Hatred, meanness against marxists? Guilty as charged. At my grade school growing up, we held our right hand over our hearts and pledged allegiance to the U.S. Flag (not a Pride flag, rainbow colored flag, or some other socially based flag).the hatred, meanness and name calling in these Biden threads is unbelievable. I'm an old and have witnessed several questionable or incompetent Presidents and V.P.s over the years, amongst both parties. It's evident that the divide between Americans nowadays will never heal.
So, no, I don’t plan on moving from the position of an American Patriot. I don’t care what the Marxists have to say, nor do I care to negotiate. The eye ball test - beginning with the 2020 riots - tells me all I need to know about the other position.
That is my hill. Hatred, mean? Guilty as charged.