Joe Biden: Greatest Military Loss in HISTORY!

Apparently the holes are for blind voters. 😎 They wouldn’t lie about a thing like that. Right?
That is the line the election folks are coming up with. But discovered another oddity. My envelope holes were on the right side. So the vote would show up. Wife, a registered Dem., had an envelope with holes on the left side which would not reveal the yes, no vote. Maybe a coincidence. But in San Fran you are to advise election folks about blind status. And we are not blind. Yet. But looks like much of the country is.
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Ok now read loud and clear. The way Biden handled the withdrawal in Afghanistan was a spectacular failure and for all intents and purposes so was Iraq.

Look I openly admit to having an intense dislike for Donald Trump but at least I admit it. As for Joe Biden being senile ridiculous. I'd rather have him than a 75 year old narcissist who himself will be 78 if he gets nominated in '24. I still have faith in Joe Biden Afghanistan and all.

And once again Afghanistan and Iraq were big mistakes. But a lot of military people over the last 20 years made mistakes. And Obama was a decent but not great POTUS.

Are you reading this? I hope so.
Do you still have faith in China Joe? 4 Americans killed by the bomb.
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This is really bad. I'm sick to my stomach.

A quick regional politics lesson for everyone-- ISIS and the Taliban are not friendly. They do not like each other. But who they both REALLY hate, is us.

Allegedly, Kabul Airport has 5 layers of checkpoints to get in-- all run by the Taliban. So if you expect me to believe that these two bombers and a handful of shooters armed with rifles were able to sneak through, past or around 5 layers of security without some of the Taliban knowing, I've got a fvcking bridge to sell you. The Tali turned a blind eye to the fvckers and now is trying to act like they had no part in this.

11 marines and 1 navy corpsman are dead because of this sh!t.

Now, you want to hear the best part? President Houseplant let the state department give a list to the Tali that had the names of all the Americans and Afghans that worked with Americans, so they could be let through check points.

We basically just gave the Taliban a kill list.
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The rest of the world knows they can do whatever they want while President Houseplant is in office.

I'm betting China starts to move on Tiawan in 9 months or less.
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Can't verify if this dude is up there for fun, or being forced. I know Fresh would call this fun-- but I don't know if Habeeb would.......
This whole evacuation debacle brings back memories of the line in the Monty Python classic The Holy Grail...RUN AWAY!

only sleepy's version is not so funny
This was a panic move to get forces in position to defend Israel against the obvious attack that is coming from Iran and Russia. It's not far now. If I were in the military, I wouldn't want to be putting my neck on the line for central bankers and their relatives.
This was a panic move to get forces in position to defend Israel against the obvious attack that is coming from Iran and Russia. It's not far now. If I were in the military, I wouldn't want to be putting my neck on the line for central bankers and their relatives.
This is where we disagree.

You can't destroy Israel without using a nuclear weapon. We have armed them to the teeth. Their air force is rivaled only by ours.

If you nuke Israel, the US, Britain, France- nuke you back. Trust me when I tell you this. They can wage all the Palestinian proxy wars they want-- they will never go thermo on Israel. It would insure their extinction.
Kind of tough to run a holy land when you're dead and the holy land has radiation poisoning for the next 3000 years.
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This was a panic move to get forces in position to defend Israel against the obvious attack that is coming from Iran and Russia. It's not far now. If I were in the military, I wouldn't want to be putting my neck on the line for central bankers and their relatives.
Whoa this is some real deep state lunacy here. Really? So you’re assuming there is actually a plan underlying the plan? Or is it it really more simple that we have leadership that is lost? Did you see Blinken today? I ran into the same deer on 290 tonight.
This is where we disagree.

You can't destroy Israel without using a nuclear weapon. We have armed them to the teeth. Their air force is rivaled only by ours.

If you nuke Israel, the US, Britain, France- nuke you back. Trust me when I tell you this. They can wage all the Palestinian proxy wars they want-- they will never go thermo on Israel. It would insure their extinction.
Kind of tough to run a holy land when you're dead and the holy land has radiation poisoning for the next 3000 years.
It won't be a nuke. Russia/China want control of the gas fields. Most of the Jews in Israel are from the former Soviet Union/Soviet satellite countries. This will be Russias mo. They are liberating former Soviets from the dictatorial West. They will move with an overwhelming number of ground forces from multiple Muslim countries. The US will not want to fight a battle that will cost 100,000+ casualties. The strikes and rhetoric are ramping up every day. It's coming. Biden just said the other day, just after the pullout from Afghanistan that now Israel is ready for the threat posed by Iran and it's proxies. Problem being, it's Russia and China running the show.

Why the constant airstrikes in Syria? It's to beat back the ever advancing fortified positions being created that are moving closer to the Golan Heights everyday. They are massing on Isreal's border with ground troops. Isreal won't detonate a nuke on its border.
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Whoa this is some real deep state lunacy here. Really? So you’re assuming there is actually a plan underlying the plan? Or is it it really more simple that we have leadership that is lost? Did you see Blinken today? I ran into the same deer on 290 tonight.
I can't help you if you don't understand how central banks run western countries. If you think the federal reserve is a part of our government and that the executive branch tells the fed what to do, you have some research to do. I would start with, "fiat currencies" and how they are used to control nations. What do you think the CBDC is all about?

Meyer Rothschild- Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!

Biden and his cronies are puppets of the central banks.

Americans and the Western middle class in general have been the host upon which Israeli central bankers have been feeding since the 1913. Do you know how much it costs to create a country from nothing? Especially one surrounded by enemies?

Why is it that we have a media and government that is constantly pushing fear porn 24x7 through the MSM? The larger picture is control and plunder via debt based fiat currency. How does this control exist? It is enacted slowly through stages by which a huge overbearing government takes away freedoms through fear and inflation. For example, 911 and the "patriot act", covid and personal restrictions on freedoms, taxation, inflation, wage suppression, and the biggie DEBT etc... The West is a quasi slave state. What, you don't think debt is a mechanism of slave owners, lol. Is debt a conspiracy? Back to my point. The fear narative you watch on the MSM everyday is being used to control. How? The central banks want a digital blockchain currency but it will be roundly rejected by people who want freedom. However, they will accept it if their lives depend on it through handouts so we get fear porn 24x7, a deteriorating economy, cost push inflation. This will push interest rates lower overtime because of fear. It's happening now. Negative real rates with starving masses are a pliable people and one that will accept a centralized controlling blockchain currency. Call it a conspiracy if you want but well.... it's coming.

Meyer Rothschild- Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!

The narative:
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So they left the military dogs behind when they departed? WTF? One might think this alone could sway the opinions of a large number of libtard snowflakes against ole sleepy, but I would guess any animosity will be deflected to the service members.

Either way, whoever made that decision, deserves to rot in hell.
So they left the military dogs behind when they departed? WTF? One might think this alone could sway the opinions of a large number of libtard snowflakes against ole sleepy, but I would guess any animosity will be deflected to the service members.

Either way, whoever made that decision, deserves to rot in hell.

And Muslims hate dogs. Most likely these dogs will be killed, or starved to death.

cali, where are you at? Through all of the poor decisions that the Biden administration has made, you have not condemned him, as he should be condemned and criticized. Question for you, if you had it to do over again, would you still vote for Biden?
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The rest of the world knows they can do whatever they want while President Houseplant is in office.

I'm betting China starts to move on Tiawan in 9 months or less.
And now the Taliban is just laughing at the whole fiasco. Holding mock funerals. Disgraceful.

And now Instagram is censoring a mother of one of the Marines killed for blaming Biden.
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just a worthless opinion from an old American.....Donald Trump was the worst president in my lifetime and an embarrassment to the country and its citizens. the man cares only about himself, not America and he willfully encouraged an insurrection against the institution he was sworn to protect..... people died that day while the coward sat on his hands and did nothing, nothing. whatever he accomplished up to that point during his term, that you can point to, was overshadowed by his narcissistic actions that day. he's a buffoon who alienated our country from its allies and ignored the common American citizen to pander to conspirators and the wealthy. this post isn't about Biden vs Trump or democrats vs republicans, I've supported both during my lifetime, it's about a leader who put himself above others and his country. I know this will be an unpopular post amongst his cronies in this thread that worship his lies and divisiveness..... again, just one old man's opinion that will fall on deaf ears or will be mocked with name calling. this thread reminds me of the crowd we saw that day....the transformation that squashes individual thought and becomes crowd mentality and blind following of an impos

Name a policy that Trump put himself over America. You don't like his tweets? Fine. You don't like how he handled the media. Fine. The fact he did not shut the F up at times? I get it. But name a policy that put his needs over America. He was a multi billionaire who did not need the head ache and still put himself in the fight and was bashed (mostly on false allegations) by the media for 4 years. I almost lost my business before Trump was elected and in his first year not only was I able to keep it but started to grow. But your old and wise. Please explained how energy independent, a booming economy, strong boarder policies and not being a bitch for china was just in his best interest.
Name a policy that Trump put himself over America. You don't like his tweets? Fine. You don't like how he handled the media. Fine. The fact he did not shut the F up at times? I get it. But name a policy that put his needs over America. He was a multi billionaire who did not need the head ache and still put himself in the fight and was bashed (mostly on false allegations) by the media for 4 years. I almost lost my business before Trump was elected and in his first year not only was I able to keep it but started to grow. But your old and wise. Please explained how energy independent, a booming economy, strong boarder policies and not being a bitch for china was just in his best interest.
We need more posters like yourself
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I'll take him (Biden) 7 days a week over a spineless insurrectionist.
Definition of insurrection -a violent uprising against an authority or government. Your a great talking point for MSNBC. Other than some stupid people that went into the capital name the violence that occurred. Other than a police officer shooting a woman. Who was white so that's not that big of deal. Also don't talk about the BLM and ANTIFA riots. That was violence and uprising. Burning a capital building and police station that's not as bad right?
Definition of insurrection -a violent uprising against an authority or government. Your a great talking point for MSNBC. Other than some stupid people that went into the capital name the violence that occurred. Other than a police officer shooting a woman. Who was white so that's not that big of deal. Also don't talk about the BLM and ANTIFA riots. That was violence and uprising. Burning a capital building and police station that's not as bad right?
Oh those were just peaceful demonstrations......
And btw, the Taliban leadership and Isis are still very active on Twitter, Trump still banned.
So, who is working with who and who does the left/media fear the most?
And btw, the Taliban leadership and Isis are still very active on Twitter, Trump still banned.
So, who is working with who and who does the left/media fear the most?

Here's the mom of a Marine killed in Kabul.

She met with President Houseplant after the Dover ceremony. She has now been kicked off her social media accounts for trashing Biden.

Joe Biden's Afghanistan.

Someone want to explain how raping a gay man doesn't also make YOU gay?


Since when has it been a secret that camel jockey's have a love for men or boys for that matter? I have many friends who were stationed over there who proclaimed it openly accepted in their culture. Worse than the imbeciles in africa.
It won't be a nuke. Russia/China want control of the gas fields. Most of the Jews in Israel are from the former Soviet Union/Soviet satellite countries. This will be Russias mo. They are liberating former Soviets from the dictatorial West. They will move with an overwhelming number of ground forces from multiple Muslim countries. The US will not want to fight a battle that will cost 100,000+ casualties. The strikes and rhetoric are ramping up every day. It's coming. Biden just said the other day, just after the pullout from Afghanistan that now Israel is ready for the threat posed by Iran and it's proxies. Problem being, it's Russia and China running the show.

Why the constant airstrikes in Syria? It's to beat back the ever advancing fortified positions being created that are moving closer to the Golan Heights everyday. They are massing on Isreal's border with ground troops. Isreal won't detonate a nuke on its border.
This would be the beginning of ww3, the big one. We unfortunatly gave up on Hong Kong, Crimea, & will surely let Taiwan get consumed but under no circumstance will Israel go down without us by their side 100%.

It would take a modern power such as Russia or China to even have a chance against Tzahal (IDF). A military operation large enough to attempt an offensive would drag everybody in.
Since when has it been a secret that camel jockey's have a love for men or boys for that matter? I have many friends who were stationed over there who proclaimed it openly accepted in their culture. Worse than the imbeciles in africa.
Your friends are spot on. Oh man do I have stories.....

For them, women are for baby making and men are for sex. It's only gay if you shack up or proclaim affection. "I'm not gay, you sucked MY d!+k." 😆 Totally makes sense right?
Your friends are spot on. Oh man do I have stories.....

For them, women are for baby making and men are for sex. It's only gay if you shack up or proclaim affection. "I'm not gay, you sucked MY d!+k." 😆 Totally makes sense right?
So that's the mind set. "If I fvck you in the ass, you're gay."

So it's a dominant vs submissive sexual mindset

I've seen the FLIR feeds where Ahkmed is on IR Pred video humping a goat 100 yards from the camp site. Then when Ahkmed finishes, he comes back to the camp and Habeeb slowly works his way over there for some goat loving.

My AF JSOC buddy told me that he's seen drone feeds where dudes are getting their boy love on. Poor kids. And we think the women have it bad.
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So that's the mind set. "If I fvck you in the ass, you're gay."

So it's a dominant vs submissive sexual mindset

I've seen the FLIR feeds where Ahkmed is on IR Pred video humongous a goat 100 yards from the camp site. Then when Ahkmed finishes, he comes back to the camp and Habeeb slowly works his way over there for some goat loving.

My AF JSOC buddy told me that he's seen drone feeds where dudes are getting their boy love on. Poor kids. And we think the women have it bad.
The prophet muhammed was homosexual.

Joe Biden's Afghanistan.

Someone want to explain how raping a gay man doesn't also make YOU gay?

Hey that's just part of the punishment.....the ol' "do as I say not as I do" routine ...and then they throw you off the building with your pants around your ankles.
Your friends are spot on. Oh man do I have stories.....

For them, women are for baby making and men are for sex. It's only gay if you shack up or proclaim affection. "I'm not gay, you sucked MY d!+k." 😆 Totally makes sense right?
Do tell
Your friends are spot on. Oh man do I have stories.....

For them, women are for baby making and men are for sex. It's only gay if you shack up or proclaim affection. "I'm not gay, you sucked MY d!+k." 😆 Totally makes sense right?
What a hell that must be to live in over there
Your friends are spot on. Oh man do I have stories.....

For them, women are for baby making and men are for sex. It's only gay if you shack up or proclaim affection. "I'm not gay, you sucked MY d!+k." 😆 Totally makes sense right?
Dude------ you must address this for all us civilians.

I know at one point that SOCOM put out a directive that said "don't talk about man, boy love" ----- but that's a real thing. And what sucks is we kept it quiet.

Time for "story time".
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