ERCOT has some 'splaining to do it seems. One third of the board don't even live in TX? Downtown Austin garages and buildings lit up while many of us went without power?
And now....
Rep. Jeff Leach, R-Plano, told WFAA that he was “totally shocked” to learn a third of the ERCOT Board of Directors lived outside Texas.
“People who are making literally life and death decisions on behalf of our families and our communities don’t even live in the state of Texas,” Leach said. ”… I’m frustrated and cannot believe that the board chair of our leading energy decision maker doesn’t even live in Texas, but lives in Michigan. It just cannot be that way here in the Lone Star State.”
Leach said he has begun drafting legislation to prohibit non-Texans from serving on the ERCOT Board. Now, board members are appointed by a nominating committee made up of current members.
Well well Bill Magness presumably living large in MI taking advantage of people in another state and getting rich off them. ERCOT is what happens when deregulation is taken to extreme measures.