Joe Biden: Greatest Military Loss in HISTORY!

I just found out we got our Afghan families out safely. 1 crossed into friendly territory saturday and the other was evacuated tuesday via the Nazarene Fund.

Like him or hate him, Glen Beck is an incredible Christian humanitarian. If his work wasn't Christian focused he'd have a nobel peace prize.

What a mess.

Joe Biden's Afghanistan.

Someone want to explain how raping a gay man doesn't also make YOU gay?

For the Greeks and Romans of the classical period, men were to be penetrators. So long as you weren't the penetratee, it was all good. Did you know that when Pompeii was excavated, there was a scrotum and erect penis above every door? It was a sign of a proper household. My wife says that I can't put one above the door.
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You noticed all you hear is
Still on here, come in and read y'all's propaganda and funny name calling of President Biden....who, again, screwed up the withdrawal negotiated under Trump. I love America, not a blind love for one man who propagates hatred and lies like Trump does.
Y'all and Trump so much remind me of Nazi Germany and Hitler.....lies, hate, killing and blind devotion to a man over your own country. The GOP is a party now of threats and violence urged on by Trump and his allies.

Let the hate continue......chirp, chirp.
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Still on here, come in and read y'all's propaganda and funny name calling of President Biden....who, again, screwed up the withdrawal negotiated under Trump. I love America, not a blind love for one man who propagates hatred and lies like Trump does.
Y'all and Trump so much remind me of Nazi Germany and Hitler.....lies, hate, killing and blind devotion to a man over your own country. The GOP is a party now of threats and violence urged on by Trump and his allies.

Let the hate continue......chirp, chirp.
You're joking right?
You start out by referring to name calling of Biden and then proceed to do the exact same thing you criticize. Worse, you actually compare Trump supporters to Nazi Germany and Hitler? And, you make these accusations without any objective support.
This has to be a joke right? I'm waiting for the punch line.
Still on here, come in and read y'all's propaganda and funny name calling of President Biden....who, again, screwed up the withdrawal negotiated under Trump. I love America, not a blind love for one man who propagates hatred and lies like Trump does.
Y'all and Trump so much remind me of Nazi Germany and Hitler.....lies, hate, killing and blind devotion to a man over your own country. The GOP is a party now of threats and violence urged on by Trump and his allies.

Let the hate continue......chirp, chirp.
Dan, respectfully, let's look back at all the presidents in my life since I was old enough to really understand politics. All of them, have at one point, shoved something down my throat that I didn't want.

Bush Sr--- read my lips, no new taxes. Ans then he raised taxes.
Clinton-- NAFTA was a sh!t deal. But Bill and Hillary shoved it down our throats. NAFTA is now considered one of the worst trade agreements ever. So much so that Hillary in 2016 was bashing it, saying that even SHE got it wrong back in the day.
Bush-- WMD Iraq
Obama-- Obama care

Then there's Trump. Trump left me the fvck alone. He put nothing in place that negatively effected my life. Yes, he's an asshole. But so was Churchill. And the fact that you just compared me to a Nazi, shows how fvcking out of touch you are with reality--- and how you obviously didn't pay attention in history class.

Trump didn't kill anyone in gas chambers. Hilter killed millions. If you disagreed with the nazi party, the Brown shirts showed up to pay you a visit and you were disappeared. Dan, did you get killed or disappeared while Trump was in office? No, no you didn't. So your stupid ass comparison to Trump and Hitler and Nazis is a primary reason why I want a national divorce. I don't want to be forced into a war with my own stupid fvcking countrymen. I've got better things to do on a Tuesday afternoon than doming a bunch of fvcking idiots that think I'm a Nazi.
You're joking right?
You start out by referring to name calling of Biden and then proceed to do the exact same thing you criticize. Worse, you actually compare Trump supporters to Nazi Germany and Hitler? And, you make these accusations without any objective support.
This has to be a joke right? I'm waiting for the punch line.
We know Dan was calling Trump the orange cheetoh and "not my president" while he was protesting for women's right wearing his pink pussy hat. But now that President Biden is in office, he is appalled by how people call him names....... after only 4 years of watching it being done to Trump millions of times a day all over the internet. Dan is disingenuous.

Dan, want to know how completely incompetent this admin is???

Watch this video. Pay attention to what happens around the 30 second mark.

Think of the good that would have done had it been brought home.

The rest of yall is gonna be pissed.
Still on here, come in and read y'all's propaganda and funny name calling of President Biden....who, again, screwed up the withdrawal negotiated under Trump. I love America, not a blind love for one man who propagates hatred and lies like Trump does.
Y'all and Trump so much remind me of Nazi Germany and Hitler.....lies, hate, killing and blind devotion to a man over your own country. The GOP is a party now of threats and violence urged on by Trump and his allies.

Let the hate continue......chirp, chirp.
Sir, provide one specific example each of a Trump lie and a Trump killing.

Instead of pushing political propaganda, this board operates only with facts and evidence. Show us your facts and evidence of a Trump lie and a Trump killing.

We’ll sit back and wait.
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Dan, throughout Trump's presidency, he's was called names and ridiculed by leftists on a daily basis. Yet, you somehow conveniently don't acknowledge that. Trump wasn't perfect, but he did many, many good things in America's best interest, which have been listed here numerous times.

To call him a Nazi and compare him the Hitler is disgusting, wrong and hypocritical on your part, but that's par for the course with liberals. It is noted that you make generalizations and accusations about Trump and with no examples of what you allege. Lastly, you lose all credibility to show your support to a complete failure like Biden, who I'm sure that you would vote for all over again if given the opportunity to do so. SMDH.
Sir, provide one specific example each of a Trump lie and a Trump killing.

Instead of pushing political propaganda, this board operates only with facts and evidence. Show us your facts and evidence of a Trump lie and a Trump killing.

We’ll sit back and wait.
Wilma Mankiller famously stated: “If you argue with a fool, a passerby will not be able to tell who is the fool and who is not.”
There are 2 fools on this board. I’m not giving another second of my time to these 2 fools for fear a passerby will mistake me for the fool!
Still on here, come in and read y'all's propaganda and funny name calling of President Biden....who, again, screwed up the withdrawal negotiated under Trump. I love America, not a blind love for one man who propagates hatred and lies like Trump does.
Y'all and Trump so much remind me of Nazi Germany and Hitler.....lies, hate, killing and blind devotion to a man over your own country. The GOP is a party now of threats and violence urged on by Trump and his allies.

Let the hate continue......chirp, chirp.
Just checking in to catch up on the fun. Dan boy at first you were kinda funny and folksy charming but you pushed the wrong button. Most of us on here are well to do, stand up, family oriented, friend loyal, American loving, law abiding citizens. I work extremely hard to do everything right by society and for all those in my circle. I’ll even give you all the respect in the world for your platform in life if it’s genuine and respectful in return. But throwing the Nazi comparison out there is a deal killer for me boss. Get lost.

You noticed all you hear is
My man-- go get some of those intellectually superior 9.95ers you hang out with to come down here to Bardertown and engage us low life's. I thoroughly enjoy eviscerating their MSM kawk gobbling narratives with facts and common sense. Poor @danhorn Is in over his head and I feel like I'm committing elder abuse. I think Dan is a good guy, I just think his motives are misplaced.
My man-- go get some of those intellectually superior 9.95ers you hang out with to come down here to Bardertown and engage us low life's. I thoroughly enjoy eviscerating their MSM kawk gobbling narratives with facts and common sense. Poor @danhorn Is in over his head and I feel like I'm committing elder abuse. I think Dan is a good guy, I just think his motives are misplaced.
He jumped in after the lathe was already turning at full speed brother. Have you seen any of those videos? Gut wrenching. I feel for Dan.
Still on here, come in and read y'all's propaganda and funny name calling of President Biden....who, again, screwed up the withdrawal negotiated under Trump. I love America, not a blind love for one man who propagates hatred and lies like Trump does.
Y'all and Trump so much remind me of Nazi Germany and Hitler.....lies, hate, killing and blind devotion to a man over your own country. The GOP is a party now of threats and violence urged on by Trump and his allies.

Let the hate continue......chirp, chirp.
Its not hate. I do not hate you at all. Hell you are probably a good guy. Just very miss lead in your thought process. You are basing all you claims on how you feel and talking points with no real factual arguments. "Your argument is Trump is a racist, Trump is a jerk, Trump is only out for himself, Trump does not care about America." So you make these claims but where are you facts my friend? The problem with people like you and this is not to be mean is you do not look at the facts. You focus on what Nancy and Chucky tell you. I am sorry my friend you have been miss lead. People say actions are louder than words. So Trump is Fing loud to a nauseating degree but that is not nearly the volume to what his actions actually did. And if you can not see the positive actions that his policies did for this great county then you are either A. in denial because orange man bad no matter what he does B. You are to lazy to look up the facts and do your own research or C. To ignorant to comprehend the facts. I think you fall under A and B and that is just form what I read of your post. But please do not get it twisted I do not hate you. You can save that emotion for your friends on the left. I am angry at you because I see the ****ed up direction the left is taking the once great Nation and it pisses me off. I have 4 kids and a business of my own and with Trump I knew where we stood. Now I do not know what future we have. And you do not seem dumb but good god man open your eyes. I will leave you with this thought. You said Jan 6. was soooooooo bad correct. Dumb "conservatives" went in the capitol and acted a fool? Now flip the scrip, say your ANTIFA and BLM friends would have stormed the capitol and gone in? Would there still be a capitol building and would there have actually been cops killed? You tell me who is hateful. Godbless you brother and I really hope you look up the facts and see the light.

Just checking in to catch up on the fun. Dan boy at first you were kinda funny and folksy charming but you pushed the wrong button. Most of us on here are well to do, stand up, family oriented, friend loyal, American loving, law abiding citizens.
This is a quote from clob, I'm guessing one of your WELL TO DO, family oriented, law abiding citizens, and forum leader.

This Crap here needs it's own COVID thread

Dear c*nt rag governor b!tch face, Fvck you. Fvck you right in the neck with a chainsaw. Fvck you right in your ass with a blow torch. You're closer to Hitler now than you are Ghandi. You deserves a long, miserable, tortured life. When you die, know that I will make a special trip to Oregon...and then he went on to say he'd crap on her grave.....

great role model for the rich family people on here.....and he brought up Hitler first while simultaneously spuing violence and hatred. He'll get a pass from you well to do family men, while the old poor guy will get blasted.
This is a quote from clob, I'm guessing one of your WELL TO DO, family oriented, law abiding citizens, and forum leader.

This Crap here needs it's own COVID thread

Dear c*nt rag governor b!tch face, Fvck you. Fvck you right in the neck with a chainsaw. Fvck you right in your ass with a blow torch. You're closer to Hitler now than you are Ghandi. You deserves a long, miserable, tortured life. When you die, know that I will make a special trip to Oregon...and then he went on to say he'd crap on her grave.....

great role model for the rich family people on here.....and he brought up Hitler first while simultaneously spuing violence and hatred. He'll get a pass from you well to do family men, while the old poor guy will get blasted.
....and I'll add, that seems like a really great way to teach rich family members, including children, how to confront and deal with other citizens that have a different opinion than your own.....chainsaws and a blowtorch.

God Bless America.
....and I'll add, that seems like a really great way to teach rich family members, including children, how to confront and deal with other citizens that have a different opinion than your own.....chainsaws and a blowtorch.

God Bless America.

Just to clarify, you're ok with Antifa and BLM rioting, looting, assaulting people and burning things down when they don't agree with things, or nah? Or is all of this kind of thing "peaceful protests"?
....and I'll add, that seems like a really great way to teach rich family members, including children, how to confront and deal with other citizens that have a different opinion than your own.....chainsaws and a blowtorch.

God Bless America.
Dan, "fvck you in the neck with a chainsaw" is the equivalent of you're generations "up yours".

When you told someone "up yours" with a middle finger, did you really want to stick your finger up someone's ass? Who knows. Maybe you did. But you metaphorically told someone to stick something up their ass-- and unless you're a proctologist or a porn star, telling someone to stick something up their ass is just another form of violence. My saying is slightly more colorful. But still the same as yours.

So-- in conclusion, please stop trying to play the "victim card" in here. You're not a victim of anything other than words. And I assume you've got thick skin, being older. Stop avoiding the talking points and answer people's questions. Engage. Debate. This is how a "conversation" is started.

Or, run and hide and warn other 9.95ers.
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This is a quote from clob, I'm guessing one of your WELL TO DO, family oriented, law abiding citizens, and forum leader.

This Crap here needs it's own COVID thread

Dear c*nt rag governor b!tch face, Fvck you. Fvck you right in the neck with a chainsaw. Fvck you right in your ass with a blow torch. You're closer to Hitler now than you are Ghandi. You deserves a long, miserable, tortured life. When you die, know that I will make a special trip to Oregon...and then he went on to say he'd crap on her grave.....

great role model for the rich family people on here.....and he brought up Hitler first while simultaneously spuing violence and hatred. He'll get a pass from you well to do family men, while the old poor guy will get blasted.
Could you please define rich and poor. I’m curious where I sit on the scale.
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Dan, "fvck you in the neck with a chainsaw" is the equivalent of you're generations "up yours".

When you told someone "up yours" with a middle finger, did you really want to stick your finger up someone's ass? Who knows. Maybe you did. But you metaphorically told someone to stick something up their ass-- and unless you're a proctologist or a porn star, telling someone to stick something up their ass is just another form of violence. My saying is slightly more colorful. But still the same as yours.

So-- in conclusion, please stop trying to play the "victim card" in here. You're not a victim of anything other than words. And I assume you've got thick skin, being older. Stop avoiding the talking points and answer people's questions. Engage. Debate. This is how a "conversation" is started.

Or, run and hide and warn other 9.95ers.
Would his wording be as follows as he warns them......

"The free board is coming, the free board is coming".............and that's not meant in a dirty way...........
....and I'll add, that seems like a really great way to teach rich family members, including children, how to confront and deal with other citizens that have a different opinion than your own.....chainsaws and a blowtorch.

God Bless America.
Stick around awhile dan. 😉
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For the Greeks and Romans of the classical period, men were to be penetrators. So long as you weren't the penetratee, it was all good. Did you know that when Pompeii was excavated, there was a scrotum and erect penis above every door? It was a sign of a proper household. My wife says that I can't put one above the door.
It would make for great conversation at your backdoor, er uh, backyard barbeques. 😁
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This is a quote from clob, I'm guessing one of your WELL TO DO, family oriented, law abiding citizens, and forum leader.

This Crap here needs it's own COVID thread

Dear c*nt rag governor b!tch face, Fvck you. Fvck you right in the neck with a chainsaw. Fvck you right in your ass with a blow torch. You're closer to Hitler now than you are Ghandi. You deserves a long, miserable, tortured life. When you die, know that I will make a special trip to Oregon...and then he went on to say he'd crap on her grave.....

great role model for the rich family people on here.....and he brought up Hitler first while simultaneously spuing violence and hatred. He'll get a pass from you well to do family men, while the old poor guy will get blasted.
Actually butthole, I don’t know who this guy is. I beat to my own drum. Yet another instance of trying to tie me (or my ilk) to someone or group that in no way represents me (us). Almost as bad as calling me an Aggie. Dan boy, you’re a closet aggie aren’t you? Did I mention anyone other than “most of us” in my post? Though it looks like you’re being pretty selective on what you choose to cut and paste without adding the overall context. CNN much? Thought you were just a funny guy with a different point of view but now you seem more like a pouting brat.
So, US citizens are left behind, but child molesters are airlifted to the US.
I hold all Biden voters culpable as accessories to this crime.

I really like Victor Davis Hansen. I'm intending to read "A War Like No Other." About the Pelopanesian War.
I highly recommend that book. When you read it, you see the same follies we engage in today, being played out 2500 years ago. As I tell my students, "there ain't nothing new under the sun, times change but human nature does not..." I even use an old card game called "Nuclear War" with my classes. It's a Cold War classic, beer and pretzels game that is meant to be satirical and funny. The kids get a kick out of playing it and "nuking" their classmates. It serves the purpose of demonstrating to my students though, that Sparta went to war over fear of Athens' growing power. The kids play a game they enjoy and they learn a timeless lesson in geopolitics.
Remember that time clob told you that President Houseplant was going to drone some low level ISIS operative that had nothing to do with the marine bombing?

Clob remembers.

Only--- President Wafflecone killed the wrong guy.

He killed an AID worker that was living in Cslifornia for 12+ years.

Good job President Murderer.

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so my says ( she is the brains o the outfit)....why are you mad at Biden about the Afghan fiasco? You should be mad at the ones behind Biden that ordered the crappy withdrawal.... She went on to say ...Biden doesnt even know what room he is in. Blame his advisers!...She said Biden doesnt even have a dog in this fight.

Her point was that someone not named Biden is in control of the country!
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