Ketch's 10 Thoughts From The Weekend (Intel you need to know)

Great list. Thin Red Line is way too low in my opinion; however, I am a Terrence Malick superfan. As a kid I liked SPR more, but as an adult TRL takes it.

Holy smokes, you and @Ketchum can take it.

It isn’t in my top 50. I’d rather take a rusty Japanese bayonet through the gut than watch it again.

And I’m not alone.
Actually I do try to stay out of your threads as you are so thin skinned it's ridiculous. Which makes the rest of your comments humorous.

If you didn't notice, I was responding to another poster when you decided to butt in and chastise my takes. But at least my opinions are my own.

It's a 12-page thread and there's tons of people that disagree with me.

Yet, only one person has been a jerk about it.
Yet, only one person has been a jerk about it.

As I said, ironic.

Let me try this again, slowly.

I did not respond to you, I was responding to a poster who tagged me.

You sought out my comments and started getting snarky.

Same shit you always do, it's boring.

And the weird thing, you didn't noticed that I commended several of your picks as clear Top 10 hits.

But you wanted to focus on one film. . . hey, you and Martin can have it. I didn't like it for several reasons.

Instead of belaboring my issues with that movie, I listed several films that got little to no mention but I liked better.

If you want to have a discussion, talk about those. Otherwise stow your personal attacks. You aren't going to bully me.
If you didn't notice, I was responding to another poster when you decided to butt in and chastise my takes.

It's called discussion. I have to remember that you can be incapable of that if it's not completely on your terms.

The thing you did get right is that by engaging, I really am Charlie being tricked by Lucy.

Be better, Geoff.
  • Haha
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As I said, ironic.

Let me try this again, slowly.

I did not respond to you, I was responding to a poster who tagged me.

You sought out my comments and started getting snarky.

Same shit you always do, it's boring.

And the weird thing, you didn't noticed that I commended several of your picks as clear Top 10 hits.

But you wanted to focus on one film. . . hey, you and Martin can have it. I didn't like it for several reasons.

Instead of belaboring my issues with that movie, I listed several films that got little to no mention but I liked better.

If you want to have a discussion, talk about those. Otherwise stow your personal attacks. You aren't going to bully me.
Benedict Cumberbatch Drinking GIF
Ok cool. All the WWII history guys I know love the original Midway but I guess we aren’t Hollywood movie critics.
I will say one thing, the original Midway has a lot of great character actors that were in a lot of films and TV. Loaded with them.
Longhorn volleyball didn't play their best. But they gutted it up. Tightened things up, and willed themselves to beat beat BYU Thursday and Friday. Now hope they can beat KU Thursday and Fri. Then drive up to Dallas for the Oklahoma beat down
Longhorn volleyball didn't play their best. But they gutted it up. Tightened things up, and willed themselves to beat beat BYU Thursday and Friday. Now hope they can beat KU Thursday and Fri. Then drive up to Dallas for the Oklahoma beat down
They seem to be growing into the team they want to be. Slowly, but maybe surely.
As I've said, in the thread, I certainly didn't like it the first time I saw it.

This article on calls it "arguably the greatest war film ever made,"

I don’t know. I guess a war movie has to actually know something about war and express an opinion related to the war ( which this one did in spades, at the option part) and in my opinion display something relevant about the war.

TRL was just silly from the get go. When you talk about Guadalcanal, of the say 1000 or more books on the subject, are there more than two than make no mention of the marine corps?!? This one and some other equally crappy book?

I mean it would be like making a Korean War movie about chosin reservoir and again not mentioning the marine corps (but at least they had corsairs!).

But again, the marine corps has 2 very very bright shining spots in ww2. Iwo and the canal. And this movie chose to focus on the mop up duty at the end by the army?!?

Then wtf?!? Naked village boys?!! And butterflies and flowers?!?

Yeah, like I said not even in my top 50. Definitely makes my top 10 least favorite.

One you did miss was Battle of Britain which is actually above all things a war movie not a movie set in war. Like midway and bridge too far it discusses specific actual things that took place.
No Midway; The Sands of Iwo Jima; 12 O’clock High; Run Silent, Run Deep?
Definitely for the have nots.
But then the competitive equation changes.

The equation that created the college football juggernaut is discarded in favor of a new equation which seems extremely likely, in my view, to create fewer haves and more have-nots than the previous equation.
But then the competitive equation changes.

The equation that created the college football juggernaut is discarded in favor of a new equation which seems extremely likely, in my view, to create fewer haves and more have-nots than the previous equation.
Probably correct.