You must be referring to AFTER the covid crisis.
Because BEFORE covid, this time last year, unemployment was lower than it had been since after WWII.
And latino and black owned business numbers were virtually DOUBLE what they were under Chicago Jesus. Now how do you explain those facts?
And yes, covid killed jobs-- in EVERY country. And those of us smart enough to know that mostly sick people, fat people and old people would be effected by this disease, used the common sense rationale of "hey, let's let the 10-15% of us that are old, fat or sick- stay HOME while the rest of us keep the world spinning."
But nope. The idiocy from one particular side of the political spectrum thought it wiser to hug people in China town, lock down their own cities and states, shudder all these small businesses, force everyone to wear masks and then go to parties, beauty salons, and vacations while us serfs sat at home going broke.
Then last week, you know, a week before the inauguration-- Stanford Medical (i know right? Zero credibility at Stanford) comes out with a study saying "Ya..... ummmm, so those lockdown things-- they really don't work after all...".
The peer reviewed study, which was conducted by a group of Stanford researchers and published in the Wiley Online Library on January 5, analyzed coronavirus case growth in 10 countries in early 2020.
Here you go. Have a read. It's Newsweek reporting this. You know, Newsweek-- the bastion of far right propaganda.
But we know CNN and MSNBC failed to cover this. I wonder why?
So back to your original ridiculousness and sheer stupidity-- our economy, our nation, was prospering not just for racist old white folks, but for ALL people in ways that no administration, no, not even Chicago Jesus's administration, had ever been able to do.