Looks like Biden has the support of the troops....

I'm not trying to offend anyone but you guys, at least some of you guys just don't get it.

What happened on 1/6/21 was sedition and insurrection. And you had elected officials like Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley, egging them on, shamelessly pandering to a bunch of neanderthals to make a run for 2024. They broke into the capital and killed 5 people. They were going to break into congress and kill elected officials. They had planned this we, as in the rest of America, should have prepared for this. And the capital police did little to stop it. Some of them were taking selfies with the rioters some of them helped them leave. And you guys are ok with this? Why?
Cali-- walk with me for a second--
When the two organizations BLM and Antifa were formed, initially BLM was created to protest the treatment of blacks by law enforcement. Antifa was the leftover remnants of the "occupy wallstreet" crowd. Antifa then morphed from "protesting capitalism" to protesting anything Trump.
BLM followed suit. The Antifa leadership now isn't made up of people fighting fascism. It's made up of anarchists. People that want zero government. There are sub groups inside Antifa with their own agendas, to be sure, but their original message has been diluted. They don't know what they want, they just know they don't want the establishment.

Now, BLM heads, the leadership, have given interviews about their political beliefs. Each of them, to a man and woman, have admitted that they follow Marxism. Now saying you follow Marx isn't admitting that your a communist-- but it's admitting your a communist without saying the word communism. The vast majority of the money donated to BLM did not in fact GO TO hoping black people. Instead, the vast majority of the monies were funneled to the DNC.

So an organization fighting for black people, run by self admitted communists, is funding the DNC.

A moment ago you conflated right wingers and racists into one group. That's not fair or accurate. So I'm going to follow the example or road map you laid and and do the same thing and let's see if it comes off to your liking--

If you support BLM then you're supporting communism. If you support the DNC which took money raised by people that are communists, then you're a communist. If you voted for anyone associated with the DNC-- because they took communist money- this makes YOU a supporter of communism and by proxy, a communist.

See how easy that was to do? By your own doing, by using the road map that you laid out right here, I can use your road map against you-- and then make the terribly wrong assumption that YOU are a communist. And I'm willing to bet that you are no more a communist than I am a radical right racist.

It's just that racism is the buzz word right now. Communism has lost all of its sting. Back in the 50s there was a slogan that said "better dead than red" referring to the communist witch hunts of the McCarthy era.

Now WERE their communists in our government and in Hollywood? Of course there were. We know there were. But did thos people have enough influence to wreck and entire system back then? No. Not really.
The same goes for racial bias. Everyone has biases. Everyone. You're biased to chocolate ice cream and I'm biased to Rocky road. It's impossible not to have biases. But systemic biases based on race alone are not as prevalent as the media would have you believe. Think of all the fake hate crimes that have happened the last four years. Far more fake hate crimes than ACTUAL hate crimes against minorities. Jussie Smollett comes to mind. The girl on the subway that lit herself on fire and claimed white MAGA hat wearing guys did it. The kid that spray painted the church and gravestones in a black community with MAGA-- was a black kid. I can go on for hours. The kid at A&M that left racist notes on his own car!

The demand for hate crimes far outweigh the supply.

Now let's talk about the Capitol.

The Trump rally was being held 4.5 miles from the Capitol. That's a 30ish minute walk for anyone.
Prior to Trump finishing the speech people had already begun to try and enter the Capitol. So NO members of the people at the trump rally initially broke into the Capitol. It's logistically impossible to move 4.5 miles in Washington in 5 minutes. It took 15 minutes for the storming to happen. Ten minutes AFTER trump's speech ended, the caption was fully breached. So ZERO people at his rally lead that charge.
As far as trying to commit a coup-- I've been in a country shortly after a coup and civil war. These people were pissed off and unorganized. They had one motive-- to express their displeasure. Had then been an organized coup, trained men with weapons would have brandished them the moment that woman was shot by police. An unarmed woman, mind you. You won't see any NFL helmet stickers for her. At that point, trained me would have broken out their weapons and started to pie around corners and pop anything that moved. The trailers would have set security to prepare for a counter attack from the Feds. The lead elements would have moved systematically through the corridors and cleared every room. People sealing themselves in SCIFs and offices would have been fereted out by breechers using concussion ordinance or gas.

In short-- it would have been a fvcking blood bath. Splash of reality moment-- you don't try to overthrow a government using iPhones and fanny packs. These people were misguided and unorganized from start to finish.

What I DID notice in all this though-_ the politicians, for the first time in my life-- were scared. So was the media. They were horrified. And perhaps, just perhaps, it's what they needed. Politicians fear nothing or no one anymore. They are NEVER held accountable. Rarely do they go to jail for their misdeeds. Joe Biden has been a civil servant his entire life but he owns 6 homes-- one in the Hamptons, where even the crap homes cost 5 million dollars-- yet a guy that's never made more than 250k a year in his life us fabulously wealthy and has 6 homes. Does that make sense to you? Politicians are crooks and I'm glad that for at least a few minutes, they remember what it's like to be afraid. They needed that sobering moment. Problem is, it probably won't have the effect they want. Because what did they do immediately after all this? Did they say "jeez, I wonder what got people so mad that they turned on us?"


They did the thing that politicians always do. They became hypocrites. They immediately built a wall around themselves to protect their sh!t.

You know. A wall. Because, it turns out, that walls fvcking work. Even though I was told for four years that they didn't.
Kind of funny how Pelosi praised the National Guard troops for protecting D.C. but had a hissy fit at the thought of them being brought in to restore law and order to Seattle and other places where BLM and the ilk were burning down buildings to the tune of billions. Nobody respects your party and Biden is just whistling in the wind with his unity diatribe. He literally is a hologram, that's it.

BTW I see this as I'm typing. They've already started, let's see the outrage from the mediahttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...er-damage-Democratic-headquarters-Oregon.html

LARPERS everywhere. What a bunch of nerds.
If Biden wants to unite both parties then I would challenge him to start calling out and taking steps to hold China responsible for unleashing this mess on the world. Push for an international investigation with severe implications for China. He won't and everyone knows it.
If Biden wants to unite both parties then I would challenge him to start calling out and taking steps to hold China responsible for unleashing this mess on the world. Push for an international investigation with severe implications for China. He won't and everyone knows it.

Damn right!
If Biden wants to unite both parties then I would challenge him to start calling out and taking steps to hold China responsible for unleashing this mess on the world. Push for an international investigation with severe implications for China. He won't and everyone knows it.
If the Big Guy won’t tell Schumer to stand down on impeachment, he certainly won’t push back on China.
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I’m just over here wondering who the left is going to blame all this CoVID mess on now that their whipping boy is gone. For some reason I’m thinking it’s going to miraculously disappear within a year and they will crown Biden a hero.
If Biden wants to unite both parties then I would challenge him to start calling out and taking steps to hold China responsible for unleashing this mess on the world. Push for an international investigation with severe implications for China. He won't and everyone knows it.

Biden knows not to bite the hand that fed him the presidency.
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If the Big Guy won’t tell Schumer to stand down on impeachment, he certainly won’t push back on China.
I'm just concerned we're putting a band-aid on the symptom instead of addressing the actual problem - China.
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I’m just over here wondering who the left is going to blame all this CoVID mess on now that their whipping boy is gone. For some reason I’m thinking it’s going to miraculously disappear within a year and they will crown Biden a hero.
I don't know man I don't think Biden wants Covid to ever go away, that was the whole platform he ran on, that and race issues, which is hilarious considering he referred to black folks as super predators previously but Trump is the one labeled the racist, LOL. Biden, imo wants to simply contain Covid just enough where he can let it get out of control every now and again so he needs to keep the us all down as a country and under control to allow the Chinese to become the Alpha super power while Beijing Biden and family get paid off........again
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Good reads here folks. I couldn’t agree more! This Ag and you Horns can agree that Biden is fixing to lead our nation in a direction that I’m still not sure we can imagine. Biden voters were voting against Trump and had no idea what they were voting for. They don’t realize that what they saw was bad becomes good when worse comes along.
Good reads here folks. I couldn’t agree more! This Ag and you Horns can agree that Biden is fixing to lead our nation in a direction that I’m still not sure we can imagine. Biden voters were voting against Trump and had no idea what they were voting for. They don’t realize that what they saw was bad becomes good when worse comes along.

You're right that many Biden voters were votes against Trump but we all know Trump actually won in a landslide.
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I don't know man I don't think Biden wants Covid to ever go away, that was the whole platform he ran on, that and race issues, which is hilarious considering he referred to black folks as super predators previously but Trump is the one labeled the racist, LOL. Biden, imo wants to simply contain Covid just enough where he can let it get out of control every now and again so he needs to keep the us all down as a country and under control to allow the Chinese to become the Alpha super power while Beijing Biden and family get paid off........again

Their strategy is obvious. Covid is the new "climate change". They're going to string this along for at least another 4 years so they can justify keeping mail-in voting in all the battleground states. That's why you hear Biden and the Dems keep saying this is going to be a "dark winter". Now they're already saying that Trump left them with no plan to tackle Covid so they have to start "from scratch". Can you believe that horse-$#!t? They have the gall to say with a straight face that Trump left them with no plan even after Trump delivered not one but two Covid vaccines in less than 7 months!!! It's all part of their plan to drag out Covid all the way to 2022 and 2024.

All these Republican state legislatures better get their act together now and immediately repeal mail in voting and extended voting rules in their states. If they don't the Dems will just continue cheating.

I'm also amazed at how appalled people get when athletes like Lance Armstrong and other Olympic athletes who cheat are immediately stripped of their titles, banned from the sport and tarred/feathered. Even teams like the Astros are vilified, shamed and stripped of their victories for stealing signs. All rightfully so. And this is for meaningless sporting events that have no impact on our lives other than to provide entertainment and an escape from reality. But democrat politicians and crooked, lying media can cheat in a Presidential election where the safety, security and prosperity of a nation are at stake and nobody seems to care.
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I’m just over here wondering who the left is going to blame all this CoVID mess on now that their whipping boy is gone. For some reason I’m thinking it’s going to miraculously disappear within a year and they will crown Biden a hero.

Plot twist. We got back in the WHO so Covid is going away.

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Go check out the grand "RESET". They want to destroy American freedoms as we know it for their new reality. It won't work but it's going to be one hell of a war before they are defeated. The economy was the first casualty.
I'm not trying to offend anyone but you guys, at least some of you guys just don't get it.

What happened on 1/6/21 was sedition and insurrection. And you had elected officials like Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley, egging them on, shamelessly pandering to a bunch of neanderthals to make a run for 2024. They broke into the capital and killed 5 people. They were going to break into congress and kill elected officials. They had planned this we, as in the rest of America, should have prepared for this. And the capital police did little to stop it. Some of them were taking selfies with the rioters some of them helped them leave. And you guys are ok with this? Why?
Not ok with any of it, but don't you think that it was an assault on our democracy when they (the left) attacked other federal buildings, locked cops in precincts and fire bombed it, took over city blocks and claimed to be a new country. I do not condone any of what happened in D.C., but you can't have it both ways. I do not believe they would of killed anyone. And have you ever thought that some were antifa, and other left wing groups in on it. Don't you think its weird they new about it 2 weeks in advance and did nothing?
Here we go, about a day late but I'll take it. Give Biden the same treatment the dems gave Trump from Day 1
Here's to your unity bs Biden

And on a side note, let's see if Twitter takes action against Iran for their post inciting death
Iran's Ayatollah posts image of Trump-lookalike golfer being targeted by a drone | Daily Mail Online

Don't for a moment think that the Democrats are upset at this. They don't want Biden as President anymore than they want Trump. Biden was an ends to a means and nothing more, the sooner they can get rid of him the sooner they can get Harris into the oval office and get their real agenda moving. Remember it's about money and power with them and never giving it up.

The mountains of idaho/Alaska are looking pretty good right now.
Don't for a moment think that the Democrats are upset at this. They don't want Biden as President anymore than they want Trump. Biden was an ends to a means and nothing more, the sooner they can get rid of him the sooner they can get Harris into the oval office and get their real agenda moving. Remember it's about money and power with them and never giving it up.

The mountains of idaho/Alaska are looking pretty good right now.

Don't underestimate the state of Texas my friend. We have our own power grid which is yuge. By looking at the National Guard troops from northern states and their disgust for Biden up thread, I don't think we will have any trouble from the good ol federal government. Their invasion schemes will be toothless. All bark and no bite.

Time to get linked with like minded individuals. The volatility is about to begin. I can't wait.
Don't for a moment think that the Democrats are upset at this. They don't want Biden as President anymore than they want Trump. Biden was an ends to a means and nothing more, the sooner they can get rid of him the sooner they can get Harris into the oval office and get their real agenda moving. Remember it's about money and power with them and never giving it up.

The mountains of idaho/Alaska are looking pretty good right now.
Very true. Biden has no clue what was in the Executive Orders he signed. If we think these EOs were radical, wait until we see what Obama . . . I mean Clinton . . . I mean Pres Harris signs.
Don't underestimate the state of Texas my friend. We have our own power grid which is yuge. By looking at the National Guard troops from northern states and their disgust for Biden up thread, I don't think we will have any trouble from the good ol federal government. Their invasion schemes will be toothless. All bark and no bite.

Time to get linked with like minded individuals. The volatility is about to begin. I can't wait.
Another powerful tool we have is a strong state government. Texans are extremely fortunate to have Paxton right now (regardless of what one thinks of his personal situation). He is already showing that he won't take sh*t and will be a needed check on a heavy-handed centralized federal government.

What will the federal government do when it realizes Texas won't enforce federal laws? Will the federal gov't push through the federal regulations in compliant states (NY, CA, OR, WA, etc.) but not Texas, while Paxton's law suits wind their way through the court system? Will other states attach themselves to Paxton's law suits, which effectively advocate for strong states’ rights? This will bifurcate the states: compliant states v. the Texas-led states.

Yes, the fun is only starting.
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This may have been posted already and if it has consider it an emphasis then....it doesn’t get any clearer than this on what is now in the WH. There’s no innuendo, nothing to be misconstrued, miscommunicated....it’s hanging there plain as day.

Don't for a moment think that the Democrats are upset at this. They don't want Biden as President anymore than they want Trump. Biden was an ends to a means and nothing more, the sooner they can get rid of him the sooner they can get Harris into the oval office and get their real agenda moving. Remember it's about money and power with them and never giving it up.

The mountains of idaho/Alaska are looking pretty good right now.
Oh I agree, I just want investigation after investigation, some sort of an impeachment inquiry, special prosecutor etc., just to hamper his and Harris' time in office.
If the Big Guy won’t tell Schumer to stand down on impeachment, he certainly won’t push back on China.
I think POTUSJRB is bought off by China. If he starts coming down on China, they WILL reveal that. President Trump DID "do more for the USA in 47 months than POTUSJRB did in 47 years."
The part I found hilarious was the EO he just signed that reverses Trump's decision to NOT buy tech that goes into our power grid and helps the power grid to properly manage itself. He basically signed a deal saying--"I'm reversing Trump's order to NOT buy electricity stuff from china-- but I'm putting a 90 day hold on buying stuff from china-- even though we aren't currently buying stuff-- so we can do some research and see if we can buy the same components from maybe Canada--".

After 90 days and a review, Biden will likely continue to NOT buy anything from china and instead buy if from a nation like canada-- because we just cost Canada billions when we shut down their pipeline. So in effect, this executive order was total horse sh!t. It was a way of looking like he was doing something without actually doing anything.
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The part I found hilarious was the EO he just signed that reverses Trump's decision to NOT buy tech that goes into our power grid and helps the power grid to properly manage itself. He basically signed a deal saying--"I'm reversing Trump's order to NOT buy electricity stuff from china-- but I'm putting a 90 day hold on buying stuff from china-- even though we aren't currently buying stuff-- so we can do some research and see if we can buy the same components from maybe Canada--".

After 90 days and a review, Biden will likely continue to NOT buy anything from china and instead buy if from a nation like canada-- because we just cost Canada billions when we shut down their pipeline. So in effect, this executive order was total horse sh!t. It was a way of looking like he was doing something without actually doing anything.

Maybe he could continue to do this for the next 4 years...
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Oh I agree, I just want investigation after investigation, some sort of an impeachment inquiry, special prosecutor etc., just to hamper his and Harris' time in office.
Actually, the inquiry going is a second impeachment of orange dotard. So embarrassing. Guess what, if Biden loses 2.5 million jobs he will have a better track record on job creation than trump by 500,000. Lol.
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Love it! I'm sure that the media won't report this though. Those that voted for Joe and the Ho are about to find out that there are consequences for who they voted into office. Today was a sad day in America. It will only go down hill from here.
Trumps entire legacy is being undone as we speak. The wall is being taken down and the caravan of Honduran migrants are coming to shack up in Texas. You must be so sad. Waaaahh
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