Originally posted by SirHornsalot:
I think the all-time biggest prank EVER pulled on this board came at the hands of Pongetti.
Several years ago I came to the board and there was this thread. It said something to the effect of "Don't tell ______, we're sick of him" or some such. In the title, each member's name would appear according to whoever was browsing the page at the time. For instance, when I opened the 40 Acres board page, I saw my name there in the title. When RoyalSoil opened, he saw his name. A truly wicked trick of programming it was.
Inside the first post and in every post afterwards, it was YOUR name taken in vain and talked about in criminal ways.
Anyway, half the board was so pissed they couldn't see straight and the other half was laughing so hard they couldn't post complete sentences. Truly mass hysteria and chaos.
Anyone else remember that?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Rpongetti started that thread, right?