OT{ Its Colder than a Eskimo Party

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ERCOT has some 'splaining to do it seems. One third of the board don't even live in TX? Downtown Austin garages and buildings lit up while many of us went without power?

And now....

Rep. Jeff Leach, R-Plano, told WFAA that he was “totally shocked” to learn a third of the ERCOT Board of Directors lived outside Texas.

“People who are making literally life and death decisions on behalf of our families and our communities don’t even live in the state of Texas,” Leach said. ”… I’m frustrated and cannot believe that the board chair of our leading energy decision maker doesn’t even live in Texas, but lives in Michigan. It just cannot be that way here in the Lone Star State.”

Leach said he has begun drafting legislation to prohibit non-Texans from serving on the ERCOT Board. Now, board members are appointed by a nominating committee made up of current members.

Well well Bill Magness presumably living large in MI taking advantage of people in another state and getting rich off them. ERCOT is what happens when deregulation is taken to extreme measures.
Well well Bill Magness presumably living large in MI taking advantage of people in another state and getting rich off them. ERCOT is what happens when deregulation is taken to extreme measures.
Yes. ERCOT has some explaining to do. Five of their board members live outside of Texas. One in Michigan-- the head woman in charge. Another guy is a professor at a university in cologne Germany. Freaking Germany. What the fvck is a German scientist living half a world away doing on the board of a Texas power grid?
There are PLENTY of smart engineers here in Texas. No need to outsource those jobs to carpetbaggers and a professor in Europe.
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Very bad optics.

In reality, Ted Cruz has no more control over a state office like ERCOT than I do. However, put your daughters on a private plane and send your wife along as chaperone. Don't go yourself.
Clob, how about him presumably using his daughters and the "good dad" role as a shield? Geesus, Ted, you just admitted a tough wrong the other day don't bring your family in to it...
Getting the ****ing green weenie for sure. Little electricity and now the water pressure is going down at my house. I have other friends with no electricity and water since Sunday night. If I didn't know the results of stupid liberal policy my family may have frozen to death. I save firewood because every time I see one of those worthless windmill blades blocking the highway, I am reminded that liberals kill. I have a warm house because of my wisdom. The ****ing libs would kill my family in worship of their mother earf. I filled 3 5 gallon buckets full of water 2 days ago in anticipation of the stupid mother ****ers killing the water treatment plants. Next, no gasoline for a week. I found a small gas station close to the house with a little gas. The lines were building when I left.... they aren't getting a truck til maybe sunday. The libs are shoving the green weenie up everyone's ass except china because well they are to be envied. **** you liberals.
Tell us how you really feel!🤣
ERCOT has some 'splaining to do it seems. One third of the board don't even live in TX? Downtown Austin garages and buildings lit up while many of us went without power?

And now....

Rep. Jeff Leach, R-Plano, told WFAA that he was “totally shocked” to learn a third of the ERCOT Board of Directors lived outside Texas.

“People who are making literally life and death decisions on behalf of our families and our communities don’t even live in the state of Texas,” Leach said. ”… I’m frustrated and cannot believe that the board chair of our leading energy decision maker doesn’t even live in Texas, but lives in Michigan. It just cannot be that way here in the Lone Star State.”

Leach said he has begun drafting legislation to prohibit non-Texans from serving on the ERCOT Board. Now, board members are appointed by a nominating committee made up of current members.
FYI, the Christmas lights were still on in SA at the Riverwalk, just saying.
Well well Bill Magness presumably living large in MI taking advantage of people in another state and getting rich off them. ERCOT is what happens when deregulation is taken to extreme measures.

Nazi Germany happens when regulations are taken to extreme.
So 90% of Texas is covered by the ERCOT, which yes Texas has its own power grid. The other 10% that is not covered by ERCOT was able to withstand extreme winter temperatures and equipped correctly.
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So 90% of Texas is covered by the ERCOT, which yes Texas has its own power grid. The other 10% that is not covered by ERCOT was able to withstand extreme winter temperatures and equipped correctly.
Not true. SWEPCO controls most of far East Texas. They had around 24,000 outages.
So 90% of Texas is covered by the ERCOT, which yes Texas has its own power grid. The other 10% that is not covered by ERCOT was able to withstand extreme winter temperatures and equipped correctly.
I was wondering why I had never even heard of ERCOT until it was mentioned in this thread. I have lived in Texas my entire life. But, ERCOT doesn't control where I grew up, nor where I have lived since.

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So the short of this discussion is that Texas built a shit ton of windmills and gambled we didn't need to prepare for really bad winter weather and we lost that bet. Considering this is the worst storm we had in Texas since 1985 I'd say it was a bet worth taking.

The stupid thing isn't the fact we didn't get the winterized version of the windmill, the real stupid thing is that we didn't have a backup to take up the slack when the system went down.

Redundency is the real answer not that we spent fake government money on windmills we should have the redundency to back up these things if there is any natural disaster.

What if it wasn't a winter storm, what if it was some other disaster that took out the windmills, we would still be in the same boat only more screwed. We need backup plants that can withstand several natural disasters and still keep the lights on. We might not like fossil fuel but they still work and keeping them as a backup is still a smart thing to do even if it is an insurance policy.

Ask anyone who makes a living in the IT industry, the more mission critical a system is the more redundency it requires. The rule is, one is none, two is one. The electrical grid should have 3 or 4. This is proof that we aren't ready to colonize Mars, we would die there the first year.
Windmills are privately owned.
Windmills are privately owned.
Built by corporations but yes, privately owned. Lots of paperwork involved though. It "says" on paper that you own it, but you "really" don't "own" it.
when the Catholic church says they own it, you better bet your ass they own it......and do they ever own a shit ton of them....

There is nothing that reeks of bs more than a tough talking TX right winger trying to twist and manipulate the truth. A guy who isn't showing his face.

Now let me tell you what liberals have done in TX this weekend. AOS who some TX Republicans hate even more than Harris and Biden came down to Houston on Thursday and got on the street to help. She's helped raise almost $5 mil to assist people in TX. The list is to long to list here but its all going to the people who need it the most. And this from the women who Ted Cruz despises.

Beto O' Rourke on Thursday ran a virtual phone bank that took over 784,000 calls to provide relief for the elderly in TX hit hardest by this. All this from the guy who ran against Ted Cruz and many of his supporters called him wimpy. Well who's the real man now?

2 liberals who were taking positive action in TX when my home state desperately needed it. And at the same time Ted Cruz was caught trying to take a vacation to Cancun.

Then there is that aggie a****** Rick Perry who said Texans would rather go without electricity for more than 3 days to keep the federal government out of our business. Even in snow, ice, and single digit temperatures. I mean even for an aggie that's an incredible statement. I mean the last thing people in TX were thinking about last week was deregulation. I mean Phil Graham, Rick Perry, Louie Gohmert. When is TX and especially a Longhorn going to learn that you never send an aggie to congress, the senate, or the governors mansion. There is no sin in being a conservative just don't elect an aggie.
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There is nothing that reeks of bs more than a tough talking TX right winger trying to twist and manipulate the truth. A guy who isn't showing his face.

Now let me tell you what liberals have done in TX this weekend. AOS who some TX Republicans hate even more than Harris and Biden came down to Houston on Thursday and got on the street to help. She's helped raise almost $5 mil to assist people in TX. The list is to long to list here but its all going to the people who need it the most. And this from the women who Ted Cruz despises.

Beto O' Rourke on Thursday ran a virtual phone bank that took over 784,000 calls to provide relief for the elderly in TX hit hardest by this. All this from the guy who ran against Ted Cruz and many of his supporters called him wimpy. Well who's the real man now?

2 liberals who were taking positive action in TX when my home state desperately needed it. And at the same time Ted Cruz was caught trying to take a vacation to Cancun.

Then there is that aggie a****** Rick Perry who said Texans would rather go without electricity for more than 3 days to keep the federal government out of our business. Even in snow, ice, and single digit temperatures. I mean even for an aggie that's an incredible statement. I mean the last thing people in TX were thinking about last week was deregulation. I mean Phil Graham, Rick Perry, Louie Gohmert. When is TX and especially a Longhorn going to learn that you never send an aggie to congress, the senate, or the governors mansion. There is no sin in being a conservative just don't elect an aggie.

Texas doesn't need some shitty irishman pretending to be Mexican coming here and acting like we need his help all the while knowning he is doing it to try and destroy our rights to self govern our state. Rick Perry is also right, in that we don't want the Fed government bailout money to fix a Texas problem. I'll leave that to California and New York. All we really want is for you assholes to stay out of our state. If our citizens don't like how Texas is run then they can GTFO.
There is nothing that reeks of bs more than a tough talking TX right winger trying to twist and manipulate the truth. A guy who isn't showing his face.

Now let me tell you what liberals have done in TX this weekend. AOS who some TX Republicans hate even more than Harris and Biden came down to Houston on Thursday and got on the street to help. She's helped raise almost $5 mil to assist people in TX. The list is to long to list here but its all going to the people who need it the most. And this from the women who Ted Cruz despises.

Beto O' Rourke on Thursday ran a virtual phone bank that took over 784,000 calls to provide relief for the elderly in TX hit hardest by this. All this from the guy who ran against Ted Cruz and many of his supporters called him wimpy. Well who's the real man now?

2 liberals who were taking positive action in TX when my home state desperately needed it. And at the same time Ted Cruz was caught trying to take a vacation to Cancun.

Then there is that aggie a****** Rick Perry who said Texans would rather go without electricity for more than 3 days to keep the federal government out of our business. Even in snow, ice, and single digit temperatures. I mean even for an aggie that's an incredible statement. I mean the last thing people in TX were thinking about last week was deregulation. I mean Phil Graham, Rick Perry, Louie Gohmert. When is TX and especially a Longhorn going to learn that you never send an aggie to congress, the senate, or the governors mansion. There is no sin in being a conservative just don't elect an aggie.
Let's be fair here.

AOC is an attention whore of the highest order. Fake posing in a border parking lot infront of a fence that was actually a GATE and fake crying?
That's who she is. She also couldn't afford her DC apartment rent when she was elected and had to get a loan to pay rent. Now she's worth over 4 million. Do not shill for that twat.

And yes, I DO NOT WANT the federal government more involved in my state than they already are. The 8 worst words to ever hear are "I'm from the government, I'm here to help."

TEXIT now.

Robert Francis can suck it. The minute he said he was coming for my guns was the minute he became an enemy of the state. As far as I am concerned, he is willing to violate my constitutional rights, which is akin to violating my God given rights. Those God given rights include things like "Life, Liberty etc". And if you try and take away MY God given rights, then it's only fair that we the people return the favor to those trying to oppress us.
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Don't need or want their help. It's just their attempt to further push their agenda. They are conditioning people to expect handouts every time something bad happens and people will line up to do what they ask as long their caretakers are giving them some crumbs every now and then. What happens when a bear gets used to being fed and all of a sudden the gifts are taken away? They don't want to help, they just want you to rely on them so they can control you.
The American left are the stooges for Klaus Schwabs "Great Reset". They have destroyed any illusion of sanity in main stream USA. One cannot be a Christian or conservative and work or go to school in a large corp or public school because of the draconian brown shirt "woke" gestapo.

My oldest son just netted an 1150 on the SAT as a sophomore. We are not going to go the traditional route of university because of the rediculous woke bs. It's time to seperate for conservatives and liberals. An amicable divorce is desired. We can get ugly but let's try the peacefull way first.

Don't need or want their help. It's just their attempt to further push their agenda. They are conditioning people to expect handouts every time something bad happens and people will line up to do what they ask as long their caretakers are giving them some crumbs every now and then. What happens when a bear gets used to being fed and all of a sudden the gifts are taken away? They don't want to help, they just want you to rely on them so they can control you.
The socialist Governors and Mayors in this country are pure evil. Pure evil. Why do I say that? Because they are toying with people's minds and brainwashing their citizens.

In parks where I live in CA, there are circles (just like the circles on the parking lots during the Biden campaign) drawn on the grass about 6-8 feet apart for folks/families to sit in to social distance. Outside . . . in a park. It's not left up to the citizens to behave responsibly. And, guess what? Families are actually obeying and sitting within the circles.

I wish I could post the pics I took of families outside in the parks wearing their masks and compliantly sitting within the circles on the ground.

The government is succeeding at mind control. The government is no longer looking out for their citizens' interests. Absolute control is what they're seeking and they're on their way. I'm seeing it first hand.

TEXIT as fast as possible.
There is nothing that reeks of bs more than a tough talking TX right winger trying to twist and manipulate the truth. A guy who isn't showing his face.

Now let me tell you what liberals have done in TX this weekend. AOS who some TX Republicans hate even more than Harris and Biden came down to Houston on Thursday and got on the street to help. She's helped raise almost $5 mil to assist people in TX. The list is to long to list here but its all going to the people who need it the most. And this from the women who Ted Cruz despises.

Beto O' Rourke on Thursday ran a virtual phone bank that took over 784,000 calls to provide relief for the elderly in TX hit hardest by this. All this from the guy who ran against Ted Cruz and many of his supporters called him wimpy. Well who's the real man now?

2 liberals who were taking positive action in TX when my home state desperately needed it. And at the same time Ted Cruz was caught trying to take a vacation to Cancun.

Then there is that aggie a****** Rick Perry who said Texans would rather go without electricity for more than 3 days to keep the federal government out of our business. Even in snow, ice, and single digit temperatures. I mean even for an aggie that's an incredible statement. I mean the last thing people in TX were thinking about last week was deregulation. I mean Phil Graham, Rick Perry, Louie Gohmert. When is TX and especially a Longhorn going to learn that you never send an aggie to congress, the senate, or the governors mansion. There is no sin in being a conservative just don't elect an aggie.

You can say with a straight face that you actually support AOC and Beto?? Seriously? Who else? Newsome, Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, Omar, Tlaib? We're screwed.
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Beto.....yep...convicted of DWI....For some reason this darling of the left continues to be trotted out to lose yet another time. His campaigns get enormous amounts of money from out side the state to finance them and yet he still loses.I guess the next step to get him elected is besides bringing in the out of state money, they will have to bring in out of state voters.....
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You can say with a straight face that you actually support AOC and Beto?? Seriously? Who else? Newsome, Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, Omar, Tlaib? We're screwed.

It isn't a matter pf supporting Beto and AOC. It's a matter of them being there at ground level getting things done for people who needed it most. And over the past few days they did more than Perry, Abbott, and Cruz combined.
It isn't a matter pf supporting Beto and AOC. It's a matter of them being there at ground level getting things done for people who needed it most. And over the past few days they did more than Perry, Abbott, and Cruz combined.

And Biden was nowhere to be found when Texas was in crisis. He should have been in the state with his sleeves rolled up vowing to help with federal dollars, but he chose to stay away.
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And Biden was nowhere to be found when Texas was in crisis. He should have been in the state with his sleeves rolled up vowing to help with federal dollars, but he chose to stay away.

If you read politifact which you probably won't you'll find that Biden has not been silent or inactive.
Nothing like a good Texas freeze to shutdown Texas Wind energy subsidies. $19B gone lik a fart in “the wind”. Oh, the irony. Gotta figure some windmill manufacturers are in a bit of a tizzy at this moment. I think this is precisely what Clob was astutely explaining yesterday.

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