Joe Biden: Greatest Military Loss in HISTORY!

Boo hoo. So you think name calling is worse than knowingly leaving thousands of AMERICANS to die horrific deaths? How about the families that will surely be slaughtered for cooperating with us? I've been trying my damn best with a couple friends to help a handful of families that directly saved our asses, escape through back channels if possible. It's not going well but we're f-ing trying. DC doesn't give 2 shits unless their poll numbers tic down.

YOU are more concerned about party power than good innocent people being slaughtered therfore YOU are part of the problem.

Take your virtue signalling bs elsewhere. Atleast posters in here aren't afraid to call a spade a spade, including within our own political preferences. Crying about name wonder our enemies call americans pussies. Case in point.
God bless you sir!
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I've answered all your questions you're not trying to think about what I'm saying which doesn't surprise me.

You haven't answered the questions that I've posed to you. You just can't bring yourself to criticize anything the left does. Not surprised though. They're 100% in the wrong and are failing this country and you won't acknowledge it. In fact, you defend them. Wow.
You haven't answered the questions that I've posed to you. You just can't bring yourself to criticize anything the left does. Not surprised though. They're 100% in the wrong and are failing this country and you won't acknowledge it. In fact, you defend them. Wow.
I've been critical liberals on this board numerous times but you haven't paid attention to it.
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And Ftr this was NOT the worst loss in military history not even the worst in American history that would be Vietnam. Look 4 POTUS bear equal responsibility for this how's that for being critical of democrats?
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Btw the only people who won in this war were defense contractors. Now why don't you think about that for a minute.
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And Ftr this was NOT the worst loss in military history not even the worst in American history that would be Vietnam. Look 4 POTUS bear equal responsibility for this how's that for being critical of democrats?
The worse US military loss was the Battle of Bladensburg. See my earlier post.
I've been critical liberals on this board numerous times but you haven't paid attention to it.

I call BS on this. I don't miss much here. Since you think Biden is better than Trump, I challenge you to list his accomplishments. You won't though, because there are none. Your pride won't let you admit that it was a mistake electing Biden. I have several Democrat friends who have admitted to me that voting for Biden was a mistake. He is failing this country.
Please tell me you don't believe this.
Cali, we love you my man….but you agree that Biden screwed this up don’t you? Simple question. Would you ever be willing to admit that he fvcked up? If you don’t think he messed this up I would hate to see what needs to happen in order for you to believe he actually screwed up.

We love your football takes and passion for the Horns but please be honest with yourself on this issue. Look at it this way, if a UT head coach or player screws up we’re all going to call him out and expect better performance. Same applies to our elected leaders. I voted for both Bush’s but was quick to slam them both for some of their stupid decisions on taxes and wars. Even with Trump, there were some policy decisions he promoted that I felt were a mistake and I have no problem making my displeasure known. It just seems that you will never admit that Biden messed up anything. That hurts your credibility Cali because you appear to be a straight shooter who doesn’t back down or run away from a challenge.

Also, why the he’ll hasn’t Biden addressed the nation on this issue? Will he ever?
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And Ftr this was NOT the worst loss in military history not even the worst in American history that would be Vietnam. Look 4 POTUS bear equal responsibility for this how's that for being critical of democrats?
Cali, you've asked to get back to talking football, so I'm going to use the bolded statement above and talk football.

If UT was to go out and lose 56-0 in week 1 to Louisiana, and I came on here afterwards and said Charlie Strong and Tom Herman "bear equal responsibility" with Steve Sarkisian, would you truly take that seriously?
Cali, you've asked to get back to talking football, so I'm going to use the bolded statement above and talk football.

If UT was to go out and lose 56-0 in week 1 to Louisiana, and I came on here afterwards and said Charlie Strong and Tom Herman "bear equal responsibility" with Steve Sarkisian, would you truly take that seriously?
Don't be silly of course I wouldn't. But I would question if this is going to be another unsuccessful coaching hire. I've tried to be a glass is half full guy but that was me wanting to believe everything was going to be ok when it clearly wasn't. I hope I'm wrong about this guy I have my doubts. Thanks for asking about FB. Seriously.
Don't be silly of course I wouldn't. But I would question if this is going to be another unsuccessful coaching hire. I've tried to be a glass is half full guy but that was me wanting to believe everything was going to be ok when it clearly wasn't. I hope I'm wrong about this guy I have my doubts. Thanks for asking about FB. Seriously.
No problem, but I really hope you understood the point I was trying to make.
Don't be silly of course I wouldn't. But I would question if this is going to be another unsuccessful coaching hire. I've tried to be a glass is half full guy but that was me wanting to believe everything was going to be ok when it clearly wasn't. I hope I'm wrong about this guy I have my doubts. Thanks for asking about FB. Seriously.
I hear Card is getting the most first team reps.
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I posted that there are people from each spectrum that hate each other even despise each other. Disagreement has become personal and like danhorn said it's not going away. And who knows what's going to happen to the USA the next few years. Let me ask you would you be ok with it if your side won knowing what the long term ramifications would be? How about the rest of you?
When is Biden going to start uniting the country? Look at him all defensive and lying about the Afghanistan fiasco saying there’s been no deaths etc. Not to mention the greatest hoax of all that is his whole platform. He has nothing else, look at the border fiasco, how about all the immigrants being held in detention centers, no masking? Double standards.
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Cali, we love you my man….but you agree that Biden screwed this up don’t you? Simple question. Would you ever be willing to admit that he fvcked up? If you don’t think he messed this up I would hate to see what needs to happen in order for you to believe he actually screwed up.

We love your football takes and passion for the Horns but please be honest with yourself on this issue. Look at it this way, if a UT head coach or player screws up we’re all going to call him out and expect better performance. Same applies to our elected leaders. I voted for both Bush’s but was quick to slam them both for some of their stupid decisions on taxes and wars. Even with Trump, there were some policy decisions he promoted that I felt were a mistake and I have no problem making my displeasure known. It just seems that you will never admit that Biden messed up anything. That hurts your credibility Cali because you appear to be a straight shooter who doesn’t back down or run away from a challenge.

Also, why the he’ll hasn’t Biden addressed the nation on this issue? Will he ever?
It’s because he hated Trump so much he just wanted him out, didn’t matter who took his place and that’s what’s wrong with the left wing weenies in this country. He’s the definition of a never Trumper. Not a dang liberal on here has ever said what a good job Biden is doing, go figure
Lots of good facts here about Biden's incompetence, but no retort for his accomplishments. This is a perfect example of why you can't reason with a liberal. It is pointless. They have zero common sense of objectivity.
Ok now read loud and clear. The way Biden handled the withdrawal in Afghanistan was a spectacular failure and for all intents and purposes so was Iraq.

Now as for what he did that was good so far the ERP was a huge accomplishment. When the certified public account talked about how liberal CA was getting 27 billion from the ERP but nobody said s*tt when I said that conservative TX was receiving 25 billion.

So people like Greg Abbott reacted by canceling the unemployment package. It was only gonna be for a few months. Btw the unemployment rates have not gone down.

Look I openly admit to having an intense dislike for Donald Trump but at least I admit it. As for Joe Biden being senile ridiculous. I'd rather have him than a 75 year old narcissist who himself will be 78 if he gets nominated in '24. I still have faith in Joe Biden Afghanistan and all.

And once again Afghanistan and Iraq were big mistakes. But a lot of military people over the last 20 years made mistakes. And Obama was a decent but not great POTUS.

Are you reading this? I hope so.
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I hear Card is getting the most first team reps.
Right now I can't see a noticeable difference between Card and Thompson but then again I haven't been invited to the practices and I don't understand why.

Thompson did make the most of his opportunity no denying that.

They said Ja'Tavion Sanders would be an edge rusher then they said he would be a receiver now he's a te. He was listed at 6'2 on signing day but now he's 6'4? Please don't tell me that Bill Little is back as SID.
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Ok now read loud and clear. The way Biden handled the withdrawal in Afghanistan was a spectacular failure and for all intents and purposes so was Iraq.

Now as for what he did that was good so far the ERP was a huge accomplishment. When the certified public account talked about how liberal CA was getting 27 billion from the ERP but nobody said s*tt when I said that conservative TX was receiving 25 billion.

So people like Greg Abbott reacted by canceling the unemployment package. It was only gonna be for a few months. Btw the unemployment rates have gone down.

Look I openly admit to having an intense dislike for Donald Trump but at least I admit it. As for Joe Biden being senile ridiculous. I'd rather have him than a 75 year old narcissist who himself will be 78 if he gets nominated in '24. I still have faith in Joe Biden Afghanistan and all.

And once again Afghanistan and Iraq were big mistakes. But a lot of military people over the last 20 years made mistakes. And Obama was a decent but not great POTUS.

Are you reading this? I hope so.
Well it's a start next I would like to hear you admit Biden has deliberately been misleading us all on Covid hoax.
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Ok now read loud and clear. The way Biden handled the withdrawal in Afghanistan was a spectacular failure and for all intents and purposes so was Iraq.

Now as for what he did that was good so far the ERP was a huge accomplishment. When the certified public account talked about how liberal CA was getting 27 billion from the ERP but nobody said s*tt when I said that conservative TX was receiving 25 billion.

So people like Greg Abbott reacted by canceling the unemployment package. It was only gonna be for a few months. Btw the unemployment rates have gone down.

Look I openly admit to having an intense dislike for Donald Trump but at least I admit it. As for Joe Biden being senile ridiculous. I'd rather have him than a 75 year old narcissist who himself will be 78 if he gets nominated in '24. I still have faith in Joe Biden Afghanistan and all.

And once again Afghanistan and Iraq were big mistakes. But a lot of military people over the last 20 years made mistakes. And Obama was a decent but not great POTUS.

Are you reading this? I hope so.

I read it. Just trying to wrap my head around how you think that sleepy Joe is better than Trump. How can anyone condone this Marxist, communist movement by our government is mid boggling. America is going down the tubes thanks to Democrat "leadership". Cali, at least you stick to your guns even as off base as you are, lol.
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I read it. Just trying to wrap my head around how you think that sleepy Joe is better than Trump. How can anyone condone this Marxist, communist movement by our government is mid boggling. America is going down the tubes thanks to Democrat "leadership". Cali, at least you stick to your guns even as off base as you are, lol.
Cali sticks to his guns: “I still have faith in Joe Biden Afghanistan and all.”

What Cali really meant was “I still have faith in Joe Biden Afghanistan, non-existent borders, increasing murder rates, corrupt son, energy dependence, woke military, federal government overreaching on education policy, inflation, and all.”
Well it's a start next I would like to hear you admit Biden has deliberately been misleading us all on Covid hoax.
Screw your ignorant insistence that this is a hoax belldozer. I dare you to do 2 things.

First I dare you to visit a family that lost a loved one to covid. But I do advise you to go to talk to senior citizens on this one it will lessen your chances of your getting your as* kicked.

Second I dare you to talk to find some way to communicate with someone from the CDC and give them your theories on the Covid19.
Yes I'm liberal but I wish there was some way to remove the Kim family out of North Korea. I was watching a documentary about tyrants they were all overthrown and murdered except the Kim family with a nuclear bomb they have all the bases covered. The North Korean people who have escaped suffered personal losses and you would not believe what they had to endure for freedom. But south Koreans are indifferent to them and the Trump administration didn't want to get involved. But there is channel by Yeonmi Park and her story is nothing short of inspirational. There's only 150 North Korean refugees in the United States but the ones made it here are doing well. They were shocked when they found out the United States was not what not what they were brainwashed to believe. With covid19 the people are quarantined. When this is finally over I hope we welcome them with open arms and give them the chance to flourish like the ones who made it here have. The Koreans are smart people. I have a lot of compassion for the Korean people and their history. They've gone through a lot and have won.
Screw your ignorant insistence that this is a hoax belldozer. I dare you to do 2 things.

First I dare you to visit a family that lost a loved one to covid. But I do advise you to go to talk to senior citizens on this one it will lessen your chances of your getting your as* kicked.

Second I dare you to talk to find some way to communicate with someone from the CDC and give them your theories on the Covid19.
It’s nothing more than a flu that culls thousands every year. It’s the reason you won’t research and post the mortality rates of totally healthy people contracting Covid hoax and dying from it. 99% survival rate and you are still trying to argue that we should all hide under our beds with masks on. Hell the majority of people who get it are a symptomatic but you act like everyone who gets it goes in the hospital.Do you even get how ridiculous you sound in light of those absolutely proven mortality rates?

My mom died from pneumonia at 32 years of age, She was 110 lbs and healthy but she was pregnant at the time which may have made her immune system weaker? Was on a ventilator and basically drowned when her lungs filled up. It’s been going on for years but you finally got a guy crooked enough to run on a full campaign of fear. You and people like you are exactly what is wrong with America today.
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I posted that there are people from each spectrum that hate each other even despise each other. Disagreement has become personal and like danhorn said it's not going away. And who knows what's going to happen to the USA the next few years. Let me ask you would you be ok with it if your side won knowing what the long term ramifications would be? How about the rest of you?
You should consider the long term ramifications of the 2020 election. We have a president who was a mediocre student, who was laughed out of the 1988 presidential primaries for lying and plagiary. He then had a brain hemorrhage and I believe suffers from frontal lobe issue. Seniority in the demoncrat party then got him the presidency. When interest rates normalize, and they will, we will be bankrupt.

When is Biden going to start uniting the country? Look at him all defensive and lying about the Afghanistan fiasco saying there’s been no deaths etc. Not to mention the greatest hoax of all that is his whole platform. He has nothing else, look at the border fiasco, how about all the immigrants being held in detention centers, no masking? Double standards.
just a worthless opinion from an old American.....Donald Trump was the worst president in my lifetime and an embarrassment to the country and its citizens. the man cares only about himself, not America and he willfully encouraged an insurrection against the institution he was sworn to protect..... people died that day while the coward sat on his hands and did nothing, nothing. whatever he accomplished up to that point during his term, that you can point to, was overshadowed by his narcissistic actions that day. he's a buffoon who alienated our country from its allies and ignored the common American citizen to pander to conspirators and the wealthy. this post isn't about Biden vs Trump or democrats vs republicans, I've supported both during my lifetime, it's about a leader who put himself above others and his country. I know this will be an unpopular post amongst his cronies in this thread that worship his lies and divisiveness..... again, just one old man's opinion that will fall on deaf ears or will be mocked with name calling. this thread reminds me of the crowd we saw that day....the transformation that squashes individual thought and becomes crowd mentality and blind following of an imposter.
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Yes I'm liberal but I wish there was some way to remove the Kim family out of North Korea. I was watching a documentary about tyrants they were all overthrown and murdered except the Kim family with a nuclear bomb they have all the bases covered. The North Korean people who have escaped suffered personal losses and you would not believe what they had to endure for freedom. But south Koreans are indifferent to them and the Trump administration didn't want to get involved. But there is channel by Yeonmi Park and her story is nothing short of inspirational. There's only 150 North Korean refugees in the United States but the ones made it here are doing well. They were shocked when they found out the United States was not what not what they were brainwashed to believe. With covid19 the people are quarantined. When this is finally over I hope we welcome them with open arms and give them the chance to flourish like the ones who made it here have. The Koreans are smart people. I have a lot of compassion for the Korean people and their history. They've gone through a lot and have won.
Yeonmi Park was horrified by the liberal orthodoxy at Columbia, not the virus.
just a worthless opinion from an old American.....Donald Trump was the worst president in my lifetime and an embarrassment to the country and its citizens. the man cares only about himself, not America and he willfully encouraged an insurrection against the institution he was sworn to protect..... people died that day while the coward sat on his hands and did nothing, nothing. whatever he accomplished up to that point during his term, that you can point to, was overshadowed by his narcissistic actions that day. he's a buffoon who alienated our country from its allies and ignored the common American citizen to pander to conspirators and the wealthy. this post isn't about Biden vs Trump or democrats vs republicans, I've supported both during my lifetime, it's about a leader who put himself above others and his country. I know this will be an unpopular post amongst his cronies in this thread that worship his lies and divisiveness..... again, just one old man's opinion that will fall on deaf ears or will be mocked with name calling. this thread reminds me of the crowd we saw that day....the transformation that squashes individual thought and becomes crowd mentality and blind following of an imposter.
One demonstrator was killed by an officer. He's being protected. No one else died of violence. Meanwhile, the "mostly peaceful protests"...
You should consider the long term ramifications of the 2020 election. We have a president who was a mediocre student, who was laughed out of the 1988 presidential primaries for lying and plagiary. He then had a brain hemorrhage and I believe suffers from frontal lobe issue. Seniority in the demoncrat party then got him the presidency. When interest rates normalize, and they will, we will be bankrupt.
I'll take him (Biden) 7 days a week over a spineless insurrectionist.
just a worthless opinion from an old American.....Donald Trump was the worst president in my lifetime and an embarrassment to the country and its citizens. the man cares only about himself, not America and he willfully encouraged an insurrection against the institution he was sworn to protect..... people died that day while the coward sat on his hands and did nothing, nothing. whatever he accomplished up to that point during his term, that you can point to, was overshadowed by his narcissistic actions that day. he's a buffoon who alienated our country from its allies and ignored the common American citizen to pander to conspirators and the wealthy. this post isn't about Biden vs Trump or democrats vs republicans, I've supported both during my lifetime, it's about a leader who put himself above others and his country. I know this will be an unpopular post amongst his cronies in this thread that worship his lies and divisiveness..... again, just one old man's opinion that will fall on deaf ears or will be mocked with name calling. this thread reminds me of the crowd we saw that day....the transformation that squashes individual thought and becomes crowd mentality and blind following of an imposter.
I won’t name call here. All I will ask is to set aside emotions and actually research facts during the period 2016 - 2020. Facts such as whether we were ever at emerging wars from 2016 - 2020, the low illegal immigration rates, low unemployment numbers, etc. You’ll note I never once referred to Trump because I don’t care for him as a person either. I don’t have to like him. This isn’t a high school popularity contest. People don’t change peoples’ lives, programs and policies do.
I know you won’t look at the facts because as John Adams once said: “Facts are stubborn things.”
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Ok now read loud and clear. The way Biden handled the withdrawal in Afghanistan was a spectacular failure and for all intents and purposes so was Iraq.

Now as for what he did that was good so far the ERP was a huge accomplishment. When the certified public account talked about how liberal CA was getting 27 billion from the ERP but nobody said s*tt when I said that conservative TX was receiving 25 billion.

So people like Greg Abbott reacted by canceling the unemployment package. It was only gonna be for a few months. Btw the unemployment rates have gone down.

Look I openly admit to having an intense dislike for Donald Trump but at least I admit it. As for Joe Biden being senile ridiculous. I'd rather have him than a 75 year old narcissist who himself will be 78 if he gets nominated in '24. I still have faith in Joe Biden Afghanistan and all.

And once again Afghanistan and Iraq were big mistakes. But a lot of military people over the last 20 years made mistakes. And Obama was a decent but not great POTUS.

Are you reading this? I hope so.
I'm amazed that you don't see the obvious dementia.
just a peaceful demonstration that day.

Yet many lives were lost during "peaceful" protests and riots across America last year. Those were all Democrat supporters, yet you somehow don't mention that. Your mindset is "orange man bad". You say that you support Biden. Can you provide a list of his accomplishments and why you think that America is better now than it was during Trump's presidency?

Here are a few tidbits to start with since Biden took office - we have higher taxes, inflation, lost jobs, supports the Green New Deal, higher gas prices, fear mongering and no answer for the virus, as Joe promised that he had, Afghanistan, border crisis, extreme climate policies and socialist policies, just to name a few things. Trump may have hurt your feelings, but he's much, much better than this moron that is in office. We've gone from America first to America last under Biden.