Ketch's 10 Thoughts From The Weekend (It might be now or never for a few)

@Ketchum I could not agree more on the players listed to have their "now or never moment ". I'll you think we lose over/under 3 of said players? The Bama LB can't portal without sitting out if I understand the transfer rule..... Nice article, per usual. 👍
@Ketchum I could not agree more on the players listed to have their "now or never moment ". I'll you think we lose over/under 3 of said players? The Bama LB can't portal without sitting out if I understand the transfer rule..... Nice article, per usual. 👍
Texas needs to lose 4+ from somewhere.
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Nothing against Shay Holle, but I watched the WBB team play a lot this year…more than I ever have. But Shay has never been a real difference maker in scoring points. Like Ketch said…Vic needs some serious shooters. And for a full time starter like Shay Holle to not score any points in an Elite 8 game is unacceptable. We lost by 10 points. She should have scored at least 8 points and combine that with 3 or 4 more 3-pointers made…we win the game and make the Final Four.
Uh, did you watch the game ? You are completely, utterly, wrong. Shae Holley balled out. Have not seen her final line, but at one point was 5/6 from the field and, as she typically does, was stepping up when others were struggling. It was Shaylee Gonzales who failed to score and fouled out. Sorry for her. She made a positive difference here, just not today.

I don't think OP is much of a judge of basketball players.
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A pretty good list, but you have the wrong Nolan movies. Memento and The Prestige are both better.

And surely you have to bump something (I’d say Gladiator) for Ocean’s Eleven!
This movie is pure shit. Completely unwatchable. Number 1???????

lol, rarely can a single post more perfectly validate my assumptions I have about a poster quite as well as this...

Let's see your top 10.

I'll play...

10. Nightcrawler
9. Collateral
8. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
7. Out of the Furnace
6. There Will Be Blood
5. Arrival
4. Wind River
3. No Country for Old Men
2. Django Unchained
1. Gone Baby Gone

Damn, that is a lot of violence...I might have a problem

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lol, rarely can a single post more perfectly validate my assumptions I have about a poster quite as well as this...

I'll play...

10. Nightcrawler
9. Collateral
8. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
7. Out of the Furnace
6. There Will Be Blood
5. Arrival
4. Wind River
3. No Country for Old Men
2. Django Unchained
1. Gone Baby Gone

Damn, that is a lot of violence...I might have a problem

Yes, but I still like it!
rat GIF
This needs to be in the top 10
This movie is pure shit. Completely unwatchable. Number 1???????

shirley you jest?

Great movie. Could have easily have made the list. Not my favorite Scorsese movie of the century.

the ending makes it worth some of the tedious parts

Marky Mark is the survivor who knew?


It's a great book too. Written by Cormac McCarthy

unfortunately Cormac McCarthy passed away recently

rats! ya beat me to it!

i'll counter with this

"the coin don't have no say!"

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A pretty good list, but you have the wrong Nolan movies. Memento and The Prestige are both better.

And surely you have to bump something (I’d say Gladiator) for Ocean’s Eleven!

Nolan is so good that I’ve got another one as my favorite of his (and one of my favorites all time) and you don’t even mention it.
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