Ketch's 10 Thoughts From The Weekend (I have something to say about The Eyes of Texas...)

Not saying I agree but if you thought the song was racist wouldn’t you leave the field as well? I hold my horns up for the song but in 2020 I realize others don’t and shouldn’t have to do the same.

They haven't been told they have to hold their horn sign up or sing...just stand by your teammates. CDC did a piss poor job of negotiating if that wasn't part of any agreement. School has already taken steps. Athletes have done what they want. You've now got inmates running the asylum. It was inevitable when CDC got no concessions back at their meeting.

Should have waited for players to do their one single thing CDC asked for. If not, hit the portal. We can lose with or without the radicals that have infested this team (and ruined it).

I was paying $3500 a year for good seats in west upper deck. Never again. Only seen two games this year, and I haven't missed a game I had access to in over 40 years, but I'm done.

What will Texas do when BMDs hold back their millions? I got a feeling we're going to find out.
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