Originally posted by 40acrefanatic:
Both for obvious reasons
North Texas Horn - This guy is genius...easily my favorite poster on the board
Hornius Emetrius
Don Hornleone
Mike Corleone
I Am McLovin
All guys who I may not always agree with but bring very good stuff to this board
Sundance7 the ultimate nice guy
Biggio4HOF - I just really enjoy his posts
HookEM Horns11 - see above
Heart of Texas - Some of the best knowledge and break downs on this board
Scout88 - See above both bring alot in player breakdown
Longhorn Realtor - He and Echeese are the best at reaching out to all OB's
Farias - Seems like a really cool dude we could all get along with and he and I see eye to eye on many posts
Smaulden - See above
Thunder Cain
Willie Jennings for his great music threads
Drizzew - I also think he is hilarious and was very cool when I met him at LHR's tailgate
And I can't forget my Rangers Buddies who post on the Rangers...I know there aren't many Rangers fans on board but Bond Lounge, Broken Glass Republican, Longhornmjc, DaveC2, UT Wiz, The Weatherman, Longview Lobo, and the many others who post on Rangers stuff
This post was edited on 1/18 7:42 PM by 40acrefanatic