***OFFICIAL: Texas vs the GUMPS football thread of upset Vegas bookies***

We're moving it, but we do need more plays than quick outs to Worthy or JWhitt or whomever. Line really needs to start opening holes so we can get some bigger runs going.
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Can Bo Davis effin practice sacking next week? Geeeezous how many sacks do we have to effing blow? Unreal.
they can run on us, but luckily their oc feels the need to show how smart he is. ewers hate will be shamed from here on out. that dude is great-- who cares if he can't hit a 50 yarder when he hits 12 yarders in his sleep.
they can run on us, but luckily their oc feels the need to show how smart he is. ewers hate will be shamed from here on out. that dude is great-- who cares if he can't hit a 50 yarder when he hits 12 yarders in his sleep.
People harp way too much on the deep ball. He is elite in the intermediate and short stuff. The deep ball will come eventually. It’s only his 12th start.