**OFFICIAL TEXAS vs Mississippi Cheese Turds thread of SEC Inauguration**

Worst team in the SEC is just whippin' our ass physically right now.
I'm genuinely concerned by how much our DLine is getting shoved around.
That’s our weakness right there. No run D up the middle. No Murphy and Sweat to clog up those interior run lanes. Opposing teams are now going to definitely be working to exploit that point forward.
In a feat of utter dumbassery--- Arkansas, who already ran a fake punt against aggy that went for a 1st down, just tried to double down and ran a fake field goal that got blowed up.
10 yards rushing
8 minutes time of possession
No run defense

Those will get us beat.
I knew this shit would happen. It’s literally the stock script for a shit team that’s gotten even shittier by losing its QB:

Option look bullshit that nobody has film on, and like clockwork, everybody starts guessing wrong at the damn shell game.
Two bad mistakes from having 24-28 points. Clean up the dumb mistakes and penalties and we’ll be just fine.
Offensively I agree 100%. My concern is the same thing it’s been all season long. DL gets stood up at best and pushed backwards at the worst. I’m not asking for us to have interiors getting double digit sacks. Just hold the point of attack. That’s enough with the D around them.