Orangebloods Posters "Hall of Fame"

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Re: Orangebloods Posters

Originally posted by StephenWatson:
Hmmm don't see my name anywhere ;)

Posted from

me either buddy..maybe they're trying to tell us something. Ill go ahead and nominate sixwhat/stephenwatson.
Originally posted by Willie Jennings:
I certainly appreciate the fact that others enjoy what I type, but am curious as to why everyone who has mentioned me used terms like strange or interesting. I am a regular Joe Texan who played and loves football and who works for a living, and is seperated by distance from Texas.

Well, sometimes you "go deep" with a board full of QBs who can't throw that far.
Originally posted by sundance7:
40acreFanatic-Thanks for the nod. I had no idea I would get named but I wnet through yours and there my name was. Thanks for the compliment.

I've never heard anyone say a bad word about you after meeting you, we may not always agree but you are truly a gentleman
Frank Pentangeli is someone I find myself agreeing with quite a bit, although I think his best work may have been done on the USC board leading up to the national title game. Good times.

Aldelgreco is another guy good for a laugh, and the only poster I've actually met whom I didn't already know. Westlake still sucks, though.

Lots of good names listed, reminding me that this board used to be very different than it is now.
My short list:

Scout88, cujo, utx, Letter86, to name a few with great info.

Farias, radman, 1quickhands, bustahorn, skhorns all great posters.

Enjoy LonghornRealtor, Iceman, GDforHC, TheWeatherman are all tremendous.

And in the spirit of Samuel L. Jackson AND Ricky Henderson, I am going to give a shout out to MY OWN BAD ASS SELF!
Been here a while and have very few posts, but here are the ones I have enjoyed the most over the last years...

1. Close to Jumping
2. Rob E Wright
3. UTBragg
4. SL Xpress
6. Scout 88
7. Run Ricky Run
8. RPongetti
Re: Orangebloods Posters

Originally posted by cujo0622:
Pootie tang

Posted from

suck up!!!
y doesn't pootie post anymore?you know he's still here!there's no doubt about that!!pootie=truth!i like truth! sa da tay my damie!sa da tay!
Originally posted by Tex Dog:
Whatever happened to Ellie44 (I think I got her name right)? She was terrific.

Besides the ones named above, UTDB knows a lot of Longhorn football lore. I wish I could figure out which former football players UTDB and JTull are.

I wish Bevorachel would post more. The same with AK46.


Ellie is just fine. I'm her husband. She actually gave me back the subscription after a thread a while back left her emotionally drained and wondering why she bothered posting here. Ellie and I spent some time living in London (a ton of back and forth actually) over the past year or two and now we are both back for good. Ellie is doing great but spending some time being a Mom. She is struggling with a relative with a terminal disease. She literally is working her ass off making sure this relative has everything they could need to depart with dignity and with their "bucket list" completed. You all would be so proud if you actually knew the entire story.

Anyway, she still misses OB and all of her "friends" here.

Originally posted by Armadillo Slim:
Originally posted by SirHornsalot:

Mikem is cool as a cucumber and appreciates the simple things in life

WillieJennings is always interesting, especially really late at night after a few

This post was edited on 1/16 9:58 PM by SirHornsalot

mikemc has long been one of my favorites and has become one of my very good friends. he is as cool in person as he is on the board. very level headed dude.

weatherman is another friend who's depth of knowledge covers a lot of different subjects.

i am pretty sure i know willie jennings by another name. interesting character to say the least, and always good for an opinion or two to start interesting conversations.

I can't say enough about Mikem either. He is first class on and off the board. I'll stop though 'cause I would want to make him puke. The same goes for NTH, Slim, and farias, the list goes on with too may to name. I appreciate meeting many of you and look forward to meeting the rest.
Originally posted by 40acrefanatic:

Both for obvious reasons

North Texas Horn - This guy is genius...easily my favorite poster on the board

Hornius Emetrius
Don Hornleone
Mike Corleone
I Am McLovin

All guys who I may not always agree with but bring very good stuff to this board

Sundance7 the ultimate nice guy

Biggio4HOF - I just really enjoy his posts
HookEM Horns11 - see above

Heart of Texas - Some of the best knowledge and break downs on this board

Scout88 - See above both bring alot in player breakdown

Longhorn Realtor - He and Echeese are the best at reaching out to all OB's

Farias - Seems like a really cool dude we could all get along with and he and I see eye to eye on many posts
Smaulden - See above
Thunder Cain
Willie Jennings for his great music threads
Drizzew - I also think he is hilarious and was very cool when I met him at LHR's tailgate

And I can't forget my Rangers Buddies who post on the Rangers...I know there aren't many Rangers fans on board but Bond Lounge, Broken Glass Republican, Longhornmjc, DaveC2, UT Wiz, The Weatherman, Longview Lobo, and the many others who post on Rangers stuff

This post was edited on 1/18 7:42 PM by 40acrefanatic

Like it. Though, I would add utx and Santa Rita to that list as well
I think Sundance and Farias are are among the nicest guys on here(of course, there are many more).
This post was edited on 1/19 11:35 AM by hooked76
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BTW, it may already be in this post somewhere, but I have to give MAJOR PROPS to Ketch, Jason, Chip, Adams, Stephen, etc., and all the other owners/employees of Not only do they provide us with this site, they add a ton of valuable PERSONAL opinions. I have spied on some other sites, and they aren't even close to this site when it comes to info, passion, or opinion! Muchas Gracias, fellas!
Also can't forget Letter 86. Also like HookEmHorns11 (who I tend to agree with a lot) and Mooooo, both seem like good dudes. . .plus I love Mooooo's sig pic of Bailey Webster
There was a while there when I was on my way but then I got the worst job ever. I have to look over my shoulder everytime I'm posting or looking at a favorite adult film star thread. Total bullshit.
Thanks to you that have mentioned me but I doubt I am deserving compared to the level of many posters on this board. I wouldn't know where to start If you ran a poll I would imagine Slim and echeese would garner a lot of votes. I like all my wacko buddies in the corral. Reverent Horn is one cool ass conass with a great family, and man can he cook it up. What has been great is getting to meet many of you that I have become personal friends with and I hope to meet more of you in the future
Originally posted by 40acrefanatic:

Both for obvious reasons

North Texas Horn - This guy is genius...easily my favorite poster on the board

Hornius Emetrius
Don Hornleone
Mike Corleone
I Am McLovin

All guys who I may not always agree with but bring very good stuff to this board

Sundance7 the ultimate nice guy

Biggio4HOF - I just really enjoy his posts
HookEM Horns11 - see above

Heart of Texas - Some of the best knowledge and break downs on this board

Scout88 - See above both bring alot in player breakdown

Longhorn Realtor - He and Echeese are the best at reaching out to all OB's

Farias - Seems like a really cool dude we could all get along with and he and I see eye to eye on many posts
Smaulden - See above

Thunder Cain

Willie Jennings for his great music threads

Drizzew - I also think he is hilarious and was very cool when I met him at LHR's tailgate

And I can't forget my Rangers Buddies who post on the Rangers...I know there aren't many Rangers fans on board but Bond Lounge, Broken Glass Republican, Longhornmjc, DaveC2, UT Wiz, The Weatherman, Longview Lobo, and the many others who post on Rangers stuff
This post was edited on 1/18 7:42 PM by 40acrefanatic
Appreciate it.
Originally posted by 40acrefanatic:
Originally posted by chasenwilliam:
1UTfan | 2002_Horn | 3rdgen | 40acrefanatic | 40AcreFrank | 90Horn | 99TexasEx | ajd722 | akrisna | aluck5 | amitchell898 | andrewsrp | Ari Gold | arthurpnoack | atxdawg2004 | atxhorn | atxtypes | AustinRoark | Austintatious10 | Bevo 24 | bevo barry | bevo3571 | bevo4117 | bevoboy | bevoluv | BIG124ME | BigB18 | bigC55 | Biggio4HOF | bigjr123 | BKhorn89 | Black out the windows | Blackbandit3 | blackjag | bleacherfan | bleedorange86 | blitz7118 | bnar0un | bnewnham | BondLoungeHorn | Boodro 15 | boomer2320 | bradford345 | braves_coach | brianmaxin | brichits | BringBackRoyal | brosen98 | bseals | bthastings | bumadean | BurntOrangeNCalifornia | Bushwack | byronayme | cagrafft | Califashorn | caliHORNia | cangh | CasualO | caterpillar270 | cbchorn | CBHookem | ccatcher15 | cdg296 | cedarln | chasenwilliam | Chattanooga Texan | ChisholmTrail | chrise1984 | chucckk18 | ckyarbough | ClassicSheen | clevertrevor82 | closetojumping | Coach840 | Colonels57 | conley795 | CoopD21 | cope | CornPhilled | cpa_horn | crackerguy | Crhoden | csw006 | cte_ | D-Hod | D-Sanchez | Darinstollings | darkmatter | dnworley | do32200 | doclung | Don Hornleone | Donpihorns | DougNTexas | dramon | dsrtfox | durangohorn | DustinMcComas | EggmanZ | erice79 | ernulnc | evans877 | EYES OF TEXAS | ezr712 | Familyofutfans | | festuss | FireHorn06 | Fraank | fraisbob | Froger017 | FrozenHorn | FundRaiser | gaggy49 | GetHooked | gklewis | Graham77 | greggym | groverat-UT | grt54 | ham-jam-lam | HarveyHorn | Hayn-Z | Henryn20 | Her co-star in the beaver picture | HICKOCK | hilltophorn | hledford87 | hookedontonics | HookedOnUT1 | Hookem06 | Hookem1011 | hookem19852003 | Hookem83 | Hookemtrey14 | Hoop8022 | Horn 97 | Horn Jam | Horn_Daddy | horn1966 | horn2b02 | horn2befree | horn71 | Horn8299 | Hornbacker | horngolfer07 | HornInPacNW | hornjbob | HornPitt | hornry | Horns a Plenty | horns14_05 | horns43 | Horns77 | hornsfan28 | hornsrus | hornstastic | HTTR | huttohorns | I believe | Ibanezboy | iceman5 | ickivicki | islndfvr | itshuman | J Tull | J_Rob | Jake Ryan | jamzan2 | jason9925 | jaw05 | jayswisher | jaytexio | jbhuyan | jc15esq | jdanmiller | jec013 | jermzilla | Jettrink | jgeggattTight | Jim DeLoach | jmcclain | JMill | Joe Longhorn | joejon3 | joeyparker | joeywa | jrkbevo | jshorns03 | jsswt | JUNCTION 34 | juniorhorn18 | justacrzywhteboy | justice | jvcarter6 | KansasHorn | katofrog | kazes7 | Kazhorn | kelldrew | kerklein2 | kregg | labevo | Landry49 | larsdain | Lek68 | Level2 | Lhorns96 | licknstick | Lngnstrt | longhorn_mk | longhorn1020 | longhorn180 | Longhorn40 | Longhorn77 | LonghornDeb1971 | longhornfan62 | longhornjay30 | longhornmax | LONGHORNREALTOR | Longhorns32 | Lonmower | loqitar | luis1840 | LVHorn1 | LWULFE | maitreyat | Makutex | Malibuhorn | Manchild79 | manimalRox | maninblack | Mariano | markydyno | Marsellus | Matt Cotcher | mcbevo | mckinneytxhorn | Meddy1204 | merco | Mike 88 | mikeru | milkywhiteut | Mindcr1me | MisterYetzer | mll436 | mm957 | moanz350 | Mr. LLB | MSFHorn | mshvll | murphy7 | mvplonghorns | nahmorlah | natedawg04 | newmextex | ngnichols | Nick.O | nmaguire | NorthTexasHorn | Nothing-is-free | NovoHorn | Ntwadumela | Oanh | omaha29 | onepost | OnlyTook10Years | orange_horns | orangejohn | panther1288 | parkerbj | parmerlane | patrickallen | paulp61 | pbeathard | PDR HORN | PeanutUTlonghorn | peterblange | PJ61 | pkrchkr | plhak | pmoney87 | pnelly66 | pobo33 | PorKChoP16 | power player | prisco | ptrain37 | PutYourHornsUp | PVBEVO | Q6 | Randy4whit | rcw | rdrnr | reacoop1 | RealUT | Red95 | reddoor | rendavis25 | renesnakebit | REXEL MATT | rich0471 | rjlhorns | rkd90 | rosebowlbound | roysterr | ruidoso_horn | rvr | sahorn88 | sallystruthers | Salty Mule | SAMINSA | SanTexHorn | ScottdUT | sdesai8 | seggo | sevendays | SFAHORN99 | sgtmoody | shamalama | shasta | shermanboy | Shotgun30Horn | Shuff | Silverspurs | SirHornsalot | sixwhat | smh890 | smoaky | Snook29 | SoldierCard | Sonny J | sparker39 | Standaddy88 | Stealuface | stetch14 | SteveUT36 | strofan | SURFTEX | SVhorn | Swank | sweetcujo | sy1804 | szjones | T. Anderson | tamarahorn | tanis8316 | taoaho | tarhorn | tecohorn | tedde1 | teddyisme | TerryLeesSon | Tex Dog | TEXAS 60 | Texas2Big | TexasBigHorn | texasdem32 | texashero | texazhorn | texcoast | The Legendary Big J | The Olde Falcon | thecurto1977 | thunderduck3199 | TIKT B8 | tip3411 | tkindle17 | TL7 | tmahler | TMN6939 | toddk15 | tommygun86 | tparadise | tpatt34 | trinityhorn | troly1 | Turkey Leg | tx415girl | txcary | txrebel | TxshrnsNC | TXtsip98 | TYR0NEBIGGUMS | Ugly1 | ukrugby10 | usmc88 | usnaron1 | UT wildcatter | UT-54 | UT_2001 | ut76 | ut768 | UtAfvet | utarchboy | utgrad97 | UTHornMD | UTLonghornFan | UTSAM44 | UTScooby | VII | Vinsanity12 | VoltronJacko | Waynewill1410 | WEAR ORANGE | WFMikeT | WhiteHunterOrangeHeart | williamyiu | Willie Jennings | WillisCS20 | wintex | wparker | xlhorn | Xminus6 | ybrain | ZachAttach | zoethelizard | chasenwilliam

I made the list!!!

I didn't...

Just kidding. And there are a LOT of great guys on this board. That's why I've been hanging around here for so long. WAY too many to mention though. I would second just about everyone already mentioned and probably about 40 more if I could think of them off the top of my head.
This post was edited on 1/19 1:39 PM by Orangebred
i like PNG too. every time i see one of his posts i go out in the garage and grab one of my ping irons and go take a few swings.
it's coonass, mike, and i think we can all agree that while the Rev can cook his ass off, the best part of his tailgate is his wife who we all know secretly has the hots for you and me. in fact, she told me that's the only reason she keeps letting him hang around.

we certainly agree on the part about making a lot of friends on this board.
PNG1992 - For putting up with the Corral...this alone puts him at the top, IMO. He should get paid for all of the BS and whining he has to deal with on a regular basis. This combined with his continual launching of fun and interesting threads.

utx and cujo - For going out of their way to share the inside scoop with the rest of us.

sessamoid - Great insight and details, details, details.

Baconbeard - Although a Mavs fan
, he has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the NBA...and the Cowboys. Intelligent, rational poster.

tedde1, ftc, farmhorn, rwb, and Emirates Horn - Solid posters that bring substance and intellectual posts to the Corral on a regular basis.

The best of the best:

Brickhorn, Grover, Robbie Lew, and Stanford Horn - The most articulate and intelligent posters on this BBS, IMO.

This post was edited on 1/19 8:20 PM by SanAntonioClark
Originally posted by Armadillo Slim:
it's coonass, mike, and i think we can all agree that while the Rev can cook his ass off, the best part of his tailgate is his wife who we all know secretly has the hots for you and me. in fact, she told me that's the only reason she keeps letting him hang around.

we certainly agree on the part about making a lot of friends on this board.

I know this Slim but I didn't want Rev to know

Forgot NTH, great young man
I concur with alot of the names listed. I would have to disagree with those that have mentioned Northtexashorn though. Trust me, I was duck and quail hunting with the guy all weekend. He was obnoxious and drank entirely too much. Plus the guy still watches Saved By The Bell in the morning. That is just weird. He is one hell of a good shot though.

Too many good folks for me to rattle off a list. I will say that everyone that I have met in-person from the board has been an absolute pleasure to be around (yes that includes you BigDD). I am very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to get to know some of you and your families on a personal level and for that, I am blessed.

There is a slew of people that I missed meeting at LHR's tailgates that I really wanted to. I sure hope to change that next year. For those that I did have the pleasure of throwing back a few beers or margaritas with......... I really don't appreciate all of the peer pressure.

All in all, this is one hell of a good "community" and one unlike any I have ever been a part of.
Originally posted by NorthTexasHorn:
I concur with alot of the names listed. I would have to disagree with those that have mentioned Northtexashorn though. Trust me, I was duck and quail hunting with the guy all weekend. He was obnoxious and drank entirely too much. Plus the guy still watches Saved By The Bell in the morning. That is just weird. He is one hell of a good shot though.

Too many good folks for me to rattle off a list. I will say that everyone that I have met in-person from the board has been an absolute pleasure to be around (yes that includes you BigDD). I am very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to get to know some of you and your families on a personal level and for that, I am blessed.

There is a slew of people that I missed meeting at LHR's tailgates that I really wanted to. I sure hope to change that next year. For those that I did have the pleasure of throwing back a few beers or margaritas with......... I really don't appreciate all of the peer pressure.

All in all, this is one hell of a good "community" and one unlike any I have ever been a part of.

Agreed....that dude is a jackass
Originally posted by longhornguy03:

Originally posted by NorthTexasHorn:
I concur with alot of the names listed. I would have to disagree with those that have mentioned Northtexashorn though. Trust me, I was duck and quail hunting with the guy all weekend. He was obnoxious and drank entirely too much. Plus the guy still watches Saved By The Bell in the morning.


Love me some Saved By The Bell!
Bruno you still watch saved by the bell? LOL I do to, I cried when Zach and Kelly broke up for the last time
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