Joe Biden: Greatest Military Loss in HISTORY!

Isn't that what cnn and most dems said while our cities were getting burnt down and looted. And you talk about Trump, I agree he is a narcissist, but I believed he loved this country. Also those who called him racist were the ones who loved him before he became president.
Exactly. Trump has his negatives but putting America’s interests first wasn’t one of them.
Ok now read loud and clear. The way Biden handled the withdrawal in Afghanistan was a spectacular failure and for all intents and purposes so was Iraq.

Now as for what he did that was good so far the ERP was a huge accomplishment. When the certified public account talked about how liberal CA was getting 27 billion from the ERP but nobody said s*tt when I said that conservative TX was receiving 25 billion.

So people like Greg Abbott reacted by canceling the unemployment package. It was only gonna be for a few months. Btw the unemployment rates have gone down.

Look I openly admit to having an intense dislike for Donald Trump but at least I admit it. As for Joe Biden being senile ridiculous. I'd rather have him than a 75 year old narcissist who himself will be 78 if he gets nominated in '24. I still have faith in Joe Biden Afghanistan and all.

And once again Afghanistan and Iraq were big mistakes. But a lot of military people over the last 20 years made mistakes. And Obama was a decent but not great POTUS.

Are you reading this? I hope so.

I appreciate the fact that you will try to explain why you like Biden, and what you see as his successes.

Now do the border situation...
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just a worthless opinion from an old American.....Donald Trump was the worst president in my lifetime and an embarrassment to the country and its citizens. the man cares only about himself, not America and he willfully encouraged an insurrection against the institution he was sworn to protect..... people died that day while the coward sat on his hands and did nothing, nothing. whatever he accomplished up to that point during his term, that you can point to, was overshadowed by his narcissistic actions that day. he's a buffoon who alienated our country from its allies and ignored the common American citizen to pander to conspirators and the wealthy. this post isn't about Biden vs Trump or democrats vs republicans, I've supported both during my lifetime, it's about a leader who put himself above others and his country. I know this will be an unpopular post amongst his cronies in this thread that worship his lies and divisiveness..... again, just one old man's opinion that will fall on deaf ears or will be mocked with name calling. this thread reminds me of the crowd we saw that day....the transformation that squashes individual thought and becomes crowd mentality and blind following of an imposter.
I’m am 50 so I guess that does count as an old American. You are certainly entitled to your opinion but it can tell you this @danhorn, Biden is unraveling and he’s only on his 8th month in office, keep in mind Biden has been coddled, shielded and protected by the media. Trump was attacked mercilessly from day one with investigation after investigation, impeachment etc. He sure as hell wasn’t protected or coddled.

And since you want to call a spade a spade I want you to call out Biden and his son for their pay to play scheme that has now morphed into Hunter Biden’s painting being sold for $500,000 and buyers are arranged by the Whitehouse. This is on top of the Burisma pay to play scheme involving a sitting Vice President. Hunter’s very own laptop and emails absolutely implicate he and Greasy Joe of pay to play yet no investigations. So why don’t you go ahead and tell us again how Crooked Ass Joe isn’t putting himself first but Trump did.
Yeonmi Park was horrified by the liberal orthodoxy at Columbia, not the virus.
Huh? That's all you got from her story? Is that all you care about from her story? Did you read about her life in North Korea? I explained what she and other NK refugees had to go through but all you care about is about her experiences at Columbia. The people in NK are human beings!
..the transformation that squashes individual thought and becomes crowd mentality and blind following of an imposter.
Thank you for perfectly describing the communist propaganda machine, and it’s mindless followers.

If Trump only cared about himself, not America, then why was he constantly attacked by your commie masters for his America first policies?
Huh? That's all you got from her story? Is that all you care about from her story? Did you read about her life in North Korea? I explained what she and other NK refugees had to go through but all you care about is about her experiences at Columbia. The people in NK are human beings!
Correct! The people of NK are suffering under their authoritarian, tyrannical regime. You know, the same kind you support here.
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I posted that there are people from each spectrum that hate each other even despise each other. Disagreement has become personal and like danhorn said it's not going away. And who knows what's going to happen to the USA the next few years. Let me ask you would you be ok with it if your side won knowing what the long term ramifications would be? How about the rest of you?
I don't want it to come to that Cali. That's why I'm begging on bended knee, with tears in my eyes, divorce us. We tried. We really did. We had a great run. Almost 250 years and going out as the greatest global power in history, you can't ask for more than that. But it's time. The only way this ends is peacefully, or with the devastating victory by the side with more guns.
just a worthless opinion from an old American.....Donald Trump was the worst president in my lifetime and an embarrassment to the country and its citizens. the man cares only about himself, not America and he willfully encouraged an insurrection against the institution he was sworn to protect..... people died that day while the coward sat on his hands and did nothing, nothing. whatever he accomplished up to that point during his term, that you can point to, was overshadowed by his narcissistic actions that day. he's a buffoon who alienated our country from its allies and ignored the common American citizen to pander to conspirators and the wealthy. this post isn't about Biden vs Trump or democrats vs republicans, I've supported both during my lifetime, it's about a leader who put himself above others and his country. I know this will be an unpopular post amongst his cronies in this thread that worship his lies and divisiveness..... again, just one old man's opinion that will fall on deaf ears or will be mocked with name calling. this thread reminds me of the crowd we saw that day....the transformation that squashes individual thought and becomes crowd mentality and blind following of an imposter.
Trump didn't order them to do it--- they are grown ass adults-- responsible for their own actions. You're trying to pin it on him so that he stays away forever. You're afraid of him. And I can't figure out why.
just a worthless opinion from an old American.....Donald Trump was the worst president in my lifetime and an embarrassment to the country and its citizens. the man cares only about himself, not America and he willfully encouraged an insurrection against the institution he was sworn to protect..... people died that day while the coward sat on his hands and did nothing, nothing. whatever he accomplished up to that point during his term, that you can point to, was overshadowed by his narcissistic actions that day. he's a buffoon who alienated our country from its allies and ignored the common American citizen to pander to conspirators and the wealthy. this post isn't about Biden vs Trump or democrats vs republicans, I've supported both during my lifetime, it's about a leader who put himself above others and his country. I know this will be an unpopular post amongst his cronies in this thread that worship his lies and divisiveness..... again, just one old man's opinion that will fall on deaf ears or will be mocked with name calling. this thread reminds me of the crowd we saw that day....the transformation that squashes individual thought and becomes crowd mentality and blind following of an imposter.
A lot of perfect conservatives like you are getting kicked to the curb by people with a mob mentality who have no interest in governing just imposing. And people like us are collateral damage by people who are making a ruthless power grab. Sadly it looks like they're going to win. If they retake the senate and congress they will cause they've already got the courts locked down. And voter suppression that will make it very hard for people that could vote against them. In the south it's Jim Crow 2.0 And they have a Supreme. Court that has already gutted the voting rights of 1965 and is insisting that the states should have the final say. And they will go after people they don't like.

One last thing danhorn. Liz Chaney voted with the Trump administration 92.8%. Adam Kinzinger has gotten high marks from the American Conservative Union. But the current republicans in dc are going all out to have them removed. Why? Because they've acknowledged that there was an insurrection and Donald Trump is the reason for it. These people are here to stay danhorn. And when Donald Trump is finally in the rearview mirror people like Josh Hawley will be there to become the next POTUS. Like I said its not about governing with these people its about imposing.
the hatred, meanness and name calling in these Biden threads is unbelievable. I'm an old and have witnessed several questionable or incompetent Presidents and V.P.s over the years, amongst both parties. It's evident that the divide between Americans nowadays will never heal.

We have NEVER had a POTUS leave 15,000 Americans behind enemy lines. . . .NEVER.

We've had to put up with being called racists and white supremecists because we didn't like Obama's policy.

Trump had to endure 10Xs what sleepy joe is getting, even though Sleepy Joe has been a MASSIVE failure.

But now you want to act like we are being "mean" to Sleepy Joe.
Bell, nice post, but you did get something wrong.

50 is NOT old. I hear it's the new 30...
Tell that to my employer……
I was laughing with a co-worker the other day and told him 25 years ago when I entered the professional work force 50 was considered the the big number people were dreading and if you were looking for a job at 50good luck from what I recall.

Nowadays from what I’m seeing in my industry is if you’re trying to get hired at 40, you’re late to the game. It’s crazy
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A lot of perfect conservatives like you are getting kicked to the curb by people with a mob mentality who have no interest in governing just imposing. And people like us are collateral damage by people who are making a ruthless power grab. Sadly it looks like they're going to win. If they retake the senate and congress they will cause they've already got the courts locked down. And voter suppression that will make it very hard for people that could vote against them. In the south it's Jim Crow 2.0 And they have a Supreme. Court that has already gutted the voting rights of 1965 and is insisting that the states should have the final say. And they will go after people they don't like.

One last thing danhorn. Liz Chaney voted with the Trump administration 92.8%. Adam Kinzinger has gotten high marks from the American Conservative Union. But the current republicans in dc are going all out to have them removed. Why? Because they've acknowledged that there was an insurrection and Donald Trump is the reason for it. These people are here to stay danhorn. And when Donald Trump is finally in the rearview mirror people like Josh Hawley will be there to become the next POTUS. Like I said its not about governing with these people its about imposing.

Come on cali, quit playing the victim here. If anything, liberals have imposed their will on people and if you don't go along with their whacko mentality you're labeled as a "racist" and "oppressive". Common sense needs to prevail, and soon. As it is now, there is zero common sense going on with liberals in power. They seem intent on weakening America and/or destroying us from the inside. How anyone can support what is going on right now is astonishing. How can you support Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, the squad, Fauci and other out of touch Dems?

Republicans want elections to be fair and ethical. We don't ever want a repeat of what happened in the last election. It's not about "voter suppression", as you libs want to erroneously refer to is as. There is absolutely nothing wrong with requiring an ID to vote to prove who you are. Also, mail in voting is not secure. Typical leftist mentality to overexaggerate things and make something out to be not what the intention is. IMO the majority of people who voted for Biden didn't really like or respect him, nor were they confident that he would be a good president. They voted for him because he wasn't Trump. You may not have liked Trump's personality, but he had America's best interest at heart and we were thriving under his presidency. Look where we're at now. It's very concerning the direction that we're headed. God help us!
Tell that to my employer……
I was laughing with a co-worker the other day and told him 25 years ago when I entered the professional work force 50 was considered the the big number people were dreading and if you were looking for a job at 50good luck from what I call.

Nowadays from what I’m seeing in my industry is if you’re trying to get hired at 40, you’re late to the game. It’s crazy

Man, I've go 8 more years to work, and I won't go one day beyond that. I'm done. Jobs today are no fun and too much BS and game playing involved. Retirement can't get here soon enough for me!
Guys, keep in mind two things:

1. Both sides are dirty as hell. The whole political machine stinks to high heaven.
2. The media (including social media) is a business now, and it's feeding you click bait. Don't be such douchebags and repeat everything you hear on Fox News or MSNBC or CNN like it was the 100% truth.

And you trashing each other isn't helping a god damn thing. The only way we makes things better is if we work together.

Don't waste your time fighting with your fellow Americans. Don't work to increase the divide between us. If you want to change things, then vote. Vote at every level. (Won't respond with any "stolen election" posts because several of these fraud claims went before the US Supreme Court, which is, at worst neutral in it's ideology, and the cases were dismissed or whatever. That's the end of the issue for me). Plus, how did Trump get elected the first time? Lol..

The United States of America is still great. It's not perfect, but it never has been has it? Think about that for a second.

People have been talking about how "America is going down" since it was founded. I'm so sick of it. America is kicking fvcking ass. Hard. We're the strongest, most prosperous and free-est country in the world by a mile. If you can't see that, then you don't want to see that, and I guess maybe you just like to complain.
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Man, I've go 8 more years to work, and I won't go one day beyond that. I'm done. Jobs today are no fun and too much BS and game playing involved. Retirement can't get here soon enough for me!
I've got 7 years and I'm sooooo looking forward to it.............
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Yes I'm liberal but I wish there was some way to remove the Kim family out of North Korea. I was watching a documentary about tyrants they were all overthrown and murdered except the Kim family with a nuclear bomb they have all the bases covered. The North Korean people who have escaped suffered personal losses and you would not believe what they had to endure for freedom. But south Koreans are indifferent to them and the Trump administration didn't want to get involved. But there is channel by Yeonmi Park and her story is nothing short of inspirational. There's only 150 North Korean refugees in the United States but the ones made it here are doing well. They were shocked when they found out the United States was not what not what they were brainwashed to believe. With covid19 the people are quarantined. When this is finally over I hope we welcome them with open arms and give them the chance to flourish like the ones who made it here have. The Koreans are smart people. I have a lot of compassion for the Korean people and their history. They've gone through a lot and have won.
Are you kidding me? Kim and Trump were exchanging love letters and I think Trump even gave him an atomic wedgie when they met.
A lot of perfect conservatives like you are getting kicked to the curb by people with a mob mentality who have no interest in governing just imposing. And people like us are collateral damage by people who are making a ruthless power grab. Sadly it looks like they're going to win. If they retake the senate and congress they will cause they've already got the courts locked down. And voter suppression that will make it very hard for people that could vote against them. In the south it's Jim Crow 2.0 And they have a Supreme. Court that has already gutted the voting rights of 1965 and is insisting that the states should have the final say. And they will go after people they don't like.

One last thing danhorn. Liz Chaney voted with the Trump administration 92.8%. Adam Kinzinger has gotten high marks from the American Conservative Union. But the current republicans in dc are going all out to have them removed. Why? Because they've acknowledged that there was an insurrection and Donald Trump is the reason for it. These people are here to stay danhorn. And when Donald Trump is finally in the rearview mirror people like Josh Hawley will be there to become the next POTUS. Like I said its not about governing with these people its about imposing.
I can't believe you wrote that first paragraph and believe it. To have voting integrity is the foundation of democracy. So you are telling me minority groups a so dumb to get a driver's license, or know their last 4 social security #. If I was a minority I would think you were either retarded or racist. What part of Jim Crow 2 0. The constitution says the states have final say. Have you read the constitution, or just listen to. MSM. It's like you live with your head in the sand. So far the only people who has taken away freedom from the American people have been the liberal left. They tell you who can be at your house, how many can be at your house, etc. Please read the constitution and realize what being a true free American really is.
Guys, keep in mind two things:

1. Both sides are dirty as hell. The whole political machine stinks to high heaven.
2. The media (including social media) is a business now, and it's feeding you click bait. Don't be such douchebags and repeat everything you hear on Fox News or MSNBC or CNN like it was the 100% truth.

And you trashing each other is helping a god damn thing. The only way we makes things better is if we work together.

Don't waste your time fighting with your fellow Americans. Don't work to increase the divide between us. If you want to change things, then vote. Vote at every level. (Won't respond with any "stolen election" posts because several of these fraud claims went before the US Supreme Court, which is, at worst neutral in it's ideology, and the cases were dismissed or whatever. That's the end of the issue for me). Plus, how did Trump get elected the first time? Lol..

The United States of America is still great. It's not perfect, but it never has been has it? Think about that for a second.

People have been talking about how "America is going down" since it was founded. I'm so sick of it. America is kicking fvcking ass. Hard. We're the strongest, most prosperous and free-est country in the world by a mile. If you can't see that, then you don't want to see that, and I guess maybe you just like to complain.
Thank you for telling the truth
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A lot of perfect conservatives like you are getting kicked to the curb by people with a mob mentality who have no interest in governing just imposing. And people like us are collateral damage by people who are making a ruthless power grab. Sadly it looks like they're going to win. If they retake the senate and congress they will cause they've already got the courts locked down. And voter suppression that will make it very hard for people that could vote against them. In the south it's Jim Crow 2.0 And they have a Supreme. Court that has already gutted the voting rights of 1965 and is insisting that the states should have the final say. And they will go after people they don't like.

One last thing danhorn. Liz Chaney voted with the Trump administration 92.8%. Adam Kinzinger has gotten high marks from the American Conservative Union. But the current republicans in dc are going all out to have them removed. Why? Because they've acknowledged that there was an insurrection and Donald Trump is the reason for it. These people are here to stay danhorn. And when Donald Trump is finally in the rearview mirror people like Josh Hawley will be there to become the next POTUS. Like I said its not about governing with these people its about imposing.
Somebody please provide me with one example anywhere in the country where someone is unable to vote because they have no ID. Just one example please.

The fact is there is nobody in our country who won’t be able to vote due to lack of ID. The media and liberals are lying about this issue as is normal for them. And these are the people who scream and lecture all of us about the dangers of “misinformation” in our political discourse.

Just pathetic.
A lot of perfect conservatives like you are getting kicked to the curb by people with a mob mentality who have no interest in governing just imposing. And people like us are collateral damage by people who are making a ruthless power grab. Sadly it looks like they're going to win. If they retake the senate and congress they will cause they've already got the courts locked down. And voter suppression that will make it very hard for people that could vote against them. In the south it's Jim Crow 2.0 And they have a Supreme. Court that has already gutted the voting rights of 1965 and is insisting that the states should have the final say. And they will go after people they don't like.

One last thing danhorn. Liz Chaney voted with the Trump administration 92.8%. Adam Kinzinger has gotten high marks from the American Conservative Union. But the current republicans in dc are going all out to have them removed. Why? Because they've acknowledged that there was an insurrection and Donald Trump is the reason for it. These people are here to stay danhorn. And when Donald Trump is finally in the rearview mirror people like Josh Hawley will be there to become the next POTUS. Like I said its not about governing with these people its about imposing.
As to your first sentence: :rolleyes:
As to your second sentence :rolleyes:
You must be forgetting Executive Order Joe has been setting records in office, I even heard the Whitehouse was concerned Covid hoax shutdown would disrupt the shipment of ink and paper Biden was going thru it so fast.
What's funny is that I read the DailyMail website everyday and have for years probably just to kind of keep up with things going on in the world etc but what I've noticed over the years is that they aren't going to coddle the dems like the media does over here and if there's a story they'll cover it. The continued coverage of Hunter Biden's laptop, emails and pictures is absolutely savage and it's the right thing to do. Exposing our corrupt President, his son and the US media.

I implore @danhorn and @outhereincali to admit the Biden's should be investigated just as the Trumps were if you have any credibility and want to be taken seriously.
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Huh? That's all you got from her story? Is that all you care about from her story? Did you read about her life in North Korea? I explained what she and other NK refugees had to go through but all you care about is about her experiences at Columbia. The people in NK are human beings!
And so are US citizens trying to free themselves but largely ignored by your President.
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I'm amazed that you don't see the obvious dementia.
He does, they all do they're just being obtuse and hoping their eyes and ears are deceiving them into believing their guy is not already probably the worst Pres. of all time and he has 3 years 4 months to go.
Trump didn't order them to do it--- they are grown ass adults-- responsible for their own actions. You're trying to pin it on him so that he stays away forever. You're afraid of him. And I can't figure out why.
I don't want it to come to that Cali. That's why I'm begging on bended knee, with tears in my eyes, divorce us. We tried. We really did. We had a great run. Almost 250 years and going out as the greatest global power in history, you can't ask for more than that. But it's time. The only way this ends is peacefully, or with the devastating victory by the side with more guns.
Let’s draw up the papers. No need to wait for the Marxist left to file. I’m ready to file the divorce petition. There are “irreconcilable differences” as they say. Hell, I suggest we even pay a settlement to get this done. The “United” States doesn’t exist. Let’s quit pretending - like any toxic relationship, it’s just too exhausting.
Upon parting we can say we’ll stay friends but our side knows we won’t have contact in the future. We won’t call them to have coffee or just chat. We have absolutely nothing in common.
I appreciate the fact that you will try to explain why you like Biden, and what you see as his successes.

Now do the border situation...

Huh? That's all you got from her story? Is that all you care about from her story? Did you read about her life in North Korea? I explained what she and other NK refugees had to go through but all you care about is about her experiences at Columbia. The people in NK are human beings!
Yes, we saved South Korea from the fate of North. Have you actually seen her on tv? I'm guessing no, because the only network to have her is Fox Business. I'm quoting her.
Yes, we saved South Korea from the fate of North. Have you actually seen her on tv? I'm guessing no, because the only network to have her is Fox Business. I'm quoting her.
You chose her Fox channel interview. There's plenty of interviews where she talks about a lot of other things. She's also on Dimple channel where she and North Korean defectors tell their stories.
Long post warning!

Alright guys, everyone please back off cali a bit. He doesn't need to experience here what we experience in most every other social & mainstream media outlet. I think he's a good dude that's respectfully defending what he truely believes to be true. You don't know what you don't know.

I think of him similarly to the people in N Korea. Due to censorship, propaganda, and methodical indoctrination, NK people swear we are evil to the core and their gov is the righteous saviours.
They are good people but they dont know what they don't know.
Their perspective only changes when they seek information from the "enemy" then eventually see truth for themselves. Being told the truth has no effect because it must be lies or conspiracy.

Maybe one day he'll come across a red pill moment and see all the lies we're fed daily from all sides of government, maybe not.

Cali, I know you'll probably laugh at this post because I know I would if the script were flipped. Everyone is dogging on you because you're one of us, you just don't know it yet.

We've got a lot of pent up anger from allowing this crap to slide for too long. We're tired of going along just to get along with this oligarchy. Yes oligarchy, it's crazy how all dc is intertwined and it's incredibly easy to trace it out.

That's why Trump was and still is enemy #1 to DC dems and Repubs. He's not part of their club, he's an outsider that risked his wealth and celebrity status to defy all odds and expose the corruption (swamp).
I can't stand the person but absolutely love what he did. He gave voice to the everyday american and started exposing people like yourself to the harsh reality of our ruling class.

The pieces are all there but it's up to you to put the big picture together or not. We'll never agree on every detail nor should we.

We're angry at all the corruption, frustrated that so many people full heartedly believe the lies, and ultimately................... scared that you always will.
Long post warning!

Alright guys, everyone please back off cali a bit. He doesn't need to experience here what we experience in most every other social & mainstream media outlet. I think he's a good dude that's respectfully defending what he truely believes to be true. You don't know what you don't know.

I think of him similarly to the people in N Korea. Due to censorship, propaganda, and methodical indoctrination, NK people swear we are evil to the core and their gov is the righteous saviours.
They are good people but they dont know what they don't know.
Their perspective only changes when they seek information from the "enemy" then eventually see truth for themselves. Being told the truth has no effect because it must be lies or conspiracy.

Maybe one day he'll come across a red pill moment and see all the lies we're fed daily from all sides of government, maybe not.

Cali, I know you'll probably laugh at this post because I know I would if the script were flipped. Everyone is dogging on you because you're one of us, you just don't know it yet.

We've got a lot of pent up anger from allowing this crap to slide for too long. We're tired of going along just to get along with this oligarchy. Yes oligarchy, it's crazy how all dc is intertwined and it's incredibly easy to trace it out.

That's why Trump was and still is enemy #1 to DC dems and Repubs. He's not part of their club, he's an outsider that risked his wealth and celebrity status to defy all odds and expose the corruption (swamp).
I can't stand the person but absolutely love what he did. He gave voice to the everyday american and started exposing people like yourself to the harsh reality of our ruling class.

The pieces are all there but it's up to you to put the big picture together or not. We'll never agree on every detail nor should we.

We're angry at all the corruption, frustrated that so many people full heartedly believe the lies, and ultimately................... scared that you always will.
Thank you I guess 😅

But for goodness sakes don't compare me to the North Korean people they're fighting for their survival 24/7.

I'm not un American far from it. I want America to be great for everybody it can happen. But I think danhorn and crimson warrior are speaking the truth and they are not flaming liberals. But when danhorn or and I talk about people from each side hating each other I get replies from from people who don't even realize they're proving my point.

I'm going to try and be like my son in Houston who's more liberal than me. He told me he doesn't let it effect his life and he tries to stay out of it. Good advice I need to listen to.

But I'm not going to take a red pill not going to happen 😃. Nice neutral statement my part but most people on here don't see replies like this that way. I thought the plight of the North Korean people is something we could agree on and discuss. I gave people channels to watch and learn but I'm being ignored. One person only wanted to talk about clip about someone who was offended by Ivy League liberals nothing else see what I mean?

I hope this reply matches up to what you posted. And as always

Thank you I guess 😅

But for goodness sakes don't compare me to the North Korean people they're fighting for their survival 24/7.

I'm not un American far from it. I want America to be great for everybody it can happen. But I think danhorn and crimson warrior are speaking the truth and they are not flaming liberals. But when danhorn or and I talk about people from each side hating each other I get replies from from people who don't even realize they're proving my point.

I'm going to try and be like my son in Houston who's more liberal than me. He told me he doesn't let it effect his life and he tries to stay out of it. Good advice I need to listen to.

But I'm not going to take a red pill not going to happen 😃. Nice neutral statement my part but most people on here don't see replies like this that way. I thought the plight of the North Korean people is something we could agree on and discuss. I gave people channels to watch and learn but I'm being ignored. One person only wanted to talk about clip about someone who was offended by Ivy League liberals nothing else see what I mean?

I hope this reply matches up to what you posted. And as always

I admire your internet bravery. You are like a quarterback that sees an all our blitz coming at him with a poor offensive line!