Orangebloods Posters "Hall of Fame"

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Originally posted by McGuapo:
Originally posted by Crhoden:

Originally posted by McGuapo:
If you love and often wear the color purple, you are automatically disqualified from ever being in the HOF. We are going to use the honor system here, so go ahead and raise your hand.

Wear the color purple, or watch the color purple?
Just go find yourself a solid purple shirt and go stand in public for a while and tell me how long it takes before you realize "I'm standing out here in a f-ing purple shirt".

Originally posted by McGuapo:

Originally posted by Crhoden:

Originally posted by McGuapo:
If you love and often wear the color purple, you are automatically disqualified from ever being in the HOF. We are going to use the honor system here, so go ahead and raise your hand.

Wear the color purple, or watch the color purple?
Just go find yourself a solid purple shirt and go stand in public for a while and tell me how long it takes before you realize "I'm standing out here in a f-ing purple shirt".

wearing purple can be disqualified at the same time someone who has ever barked in public is.
Originally posted by PNG1992:
Originally posted by McGuapo:

Originally posted by Crhoden:

Originally posted by McGuapo:
If you love and often wear the color purple, you are automatically disqualified from ever being in the HOF. We are going to use the honor system here, so go ahead and raise your hand.

Wear the color purple, or watch the color purple?
Just go find yourself a solid purple shirt and go stand in public for a while and tell me how long it takes before you realize "I'm standing out here in a f-ing purple shirt".

wearing purple can be disqualified at the same time someone who has ever barked in public is.

"Personal foul: PNG, failure to write in English. Alternatively, personal foul, PNG, Yoda-speak."
Originally posted by GetHooked:
2 of my favorites haven't been mentioned and belong in the HOF.

Sessamoid & hooked76. They are both very good to read.

Hornius is a very good poster but HE should be in just on pictures alone.

Thanks, GetHooked.
I appreciate it.
Originally posted by PNG1992:

Originally posted by McGuapo:

Originally posted by Crhoden:

Originally posted by McGuapo:
If you love and often wear the color purple, you are automatically disqualified from ever being in the HOF. We are going to use the honor system here, so go ahead and raise your hand.

Wear the color purple, or watch the color purple?
Just go find yourself a solid purple shirt and go stand in public for a while and tell me how long it takes before you realize "I'm standing out here in a f-ing purple shirt".

wearing purple can be disqualified at the same time someone who has ever barked in public is.
LOL, touche, but for the record, that crap became popular after I left. I still curse the day that damn song came out. I $hit you not, one time many years after I left and that song died, I went to a playoff game and during a lull in the game someone stood up in the crowd with a damn jambox and started playing "WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?? WHO, WHO, WHO, WHO??!!!" Damn...
Have to throw in aggiecutter and Tecohorn for always sharing important weather information. These guys are great.

Someone also mentioned rpongetti here for his analysis and ability to mentally meltdown other posters in a matter of one paragraph. If you think he was/is tough on this board, I remember seeing his work on a Sooner board years ago. Impressive.

And who could ever forget the postings of "Frank The Tank"????

This post was edited on 1/16 11:16 PM by SirHornsalot
I'll second that 76 nod...If ANY woman comes on here and has a better football sense than 76...I'll propose...We can move to Nevada and live happily ever after...I'm not leaving my wife cuz she'll keep my kids

I told 76 this but she has never taken me up on it

Kudos to hooked76
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Thanks LonghornRealtor,
I'll keep that in mind next time my husband makes me mad.

This post was edited on 1/16 10:59 PM by hooked76
First of all Crhoden is the man.
Others on the list would be...
Originally posted by Vinsanity12:
First of all Crhoden is the man.
Others on the list would be...

Hey The pleasure is all on this side of the table, and you represent H-town well my friend.
LHR for the culinary talks.

The insiders are always great.

echeese for having more posts than the rest OB members combined.

Syntax for understand of the BCS stuff.

314 for his pranks on sooners.

JKates for his ability to get under Ketch's skin on any thread.
moblack, texaspride, and BigDD win notoriety awards. some of the best legendary ridiculous threads have come from them.
why's aldelgreco not listed? dude is hilarious!

joenatural plays a role here nobody else does, though i bet he spends a lot of nights just talking to the caramel-beauties in his posts (j/k joe!).

northtexashorn, reverant horn, smaulden, mikemc are a group of dudes i've grown to love (no homo) & i read every word they say. i scroll through posts looking for posters like these.

eggroll, cs & don hornleone are dudes i love to hate & hate to love.

LHR & joeywa i see as pretty much the same dude in two different places. i've met one guy, but not the other, so maybe they are the same dude. w/ two wives??????

rpongetti is probably my single favorite poster. no wait, it's armadillo slim by far. no. rpongett, no slim, no rpon.........

i love jodybo for his position on texas & the big 12, as well as his position on texas ever playing ou again. i love dizzG for loving tony romo in a way that defies all logic.

i love black scholes for his awesome contributions. i love msmoore, though for some reason i see way too few of his posts these days.

gen/leon/willie is good for hours of thoughtful, but sometimes strange, discussions.

i hate, HATE the a-hole who rates every one of willie's posts one star.

i love ketch, jason & gerry. yep, i still love gerry, even with all of his SEC-love & orangebloods-absence.

i love chadkellar for his posts on jamarkus mcfarland... hoping that JM flops so bad, that his mom gets so poor that she has to move in w/ jamarkus & that he has to have a rat for a pet, instead of a dog. LOL1

i love echeese & just can't disagree w/ anything he has to say about the horns. i love him even though he belittled me tirelessly about 8 months ago for my gloom & doom views on the economy.

overall, all the posters whose handles i recognize are hall of famers to me. even the ones who i've learned to hate or who are racists. because they've got pretty good points of view from time-to-time.

anytime i meet one of you dudes, you're kind of like a mini-celebrity to me.
Re: Orangebloods Posters

I nominate the old corral figures (pre 2006 mid terms).

Sir Hornsalot
the Weatherman
Dr. Trent/Inspector Couseau
Adolph Kunkel/AK 46
Emirates Horns
The GI doc from Oklahoma who's handle I can't recall
puke - Rat
Puke - Brickhorn
puke - rpongett
(only because of misguided ideas or assholio behavior, never did a lack of intelligence cause vomiting when I gave them praise. Great posters though.)
And many others I can't think of.
Originally posted by Lngnstrt:
The dude with Steven Seagal and the panda in his sig is the GOAT.

that's centex!

btw, a big old f me for not including lngnstrt here. one of the real gentlemen on the board w/ great insight. sorry, brotha!
1UTfan | 2002_Horn | 3rdgen | 40acrefanatic | 40AcreFrank | 90Horn | 99TexasEx | ajd722 | akrisna | aluck5 | amitchell898 | andrewsrp | Ari Gold | arthurpnoack | atxdawg2004 | atxhorn | atxtypes | AustinRoark | Austintatious10 | Bevo 24 | bevo barry | bevo3571 | bevo4117 | bevoboy | bevoluv | BIG124ME | BigB18 | bigC55 | Biggio4HOF | bigjr123 | BKhorn89 | Black out the windows | Blackbandit3 | blackjag | bleacherfan | bleedorange86 | blitz7118 | bnar0un | bnewnham | BondLoungeHorn | Boodro 15 | boomer2320 | bradford345 | braves_coach | brianmaxin | brichits | BringBackRoyal | brosen98 | bseals | bthastings | bumadean | BurntOrangeNCalifornia | Bushwack | byronayme | cagrafft | Califashorn | caliHORNia | cangh | CasualO | caterpillar270 | cbchorn | CBHookem | ccatcher15 | cdg296 | cedarln | chasenwilliam | Chattanooga Texan | ChisholmTrail | chrise1984 | chucckk18 | ckyarbough | ClassicSheen | clevertrevor82 | closetojumping | Coach840 | Colonels57 | conley795 | CoopD21 | cope | CornPhilled | cpa_horn | crackerguy | Crhoden | csw006 | cte_ | D-Hod | D-Sanchez | Darinstollings | darkmatter | dnworley | do32200 | doclung | Don Hornleone | Donpihorns | DougNTexas | dramon | dsrtfox | durangohorn | DustinMcComas | EggmanZ | erice79 | ernulnc | evans877 | EYES OF TEXAS | ezr712 | Familyofutfans | | festuss | FireHorn06 | Fraank | fraisbob | Froger017 | FrozenHorn | FundRaiser | gaggy49 | GetHooked | gklewis | Graham77 | greggym | groverat-UT | grt54 | ham-jam-lam | HarveyHorn | Hayn-Z | Henryn20 | Her co-star in the beaver picture | HICKOCK | hilltophorn | hledford87 | hookedontonics | HookedOnUT1 | Hookem06 | Hookem1011 | hookem19852003 | Hookem83 | Hookemtrey14 | Hoop8022 | Horn 97 | Horn Jam | Horn_Daddy | horn1966 | horn2b02 | horn2befree | horn71 | Horn8299 | Hornbacker | horngolfer07 | HornInPacNW | hornjbob | HornPitt | hornry | Horns a Plenty | horns14_05 | horns43 | Horns77 | hornsfan28 | hornsrus | hornstastic | HTTR | huttohorns | I believe | Ibanezboy | iceman5 | ickivicki | islndfvr | itshuman | J Tull | J_Rob | Jake Ryan | jamzan2 | jason9925 | jaw05 | jayswisher | jaytexio | jbhuyan | jc15esq | jdanmiller | jec013 | jermzilla | Jettrink | jgeggattTight | Jim DeLoach | jmcclain | JMill | Joe Longhorn | joejon3 | joeyparker | joeywa | jrkbevo | jshorns03 | jsswt | JUNCTION 34 | juniorhorn18 | justacrzywhteboy | justice | jvcarter6 | KansasHorn | katofrog | kazes7 | Kazhorn | kelldrew | kerklein2 | kregg | labevo | Landry49 | larsdain | Lek68 | Level2 | Lhorns96 | licknstick | Lngnstrt | longhorn_mk | longhorn1020 | longhorn180 | Longhorn40 | Longhorn77 | LonghornDeb1971 | longhornfan62 | longhornjay30 | longhornmax | LONGHORNREALTOR | Longhorns32 | Lonmower | loqitar | luis1840 | LVHorn1 | LWULFE | maitreyat | Makutex | Malibuhorn | Manchild79 | manimalRox | maninblack | Mariano | markydyno | Marsellus | Matt Cotcher | mcbevo | mckinneytxhorn | Meddy1204 | merco | Mike 88 | mikeru | milkywhiteut | Mindcr1me | MisterYetzer | mll436 | mm957 | moanz350 | Mr. LLB | MSFHorn | mshvll | murphy7 | mvplonghorns | nahmorlah | natedawg04 | newmextex | ngnichols | Nick.O | nmaguire | NorthTexasHorn | Nothing-is-free | NovoHorn | Ntwadumela | Oanh | omaha29 | onepost | OnlyTook10Years | orange_horns | orangejohn | panther1288 | parkerbj | parmerlane | patrickallen | paulp61 | pbeathard | PDR HORN | PeanutUTlonghorn | peterblange | PJ61 | pkrchkr | plhak | pmoney87 | pnelly66 | pobo33 | PorKChoP16 | power player | prisco | ptrain37 | PutYourHornsUp | PVBEVO | Q6 | Randy4whit | rcw | rdrnr | reacoop1 | RealUT | Red95 | reddoor | rendavis25 | renesnakebit | REXEL MATT | rich0471 | rjlhorns | rkd90 | rosebowlbound | roysterr | ruidoso_horn | rvr | sahorn88 | sallystruthers | Salty Mule | SAMINSA | SanTexHorn | ScottdUT | sdesai8 | seggo | sevendays | SFAHORN99 | sgtmoody | shamalama | shasta | shermanboy | Shotgun30Horn | Shuff | Silverspurs | SirHornsalot | sixwhat | smh890 | smoaky | Snook29 | SoldierCard | Sonny J | sparker39 | Standaddy88 | Stealuface | stetch14 | SteveUT36 | strofan | SURFTEX | SVhorn | Swank | sweetcujo | sy1804 | szjones | T. Anderson | tamarahorn | tanis8316 | taoaho | tarhorn | tecohorn | tedde1 | teddyisme | TerryLeesSon | Tex Dog | TEXAS 60 | Texas2Big | TexasBigHorn | texasdem32 | texashero | texazhorn | texcoast | The Legendary Big J | The Olde Falcon | thecurto1977 | thunderduck3199 | TIKT B8 | tip3411 | tkindle17 | TL7 | tmahler | TMN6939 | toddk15 | tommygun86 | tparadise | tpatt34 | trinityhorn | troly1 | Turkey Leg | tx415girl | txcary | txrebel | TxshrnsNC | TXtsip98 | TYR0NEBIGGUMS | Ugly1 | ukrugby10 | usmc88 | usnaron1 | UT wildcatter | UT-54 | UT_2001 | ut76 | ut768 | UtAfvet | utarchboy | utgrad97 | UTHornMD | UTLonghornFan | UTSAM44 | UTScooby | VII | Vinsanity12 | VoltronJacko | Waynewill1410 | WEAR ORANGE | WFMikeT | WhiteHunterOrangeHeart | williamyiu | Willie Jennings | WillisCS20 | wintex | wparker | xlhorn | Xminus6 | ybrain | ZachAttach | zoethelizard | chasenwilliam
What ever happened to "TexLarry"? He was one poster who drew huge attention back in the day. I'm not sure he wasn't on staff to some capacity.
Originally posted by chasenwilliam:
1UTfan | 2002_Horn | 3rdgen | 40acrefanatic | 40AcreFrank | 90Horn | 99TexasEx | ajd722 | akrisna | aluck5 | amitchell898 | andrewsrp | Ari Gold | arthurpnoack | atxdawg2004 | atxhorn | atxtypes | AustinRoark | Austintatious10 | Bevo 24 | bevo barry | bevo3571 | bevo4117 | bevoboy | bevoluv | BIG124ME | BigB18 | bigC55 | Biggio4HOF | bigjr123 | BKhorn89 | Black out the windows | Blackbandit3 | blackjag | bleacherfan | bleedorange86 | blitz7118 | bnar0un | bnewnham | BondLoungeHorn | Boodro 15 | boomer2320 | bradford345 | braves_coach | brianmaxin | brichits | BringBackRoyal | brosen98 | bseals | bthastings | bumadean | BurntOrangeNCalifornia | Bushwack | byronayme | cagrafft | Califashorn | caliHORNia | cangh | CasualO | caterpillar270 | cbchorn | CBHookem | ccatcher15 | cdg296 | cedarln | chasenwilliam | Chattanooga Texan | ChisholmTrail | chrise1984 | chucckk18 | ckyarbough | ClassicSheen | clevertrevor82 | closetojumping | Coach840 | Colonels57 | conley795 | CoopD21 | cope | CornPhilled | cpa_horn | crackerguy | Crhoden | csw006 | cte_ | D-Hod | D-Sanchez | Darinstollings | darkmatter | dnworley | do32200 | doclung | Don Hornleone | Donpihorns | DougNTexas | dramon | dsrtfox | durangohorn | DustinMcComas | EggmanZ | erice79 | ernulnc | evans877 | EYES OF TEXAS | ezr712 | Familyofutfans | | festuss | FireHorn06 | Fraank | fraisbob | Froger017 | FrozenHorn | FundRaiser | gaggy49 | GetHooked | gklewis | Graham77 | greggym | groverat-UT | grt54 | ham-jam-lam | HarveyHorn | Hayn-Z | Henryn20 | Her co-star in the beaver picture | HICKOCK | hilltophorn | hledford87 | hookedontonics | HookedOnUT1 | Hookem06 | Hookem1011 | hookem19852003 | Hookem83 | Hookemtrey14 | Hoop8022 | Horn 97 | Horn Jam | Horn_Daddy | horn1966 | horn2b02 | horn2befree | horn71 | Horn8299 | Hornbacker | horngolfer07 | HornInPacNW | hornjbob | HornPitt | hornry | Horns a Plenty | horns14_05 | horns43 | Horns77 | hornsfan28 | hornsrus | hornstastic | HTTR | huttohorns | I believe | Ibanezboy | iceman5 | ickivicki | islndfvr | itshuman | J Tull | J_Rob | Jake Ryan | jamzan2 | jason9925 | jaw05 | jayswisher | jaytexio | jbhuyan | jc15esq | jdanmiller | jec013 | jermzilla | Jettrink | jgeggattTight | Jim DeLoach | jmcclain | JMill | Joe Longhorn | joejon3 | joeyparker | joeywa | jrkbevo | jshorns03 | jsswt | JUNCTION 34 | juniorhorn18 | justacrzywhteboy | justice | jvcarter6 | KansasHorn | katofrog | kazes7 | Kazhorn | kelldrew | kerklein2 | kregg | labevo | Landry49 | larsdain | Lek68 | Level2 | Lhorns96 | licknstick | Lngnstrt | longhorn_mk | longhorn1020 | longhorn180 | Longhorn40 | Longhorn77 | LonghornDeb1971 | longhornfan62 | longhornjay30 | longhornmax | LONGHORNREALTOR | Longhorns32 | Lonmower | loqitar | luis1840 | LVHorn1 | LWULFE | maitreyat | Makutex | Malibuhorn | Manchild79 | manimalRox | maninblack | Mariano | markydyno | Marsellus | Matt Cotcher | mcbevo | mckinneytxhorn | Meddy1204 | merco | Mike 88 | mikeru | milkywhiteut | Mindcr1me | MisterYetzer | mll436 | mm957 | moanz350 | Mr. LLB | MSFHorn | mshvll | murphy7 | mvplonghorns | nahmorlah | natedawg04 | newmextex | ngnichols | Nick.O | nmaguire | NorthTexasHorn | Nothing-is-free | NovoHorn | Ntwadumela | Oanh | omaha29 | onepost | OnlyTook10Years | orange_horns | orangejohn | panther1288 | parkerbj | parmerlane | patrickallen | paulp61 | pbeathard | PDR HORN | PeanutUTlonghorn | peterblange | PJ61 | pkrchkr | plhak | pmoney87 | pnelly66 | pobo33 | PorKChoP16 | power player | prisco | ptrain37 | PutYourHornsUp | PVBEVO | Q6 | Randy4whit | rcw | rdrnr | reacoop1 | RealUT | Red95 | reddoor | rendavis25 | renesnakebit | REXEL MATT | rich0471 | rjlhorns | rkd90 | rosebowlbound | roysterr | ruidoso_horn | rvr | sahorn88 | sallystruthers | Salty Mule | SAMINSA | SanTexHorn | ScottdUT | sdesai8 | seggo | sevendays | SFAHORN99 | sgtmoody | shamalama | shasta | shermanboy | Shotgun30Horn | Shuff | Silverspurs | SirHornsalot | sixwhat | smh890 | smoaky | Snook29 | SoldierCard | Sonny J | sparker39 | Standaddy88 | Stealuface | stetch14 | SteveUT36 | strofan | SURFTEX | SVhorn | Swank | sweetcujo | sy1804 | szjones | T. Anderson | tamarahorn | tanis8316 | taoaho | tarhorn | tecohorn | tedde1 | teddyisme | TerryLeesSon | Tex Dog | TEXAS 60 | Texas2Big | TexasBigHorn | texasdem32 | texashero | texazhorn | texcoast | The Legendary Big J | The Olde Falcon | thecurto1977 | thunderduck3199 | TIKT B8 | tip3411 | tkindle17 | TL7 | tmahler | TMN6939 | toddk15 | tommygun86 | tparadise | tpatt34 | trinityhorn | troly1 | Turkey Leg | tx415girl | txcary | txrebel | TxshrnsNC | TXtsip98 | TYR0NEBIGGUMS | Ugly1 | ukrugby10 | usmc88 | usnaron1 | UT wildcatter | UT-54 | UT_2001 | ut76 | ut768 | UtAfvet | utarchboy | utgrad97 | UTHornMD | UTLonghornFan | UTSAM44 | UTScooby | VII | Vinsanity12 | VoltronJacko | Waynewill1410 | WEAR ORANGE | WFMikeT | WhiteHunterOrangeHeart | williamyiu | Willie Jennings | WillisCS20 | wintex | wparker | xlhorn | Xminus6 | ybrain | ZachAttach | zoethelizard | chasenwilliam

I made the list!!!
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Everybody I'd have mentioned has been except perhaps Frankie five angels, who I think deserves a nod. Also mardoc20 for his call-outs.

And I'd have mentioned aldelgreco much sooner.
Originally posted by

Originally posted by Lngnstrt:
The dude with Steven Seagal and the panda in his sig is the GOAT.

that's centex!

btw, a big old f me for not including lngnstrt here. one of the real gentlemen on the board w/ great insight. sorry, brotha!


I miss Run Ricky Run
My personal favs are Her Co Star In the Beaver Picture, and the dude with the huge AC/DC signature pic, for some reason Im drawing a blank. The other two I like reading are LonghornRealtor and Yorktown Horn

Great thread BTW
Farius, Heart of Texas, echeese, dizzg, Hook 'em Horns 11, North Texas Horn, Letter86, utx, maybe a few more from this board. I would like to start a least favorite posters post if possible without again losing my priviliges, and everyone on it has either posted or was mentioned here.
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Too many good posters to list. I like all of you guys.
Re: Orangebloods Posters "Hall of Fame"

Longhornrealtor....based on what my newphew told me is a awsome guy...and throws one heck of a nice tailgate..
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by Frank Pentangeli:

Originally posted by

Originally posted by Lngnstrt:
The dude with Steven Seagal and the panda in his sig is the GOAT.

that's centex!

btw, a big old f me for not including lngnstrt here. one of the real gentlemen on the board w/ great insight. sorry, brotha!


I miss Run Ricky Run

true, RRR was a good one.
Most everyone I would vote for have been already mentioned....but they still will get my thoughts.

rpongetti......Simply for the video and the fact he KNOWS football-despite a couple of guys argument to the contarary......and he

dondrysdale......You can hate all him you like (and some people DO) but you cannot deny that he does present very good facts to his points.

echeese-Same as don-love him or hate him you have to respect him. And I do.

Armadillo Slim-a man who IMVHO does represent all that is good indeed great about UT both on the board and I think away from it as well.

Sessmoid, Tex(AUS),and H.O.T-for their shared hate of ALL things A&M and OU.....H.O.T. for sure-any man who hates OU as bad as he does deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. His hate for OU is EPIC.

LONGHORN REALTOR......the food, the tailgates, the friendship. Enough said.

CalONGHORNia-for the brine......

Horinius-His pictures and his thoughts are equal in my book.

eggroll.....A mini-version of dondrysdale; see above comments for why.

314Horn......the e-mail-simply legendary.
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