her in the news nothing more.

And can we pretty please with sugar on it start talking about FB?

And still no acknowledgement from you on how hateful that the left is towards anyone and anything that goes against their agenda and ideology. Which is it cali, are you too blind, or too stubborn to admit it? This country was MUCH, MUCH better off with Trump in charge than where we're at now with Biden and Harris, who are both a complete disaster.
And still no acknowledgement from you on how hateful that the left is towards anyone and anything that goes against their agenda and ideology. Which is it cali, are you too blind, or too stubborn to admit it? This country was MUCH, MUCH better off with Trump in charge than where we're at now with Biden and Harris, who are both a complete disaster.
Hopefully, sleepy and kamala take pelosi down with em.
And still no acknowledgement from you on how hateful that the left is towards anyone and anything that goes against their agenda and ideology. Which is it cali, are you too blind, or too stubborn to admit it? This country was MUCH, MUCH better off with Trump in charge than where we're at now with Biden and Harris, who are both a complete disaster.
respectfully disagree.
I'm a bit of a war history buff and I think I've realized something today.

Please check my math.

Our "Intel agencies" said it would take the Tali at least 90 days to take Afghanistan.
They did it in a week

Now, in the history of warfare, has any army taken an entire nation in one week-- with no standing air power?

I know Hitler rolled up into Austria, popped the hatch and everyone grabbed a Nazi flag and went to the parade. But Hitler HAD a bad ass air force.

The Tali have no air power. None. Zero. Zip. Those ignorant and illiterate muh fuggas couldn't fly a paper airplane.

But they took an entire country in 1 week. Imagine if it had been the Tali at the capitol instead of the iPhone and fanny pack crowd.

But seriously, has any army ever done what the Tali did?

Because if no army has done this, then Joe "mint chocolate chip" Wafflecone, just presided over the greatest military blunder in the history of mankind.

Nobel peace prize. Give it to him
Had not the Afghanistan president turned tail they might have fought
respectfully disagree.
And, with that response, you’ve made my point from above. Now, if you’re taking the position that the country is better off now, then you’re tacitly agreeing with the positions of the current administration. And, those positions are largely Marxist. Will you admit that you are a Marxist?
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I posted that there are people from each spectrum that hate each other even despise each other. Disagreement has become personal and like danhorn said it's not going away. And who knows what's going to happen to the USA the next few years. Let me ask you would you be ok with it if your side won knowing what the long term ramifications would be? How about the rest of you?
I posted that there are people from each spectrum that hate each other even despise each other. Disagreement has become personal and like danhorn said it's not going away. And who knows what's going to happen to the USA the next few years. Let me ask you would you be ok with it if your side won knowing what the long term ramifications would be? How about the rest of you?
Amazing how you will get on here and pose a question without answering directly a number of questions previously posed to you. Just amazing.
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I posted that there are people from each spectrum that hate each other even despise each other. Disagreement has become personal and like danhorn said it's not going away. And who knows what's going to happen to the USA the next few years. Let me ask you would you be ok with it if your side won knowing what the long term ramifications would be? How about the rest of you?
You just won't accept the fact will you?