Looks like Biden has the support of the troops....

Trumps entire legacy is being undone as we speak. The wall is being taken down and the caravan of Honduran migrants are coming to shack up in Texas. You must be so sad. Waaaahh
But, but, but isn't our new President deathly afraid of the caravan carrying the covid hoax? LOL
BTW blh11 you are so bad at this, you'd think you would have learned by now
Just checked cnn-not one article of what’s happening in Seattle.
Just checked yahoo-not one article of what’s happening in Seattle.
These are blm and other left groups rioting, er, protesting.
It’s only a small faction of people genius. I’m sure you are so proud of the insurrection. Go excuse that away.
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Still can’t explain election fraud. Just stomping your feet
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Actually, the inquiry going is a second impeachment of orange dotard. So embarrassing. Guess what, if Biden loses 2.5 million jobs he will have a better track record on job creation than trump by 500,000. Lol.
You must be referring to AFTER the covid crisis.

Because BEFORE covid, this time last year, unemployment was lower than it had been since after WWII.

And latino and black owned business numbers were virtually DOUBLE what they were under Chicago Jesus. Now how do you explain those facts?

And yes, covid killed jobs-- in EVERY country. And those of us smart enough to know that mostly sick people, fat people and old people would be effected by this disease, used the common sense rationale of "hey, let's let the 10-15% of us that are old, fat or sick- stay HOME while the rest of us keep the world spinning."

But nope. The idiocy from one particular side of the political spectrum thought it wiser to hug people in China town, lock down their own cities and states, shudder all these small businesses, force everyone to wear masks and then go to parties, beauty salons, and vacations while us serfs sat at home going broke.

Then last week, you know, a week before the inauguration-- Stanford Medical (i know right? Zero credibility at Stanford) comes out with a study saying "Ya..... ummmm, so those lockdown things-- they really don't work after all...".

Here you go. Have a read. It's Newsweek reporting this. You know, Newsweek-- the bastion of far right propaganda.

But we know CNN and MSNBC failed to cover this. I wonder why?

So back to your original ridiculousness and sheer stupidity-- our economy, our nation, was prospering not just for racist old white folks, but for ALL people in ways that no administration, no, not even Chicago Jesus's administration, had ever been able to do.
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Trumps entire legacy is being undone as we speak. The wall is being taken down and the caravan of Honduran migrants are coming to shack up in Texas. You must be so sad. Waaaahh
Actually you're wrong again. Construction of the wall has been put on hold for 90 days.

The migrants from central America will be held in the same facilities that Obama built back in 2011-12. They will be separated, adults from children and men from women, to avoid diseases being spread among them. Smart thing to do. Then they will be screaned for diseases and by then, the Biden administration is hoping to figure out what the next steps are.
It’s only a small faction of people genius. I’m sure you are so proud of the insurrection. Go excuse that away.
They've burned
Actually, the inquiry going is a second impeachment of orange dotard. So embarrassing. Guess what, if Biden loses 2.5 million jobs he will have a better track record on job creation than trump by 500,000. Lol.
You and your ilk seem deathly afraid of Trump coming back around again so much so that they're trying to make it where he can't run for office again LOL. Going to be awfully funny watching as they try to impeach a citizen but it's a dog and pony show so par for the course.
Actually you're wrong again. Construction of the wall has been put on hold for 90 days.

The migrants from central America will be held in the same facilities that Obama built back in 2011-12. They will be separated, adults from children and men from women, to avoid diseases being spread among them. Smart thing to do. Then they will be screaned for diseases and by then, the Biden administration is hoping to figure out what the next steps are.
Yes nowhere has it been reported that the wall is being torn down, just halted
Gonna complain for the next 4 years. I feel sorry for you
Huh. I sort of remember the hashtags #imwithher and #notmypresident trending for four years. I also remember rioting, buildings being burned, fake race crimes, Jussie Smollett, cops being killed, people being hit with bicycle chains, 24 hour a day media stomping their feet like the spoiled children they are, comedians cutting off the head of the president on social media, Madonna wanting to bomb the whitehouse-- and on and on and on.

Whomever you are, you're not very good at this knowledge and fact based debate thing.
Huh. I sort of remember the hashtags #imwithher and #notmypresident trending for four years. I also remember rioting, buildings being burned, fake race crimes, Jussie Smollett, cops being killed, people being hit with bicycle chains, 24 hour a day media stomping their feet like the spoiled children they are, comedians cutting off the head of the president on social media, Madonna wanting to bomb the whitehouse-- and on and on and on.

Whomever you are, you're not very good at this knowledge and fact based debate thing.
Still can’t explain election fraud. I’m waiting. How was the election stolen. Yawn..
You must be referring to AFTER the covid crisis.

Because BEFORE covid, this time last year, unemployment was lower than it had been since after WWII.

And latino and black owned business numbers were virtually DOUBLE what they were under Chicago Jesus. Now how do you explain those facts?

And yes, covid killed jobs-- in EVERY country. And those of us smart enough to know that mostly sick people, fat people and old people would be effected by this disease, used the common sense rationale of "hey, let's let the 10-15% of us that are old, fat or sick- stay HOME while the rest of us keep the world spinning."

But nope. The idiocy from one particular side of the political spectrum thought it wiser to hug people in China town, lock down their own cities and states, shudder all these small businesses, force everyone to wear masks and then go to parties, beauty salons, and vacations while us serfs sat at home going broke.

Then last week, you know, a week before the inauguration-- Stanford Medical (i know right? Zero credibility at Stanford) comes out with a study saying "Ya..... ummmm, so those lockdown things-- they really don't work after all...".

Here you go. Have a read. It's Newsweek reporting this. You know, Newsweek-- the bastion of far right propaganda.

But we know CNN and MSNBC failed to cover this. I wonder why?

So back to your original ridiculousness and sheer stupidity-- our economy, our nation, was prospering not just for racist old white folks, but for ALL people in ways that no administration, no, not even Chicago Jesus's administration, had ever been able to do.
He inherited a a great democratic economy and ruined by not taking COVID seriously. You and your BF belldozer might not think it’s serious, but the entire world is effected. It’s real. Orange dotard couldn’t manage it and didn’t take it seriously.
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Still can’t explain election fraud. I’m waiting. How was the election stolen. Yawn..
Errrr.... I think you must have me mistaken with someone else. You're welcome to peruse my posts and find anywhere that I've claimed widespread fraud.

Yet again, you've lost track of your facts.

But for the record, do I think there was fraud? Well, if but one vote is changed illegally or cast illegally, then this constitutes fraud. So yes, by definition there was fraud. But there's some form of fraud in every election, everywhere.

With that said, do I think there were millions and millions of votes changed from one candidate to another? No. I don't.

So with that said-- if there was no widespread voter fraud, and the Biden administration wants to PROVE to the non-believers that widespread fraud did not happen, then he simply needs to appoint a 3rd party review, made up of not just "Washington DC" people, but also individuals that people on the right would trust. Candace Owens would be an example. Smart, articulate, and trusted by the right.
I'd nominate Cindy Crawford. She was educated at Northwestern, she's INCREDIBLY intelligent, and people love and trust her. But you'd also, to make it fair, need to have someone like James Woods be a part of it. Why? Because he's an intelligent (and he is highly educated- to say he isn't is just showing how dumb you are) person and a skeptic. Prove to a skeptic that there's no fraud, and at that point people will listen.

Now, back to our previous discussion, you chose not to take issue with any of my talking points about the economy, jobs, and businesses owned by minority were RAGING under Trump as well as the no win situation he was put in by the media and democrats.

And the reason you chose not to take issue with any of it is because---- you know I'm right.

So you've conceded those points-- that life for America, was better under the Trump administration-- whether you thought he was an asshole or not, was not my argument. Life for ALL people was economically better under Trump-- until he was torpedoed.
Errrr.... I think you must have me mistaken with someone else. You're welcome to peruse my posts and find anywhere that I've claimed widespread fraud.

Yet again, you've lost track of your facts.

But for the record, do I think there was fraud? Well, if but one vote is changed illegally or cast illegally, then this constitutes fraud. So yes, by definition there was fraud. But there's some form of fraud in every election, everywhere.

With that said, do I think there were millions and millions of votes changed from one candidate to another? No. I don't.

So with that said-- if there was no widespread voter fraud, and the Biden administration wants to PROVE to the non-believers that widespread fraud did not happen, then he simply needs to appoint a 3rd party review, made up of not just "Washington DC" people, but also individuals that people on the right would trust. Candace Owens would be an example. Smart, articulate, and trusted by the right.
I'd nominate Cindy Crawford. She was educated at Northwestern, she's INCREDIBLY intelligent, and people love and trust her. But you'd also, to make it fair, need to have someone like James Woods be a part of it. Why? Because he's an intelligent (and he is highly educated- to say he isn't is just showing how dumb you are) person and a skeptic. Prove to a skeptic that there's no fraud, and at that point people will listen.

Now, back to our previous discussion, you chose not to take issue with any of my talking points about the economy, jobs, and businesses owned by minority were RAGING under Trump as well as the no win situation he was put in by the media and democrats.

And the reason you chose not to take issue with any of it is because---- you know I'm right.

So you've conceded those points-- that life for America, was better under the Trump administration-- whether you thought he was an asshole or not, was not my argument. Life for ALL people was economically better under Trump-- until he was torpedoed.
Trump made his bed and lied In it. He could have taken COVID seriously when their was 10 cases. But made a joke out of it and here we are with this mask crap and lost businesses we all enjoyed.
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Trump made his bed and lied In it. He could have taken COVID seriously when their was 10 cases. But made a joke out of it and here we are with this mask crap and lost businesses we all enjoyed.
You sound like a guy that has all the answers.....what should of been done since you know all?
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He inherited a a great democratic economy and ruined by not taking COVID seriously. You and your BF belldozer might not think it’s serious, but the entire world is effected. It’s real. Orange dotard couldn’t manage it and didn’t take it seriously.
Nope. You're incorrect. He inherited an economy that was on the mend and beginning to trend upward. Does Obama deserve some credit for that? Of course.
Trump, however, took a slowly mending economy and gave it a shit in the ass with steroids. History will debate whether or not it was the "right" shot in the ass-- but until covid-- it was running almost flawlessly. A hiccup fir a week or two would occur and then BAM--- back on the upward rocket trend.

Now-- i do think covid is serious, and so does my boyfriend Belldozer. We know it's serious for MOSTLY old, sick and fat people. For the rest of the young, healthy and not fat people, we have statistically a greater chance of drowning in a pool than we do of dying from covid. Look it up if you think I'm wrong.
However, we NOW know that locking down an entire COUNTRY, made no difference. How do we know? Read the Stanford article i posted above. And before you say Stanford is biased, I'll remind you that it's Stanford. In California. Next to San Francisco. That STANFORD. And if you think you're smarter than the biological research group at Stanford, then I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.

So, even shutting down flights from China, locking down European travel, and then giving the power to the STATES to lock things down, uts still Trumps fault? So guess its Macron's fault for all the deaths on France. Or Merkel's fault for all the deaths in Germany. Or maybe it's Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé Eyadéma's fault for all the deaths on the island of Togo. He's the president Togo, if you didn't know.

And if covid coming to America is Trump's fault because he didn't "lock us down" fast enough (though it wouldn't have mattered according to Stanford) how do you explain the fact that there's been ZERO travel between England and the US for 9 months-- BUT, they newly discovered mutated strain of covid FIRST DISCOVERED IN ENGLAND, has now been discovered in the United States?

Explain that to me? Can you?
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He inherited a a great democratic economy and ruined by not taking COVID seriously. You and your BF belldozer might not think it’s serious, but the entire world is effected. It’s real. Orange dotard couldn’t manage it and didn’t take it seriously.
The great covid hoax, piggybacking the 7700 daily deaths in America from every ailment known to mankind but taking credit for all LOL. Defend this one. He's an Awful individual.
Trump made his bed and lied In it. He could have taken COVID seriously when their was 10 cases. But made a joke out of it and here we are with this mask crap and lost businesses we all enjoyed.
You remind me of the guy on monday morning that has all the answers for why the quarterback lost the game and all the things he'd have done differently were he quarterback on the team instead of holding up the water cooler and eating donuts at his current job.

Nobody handled covid correctly. Not one country. People died in every nation. Are you calling for those leaders heads?

And based on your other posts, it's clear to me that even if Trump handled this flawlessly and lost only 100 lives, you weren't voting for him anyway. So there's that.

And btw-- when this whole thing started, the "expert" doctor, Fauci-- said that "even if we do everything right, we could STILL see 2.25 million deaths in this country."

Look it up-- pretty sure even CNN reported it.
Trump made his bed and lied In it. He could have taken COVID seriously when their was 10 cases. But made a joke out of it and here we are with this mask crap and lost businesses we all enjoyed.

So using your flawed logic, every death from January 20, 2021 forward is Biden's fault. I suppose he'll handle things perfectly. Since you portray to know things that we don't, why don't you explain to everyone your plan on how America should be run and covid should be handled. This should be good.
For the record @KEVINBOGOSIAN is a sock puppet of another poster who has been banned many times for inciting problems, calling everyone who doesn't agree with him a racist etc. One of his sock puppets claimed he hated Trump because he grabbed him in his p^**y.
For the record @KEVINBOGOSIAN is a sock puppet of another poster who has been banned many times for inciting problems, calling everyone who doesn't agree with him a racist etc. One of his sock puppets claimed he hated Trump because he grabbed him in his p^**y.

Fortunately for you most of the posters on this board are conservatives. If it were somebody in the middle you and your loopy, unsubstantiated, conspiracy theories would have been gone a long time ago.
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Fortunately for you most of the posters on this board are conservatives. If it were somebody in the middle you and your loopy, unsubstantiated, conspiracy theories would have been gone a long time ago.
And don't you find it amazing that Biden supposedly got 81 million votes but I can find only a handful of degenerates that actually voted for him. This board is a perfect example of that. And here's a great video of the guy you and the other 2 folks on this board voted for. We'll wait for you to call him out
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Fortunately for you most of the posters on this board are conservatives. If it were somebody in the middle you and your loopy, unsubstantiated, conspiracy theories would have been gone a long time ago.

Lot of commons sense guys on this board.
Fortunately for you most of the posters on this board are conservatives. If it were somebody in the middle you and your loopy, unsubstantiated, conspiracy theories would have been gone a long time ago.

It's not really about being conservative or liberal. It has more to do with a commitment to facts, reason, logic and being a rational independent thinker. Most of the posters on this board who are viewed as conservative wouldn't hesitate to call out anyone who is unable to argue their position. Doesn't matter if they're liberal or conservative. Liberals are driven mainly by the emotions of hate and fear which clouds their ability to think rationally and honestly. That's why they have to resort to suppressing speech. If they were committed to free speech, their arguments would easily be defeated. The left has been doing this for hundreds of years.
And as I've said before right wing violence is a far bigger threat to our internal security the FBI and DHS said it themselves. A study was taken and over a 10 year period 119 people died from right wing violence.

The fact of the matter is that if BLM had stormed the capital they'd have been shot on sight. The capital police would not have stopped to take selfies with the protesters. Say what you want but protesting against police brutality and the oppression that comes from it is one thing but protesting against votes legally cast is different. Combined with these right wing and racist organizations that have infiltrated our police and military these are the people who hate America. They want their America and only theirs.
And as I've said before right wing violence is a far bigger threat to our internal security the FBI and DHS said it themselves. A study was taken and over a 10 year period 119 people died from right wing violence.

The fact of the matter is that if BLM had stormed the capital they'd have been shot on sight. The capital police would not have stopped to take selfies with the protesters. Say what you want but protesting against police brutality and the oppression that comes from it is one thing but protesting against votes legally cast is different. Combined with these right wing and racist organizations that have infiltrated our police and military these are the people who hate America. They want their America and only theirs.
Did you see the riots, looting,burnings, assaults, shootings and the destruction all over country? Who in the heck you think did that? BLM and antifa. You always blame the conservatives and it’s the racist left, socialist, Marxist and fascist loonies that are a threat to this democracy. Nobody believes you except the other loonies.
You remind me of the guy on monday morning that has all the answers for why the quarterback lost the game and all the things he'd have done differently were he quarterback on the team instead of holding up the water cooler and eating donuts at his current job.

Oh damn, did you just call him an Uncle Rico, why I think you did. Sounds about right.

Fortunately for you most of the posters on this board are conservatives. If it were somebody in the middle you and your loopy, unsubstantiated, conspiracy theories would have been gone a long time ago.
Cali, I will sit and debate anyone all day on topics that are merit based. That's easy to do because merit based arguments can be proven or disproven with data, mathematics, logic etc etc. What I can't do, and what most discussions/debates are now being morphed into are not merit based discussions, they are moral based. And that's the problem with morally based debates- everyone has different sets of morals. And regardless of your lifelong position of morals, the "benchmark" for certain groups keeps shifting.
Politically, if this were the 1980s, I would align with "Reagan Democrats". The problem is that in the 1980s, the guys that were "slightly to the left of center" are now, by liberal standards, considered slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun in the eyes of progressives.

Now, is this because I've changed?

It's because value systems have changed. I can be against abortion for me personally, but I can also believe in a woman's right to choose-- but if I express that abortion just isn't for me, personally, then I'm branded a misogynist-- even though I still believe in a woman's right to choose.
I can say all day long that I don't care who marries whom-- guy, girl, insert gender fluid pronoun- but if I don't at least consider dating another man, then I'm a homophobe. (This is true btw-- lots of academic articles on this topic)
Whether you realize it or not, I've read damn near every post you've made regarding football or any other topic. Some I agree with, and some I don't. When it comes to football, you usually have a well thought out argument and can back that up with logic and stats and some form of data. Yes, sometimes you make "gut" arguments- and just like everyone else, myself included, sometimes your gut is right, and sometimes it's wrong.
Nobody faults you for that. Nobody faults anybody for that. But when it comes to merit based arguments, we as a society have to take "gut" feelings out of it. We have to talk in terms of data. I know that may sound cold, I know sometimes that means having to make crappy emotional decisions to get results-- but that's life.
Did you see the riots, looting,burnings, assaults, shootings and the destruction all over country? Who in the heck you think did that? BLM and antifa. You always blame the conservatives and it’s the racist left, socialist, Marxist and fascist loonies that are a threat to this democracy. Nobody believes you except the other loonies.

Well the DT fanatics are fascist loonies. And because most people on here are conservative no one on here will condemn the proud boys some on here have expressed admiration for them. Matter of fact it was the proud boys were responsible for that police building burning in Minneapolis. And what does DT say about these people stand back and stand by on national tv, in a presidential debate no less. A guy most people on here voted for. And let's not forget about Q'Anon.

And most of the victims in these demonstrations have been liberal leaning. That isn't to say liberals are pure because they're not. The people in Oakland who sniper shot a cop, the anarchist in Seattle who shot a right wing Christian minister was wrong and I'm sure there were others. But then there are others like this GoFundMe bunch who raised as much as $250,000 for that punk kid in WI.

And no Antifa nor BLM was involved with what went down on 1/6/21 and you guys need to stop trying to convincing yourselves that. And let me ask you guys something how many of you benefited from that DT tax cut that benefited the top 3%?

And why does everyone ignore the over 400,000 who have died from covid19? Most people complain about wearing a mask but most people on here voted for a man who had a cavalier disregard for this virus. And there was Mitch McConnell a horrible human being who did nothing to help the people most affected by this virus. He banked on DT winning and the R's holding the Senate and then doing what they wanted to do. And MM, Ted Cruz, and the rest of that bunch did nothing to work across party lines. And now now he has the audacity to complain that JB isn't working across party lines.

So because were liberal democrats were socialists? Well I'm going to say something about that. Socialists like who

Cuba? No
Columbia? No
Venezuela? No
Nicaragua? No. And we don't support corrupt, oppressive, left wing governments any more than you say you do. But when people flee from corrupt, oppressive, right wing governments like say Bolivia well that's where the wall comes in handy.

DT has disgraced the office of the POTUS. Our image in the eyes of the world has been damaged especially among our European allies and it will take time to repair that. You can reply with insults all you want most of you aren't going to read it anyway.

But this is a sports board which is what were here to talk about. Wth we've hired a new coach who has brought in a new coaching staff with so many interesting story lines to talk about. Or a bb team who's risen out of mediocrity? Does anyone on here know how LJ Johnson's visit has gone? Do we still have a chance? Will baseball season start on time after fb the most important sport at TX is bb so hell yes I'm going to follow them. The title games are today.
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Cali, I will sit and debate anyone all day on topics that are merit based. That's easy to do because merit based arguments can be proven or disproven with data, mathematics, logic etc etc. What I can't do, and what most discussions/debates are now being morphed into are not merit based discussions, they are moral based. And that's the problem with morally based debates- everyone has different sets of morals. And regardless of your lifelong position of morals, the "benchmark" for certain groups keeps shifting.
Politically, if this were the 1980s, I would align with "Reagan Democrats". The problem is that in the 1980s, the guys that were "slightly to the left of center" are now, by liberal standards, considered slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun in the eyes of progressives.

Now, is this because I've changed?

It's because value systems have changed. I can be against abortion for me personally, but I can also believe in a woman's right to choose-- but if I express that abortion just isn't for me, personally, then I'm branded a misogynist-- even though I still believe in a woman's right to choose.
I can say all day long that I don't care who marries whom-- guy, girl, insert gender fluid pronoun- but if I don't at least consider dating another man, then I'm a homophobe. (This is true btw-- lots of academic articles on this topic)
Whether you realize it or not, I've read damn near every post you've made regarding football or any other topic. Some I agree with, and some I don't. When it comes to football, you usually have a well thought out argument and can back that up with logic and stats and some form of data. Yes, sometimes you make "gut" arguments- and just like everyone else, myself included, sometimes your gut is right, and sometimes it's wrong.
Nobody faults you for that. Nobody faults anybody for that. But when it comes to merit based arguments, we as a society have to take "gut" feelings out of it. We have to talk in terms of data. I know that may sound cold, I know sometimes that means having to make crappy emotional decisions to get results-- but that's life.

Well ok let's dance. Me personally I've always been conflicted about abortion. My wife is very much pro-life and I think that's why she voted for Trump. And yes I've said on here numerous times that my wife voted for DT. And believe it or not were still in love 😅

I have lots of data but it takes to long to post so yeah I basically I do a summary of what I've read. Now did I vote for Biden? Yes. Am I glad he won? Yes. But I don't feel good about it. I let myself get sucked it by social media during this election in my case it was youtube channels with political content it's my fault and its why I've posted that sometimes social media can be unhealthy and I'm the best example of that. I'm smart enough to think for myself.

But most conservatives and most people on this board have bought into the idea that Democrats are socialists. Joe Biden has said himself that he is a capitalist. What I want is justice Im angry about police brutality against people of color do you really need data for this clob94? I resent that the police will never have to answer for this. It doesn't matter that George Floyd, was a convicted felon, or that Jacob Blake was a suspect, they are still human beings conservatives have a hard time seeing this. The charges against that cop in WI who shot Blake has been dismissed. And the charges against the cops in Salt Lake City who shot a 13 year old boy with autism have been dismissed and btw hes a white kid. We need more men like Art Acevedo leading our police departments. I've studied this closely and I have some strong ideas for reform but they will never happen. I think police unions should be prohibited from contributing to DA candidates. Once they're elected they're already in bed with the police.

Clob a coup in a third world country should not be compared to what went down on 1/6/21. Its still a case of people who hate their country and are willing to kill other people for their evil beliefs.

Look these people were on the fringe but DT tapped into their psyche and they came out of the woodwork and they showed up in droves to vote. Now they have a place at the table in the RP they even have supporters in Washington.

Has our country been unified since the end of WW2? Doubtful but our country has been polarized like never before.

Look knowledgeable people have talked about how the DT tax cuts hurt most Americans. We lost a lot of jobs. As far as the economy supposedly recovering it didn't happen until the last half of 2020 to late to undo the damage that had already been done.

I have plenty of data out there clob but it takes a lot of time for me to post. I do understand the facts very well.
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