Looks like Biden has the support of the troops....

Well the DT fanatics are fascist loonies. And because most people on here are conservative no one on here will condemn the proud boys some on here have expressed admiration for them. Matter of fact it was the proud boys were responsible for that police building burning in Minneapolis. And what does DT say about these people stand back and stand by on national tv, in a presidential debate no less. A guy most people on here voted for. And let's not forget about Q'Anon.

And most of the victims in these demonstrations have been liberal leaning. That isn't to say liberals are pure because they're not. The people in Oakland who sniper shot a cop, the anarchist in Seattle who shot a right wing Christian minister was wrong and I'm sure there were others. But then there are others like this GoFundMe bunch who raised as much as $250,000 for that punk kid in WI.

And no Antifa nor BLM was involved with what went down on 1/6/21 and you guys need to stop trying to convincing yourselves that. And let me ask you guys something how many of you benefited from that DT tax cut that benefited the top 3%?

And why does everyone ignore the over 400,000 who have died from covid19? Most people complain about wearing a mask but most people on here voted for a man who had a cavalier disregard for this virus. And there was Mitch McConnell a horrible human being who did nothing to help the people most affected by this virus. He banked on DT winning and the R's holding the Senate and then doing what they wanted to do. And MM, Ted Cruz, and the rest of that bunch did nothing to work across party lines. And now now he has the audacity to complain that JB isn't working across party lines.

So because were liberal democrats were socialists? Well I'm going to say something about that. Socialists like who

Cuba? No
Columbia? No
Venezuela? No
Nicaragua? No. And we don't support corrupt, oppressive, left wing governments any more than you say you do. But when people flee from corrupt, oppressive, right wing governments like say Bolivia well that's where the wall comes in handy.

DT has disgraced the office of the POTUS. Our image in the eyes of the world has been damaged especially among our European allies and it will take time to repair that. You can reply with insults all you want most of you aren't going to read it anyway.

But this is a sports board which is what were here to talk about. Wth we've hired a new coach who has brought in a new coaching staff with so many interesting story lines to talk about. Or a bb team who's risen out of mediocrity? Does anyone on here know how LJ Johnson's visit has gone? Do we still have a chance? Will baseball season start on time after fb the most important sport at TX is bb so hell yes I'm going to follow them. The title games are today.
And let me ask you guys something how many of you benefited from that DT tax cut that benefited the top 3%?
I quit reading after this. To Clob's point about data -- 44% of Americans did not pay ANY individual federal income tax in 2018. And that was an increase of 2% thanks to (or blame on) the Trump tax cuts.

That leaves 56% of Americans that actually pay tax that received the cut. Trump DOUBLED the itemized deduction threshold, which benefited every single tax paying American EXCEPT the rich who pay property taxes, since he capped the property tax deduction at $10K. That cap did not hinder the lower end - it creamed the California/New York upper end property owners. You know, the rich people that have million dollar plus homes.

Now, if you want to argue that those who pay no income tax should have benefited from the tax cut --- that in fact is redistribution of wealth. Which is really more of a communist concept than socialist.

And to your final point (ok, I did read the whole thing) - Baylor is going to kick Bevo's ass in hoops this year. Hopefully we'll get to do it 4 times if you get that far!
And don't you find it amazing that Biden supposedly got 81 million votes but I can find only a handful of degenerates that actually voted for him. This board is a perfect example of that. And here's a great video of the guy you and the other 2 folks on this board voted for. We'll wait for you to call him out
Correct, Bell, that pretty much says it all!!!!]
R. Scott Sicario 2.0 (@SicarioScott) Tweeted:
The View From Biden s Motorcade. (What Do You Notice) https://t.co/qHr7TK2Xya

One of the vehicles in the POTUS motorcade-- trail vehicle-- I don't see any salutes and a lot of backs turned. Perhaps this is the taking of the knee that you get when you are TDY'd to DC to possibly have to shoot your own citizens.
Might be they are guarding against possible trouble from the direction they are facing.
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outhere, I find it mind boggling that you criticize Trump, Cruz, McConnell and other Republicans, but not a mention from you about the likes of Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC, Talib, Omar and the classless dumb things that they do and say. Try being fair and objective. Can you say with a straight face that any of those people are good for America?
Still can’t explain election fraud. I’m waiting. How was the election stolen. Yawn..
If you watch CNN and MSNBC you wouldn’t. Left wings are fed 1 belief. You are their puppet and that is exactly what you want. Is CNN covering the tax hikes? Destruction of Seattle? Rising Covid numbers now that Trump is out? Shut down of oil and gas fields causing thousands of lost jobs, thousands coming across the border and they will make you pay for it, babies upon babies will be aborted at any time and YOU will call that healthcare. When I watched election night Trump was winning by a landslide. At around 10:00 the election stopped, votes stopped coming in. Even your beloved CNN said they couldn’t see a path. Then...Then I went to bed and woke up around 2 and all of a sudden Biden was ahead in those states with the same percentage of votes counted as when I went to bed. I’ll start there. If you can’t see beyond that and put 2 and 2 together along with more votes than registered voters then..well, enjoy these next 4 years. And by the way, tell me what you DO believe in Biden and Harris without using the word Trump.
Well ok let's dance. Me personally I've always been conflicted about abortion. My wife is very much pro-life and I think that's why she voted for Trump. And yes I've said on here numerous times that my wife voted for DT. And believe it or not were still in love 😅

I have lots of data but it takes to long to post so yeah I basically I do a summary of what I've read. Now did I vote for Biden? Yes. Am I glad he won? Yes. But I don't feel good about it. I let myself get sucked it by social media during this election in my case it was youtube channels with political content it's my fault and its why I've posted that sometimes social media can be unhealthy and I'm the best example of that. I'm smart enough to think for myself.

But most conservatives and most people on this board have bought into the idea that Democrats are socialists. Joe Biden has said himself that he is a capitalist. What I want is justice Im angry about police brutality against people of color do you really need data for this clob94? I resent that the police will never have to answer for this. It doesn't matter that George Floyd, was a convicted felon, or that Jacob Blake was a suspect, they are still human beings conservatives have a hard time seeing this. The charges against that cop in WI who shot Blake has been dismissed. And the charges against the cops in Salt Lake City who shot a 13 year old boy with autism have been dismissed and btw hes a white kid. We need more men like Art Acevedo leading our police departments. I've studied this closely and I have some strong ideas for reform but they will never happen. I think police unions should be prohibited from contributing to DA candidates. Once they're elected they're already in bed with the police.

Clob a coup in a third world country should not be compared to what went down on 1/6/21. Its still a case of people who hate their country and are willing to kill other people for their evil beliefs.

Look these people were on the fringe but DT tapped into their psyche and they came out of the woodwork and they showed up in droves to vote. Now they have a place at the table in the RP they even have supporters in Washington.

Has our country been unified since the end of WW2? Doubtful but our country has been polarized like never before.

Look knowledgeable people have talked about how the DT tax cuts hurt most Americans. We lost a lot of jobs. As far as the economy supposedly recovering it didn't happen until the last half of 2020 to late to undo the damage that had already been done.

I have plenty of data out there clob but it takes a lot of time for me to post. I do understand the facts very well.
I et it. Cops can be idiots like any other profession can. But let me ask you this--

Is the president of the united States in charge of hiring municipal police?

Obviously you know he's not. The person in charge of hiring these police is the police chief. The police chief is hired by the mayor. The mayor is elected by------ the people.

So if you live in a city with a democratic mayor (most of the police problems come from large cities run by Democrat mayors), that Democrat mayor is in charge of hiring that police chief who is in charge of hiring those police that abuse people.

But you want a president to some how waive a magic wand and hold all these police accountable? I guess I fail to see how this is the fault of the president-- when in fact it was the citizens that elected the mayor who then appointed the chief who then hired these cops.

Make sense? Your anger is misplaced my man.
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outhere, I find it mind boggling that you criticize Trump, Cruz, McConnell and other Republicans, but not a mention from you about the likes of Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC, Talib, Omar and the classless dumb things that they do and say. Try being fair and objective. Can you say with a straight face that any of those people are good for America?

I am fair and objective. On this thread I have condemned the left wing based killings. I have also condemned some left wing youtube channels. And I have absolutely no use for Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam band of haters.

Now what does AOC and the rest of her group call themselves? I can't remember but while I do agree with some of their analysis I don't believe in their solutions. As far as Pelosi she's at the end of her career but don't you realize that working across the aisles longer exists and hasn't for a long time. Back when there were good men like Daniel Inoyue in the Senate they did but not anymore. And I like Kamala Harris she's her own person and she won't be bullied like Trump did to Pence. Now good will they do now that a D is POTUS? Well like everyone else I'm going to wait and see.

And this talk of CA being run by left wing kooks is borderline ignorant. I live in the 4th Confessions Congressional district which has always been red and where the incumbent won easily. Most of the liberal leaning props were defeated in Nov.
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I et it. Cops can be idiots like any other profession can. But let me ask you this--

Is the president of the united States in charge of hiring municipal police?

Obviously you know he's not. The person in charge of hiring these police is the police chief. The police chief is hired by the mayor. The mayor is elected by------ the people.

So if you live in a city with a democratic mayor (most of the police problems come from large cities run by Democrat mayors), that Democrat mayor is in charge of hiring that police chief who is in charge of hiring those police that abuse people.

But you want a president to some how waive a magic wand and hold all these police accountable? I guess I fail to see how this is the fault of the president-- when in fact it was the citizens that elected the mayor who then appointed the chief who then hired these cops.

Make sense? Your anger is misplaced my man.

The mayor isn't responsible for charges being brought against cops the DA is and most of the time the charges are dismissed and there's not much the mayor can do about it.
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I am fair and objective. On this thread I have condemned the left wing based killings. I have also condemned some left wing youtube channels. And I have absolutely no use for Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam band of haters.

Now what does AOC and the rest of her group call themselves? I can't remember but while I do agree with some of their analysis I don't believe in their solutions. As far as Pelosi she's at the end of her career but don't you realize that working across the aisles longer exists and hasn't for a long time. Back when there were good men like Daniel Inoyue in the Senate they did but not anymore. And I like Kamala Harris she's her own person and she won't be bullied like Trump did to Pence. Now good will they do now that a D is POTUS? Well like everyone else I'm going to wait and see.

And this talk of CA being run by left wing kooks is borderline ignorant. I live in the 4th Confessions Congressional district which has always been red and where the incumbent won easily. Most of the liberal leaning props were defeated in Nov.

Maybe I should have framed my questions like this. What have Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC, Talib, Omar, Newsome, etc. accomplished in their careers, and why is America a better place because of what they've done?
Maybe I should have framed my questions like this. What have Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC, Talib, Omar, Newsome, etc. accomplished in their careers, and why is America a better place because of what they've done?

Well were going to find out.
I quit reading after this. To Clob's point about data -- 44% of Americans did not pay ANY individual federal income tax in 2018. And that was an increase of 2% thanks to (or blame on) the Trump tax cuts.

That leaves 56% of Americans that actually pay tax that received the cut. Trump DOUBLED the itemized deduction threshold, which benefited every single tax paying American EXCEPT the rich who pay property taxes, since he capped the property tax deduction at $10K. That cap did not hinder the lower end - it creamed the California/New York upper end property owners. You know, the rich people that have million dollar plus homes.

Now, if you want to argue that those who pay no income tax should have benefited from the tax cut --- that in fact is redistribution of wealth. Which is really more of a communist concept than socialist.

And to your final point (ok, I did read the whole thing) - Baylor is going to kick Bevo's ass in hoops this year. Hopefully we'll get to do it 4 times if you get that far!

Well you're probably right both our hoops teams will go 0/4 against Baylor. And you know I've gotta admit Kim Mulkey is a great coach. She doesn't get the ink she deserves because Geno Auriemma has dominated women's hoops. But she's won 3 and she probably would have won a 4th last year. You may not like some of her mannerisms but she's the standard bearer in Big XII hoops. I in 2 years I will judge Vic Shaffer by how he does against her. Well see about Scott Drew.
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About the same at least here in Sacramento.
So in Sacramento, indoor and outdoor dining are completely open without any limitations? The unemployment rate is about the same as one year ago? All public schools (elementary, middle, high school) and colleges are open and holding in class instruction? There are no restrictions on retail shopping such as limiting the number of people in the establishment at any one time? No one is currently wearing a mask out in public? The crime rate has not increased?

I live in the same state and had no idea that Sacramento had completely recovered from Newsom's totalitarian policies.

Where I live, the lockdown is approaching a year with no end in sight. There is no outdoor or indoor dining. There are lines to enter certain retail and grocery stores - reminds one of Soviet-era breadlines. The reported unemployment rate is close to 10%. The public schools are closed with no plan on getting students back in the classroom. The middle class has been decimated and homelessness in the state is estimated to double from 129,000 to 260,000 by 2023 according to an article in the LA Times a couple of weeks ago. The crime rate has increased significantly in LA County and the Bay area. I can confidently argue that people's lives are worse today than a year ago in the rest of the state.

If Sacramento is about the same today as it was a year ago, that is laudable. Perhaps, you could highlight how the unemployment rate, the homelessness rate, and public school education system recovered or went unchanged over the last year? It could serve as a model for the rest of the country, if not the rest of the state.
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The mayor isn't responsible for charges being brought against cops the DA is and most of the time the charges are dismissed and there's not much the mayor can do about it.
Ok-- who hires the DA in a city?
The mayor isn't responsible for charges being brought against cops the DA is and most of the time the charges are dismissed and there's not much the mayor can do about it.
Ok-- who hires the district attorney? Well- in some areas the MAYOR appoints a DA and in some areas the people vote for a DA. Either way, the DA does not fall under the control of the President. So again, how can you be mad at Trump for cops doing stupid things when those police officers don't fall under the control of the President, weren't appointed by the president, and in many cases were VOTED into office by the citizens?

Again-- displaced anger at the President.
There's not much they could do the R's had the White House and the Senate the last 4 years.

BS. You won't answer the question because the fact is during their careers, these people have done absolutely NOTHING positive. Biden has been in politics for 47 years. What has he done? Not a damn thing. Same with Pelosi and Schumer.
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Well were going to find out.
Haha apparently 47 years of greaseball Biden doing nothing but lining his pockets (He owns 6 freaking houses for starters) isn't enough to convince you he's worthless as a leader. 31 times in Biden pathetic career he's had an opportunity to vote to raise taxes and guess how many times he voted YEA? I'll give you a hint, the first number is 3 and there are two numbers total.
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Haha apparently 47 years of greaseball Biden doing nothing but lining his pockets (He owns 6 freaking houses for starters) isn't enough to convince you he's worthless as a leader. 31 times in Biden pathetic career he's had an opportunity to vote to raise taxes and guess how many times he voted YEA? I'll give you a hint, the first number is 3 and there are two numbers total.

So what he's supposed to live like Gandhi? So what other presidents and leaders have as well.
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I am fair and objective. On this thread I have condemned the left wing based killings. I have also condemned some left wing youtube channels. And I have absolutely no use for Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam band of haters.

Now what does AOC and the rest of her group call themselves? I can't remember but while I do agree with some of their analysis I don't believe in their solutions. As far as Pelosi she's at the end of her career but don't you realize that working across the aisles longer exists and hasn't for a long time. Back when there were good men like Daniel Inoyue in the Senate they did but not anymore. And I like Kamala Harris she's her own person and she won't be bullied like Trump did to Pence. Now good will they do now that a D is POTUS? Well like everyone else I'm going to wait and see.

And this talk of CA being run by left wing kooks is borderline ignorant. I live in the 4th Confessions Congressional district which has always been red and where the incumbent won easily. Most of the liberal leaning props were defeated in Nov.
I want to hear you call out and condemn Joe Biden for his awful life of racism and creepy ass behavior. I'm not even going to get into his pay for play schemes that he's bragged out in interviews. I have provided several examples of his racism on display in this very thread along with actual quotes. I've also provided a compilation video of the many times Biden has acted inappropriately around young girls and women, not to mention the woman he sexually assaulted.

Camel toe Harris even called Biden out for his racism in the Democratic debates as well as saying in an interview that she believed his accuser in the sexual assault allegation. Of course, that was before Kamala decided to look the other way and accept the VP role. Once a whore always a whore, First she was Big Willie's whore now she's the Democrat's whore.
Haha apparently 47 years of greaseball Biden doing nothing but lining his pockets (He owns 6 freaking houses for starters) isn't enough to convince you he's worthless as a leader. 31 times in Biden pathetic career he's had an opportunity to vote to raise taxes and guess how many times he voted YEA? I'll give you a hint, the first number is 3 and there are two numbers total.

I think you meant to say "the first digit is 3 and there are two digits total".
There ought to be some benefit for a sooner to come to a longhorn board. Free math lessons. You are welcome.
The trumptard tears on this thread are simply delicious...love it
Oh hey @lupar_horns seems the last time I recall you posting you were trying to team up with blh11 and accuse the Big Orange mean man of being a racist but were having a very difficult time providing any documentation of it happening. Unfortunately for you, I've found a treasure trove of Beijing Biden spewing his racial hated during his 47 years as a swamp creature. Why don't you make yourself useful and defend the guy you voted for by debunking the quotes and the video of Biden I have posted in this very thread. We'll be waiting......
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I think you meant to say "the first digit is 3 and there are two digits total".
There ought to be some benefit for a sooner to come to a longhorn board. Free math lessons. You are welcome.
Mmm, No, I think I meant to say it just as I typed it. I have a feeling you don't like my post so you're trying to nitpick it and argue semantics instead of addressing the context of the post. Typical liberal behavior
So what he's supposed to live like Gandhi? So what other presidents and leaders have as well.
Well no-- but he has never made more than 250k a year in his life. Mind you, back in the day senators didn't make what they make now. So how does he afford a mansion in the Hamptons? Even a crappy house there is 3 million. What about steamboat springs? How does he afford that place?
He's a civil servant. He's supposed to live like an upper middle class person. Not a fabulously wealthy magnate in the Hamptons.
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Mmm, No, I think I meant to say it just as I typed it. I have a feeling you don't like my post so you're trying to nitpick it and argue semantics instead of addressing the context of the post. Typical liberal behavior

OK. At least I tried.
I will not insult any group of people by stereotyping your poor math skills. Well, you are a sooner. Not your fault!
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Well no-- but he has never made more than 250k a year in his life. Mind you, back in the day senators didn't make what they make now. So how does he afford a mansion in the Hamptons? Even a crappy house there is 3 million. What about steamboat springs? How does he afford that place?
He's a civil servant. He's supposed to live like an upper middle class person. Not a fabulously wealthy magnate in the Hamptons.

There's this thing called real estate he acquired those houses and made a lot of money from it. He also made a lot of money on book deals and speaking at colleges.