Portland 2

This has moved beyond the point of trying to bring awareness to a social issue.

We are all aware that police have, in instances, used force not equivocal to the crime or person in question. Humans make mistakes. Humans under an intense microscope make more mistakes. The reality is, most cops never pull their weapon in the line of duty. And a ridiculously small amount of those ever fire their weapon.
But in this age of insta-news and innovation, it can SEEM that cops everywhere are out of control.
And that's not the case.

With regard to Portland and the other violent protests-- and many of them are violent whether people want to admit that or not-- this has passed the point where it's a protest. It has progressed now to a hostage situation.

Antifa/BLM radicals (and not all BLM are radicals)---- "if we keep creating chaos in these cities, it will get so bad that people will vote for who we want them to vote for so this will all stop..." .
That's a child's mentality. Pitch a fit so you'll give me a cookie to shut me up.

i don't play that game. I spank the child. Fvck your cookie.
Most cops never pull their weapon. Yet Officier Chauvin pulled his 3 times? Before he stood on George Floyd's neck. Amy Klobuchar was the Hennepin co attorney. Why did she decline to investigate? By the way, George Floyd may have killed himself. Apparently he was carrying 2 mg of fentanyl. Early in the arrest he had a white powder on his tongue. That's a lethal/anesthetic dose. Rapid administration of fentanyl can cause chest wall tightness. Which may explain, "I can't breath." Tox results showed extremely high level of fentanyl in his blood.
Wrong I am very aware that when those riots were going on 90 days ago innocent people were injured or killed. There were assailants on both sides. It was wrong for an Oakland police officer killed in a drive by while guarding a federal courthouse and the officer was a black man. There have been black owned businesses destroyed in riots. When there are riots the only thing that is clear is that nothing is clear. People want to see political issues, social issues, racial issues, in black and white terms but it doesn't work that way it never has. Being inflexible doesn't do anyone any good. One last thing. While the election is 66 days away Donald Trump is behind, way behind in the polls.

Seems like I’ve heard this verse before, now, where did I hear that........??? Oh yeah, in 2016 by dang near every prognosticator in the media. Just wait until the debate begin, that is if Biden’s handlers allow it.
I had never heard of the proud boys until around 2017. Had no clue who they were or that they even existed. I have literally traveled to all 50 of our state's and met people of every color, class and creed. And then one day "BOOM"---- because I'm white, I'm supposed to condemn some guys that I've never heard of-- seriously-- here's how it went...

I'm in austin at a lunch thing for 40 year old professionals and someone there had their knickers in a twist about Charlottesville and the proud boys etc. They start going on and on about Nazis and Arians and what not. Then I get the " and these are Trump supporters. People that voted for Trump are OK with groups like the Proud Boys supporting him....".

And I realize that all of the sudden, the 6 or 7 people standing around me are all looking AT me---- like I did something.

Mind you-- I know these people and I know they are all flaming liberals, and now I'm being looked at like I just dragged my nuts through the punch bowl.

It was time to reestablish the order-- so I said "why are you all looking at me?"

The response was "well, as a Trump voter, what do you have to say about this?"

That's when I got pissed.

"Listen here dude-- just FYI, I don't know who the fvck the proud boys are nor do I give a fvck. They don't pay my bills or make me a dollar so I could really give a sh!t if they want to play 'dress up deushebag' and run around being dumbasses. Second, you're an asshat for assuming sh!t about me even though you've known me for ten years. And it's the ten years we've known each other that's the only thing keeping from popping your fvcking teeth out right now-- because I've never voted in my life. Not once."

It's true. Never voted. Ever. Not even registered. Never saw a politician I deemed worthy of my vote. People say "well if you didn't vote, then you don't get to complain."

I say "bullsh!t. You did vote, so you DON'T get to complain if you're guy/girl lost, because you LOST. If your dude/chick won and you want to complain, it's your fault-- because you voted for the sh!tbag."

Therein lies the problem. People voting for "politicians" that have one goal-- power. They don't give a sh!t about you or anyone else-- just their own self interest. People have put too much faith in "politicians"--- they are ALL liars and manipulators. All of them.

Want proof?

Try talking about term limits to a politician. Term limits are ok for the big chief job-- but not ok for the senators and congress. Why? Because they are all power hungry crooks and liars-- and people think they are our savior. They are trash. Period. Full stop.

So do I care who the fvck the proud boys are? Nope. There's probably about as many of them as there are unarmed black men shot by the police. Under 20. Why should I get all pissy about a tiny group of clowns like the proud boys? They have no power. The only influence they MAY have is given to them by---- the media! The media GAVE them a platform. The media MADE them a household name. The media HELPED them become bigger.

The proud boys "success" (if you can call it that) is due to panicked leftists and the media who gave them oxygen. They needed a boogey man and so they made one. This goes back to the pure HATRED--- and it is pure hatred, the media has for someone that isn't part of the "political" establishment. An apple cart was kicked over and a politically established liar wasn't elected-- and this four year temper tantrum was the result.

I will say it again-- I've never voted in my life. And I don't think the current president is everything I've ever wanted in a "politician" that's not really a "politician". But the more and more I see the political establishment (including the politically corrupt media) squeal like spoiled children, the more I consider going to down and registering and voting AGAINST the establishment.
Brilliant . . . just brilliant.

Long time Orangebloods "voyeur" . . . had to jump in. Born and raised in TX, have lived in different cities in the U.S., and currently living temporarily in CA. The current Democratic Party is undoing all U.S. institutions. I'm seeing it before my own eyes. I'm very concerned. This isn't the Democratic Party of the J.F.K. era - he was a conservative by comparison.
We are witnessing the death rattle of neo liberalism and the democrat party. They are going to become a smaller hard commie party of aoc in the future.

The future of the Republicans or Conservatives are senators Hawley of Missouri and Cotton of Arkansas.
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The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335; amended 2006, 2007) that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion.
So there you go OUTTHEREINLALALAND. Trump2020 could blow these anarchists down on any given day. He has actually shown restraint and let the Dem Gov and Mayor try to quell the violence, important word: VIOLENCE. Not Peaceful Protests, but freaking RIOTS.
We are witnessing the death rattle of neo liberalism and the democrat party. They are going to become a smaller hard commie party of aoc in the future.

The future of the Republicans or Conservatives are senators Hawley of Missouri and Cotton of Arkansas.
I'm not a republican. But I'd vote for Tim Scott.
Oh don’t worry I have a feeling when Trump wins another term, the gloves come off. On November 3rd he’ll relax and relish victory then on Nov. 4th, Bye bye silly covid shutdowns and he’s going to send the feds in, riding and whoop in’ and restoring order that the lib governors don’t care about.
Working up a number 6?
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Brilliant . . . just brilliant.

Long time Orangebloods "voyeur" . . . had to jump in. Born and raised in TX, have lived in different cities in the U.S., and currently living temporarily in CA. The current Democratic Party is undoing all U.S. institutions. I'm seeing it before my own eyes. I'm very concerned. This isn't the Democratic Party of the J.F.K. era - he was a conservative by comparison.
My sister lives in CA, San Diego, she owns a hair salon. Today is her first day back at work in I don't know how long, not because she didn't want to go to work but because Gov. Newsome wouldn't allow it. She said the protests she's witnessed are downright scary.

And I will add this, since moving to CA about 15 years ago she's developed some left leaning thought processes and I would say she's a middle of the road voter but I can tell you right now, her and alot of the middle of the road voters are seeing what's happenng to their communities and are very aware that the liberal governors are allowing things to happen,and will be voting Trump in November. The left is making a collosal blunder in not shutting the violent protests down.
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Let me tell you something buddy. I have 4 black granddaughters two who are college age who DID take part in peaceful demonstrations and that's EXACTLY what they were. Salt Lake City has seen the same peaceful protest and I'm sure there are other cities. Like I've said the BLM here in Sacramento is trying to work with systemic racism and economic issues. Approx 81% of the population here that are pulled over are black and latino. It's amazing the number of people that get pulled over who didn't commit any crimes sometimes it's as high as 90%. But when people of color are pulled over they they are forced to get out of the car and it often leads to physical confrontations. They are starting meaningful dialogue on both matters I hope they can keep taking it to the next level and beyond. Unlike you i think it can happen.

Blah blah blah

Systematic Racism is a lie on the same level as a woman who is almost a virgin. I don't give two craps about your black family, I have black family members also, and they also know that BLM is full of crap. If you riot you need to be put down like a dog, end of story.

If you are not a rioter and your peaceful protest is being taken over by rioters, you need to GTFO of there are risk getting put down like a dog.

You know what is funny, Antifa won't riot when confronted by an equal size group of Trump supporters like in Portland, but if they have the advantage they will attack and have no problem with using deadly force.

They can kiss my ass as far as I'm concerned Kyle Rittenhouse was a Fvcking hero. I hope more men will take up where he left off and kill these assholes.

This is the real face of Democrats

Blah blah blah

Systematic Racism is a lie on the same level as a woman who is almost a virgin. I don't give two craps about your black family, I have black family members also, and they also know that BLM is full of crap. If you riot you need to be put down like a dog, end of story.

If you are not a rioter and your peaceful protest is being taken over by rioters, you need to GTFO of there are risk getting put down like a dog.

You know what is funny, Antifa won't riot when confronted by an equal size group of Trump supporters like in Portland, but if they have the advantage they will attack and have no problem with using deadly force.

They can kiss my ass as far as I'm concerned Kyle Rittenhouse was a Fvcking hero. I hope more men will take up where he left off and kill these assholes.

This is the real face of Democrats

You're full of s*** if you think systemic racism isn't real.
My sister lives in CA, San Diego, she owns a hair salon. Today is her first day back at work in I don't know how long, not because she didn't want to go to work but because Gov. Newsome wouldn't allow it. She said the protests she's witnessed are downright scary.

And I will add this, since moving to CA about 15 years ago she's developed some left leaning thought processes and I would say she's a middle of the road voter but I can tell you right now, her and alot of the middle of the road voters are seeing what's happenng to their communities and are very aware that the liberal governors are allowing things to happen,and will be voting Trump in November. The left is making a collosal blunder in not shutting the violent protests down.

I'm anti-government and have become even more so observing directly the socialist agendas of Newsom and Garcetti. SoCal doesn't have the violent protests of Portland, Seattle, or Chicago because the Beverly Hills elite won't allow it. The small business owners/entrepreneurs in SoCal though are being very creative and thinking outside the box to stay in business despite the county/state regulations: sidewalk dining, haircuts, nail salons, etc. I applaud their creativity and self-preservation instincts. The Newsom/Garcetti policies are designed to maintain control of the people rather than being "for the people". I'm hearing a lot of rumblings about the overreaching governmental control in school closings, economy, and just about all aspects of people's lives. There is a significant "silent" population here.
I agree that there is no systemic racism in America as well. According to your "outhere" logic, I guess I and anyone else who disagrees with you is "full of s***" too. :rolleyes:
I live near 4 elementary schools. Lots of little kids in the neighborhood The wife and I call them the little rascals. 3 white families, 2 Vietnamese, 1 black, 1 Mexican. They all play together and have a good time. Systemic racism my ass.
You're full of s*** if you think systemic racism isn't real.

Its bullshit made up by liberal pukes who are trying to weaponize racism. It's about as real as my 13 inch Johnson.

Guess what, things are tough for everyone, from the most successful to the least, we don't get to pick our trials, but they are there for all of us. I'm not even fully white, I'm a half breed and I've experienced racism from my own family. Don't try to tell me people are held down by the man, or whatever you want to call it.

Not in 2020, I know too many successful black men who I admire greatly. My brother is black and went to Howard on a football scholarship, he later attended Johns Hopkins to complete his MBA, he is now a multi-millionaire he has a smoking hot wife who is an accountant for a prestigious firm in New York, and he owns a security firm. Dude does business all over the US and has at least 9 women he bangs in 9 different cities. LA, Vegas, Houston, Atlanta, Miami, DC, Chicago, NY, and San Antonio. If he suffers from systemic racism, I wish I did.

Those people who are screaming systemic racism are white liberal losers who can't get a job or black losers who can't get a job. The one thing they all have in common, they are losers. You see losers will blame others for their failure, while successful people will look themselves in the mirror and do what it takes to be successful. The American pie is big enough for everyone who is willing to work at it.

If Systemic racism is really there then statistically speaking why are the two most successful groups in this country minorities? I'm talking about Asians and East Indians. Both groups do much better on college entrance exams, both groups come out of college with average higher paying jobs, both groups tend to have higher FICO scores than whites. I guess that is all apart of the systemic racism you were talking about.

You want to know what systemic racism is, the fact that schools like Harvard have put a cap on the number of Asians and Indians they can admit otherwise all they would have are Asians and Indians and no one else. That is true racism.

Liberals are the real racist in this country. Who supports planned parenthood in this country? Why is it that there are 10x more planned parenthood locations in minority parts of each city. Go ahead and look up planned parenthood locations and tell me where they are in your city. Guarantee they are minority parts of town. The reason for this is the woman who started planned parenthood was a straight up racist and her contribution to society was to exterminate minorities to promoter her ideals of Eugenics. In New York city alone there were more minority abortions than actual live births. That is a national trend going on all over this country.

Then you have cities like Chicago that have been run by Democrats for 50 to 60 years, where are the most homicides of black men in this country? In these very same cities.

If there is systemic racism, it's the left showing their cards because I sure haven't seen it.

I will tell you about the systemic racism I have seen.

1. 5 year old white kid shot and murdered by a black man, zero main stream news coverage.
2. White men being kicked out of their jobs simply because they are white to make room for a minority.
3. Black man rear ends a white family, get mad and kills the family, they call it road rage, but it was a hate crime.
4. White kid passed over to get into a University to take a black kid with lower grades and lower test scores, only because they are black.

That is my short list, so what you call systemic racism, I call White mans burden. The truth hurts but it's out there.
Its bullshit made up by liberal pukes who are trying to weaponize racism. It's about as real as my 13 inch Johnson.

Guess what, things are tough for everyone, from the most successful to the least, we don't get to pick our trials, but they are there for all of us. I'm not even fully white, I'm a half breed and I've experienced racism from my own family. Don't try to tell me people are held down by the man, or whatever you want to call it.

Not in 2020, I know too many successful black men who I admire greatly. My brother is black and went to Howard on a football scholarship, he later attended Johns Hopkins to complete his MBA, he is now a multi-millionaire he has a smoking hot wife who is an accountant for a prestigious firm in New York, and he owns a security firm. Dude does business all over the US and has at least 9 women he bangs in 9 different cities. LA, Vegas, Houston, Atlanta, Miami, DC, Chicago, NY, and San Antonio. If he suffers from systemic racism, I wish I did.

Those people who are screaming systemic racism are white liberal losers who can't get a job or black losers who can't get a job. The one thing they all have in common, they are losers. You see losers will blame others for their failure, while successful people will look themselves in the mirror and do what it takes to be successful. The American pie is big enough for everyone who is willing to work at it.

If Systemic racism is really there then statistically speaking why are the two most successful groups in this country minorities? I'm talking about Asians and East Indians. Both groups do much better on college entrance exams, both groups come out of college with average higher paying jobs, both groups tend to have higher FICO scores than whites. I guess that is all apart of the systemic racism you were talking about.

You want to know what systemic racism is, the fact that schools like Harvard have put a cap on the number of Asians and Indians they can admit otherwise all they would have are Asians and Indians and no one else. That is true racism.

Liberals are the real racist in this country. Who supports planned parenthood in this country? Why is it that there are 10x more planned parenthood locations in minority parts of each city. Go ahead and look up planned parenthood locations and tell me where they are in your city. Guarantee they are minority parts of town. The reason for this is the woman who started planned parenthood was a straight up racist and her contribution to society was to exterminate minorities to promoter her ideals of Eugenics. In New York city alone there were more minority abortions than actual live births. That is a national trend going on all over this country.

Then you have cities like Chicago that have been run by Democrats for 50 to 60 years, where are the most homicides of black men in this country? In these very same cities.

If there is systemic racism, it's the left showing their cards because I sure haven't seen it.

I will tell you about the systemic racism I have seen.

1. 5 year old white kid shot and murdered by a black man, zero main stream news coverage.
2. White men being kicked out of their jobs simply because they are white to make room for a minority.
3. Black man rear ends a white family, get mad and kills the family, they call it road rage, but it was a hate crime.
4. White kid passed over to get into a University to take a black kid with lower grades and lower test scores, only because they are black.

That is my short list, so what you call systemic racism, I call White mans burden. The truth hurts but it's out there.

Where do I start? Well in reference to your 5 points.
That kid in NC who shot that 5 year old kid has been arrested. The evidence is overwhelming and if it's true, which it probably is, then put him in prison for the rest of life in children are innocent. And I've found plenty of articles about this killing. Fox news wants their viewers to think they're the only ones who report these stories. They're not CNN has given plenty of coverage to this watch something else besides Fox news.
Where do I start? Well in reference to your 5 points.
That kid in NC who shot that 5 year old kid has been arrested. The evidence is overwhelming and if it's true, which it probably is, then put him in prison for the rest of life in children are innocent. And I've found plenty of articles about this killing. Fox news wants their viewers to think they're the only ones who report these stories. They're not CNN has given plenty of coverage to this watch something else besides Fox news.

when did the shooting take place and when did the story start to make it's way to CNN and the rest of the leftist news networks? About a week later as many were screaming about it on Parlor, Twitter and all forms of social media. Then when it couldn't be ignored they came out with articles.

If the roles were reversed and a 25 year old white man shot a 5 year old black child in the head, it would have been anther round of riots all over this country.

I'm not going to just use that example, there are plenty of black on black murders of little kids that have gotten no coverage almost like they "Didn't Matter".

You will never convince me the mainstream media is legit. I get my news from Independent sources, I follow Andy Ngo pretty closely, he is the eyes on the ground during these riots. I follow Tim Pool as well as a few other independent guys who have shown real journalistic integrity. The only thing I follow on Fox News is Tucker Carlson.

BTW, it wasn't a kid that shot the 5 year old boy, it was a 25 year old man. Let that sink in for a moment. I can throw on here video after video of Shit Antifa has pulled and video of black people attacking white people. It's the #1 reason I now carry my Glock with me, just don't know when you gotta put a dog down.
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when did the shooting take place and when did the story start to make it's way to CNN and the rest of the leftist news networks? About a week later as many were screaming about it on Parlor, Twitter and all forms of social media. Then when it couldn't be ignored they came out with articles.

If the roles were reversed and a 25 year old white man shot a 5 year old black child in the head, it would have been anther round of riots all over this country.

I'm not going to just use that example, there are plenty of black on black murders of little kids that have gotten no coverage almost like they "Didn't Matter".

You will never convince me the mainstream media is legit. I get my news from Independent sources, I follow Andy Ngo pretty closely, he is the eyes on the ground during these riots. I follow Tim Pool as well as a few other independent guys who have shown real journalistic integrity. The only thing I follow on Fox News is Tucker Carlson.

BTW, it wasn't a kid that shot the 5 year old boy, it was a 25 year old man. Let that sink in for a moment. I can throw on here video after video of Shit Antifa has pulled and video of black people attacking white people. It's the #1 reason I now carry my Glock with me, just don't know when you gotta put a dog down.
Like this hate crime?

@outhereincali you should probably quit while you are behind. Something tells me the next 4 years will not be kind to folks with your beliefs.
Where do I start? Well in reference to your 5 points.
That kid in NC who shot that 5 year old kid has been arrested. The evidence is overwhelming and if it's true, which it probably is, then put him in prison for the rest of life in children are innocent. And I've found plenty of articles about this killing. Fox news wants their viewers to think they're the only ones who report these stories. They're not CNN has given plenty of coverage to this watch something else besides Fox news.
Look up the FBIs Uniform Crime reports. For a group that is 13% of the American population, blacks kill almost as many people as whites. Twice as many white people are killed by blacks as blacks killed by whites. A number that is larger than the number of blacks killed by police.
Like this hate crime?

@outhereincali you should probably quit while you are behind. Something tells me the next 4 years will not be kind to folks with your beliefs.

It's always from behind or with someone that can't defend themselves, when it's face to face they are too chickenshit to actually do something.

We used to call them cowards, today we call them BLM / Antifa. Soon we are going to be calling them nothing, because dead men don't answer when you call them.
You're full of s*** if you think systemic racism isn't real.
I guess I don't know what people are defining as "systemic racism". If you mean that cops pull POC over at a higher rate proportionally than white people-- ok-- but that's not on me. It's got nothing to do with me. I'm not a cop. i don't hire cops. A mayor is elected who appoints a police chief who then hires, trains and implements policy in the department.
How am I supposed to be held responsible for the failings of a police department in a city I don't live in, by a mayor I didn't vote for, a police chief I didn't appoint and officers I didn't hire?

I get it, there are some bad cops. But running around calling everyone a racist isn't the best way to fix the problem.
The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335; amended 2006, 2007) that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion.
So there you go OUTTHEREINLALALAND. Trump2020 could blow these anarchists down on any given day. He has actually shown restraint and let the Dem Gov and Mayor try to quell the violence, important word: VIOLENCE. Not Peaceful Protests, but freaking RIOTS.
Like I said, Nov. 4th, BLM, Antifa, prepare thine anus. Trump will have nothing to lose and has been biding his time.
Canceling Twitter, facebook, and other social media will do more good than anything else. There is too much false info floating around that makes everyone pick sides and hate each other. One lie goes viral and starts a dang riot nowadays because people believe everything they read. Social media has become a platform for misleading information and needs to go.
Canceling Twitter, facebook, and other social media will do more good than anything else. There is too much false info floating around that makes everyone pick sides and hate each other. One lie goes viral and starts a dang riot nowadays because people believe everything they read. Social media has become a platform for misleading information and needs to go.
Agreed. Not on Facebook and never will be.

And I'd also add this----

How good do we have it as a nation that we are fighting over slights or perceived slights--- when other people are so poor they are fighting over food and clean water?

Pretty good life here. Even black folks here have "white people problems" by comparison.
Where do I start? Well in reference to your 5 points.
That kid in NC who shot that 5 year old kid has been arrested.... Fox news wants their viewers to think they're the only ones who report these stories. They're not CNN has given plenty of coverage to this watch something else besides Fox news.

Wait wut? 25 years old is a kid now? Damn.

Also CNN and the rest of main stream media ignored the shooting until Fox and social media had blown it up showing that the media had ignored it. Only then did they cover it, and they basically accused the right of highlighting it because conservatives are racist.

when did the shooting take place and when did the story start to make it's way to CNN and the rest of the leftist news networks? About a week later as many were screaming about it on Parlor, Twitter and all forms of social media. Then when it couldn't be ignored they came out with articles.

If the roles were reversed and a 25 year old white man shot a 5 year old black child in the head, it would have been anther round of riots all over this country.

I'm not going to just use that example, there are plenty of black on black murders of little kids that have gotten no coverage almost like they "Didn't Matter".

You will never convince me the mainstream media is legit. I get my news from Independent sources, I follow Andy Ngo pretty closely, he is the eyes on the ground during these riots. I follow Tim Pool as well as a few other independent guys who have shown real journalistic integrity. The only thing I follow on Fox News is Tucker Carlson.

BTW, it wasn't a kid that shot the 5 year old boy, it was a 25 year old man. Let that sink in for a moment. I can throw on here video after video of Shit Antifa has pulled and video of black people attacking white people. It's the #1 reason I now carry my Glock with me, just don't know when you gotta put a dog down.

I hope you didn't think I was just going to go away.

I know I didn't type that correctly and was trying to correct that. Like I said you only believe what you see on Fox news. Tucker Carlson? You talk about liberals not having any character? You should pay attention to who Tucker Carlson hangs out with that one is ignorant on your part. And another thing about conservative character. You are understandably proud of your brother. But you also seem to be proud that while he is married to a beautiful woman and you seem to be very proud that he is having sex with women in at least 9 different cities. Your words. You make a broad statement like that then you open yourself to people who question that don't complain you said it yourself.

Let's see oh this one from you it's really rich. Planned Parenthood only being in the hood huh? In the Sacramento area where I live there are 5 PP. One is in a poor neighborhood but it's mostly Russian and Ukranian and there aren't many black Russians or Ukrainians at least I haven't met any they both have a sizeable presence here and I've been here for 16 years. Now one is in the well to do suburb where I live which is Roseville. The other 3 are in the hospital districts another inaccurate broad statement you made.

I didn't have the time at first to answer all of your 5 points. I've never heard of somebody white who got fired so somebody black could have his job. Another broad statement you made. that is inaccurate.

Somebody black who rear ended a white family and then got out and shot killed them all? I don't know this story but like the case in NC if this is true then put him in prison for the rest of life he deserves it.

White kids getting passed over for black kids who didn't have better grades or test scores the majority of those kids had the grades and went on to graduate. And affirmative action has benefitted many people. The Castro brothers were poor kids raised by a single mother. They were academically accomplished in high school and aa gave them the opportunity to attend Stanford where they excelled. And now San Antonio has a generation of leaders for the future. You do seem to have a problem with inaccurate broad statements.

I don't have the time to go over all of that lengthy post of yours. But one last thing. The last time I checked Memphis and St Louis not Chicago had the highest number of homicides once again you didn't do your homework. And ftr there are more white men on death row than any other race.

Now wasatch lets back to the heart of the matter shall we? Systemic racism.

This one started 80 years ago during the New Deal. FDR had an FHA act which enabled white families buy a home which later enabled them to the suburbs. Black people were not given that opportunity. They were denied those loans and as a result whites pulled ahead and equity gains. And with the white flight places grocery stores left and eventually there were more liquor stores than grocery stores. I could go on this is way to deep to go on.

Health and environment
In criminal conviction
The anti drug abuse act of 1986
Juvenile misconduct
Juvenile court
And so so many more
Systemic racism has its roots in American history for well over 100 years.
Systemic racism is all over the world England, South Africa, Australia, and others.

And if you went to a black neighborhood spouting all of this denial about systemic racism they'd laugh in your face.

And I'm not going away.
out there in la la land, there is NO systemic racism in America. Quit watching CNN and absorbing all of the liberal whacko propaganda and you'll be happier and more sane. I hope you enjoy four more years of winning. It's coming.
This one started 80 years ago during the New Deal. FDR had an FHA act which enabled white families buy a home which later enabled them to the suburbs. Black people were not given that opportunity. They were denied those loans and as a result whites pulled ahead and equity gains. And with the white flight places grocery stores left and eventually there were more liquor stores than grocery stores. I could go on this is way to deep to go on.

So in 2020 is this a relevant example of systemic racism?
I hope you didn't think I was just going to go away.

I know I didn't type that correctly and was trying to correct that. Like I said you only believe what you see on Fox news. Tucker Carlson? You talk about liberals not having any character? You should pay attention to who Tucker Carlson hangs out with that one is ignorant on your part. And another thing about conservative character. You are understandably proud of your brother. But you also seem to be proud that while he is married to a beautiful woman and you seem to be very proud that he is having sex with women in at least 9 different cities. Your words. You make a broad statement like that then you open yourself to people who question that don't complain you said it yourself.

Let's see oh this one from you it's really rich. Planned Parenthood only being in the hood huh? In the Sacramento area where I live there are 5 PP. One is in a poor neighborhood but it's mostly Russian and Ukranian and there aren't many black Russians or Ukrainians at least I haven't met any they both have a sizeable presence here and I've been here for 16 years. Now one is in the well to do suburb where I live which is Roseville. The other 3 are in the hospital districts another inaccurate broad statement you made.

I didn't have the time at first to answer all of your 5 points. I've never heard of somebody white who got fired so somebody black could have his job. Another broad statement you made. that is inaccurate.

Somebody black who rear ended a white family and then got out and shot killed them all? I don't know this story but like the case in NC if this is true then put him in prison for the rest of life he deserves it.

White kids getting passed over for black kids who didn't have better grades or test scores the majority of those kids had the grades and went on to graduate. And affirmative action has benefitted many people. The Castro brothers were poor kids raised by a single mother. They were academically accomplished in high school and aa gave them the opportunity to attend Stanford where they excelled. And now San Antonio has a generation of leaders for the future. You do seem to have a problem with inaccurate broad statements.

I don't have the time to go over all of that lengthy post of yours. But one last thing. The last time I checked Memphis and St Louis not Chicago had the highest number of homicides once again you didn't do your homework. And ftr there are more white men on death row than any other race.

Now wasatch lets back to the heart of the matter shall we? Systemic racism.

This one started 80 years ago during the New Deal. FDR had an FHA act which enabled white families buy a home which later enabled them to the suburbs. Black people were not given that opportunity. They were denied those loans and as a result whites pulled ahead and equity gains. And with the white flight places grocery stores left and eventually there were more liquor stores than grocery stores. I could go on this is way to deep to go on.

Health and environment
In criminal conviction
The anti drug abuse act of 1986
Juvenile misconduct
Juvenile court
And so so many more
Systemic racism has its roots in American history for well over 100 years.
Systemic racism is all over the world England, South Africa, Australia, and others.

And if you went to a black neighborhood spouting all of this denial about systemic racism they'd laugh in your face.

And I'm not going away.


How come there is all this “systematic racism” in California after decades of total democratic rule at all levels of government? Or has California elimated “systemic racism”?

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