Looks like Biden has the support of the troops....

Cali, I hate that the guy had to get shot. I truly do. But, I’ve watched the video over and over and that officer had no choice. They had already tased him and he continued to be non-compliant. He was reaching into his car. What if he had pulled a gun from his floor board and shot the officer or an innocent bystander?
The big problem is that an officer giving a LAWFUL ORDER has to be respected by a society/culture with an understanding that if you don’t comply, you could be hurt or killed, depending on how much of a threat you pose. If you choose to drink heavily or use drugs to the point you can’t make a good decision, you might get shot. The moment officers are not able to use force when a LAWFUL ORDER is not met with compliance, law enforcement becomes a joke. Key and Peele created a funny sketch about it. https://www.cc.com/video/mb4xpu/key-peele-standoff
Here's to the measly $2000 stimulus money you Biden voters wanted and look at all the other wonderful thing's and it's just the beginning....
“2pm yesterday marked Biden's 50th hour in office.”
Let's take a look at the Biden/Harris administration --
- A loss of 57,000 jobs in oil.
- Ended energy independence for the United States.
- Canada and Texas are suing Biden.
- Antifa (just an idea right), continue to riot and burn down Portland and Seattle.
- Sent our troops that were in DC to sleep on the floor of a parking garage, in freezing temps, with cars parked there and one bathroom. But the WH made them cookies
- Created a new glass ceiling for girls to hurdle, ruining so many chances for scholarships with his "progressive" transgender programs allowing boys to compete against girls.
- Created a new federal property mask mandate, which he broke countless times already.
- Is now allowing illegal immigrants to be counted for representation in congress.
- A complete halt on student loan forgiveness that he promised.
- A complete halt on the $2000 stimulus program he promised.
- He shot down a Trump admin order to lower the cost of insulin.
- He shot down a Trump admin order to lower the cost of epinephrine.
- Rescinds Trump order banning Chinese Communist involvement in US power grid
- $1.6 billion in gross wages lost.
And JUST TODAY - 8 Chinese bombers, 4 fighters, and 1 sub-hunter just breached Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone, crossing the Taiwan Strait
Everything they've done in THREE DAYS has benefitted other countries and hurt Americans.
But HEY, at least Biden hasn't tweeted mean words. And, we have a “woman” Vice President.
They're just getting started. They have gotten the band back together and are running Obama's show again. The total destruction of America as a sovereign nation is what's coming. Who in their right mind doesn't want energy independence? There is absolutely no answer for killing all of those jobs. Everyone needs remember that Biden and the Dems couldn't care less about illegal immigrants as people, their inclusion is always tied to them having voting rights. Biden simply sees the 11million amnesty grab as 11 million more votes.
Just wait, hyper inflation coming to the things we need like food and energy.... But it's not really inflation if everything else only increases in price 10% every 6 months. Cheating has consequences.

Land prices outside Ft Worth have increased 50% in one year and there is little quality at reasonable prices. I have a feeling this is just the beginning.
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And I've checked out this interview. Jacob Blake has always told investigators that he had a knife. When got tasered he pulled himself off the cop because he fell on him. He then pulled the prongs off him and in a daze he headed towards the car and tried to put the knife and that was the biggest mistake he made. And that's when it happened. The man clearly fd up trying to put the knife in the car but he never denied having a knife. Some of you only want to see the cops side of things and btw the sexual charges were dropped. The point is that there is blame all around. But when you flash a knife or say I have a gun it's over for you. And no da is going to listen to your side of things. Some cops, most cops, know how to handle it the right way but this guy didn't it was still excessive.

You are really taking the side of a man resisting arrest with a knife after he had been warned and even tased. What the hell is wrong with you.

Also, you seem to have some misconceptions about what a DA does. You seem to think they are a judge and jury. They represent the people of the state they serve and those people expect them to prosecute criminals when they break the law. They should be opinion-less, and apply the law to how it is written and not by what protesters say they should do. They lay out the evidence and let a grand jury decide whether or not to indict. If they do, then they either go to trial where again a jury will decide if they are guilty or enter a plea bargain which the defendent would have to agree on. Any DA who just drops charges where there is clear evidence and does not let the process and system play out the way it is intended is corrupt and should no longer hold that office.
Still doesn't mean he should have been shot at least 7x in the back.

Still doesn't excuse that 17 year old punk to go out of state to kill 2 people in what WAS a peaceful demonstration. With an assault weapon no less. But fear not your friends at GoFundMe have raised a half millions dollars for his defense which means an acquittal is certain.

I don't think he will be acquitted. You can't go looking for a fight and then when one breaks out claim it was self defense. A good DA will lean on that. I'm also not sure how much standing he has to try and protect someone else's property which I think is what they are trying to say he was there to do. But like I said, let the evidence and the law play out.
What needs to be said and acknowledged publicly is accountability. Comply with commands by officers and your odds of being seriously injured or shot go way, way down. This should be emphasized to everyone. That, and respect for law enforcement officers.
Still doesn't mean he should have been shot at least 7x in the back.

Still doesn't excuse that 17 year old punk to go out of state to kill 2 people in what WAS a peaceful demonstration. With an assault weapon no less. But fear not your friends at GoFundMe have raised a half millions dollars for his defense which means an acquittal is certain.
Hold up.... we are talking about Blake right now--- not some 17 year old dude. This is a squirrel move. (Look! A squirrel!)

Now-- Let's address the 17 year old punk you speak of.

If Jacob Blake and the media would have been HONEST about the fact that he had a weapon on him-- do you think the "public" would have been like "ehhhh........ dude had a knife and was fighting with the cops....... maybe that's dumb...... maybe he wouldn't have been shot--- if he didn't brandish a knife..."
Or do you think the "public" would have been like "fvck it! Burn baby burn!" anyway?

I think the public would have said "well-- dumbass shouldn't have come at the cops with a weapon" and that would have been that.

No protests, no further violence with regard to THIS incident.

No 17 year old "punk" would have shot anyone-- if Blake and the media were honest.

But they weren't. And BECAUSE the media lied, the 17 year old ended up doing what he did. When in reality, he'd have probably been at home in bed.

Now, I ask you, who were the bad actors that instigated this entire exchange of violence?

Look here-- https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/5653800002

This is USA Today saying Jan 5 that he did NOT have a knife.

2 weeks later, in front of Michael Strahan, on the Today Show-- he ADMITS he had a knife.
The media flat the fvck out lied to you and me. Can't you see this was a manipulation? He admitted he had a knife and here is one of the most "trusted" news organizations saying he didn't. Do you think USA Today has retracted this story? Nope. They haven't.

Here's Yahoo news correcting the lie.

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Hold up.... we are talking about Blake right now--- not some 17 year old dude. This is a squirrel move. (Look! A squirrel!)

Now-- Let's address the 17 year old punk you speak of.

If Jacob Blake and the media would have been HONEST about the fact that he had a weapon on him-- do you think the "public" would have been like "ehhhh........ dude had a knife and was fighting with the cops....... maybe that's dumb...... maybe he wouldn't have been shot--- if he didn't brandish a knife..."
Or do you think the "public" would have been like "fvck it! Burn baby burn!" anyway?

I think the public would have said "well-- dumbass shouldn't have come at the cops with a weapon" and that would have been that.

No protests, no further violence with regard to THIS incident.

No 17 year old "punk" would have shot anyone-- if Blake and the media were honest.

But they weren't. And BECAUSE the media lied, the 17 year old ended up doing what he did. When in reality, he'd have probably been at home in bed.

Now, I ask you, who were the bad actors that instigated this entire exchange of violence?

Look here-- https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/5653800002

This is USA Today saying Jan 5 that he did NOT have a knife.

2 weeks later, in front of Michael Strahan, on the Today Show-- he ADMITS he had a knife.
The media flat the fvck out lied to you and me. Can't you see this was a manipulation? He admitted he had a knife and here is one of the most "trusted" news organizations saying he didn't. Do you think USA Today has retracted this story? Nope. They haven't.

Here's Yahoo news correcting the lie.

No he told investigators from the beginning he had a knife.

And there is no excusing that 17 year old punk who was walking around with an assault rifle and should have been at home minding his own business and letting the grown ups deal with this.
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No he told investigators from the beginning he had a knife.

And there is no excusing that 17 year old punk who was walking around with an assault rifle and should have been at home minding his own business and letting the grown ups deal with this.
Grown ups? Like the one who allows secession of parts of his city? That is rich. BTW - any outrage for the unarmed young lady shot and killed by authorities at the capitol? Or is that one excused because she didn't obey commands of law enforcement? I'm just trying to make sure I understand the rules. My view? You wander into a situation that anyone with any common sense knows is a bad place to be cannot later complain that they were mistreated - whether you're a 17 year old "punk", a vet storming the capitol, or a young man wielding a knife at police.
No he told investigators from the beginning he had a knife.

And there is no excusing that 17 year old punk who was walking around with an assault rifle and should have been at home minding his own business and letting the grown ups deal with this.

There is a law against shooting California liberals?....Who knew?

sorry Cali....I was just making a bad joke about a situation which is in fact a bad joke.
That kid showed up at the protest 2 days later after the Jacob Blake shooting. And because of that he IS part of the Jacob Blake story because it also involves the police.

He has at least 3 felony charges against him and unlike the cops he actually killed 2 people and almost blew the arm off of a third. He's not allowed to even touch a weapon let alone an assault rifle.
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I didn't vote for any one of them fools, so its not my fault!

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Still doesn't excuse that 17 year old punk to go out of state to kill 2 people in what WAS a peaceful demonstration. With an assault weapon no less. But fear not your friends at GoFundMe have raised a half millions dollars for his defense which means an acquittal is certain.

He has at least 3 felony charges against him and unlike the cops he actually killed 2 people and almost blew the arm off of a third. He's not allowed to even touch a weapon let alone an assault rifle.

You are very ignorant of laws, my 11 year old daughter has an AR15, to say that he isn't allowed to touch one in a state you know nothing about shows how ignorant you really are. Charges are not convictions, I've seen the evidence he was trying to get away from the mob who was attacking him. He has a right to life and to defend that life. especially when the guy he shot in the arm had a 9mm hand gun and would have likely killed him.

If I have a gun in my possession and I'm being attacked I'd have shot my attackers as well.

This was not a good situation, he had no business being there, however neither did the protestors, they ha no business attacking him. I have no pitty for a person that attacks another person and gets killed in the process, I do however have some pitty for a 17 year old boy who has to live with this.

You who claim to be a Christian can sit behind a keyboard and call a person you don't know a punk tells me more about you than it does about that boy.
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Democrats are bought and paid for by China, they funneled millions to them through BLM. If I had known how rich you could get as a public servant I'd have gone into politics when I was out of high school.
You do not look at what you are protecting, but at where the threat may come.
Democrats are bought and paid for by China, they funneled millions to them through BLM. If I had known how rich you could get as a public servant I'd have gone into politics when I was out of high school.

China plans on assuming the role of the world's preeminent superpower this year. China Joe will make sure it happens according to plan.
I didn't vote for any one of them fools, so its not my fault!


I was explaining this to my 15 yo son. The succession of communists is to take over through violence and oppress the free people through fear, however, there is a difference between the USA and other communist shit holes. The USA has the freedom and right to bear arms in the face of a totalitarian government. When the time comes and it will within the next 4 years, will we stand?
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Still doesn't mean he should have been shot at least 7x in the back.

Still doesn't excuse that 17 year old punk to go out of state to kill 2 people in what WAS a peaceful demonstration. With an assault weapon no less. But fear not your friends at GoFundMe have raised a half millions dollars for his defense which means an acquittal is certain.
Hold up--- let's start at the beginning.

He flat out said he should not have pulled a knife on the cops. Then he flat out says when they tazed him and he dropped it, he should not have picked it back up. He flat out says he deserved to get shot.

None of this is on anyone BUT him. He admitted he was wrong. What happened AFTER he did something stupid is a direct result of HIM doing something stupid. Had he NOT brandished a knife at the cops, the "17 year old" would have never done what he did because--- wait for it-- there'd have been no riots.

See how that works?

We have to go back to the root cause of how this particular event started--- the brandishing of a knife at police. Cali the dude flat out said it was his fault-- which mean EVERYTHING that came after this was ALSO his fault.
No he told investigators from the beginning he had a knife.

And there is no excusing that 17 year old punk who was walking around with an assault rifle and should have been at home minding his own business and letting the grown ups deal with this.
Cali-- it doesn't matter what he told investigators. What matters is what people were being TOLD by the media. The media flat the fvck out lied. I just showed you what USA today said. They said he had NO KNIFE. And the idiots protesting believed the media. Do you see how fvcking terrible this all is?
clob, your points are all valid. However, trying to reason with liberals is frustrating and fruitless. You can provide all of the facts and actions all day long, but until they show some objectivity, common sense, reasoning, rationale, accountability, etc., it's pointless to argue with them. They just don't get it.
R. Scott Sicario 2.0 (@SicarioScott) Tweeted:
The View From Biden s Motorcade. (What Do You Notice) https://t.co/qHr7TK2Xya

One of the vehicles in the POTUS motorcade-- trail vehicle-- I don't see any salutes and a lot of backs turned. Perhaps this is the taking of the knee that you get when you are TDY'd to DC to possibly have to shoot your own citizens.
They should be happy they have president that doesn’t call them suckers and also ignoring and doing nothing about the Russian bounties that they paid to Afghan militants to kill OUR troops. So digusting.
clob, your points are all valid. However, trying to reason with liberals is frustrating and fruitless. You can provide all of the facts and actions all day long, but until they show some objectivity, common sense, reasoning, rationale, accountability, etc., it's pointless to argue with them. They just don't get it.

The above link lists Biden’s accomplishments before defeating trump and becoming president.
They're just getting started. They have gotten the band back together and are running Obama's show again. The total destruction of America as a sovereign nation is what's coming. Who in their right mind doesn't want energy independence? There is absolutely no answer for killing all of those jobs. Everyone needs remember that Biden and the Dems couldn't care less about illegal immigrants as people, their inclusion is always tied to them having voting rights. Biden simply sees the 11million amnesty grab as 11 million more votes.
Waaaah. Lol it’s so funny how upset the Biden admin makes you.
They should be happy they have president that doesn’t call them suckers and also ignoring and doing nothing about the Russian bounties that they paid to Afghan militants to kill OUR troops. So digusting.

Wtf, biteme is stoking a fight with russia in syria. Talk about a bad time to be in uniform.
They should be happy they have president that doesn’t call them suckers and also ignoring and doing nothing about the Russian bounties that they paid to Afghan militants to kill OUR troops. So digusting.
You heard him call troops "suckers"? Or was this just another anonymous quote from USA Today that clearly lies. If you heard him or have evidence of him calling troops suckers, I'd love to see it.

As far as bounties are concerned-- do you really think Al Qaeda needs money as an incentive to shoot our troops? Ya, me neither.
Hey @GuaranteedFresh! -- when you were with JSOC and hit by IEDs on two separate events do you think the Hadjies were more motivated to kill you because of money-- or because of just good old fashioned pure hatred? I'm going with hatred.

Oh and BTW--- here's your Boy Joe's financial sugar daddy offering bounties on US troops. An article WRITTEN by guys who actually have the bounty on their heads-- you know, actual soldiers. Not some pasty reporter stuck in a basement at the New York Times.
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A couple nice things in there, but I have to ask...did you even read it? Did you expect anyone to actually open it and read it? Because that list doesn't do what you think it does.

It looks like an assistant coaches resume that hasn't really done much but really wants a head coaching position...
They should be happy they have president that doesn’t call them suckers and also ignoring and doing nothing about the Russian bounties that they paid to Afghan militants to kill OUR troops. So digusting.
You were saying?..... Don't even try to play the "for our troops" card, you obviously know nothing but bs talking points. VP Biden & Obama were directly responsible for the death of TOO MANY U.S. servicemen. It got bad under Bush but went to damn near criminal under their watch. Wanna talk about tying both hands behind our backs via politicized rules of engagement? Choose another topic to twist because support for military won't be a winning debate for your guy.
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That you call those accomplishments says a lot about you, "kevin". =)roll

Don't think that I'm not on to you and know who you are. Tick tock. Tick tock.
He's like our little class clown, In the end you know the clown is going to get stupid and get clowned but it's fun watching it.
  • Haha
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