Well the DT fanatics are fascist loonies. And because most people on here are conservative no one on here will condemn the proud boys some on here have expressed admiration for them. Matter of fact it was the proud boys were responsible for that police building burning in Minneapolis. And what does DT say about these people stand back and stand by on national tv, in a presidential debate no less. A guy most people on here voted for. And let's not forget about Q'Anon.
And most of the victims in these demonstrations have been liberal leaning. That isn't to say liberals are pure because they're not. The people in Oakland who sniper shot a cop, the anarchist in Seattle who shot a right wing Christian minister was wrong and I'm sure there were others. But then there are others like this GoFundMe bunch who raised as much as $250,000 for that punk kid in WI.
And no Antifa nor BLM was involved with what went down on 1/6/21 and you guys need to stop trying to convincing yourselves that. And let me ask you guys something how many of you benefited from that DT tax cut that benefited the top 3%?
And why does everyone ignore the over 400,000 who have died from covid19? Most people complain about wearing a mask but most people on here voted for a man who had a cavalier disregard for this virus. And there was Mitch McConnell a horrible human being who did nothing to help the people most affected by this virus. He banked on DT winning and the R's holding the Senate and then doing what they wanted to do. And MM, Ted Cruz, and the rest of that bunch did nothing to work across party lines. And now now he has the audacity to complain that JB isn't working across party lines.
So because were liberal democrats were socialists? Well I'm going to say something about that. Socialists like who
Cuba? No
Columbia? No
Venezuela? No
Nicaragua? No. And we don't support corrupt, oppressive, left wing governments any more than you say you do. But when people flee from corrupt, oppressive, right wing governments like say Bolivia well that's where the wall comes in handy.
DT has disgraced the office of the POTUS. Our image in the eyes of the world has been damaged especially among our European allies and it will take time to repair that. You can reply with insults all you want most of you aren't going to read it anyway.
But this is a sports board which is what were here to talk about. Wth we've hired a new coach who has brought in a new coaching staff with so many interesting story lines to talk about. Or a bb team who's risen out of mediocrity? Does anyone on here know how LJ Johnson's visit has gone? Do we still have a chance? Will baseball season start on time after fb the most important sport at TX is bb so hell yes I'm going to follow them. The title games are today.