Portland 2

So in 2020 is this a relevant example of systemic racism?

In a word yes. I also said this is a deep rooted issues which goes back 80+ years and has evolved into the horrible condition we have today. Why don't you try to read this deeply complicated issue?

How come there is all this “systematic racism” in California after decades of total democratic rule at all levels of government? Or has California elimated “systemic racism”?

Ok you ask about California. Imo LA is a racial time bomb. It might be the most diverse city in America but it might be the most segregated city America. Systemic racism is here in Sacramento as well. I don't think Democrats are doing anything special on these issues. Both parties are guilty.
I hope you didn't think I was just going to go away.

I know I didn't type that correctly and was trying to correct that. Like I said you only believe what you see on Fox news. Tucker Carlson? You talk about liberals not having any character? You should pay attention to who Tucker Carlson hangs out with that one is ignorant on your part. And another thing about conservative character. You are understandably proud of your brother. But you also seem to be proud that while he is married to a beautiful woman and you seem to be very proud that he is having sex with women in at least 9 different cities. Your words. You make a broad statement like that then you open yourself to people who question that don't complain you said it yourself.

Let's see oh this one from you it's really rich. Planned Parenthood only being in the hood huh? In the Sacramento area where I live there are 5 PP. One is in a poor neighborhood but it's mostly Russian and Ukranian and there aren't many black Russians or Ukrainians at least I haven't met any they both have a sizeable presence here and I've been here for 16 years. Now one is in the well to do suburb where I live which is Roseville. The other 3 are in the hospital districts another inaccurate broad statement you made.

I didn't have the time at first to answer all of your 5 points. I've never heard of somebody white who got fired so somebody black could have his job. Another broad statement you made. that is inaccurate.

Somebody black who rear ended a white family and then got out and shot killed them all? I don't know this story but like the case in NC if this is true then put him in prison for the rest of life he deserves it.

White kids getting passed over for black kids who didn't have better grades or test scores the majority of those kids had the grades and went on to graduate. And affirmative action has benefitted many people. The Castro brothers were poor kids raised by a single mother. They were academically accomplished in high school and aa gave them the opportunity to attend Stanford where they excelled. And now San Antonio has a generation of leaders for the future. You do seem to have a problem with inaccurate broad statements.

I don't have the time to go over all of that lengthy post of yours. But one last thing. The last time I checked Memphis and St Louis not Chicago had the highest number of homicides once again you didn't do your homework. And ftr there are more white men on death row than any other race.

Now wasatch lets back to the heart of the matter shall we? Systemic racism.

This one started 80 years ago during the New Deal. FDR had an FHA act which enabled white families buy a home which later enabled them to the suburbs. Black people were not given that opportunity. They were denied those loans and as a result whites pulled ahead and equity gains. And with the white flight places grocery stores left and eventually there were more liquor stores than grocery stores. I could go on this is way to deep to go on.

Health and environment
In criminal conviction
The anti drug abuse act of 1986
Juvenile misconduct
Juvenile court
And so so many more
Systemic racism has its roots in American history for well over 100 years.
Systemic racism is all over the world England, South Africa, Australia, and others.

And if you went to a black neighborhood spouting all of this denial about systemic racism they'd laugh in your face.

And I'm not going away.

Yohh never heard of a white person being fired to preserve a job for a minority?

Back around 2000, I ran a factory for TI. We had a reduction in force (RIF) due to business climate. I had my supervisors rack and stack their employees using the criteria HR provided. It was painful once we established the cut line. I sent the results to HR and was quickly told that I needed to have x number more white males under the cut line to satisfy HR's BS concerns.

I pushed back hard, but lost. I would not put my supervisors through that nut roll, so made the required changes and informed all the affected folks myself.

So you are wrong Cali, white people have been fired over POCs.
out there in la la land, there is NO systemic racism in America. Quit watching CNN and absorbing all of the liberal whacko propaganda and you'll be happier and more sane. I hope you enjoy four more years of winning. It's coming.

I guess you never heard of Wolf Blitzer on CNN. He's conservative especially in regards to Israel. You're trying to make them look like some left wing nut jobs and believe me they're not. As far as CA goes I live in a Republican district. What I'm trying to say is that these are uncertain times we live in.
Somebody define systemic racism please. I don't believe it exists because it's an illusion. What the hell is it? You can't say you believe in it if you're unable to clearly define it.
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In a word yes. I also said this is a deep rooted issues which goes back 80+ years and has evolved into the horrible condition we have today. Why don't you try to read this deeply complicated issue?

Hmmmm. So because in the past there was institutional racism then by default it exists today. Right.....

Actually no. It is 100% illegal to discriminate against ANYONE today because of race. Period. The end.

If you want to live in the past you can't be helped. If the mere fact that at one point in our nation's history there was real systemic racism, you believe that by default it exists today, you are beyond help. Wallow in your self pity while every other self empowered person moves on.
Wolf Blitzer is a joke. Hes pro Israel? Please link his overwhelming approval of Trump's pro Israel policies over the last four years.
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I guess you never heard of Wolf Blitzer on CNN. He's conservative especially in regards to Israel. You're trying to make them look like some left wing nut jobs and believe me they're not. As far as CA goes I live in a Republican district. What I'm trying to say is that these are uncertain times we live in.

out there. I hope that one day the light comes on and you get it. You provide some good commentary on football, but living in CA has obviously taken its toll on you.
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Yohh never heard of a white person being fired to preserve a job for a minority?

Back around 2000, I ran a factory for TI. We had a reduction in force (RIF) due to business climate. I had my supervisors rack and stack their employees using the criteria HR provided. It was painful once we established the cut line. I sent the results to HR and was quickly told that I needed to have x number more white males under the cut line to satisfy HR's BS concerns.

I pushed back hard, but lost. I would not put my supervisors through that nut roll, so made the required changes and informed all the affected folks myself.

So you are wrong Cali, white people have been fired over POCs.

Tell me more about this.
Simple. Business outlook required me to downsize my staffing by around 20 people. My supervisors rated their folks using 5 criteria from HR including, age, performance, years of service, and others. I took the rankings, challenged, and adjusted where needed, and generated the consolidated ranking of all employees in my factory. I concede that someone could argue that there was subjectivity in the ratings, but my supervisors wanted to keep their best employees, the ones that made them look good.
I then applied the cut line based on mandated headcount reduction and provided the list, with justification to HR. They then ran it through their grinder and told me how many more white males, under 40 years old, I had to move under the cut line so that we could retain more (lesser performing) POCs.
Cali - I always enjoyed your posts about next weeks games. What do you think about SMU v. Texas St. next weekend? Big start for Shane Buechele?
I guess you never heard of Wolf Blitzer on CNN. He's conservative especially in regards to Israel. You're trying to make them look like some left wing nut jobs and believe me they're not. As far as CA goes I live in a Republican district. What I'm trying to say is that these are uncertain times we live in.
What a knee slapper, have you considered taking your comedy act on the road?
Let me tell you something buddy. I have 4 black granddaughters two who are college age who DID take part in peaceful demonstrations and that's EXACTLY what they were. Salt Lake City has seen the same peaceful protest and I'm sure there are other cities. Like I've said the BLM here in Sacramento is trying to work with systemic racism and economic issues. Approx 81% of the population here that are pulled over are black and latino. It's amazing the number of people that get pulled over who didn't commit any crimes sometimes it's as high as 90%. But when people of color are pulled over they they are forced to get out of the car and it often leads to physical confrontations. They are starting meaningful dialogue on both matters I hope they can keep taking it to the next level and beyond. Unlike you i think it can happen.

90% of the people that are stopped by law enforcement haven't committed a crime?
Defunding the police is not what your think it is. Reallocate is a more appropriate term. It does NOT mean abolish the police. It means taking some of those funds and transfer that money to other sectors to things like mental health, drug addiction, homelessness, and other departments. It means that it can free police from things like getting cats out of trees a lot of police have to things like that. Paperwork is a necessity for police but transferring some of that load that takes away from excessive paperwork. It disappointments me to see that police aren't as successful at solving violent crimes as we think but reallocation can help the police department focus on the things we want them to do clearing unresolved crimes, serious crimes, and not wasting time trying to get cats out of trees. I wish people on this board would try to study and see the big picture to understand the specifics of what they're talking about and that reallocate, not defund is the correct word. One last thing if you investigate you'll find that there are police who support some aspects of reallocation.

So defunding the police is a movement to free police officers to deal with serious crimes like the genocide of black youths in South Chicago and the fact that the demands to defund police departments coincided with the death of George Floyd is just a coincidence?
Belldozer do you even watch CNN? Do you even know who Wolf Blitzer is?
I watch it nightly to laugh. Remember when Chris Cuomo got straight up busted while faking "quarantining" in his basement. Now here's Farci, still not ready to admit they've been attributing most of the 7700 deaths that happen in America everyday to the great covid hoax. Sorry fellas the fear mongers are getting exposed.
Belldozer do you even watch CNN? Do you even know who Wolf Blitzer is?

CNN is as unwatchable as MSNBC. They are exactly alike in their left wing bias. If you dont recognize that then you are not even trying to have an unbiased view. You call Wolf Blitzer concervative? .....and what in hell does Israel have to do with anything?
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90% of the people that are stopped by law enforcement haven't committed a crime?

That's true various cities have reported it. It happens all the time in Sacramento. I'll offer a specific time that I witnessed it personally. I used to live in a San Antonio home division Vista. I'll. be even more specific. It's on Judson Road between Stahl Rd and loop 1604. Anyway I was dropping off a coworker and we saw a black kid just driving around the neighborhood not bothering anyone. The SA cops were around and they pulled him over. Then they made him get out. Then they handcuffed him while they searched his car. They found marijuana. no more than 2 joints. It was a damn misdemeanor. For all their efforts all they could come up was misdemeanor. All while that guy was handcuffed. I saw it happen right in front of me.

I've learned that black people have a built on fear of the police. Black families teach their children at a young age how to react when they get pulled over by the police because it's going to happen at least once in their lives. I have talked to black parents they've told me themselves.

Two more instances. Stop and frisk. Of those 90% of that I mentioned 80% are not guilty. Stop and frisk gives police the right to pull people over and blacks and Latinos are often made to get out of the car. And so many times they are physically confronted and if they protest it's going to get ugly. Stop and frisk is in most states. But recently the state of New York made it unconstitutional. Then there it's no knock warrants that's how Breona Taylor was killed. They killed in because they thought there wasn't any. Her boyfriend who licensed to carry a gun fired a shot in self defense. Then the cops fired as many as 26 shots at her. No knock warrants are just plain wrong. A productive working woman died for no reason.
CNN is as unwatchable as MSNBC. They are exactly alike in their left wing bias. If you dont recognize that then you are not even trying to have an unbiased view. You call Wolf Blitzer concervative? .....and what in hell does Israel have to do with anything?

Unquestioned support of Israel usually means someone is conservative in foreign policy. And Wolf Blitzer is conservative when it comes to Israel. You guys were the ones that said Wolf Blitzer was a liberal.
Cali - I always enjoyed your posts about next weeks games. What do you think about SMU v. Texas St. next weekend? Big start for Shane Buechele?

No diadevic no one wants to hear what I have to say about fb anymore which doesn't bother me. It's because people don't like me very much oh well.
Look I'm not a left wing wacko people on here say I am far from it. I disagree. I'm not afraid to stand my ground. But I'm pretty much establishment liberal.

Diadevic throughout this thread I have talked about things that are considered "liberal" that are wrong. I've criticized the drive by killing of the Oakland police officer was wrong. The looting and destruction of black owned businesses was wrong. What that kid did to shoot that 5 year old boy was wrong I hope that family gets justice. And yes drink to it as a 65 year old male I have the right to call a 25 year old a kid a kid who's thrown his life away.

I've asked people on here to investigate and see what defunding really is. A bunch of people are using the wrong word for effect something that will get on the news you know a sound bite. It really means allocate and there is nothing in it to suggest no more police. But people don't wasn't to read about it. A retired police captain in Phoenix supports it go back and read what I said allocation is. People on here don't want to.

I've cited other topics on here. I say I disagree and I get insulted. I stand my ground I get insulted. I don't take it personally. I've asked people on here to investigate but they're inflexible. I mean it's silly to call me a way out leftist because I live in CA. Or that I think that systemic racism doesn't exist in CA it's bad here to. I could go on but I'm tired.

In answer to your original question I think SMU will beat TX state without any difficulty. I'm anxious for fb season to start. I'll always care how the Horns especially this season with these uncertain times. If we have a solid ol we could have a great offense. And who knows maybe we'll finally have a good coaching staff this year. I'm really excited about the Baltimore Ravens this year. I can't remember the last time an NFL team had so many horns in the starting lineup and certainly not on a team this good. And I'm certain that Deshon Elliot and Devin Duvernay will be starters this year. In DD the TX longhorns will finally have an NFL worthy receiver someone who isn't lazy, and spoiled ie Roy Williams. Diadevic there are so many great storylines about the Ravens that I know would interest you. The Big XIl has the fewest players drafted every year but the Ravens have found them. There's also 4 sooners and TT and Baylor guys as well they're all.good players who will get playing time this year. They've got good players from other TX schools. And don't forget JK Dobbins who's from Lagrange. You think he regrets going to tOSU? If Lamar Jackson stays healthy they should win the SB they have the weakest schedule in the NFL and the only team that can beat them is KC.
No diadevic no one wants to hear what I have to say about fb anymore which doesn't bother me. It's because people don't like me very much oh well.
Look I'm not a left wing wacko people on here say I am far from it. I disagree. I'm not afraid to stand my ground. But I'm pretty much establishment liberal.

Diadevic throughout this thread I have talked about things that are considered "liberal" that are wrong. I've criticized the drive by killing of the Oakland police officer that was wrong. The looting and destruction of black owned businesses was wrong. What that kid did to shoot that 5 year old boy was wrong I hope that family gets justice. And yes drink to it as a 65 year old male I have the right to call a 25 year old a kid a kid who's thrown his life away.

I've asked people on here to investigate and see what defunding really is. A bunch of people are using the wrong word for effect something that will get on the news you know a sound bite. It really means allocate and there is nothing in it that calls for no more police. But people don't wasn't to read about it. A retired police captain in Phoenix supports it go back and read what I said allocation is. People on here don't want to.

I've cited other topics on here. I say I disagree and I get insulted. I stand my ground I get insulted. I don't take it personally. I've asked people on here to investigate but they're inflexible. I mean it's silly to call me a way out leftist because I live in CA. Or that I think that systemic racism doesn't exist in CA it's bad here to. I could go on but I'm tired.

In answer to your original question I think SMU will beat TX state without any difficulty. I'm anxious for fb season to start. I'll always care how the Horns especially this season with these uncertain times. If we have a solid ol we could have a great offense. And who knows maybe we'll finally have a good coaching staff this year.

I'm really excited about the Baltimore Ravens this year. I can't remember the last time an NFL team had so many horns in the starting lineup and certainly not on a team this good. And I'm certain that Deshon Elliot and Devin Duvernay will be starters this year. In DD the TX longhorns will finally have an NFL worthy receiver someone who isn't lazy, and spoiled ie Roy Williams. Diadevic there are so many great storylines about the Ravens that I know will interest you. The Big XIl has the fewest players drafted every year but the Ravens have found them. There's also 4 sooners and TT and Baylor guys as well they're all.good players who will get playing time this year. They've got good players from other TX schools. And don't forget JK Dobbins who's from Lagrange. You think he regrets going to tOSU? If Lamar Jackson stays healthy they should win the SB they have the weakest schedule in the NFL and the only team that can beat them is KC.

I know I didn't type that correctly and was trying to correct that. Like I said you only believe what you see on Fox news. Tucker Carlson? You talk about liberals not having any character? You should pay attention to who Tucker Carlson hangs out with that one is ignorant on your part.

You were saying

But you also seem to be proud that while he is married to a beautiful woman and you seem to be very proud that he is having sex with women in at least 9 different cities.

His choice, he has the money to have all the women on the side and his family. I don't make his choices for him, but he is my brother so I back him. He also has a big picture of him with Jesse Jackson partying at some homecoming social event at Howard. Trust me when I say this, He is far from the only person who has a little side action. Plus, you still miss the point, nothing has held him back, he is a successful business man who flies all over the US and is in the top 2% of incomes in this country and he didn't get there from Sports or Entertainment, he got there from hard work. BTW, he is also conservative, or as he likes to say a closet Republican, and that is because it would hurt his business if he went against the Black narrative of the NAACP and the liberal Democrats.

Let's see oh this one from you it's really rich. Planned Parenthood only being in the hood huh? In the Sacramento area where I live there are 5 PP. One is in a poor neighborhood but it's mostly Russian and Ukranian and there aren't many black Russians or Ukrainians at least I haven't met any they both have a sizeable presence here and I've been here for 16 years. Now one is in the well to do suburb where I live which is Roseville. The other 3 are in the hospital districts another inaccurate broad statement you made.

Lol, See here is the thing, you lived here in San Antonio, same as me, There are 5 planned parenthoods in this city. One off of Perrin Bietal mostly black and Hispanic area, 2 on the far west side in hispanic areas, one on the south side near E Southcross and one in the Medical center. 5 planned parenthoods and 4 of them in black or Hispanic areas.

Now lets look at Austin Again, 5 planned parenthoods, 4 of them are East of IH 35 in black neighborhoods one is where I would call closer to a white neighborhood but still off of Lemar.

Should I go on to Houston or Dallas. It's all part of the narrative, like I said, in New York alone, there were more abortions performed in the black community than live births.

I didn't have the time at first to answer all of your 5 points. I've never heard of somebody white who got fired so somebody black could have his job. Another broad statement you made. that is inaccurate.


Fire police based on race.

Somebody black who rear ended a white family and then got out and shot killed them all? I don't know this story but like the case in NC if this is true then put him in prison for the rest of life he deserves it.

See what you miss when you spend all your time watching CNN

White kids getting passed over for black kids who didn't have better grades or test scores the majority of those kids had the grades and went on to graduate. And affirmative action has benefitted many people. The Castro brothers were poor kids raised by a single mother. They were academically accomplished in high school and aa gave them the opportunity to attend Stanford where they excelled. And now San Antonio has a generation of leaders for the future. You do seem to have a problem with inaccurate broad statements.

I find it funny you passed over the part where I pointed out that the two most successful groups in this country are minorities. Asians and Indians. But of course you did, it didn't fit your narrative. Trust me when I tell you, the Castro brothers suck and this city/state would be much better off without them and their failed policies.

I don't have the time to go over all of that lengthy post of yours. But one last thing. The last time I checked Memphis and St Louis not Chicago had the highest number of homicides once again you didn't do your homework. And ftr there are more white men on death row than any other race.

Wow, and they are also controlled by Democrat mayors and city councils just like all the other failed blue cities. Just like Austin San Francisco, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, and New York.

This one started 80 years ago during the New Deal. FDR had an FHA act which enabled white families buy a home which later enabled them to the suburbs. Black people were not given that opportunity. They were denied those loans and as a result whites pulled ahead and equity gains. And with the white flight places grocery stores left and eventually there were more liquor stores than grocery stores. I could go on this is way to deep to go on.

Lol, I'm in the real estate business, I know first hand the rules and regulations with regard to lending to minorities and even doing appraisals.

Health and environment

So now the enviroment is racist? I didn't know mother nature was white? I don't know what you are talking about with health, unless you are referring to the Sickle cell, damn racist disease.

In criminal conviction

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

The anti drug abuse act of 1986

Fully supported by Joe Biden and Bill Clinton in the 90's.

Juvenile misconduct
Juvenile court

Again, you can thank Joe Biden and Bill Clinton in the 90's.

Systemic racism has its roots in American history for well over 100 years.
Systemic racism is all over the world England, South Africa, Australia, and others.

Again, you haven't convinced me it is real, so again, I call BS. You remind me of Joseph Goebbels, Nazi minister of Propaganda. If you tell a big enough lie to as many people enough times, eventually they will believe it.

And if you went to a black neighborhood spouting all of this denial about systemic racism they'd laugh in your face.

Some will, but some would agree with me. If you went into a Cuban neighborhood spouting all your Socialist rhetoric they would kick your Castro loving ass out of there.

That's true various cities have reported it. It happens all the time in Sacramento. I'll offer a specific time that I witnessed it personally. I used to live in a San Antonio home division Vista. I'll. be even more specific. It's on Judson Road between Stahl Rd and loop 1604. Anyway I was dropping off a coworker and we saw a black kid just driving around the neighborhood not bothering anyone. The SA cops were around and they pulled him over. Then they made him get out. Then they handcuffed him while they searched his car. They found marijuana. no more than 2 joints. It was a damn misdemeanor. For all their efforts all they could come up was misdemeanor. All while that guy was handcuffed. I saw it happen right in front of me.

I've learned that black people have a built on fear of the police. Black families teach their children at a young age how to react when they get pulled over by the police because it's going to happen at least once in their lives. I have talked to black parents they've told me themselves.

Two more instances. Stop and frisk. Of those 90% of that I mentioned 80% are not guilty. Stop and frisk gives police the right to pull people over and blacks and Latinos are often made to get out of the car. And so many times they are physically confronted and if they protest it's going to get ugly. Stop and frisk is in most states. But recently the state of New York made it unconstitutional. Then there it's no knock warrants that's how Breona Taylor was killed. They killed in because they thought there wasn't any. Her boyfriend who licensed to carry a gun fired a shot in self defense. Then the cops fired as many as 26 shots at her. No knock warrants are just plain wrong. A productive working woman died for no reason.

How funny your one example is where I grew up. You see I went to James Madison, I grew up in the Woodstone Subdivision and used to spend most of my time in high country and Vista subdivisions. I know the ghettos they turned into since I still live in San Antonio. My parents live about 1 mile from Vista, I know for a fact that if a cop pulled over a black kid it was because he fit the profile of someone that committed a crime in that area. Like I said, I'm from that part of town and I wouldn't want to be caught in High Country or Valley Forge subdivisions after dark and I still have family in Valley Forge.
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That's true various cities have reported it. It happens all the time in Sacramento. I'll offer a specific time that I witnessed it personally. I used to live in a San Antonio home division Vista. I'll. be even more specific. It's on Judson Road between Stahl Rd and loop 1604. Anyway I was dropping off a coworker and we saw a black kid just driving around the neighborhood not bothering anyone. The SA cops were around and they pulled him over. Then they made him get out. Then they handcuffed him while they searched his car. They found marijuana. no more than 2 joints. It was a damn misdemeanor. For all their efforts all they could come up was misdemeanor. All while that guy was handcuffed. I saw it happen right in front of me.

I've learned that black people have a built on fear of the police. Black families teach their children at a young age how to react when they get pulled over by the police because it's going to happen at least once in their lives. I have talked to black parents they've told me themselves.

Two more instances. Stop and frisk. Of those 90% of that I mentioned 80% are not guilty. Stop and frisk gives police the right to pull people over and blacks and Latinos are often made to get out of the car. And so many times they are physically confronted and if they protest it's going to get ugly. Stop and frisk is in most states. But recently the state of New York made it unconstitutional. Then there it's no knock warrants that's how Breona Taylor was killed. They killed in because they thought there wasn't any. Her boyfriend who licensed to carry a gun fired a shot in self defense. Then the cops fired as many as 26 shots at her. No knock warrants are just plain wrong. A productive working woman died for no reason.
I'm not a fan of no knock warrants and what happened to Taylor is a HUGE outlier.
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I will share this story and I'm white. While in west Texas I was driving from Lubbock to Friona. I had a state trooper pull me over. This was when the speed limit would drop to 65 from 70 at night. I was driving a fairly new F-250 diesel and ran the feed mill on a feedlot. He came up to my door and asked me to step out of the truck which I did. He then told me to put my hands behind my back and he cuffed me for "his and my safety". He then had me lean against the hood of his car. He asked for permission to search my truck and I gave it. He said there was a lot of drug activity happening in that area and because I was going 67 in a 65 he pulled me over, he then explained I fit the "profile" of guys running drugs in that area. I was in cuffs for about 45-1 hr. He then wrote me a ticket and sent me on my way. He told me over and over that it was best for me to just admit I had it and they would probably be easy on me with no priors. He left my truck a mess and seemed mad he didn't find anything. I can remember being scared because it was a dark and empty highway. I know people make bad decisions. I know people are pulled over based on profiles. I also know that doing as told works best. Yes I don't know what it's like to be a minority. I have had many conversations with many minority teenagers and adults I work with that the more you say "yes sir" or "yes ma'am" the better it goes most of the time.
I will share this story and I'm white. While in west Texas I was driving from Lubbock to Friona. I had a state trooper pull me over. This was when the speed limit would drop to 65 from 70 at night. I was driving a fairly new F-250 diesel and ran the feed mill on a feedlot. He came up to my door and asked me to step out of the truck which I did. He then told me to put my hands behind my back and he cuffed me for "his and my safety". He then had me lean against the hood of his car. He asked for permission to search my truck and I gave it. He said there was a lot of drug activity happening in that area and because I was going 67 in a 65 he pulled me over, he then explained I fit the "profile" of guys running drugs in that area. I was in cuffs for about 45-1 hr. He then wrote me a ticket and sent me on my way. He told me over and over that it was best for me to just admit I had it and they would probably be easy on me with no priors. He left my truck a mess and seemed mad he didn't find anything. I can remember being scared because it was a dark and empty highway. I know people make bad decisions. I know people are pulled over based on profiles. I also know that doing as told works best. Yes I don't know what it's like to be a minority. I have had many conversations with many minority teenagers and adults I work with that the more you say "yes sir" or "yes ma'am" the better it goes most of the time.

He would have had to take me to jail, I would have been too pissed to be polite to him. Don't care what his reason is, he was an asshole.
I was pulled over in college on my way home from school. Driving down 37--- I was pulled over in Pleasanton by DPS. It was cold and he asked me to step out of the vehicle. I put my hands in my pockets because--- it was pretty damn cold-- and the Trooper did not like that. I pulled my hands out of my pockets and apologized and that's when he went for his gun. He drew down on me and asked me if I had any weapons on me. I froze and said I didn't. Then he asked me what was in my left front pocket. I had an asthma inhaler in there and he had mistaken it for a pocket gun. Needless to say I was cuffed and my truck was searched. I informed him of my two twin cousins out in West Texas that were both Troopers and he said he knew them both. He actually got on his bag phone and called one of them. Heck I even showed him my Texas football ring I was wearing. Didn't matter.
After it was all over, I was uncuffed and given a warning for speeding. That was the second time I had an officer draw his gun on me. The first time was in high school in Kingsville Texas.

Cops over reacting doesn't just happen with minorities.
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When I was living in Schertz Tx, I was driving down a farm road near IH 35 when a car drove passed me followed by a cop who had pulled into my lane and forced me off the road. I was pissed, I was in my wife's mini van and had my daughters in the back. I drove straight to the police station and jumped in their shit, I was screaming at them why I was forced off the road so some asshole can write someone a ticket for no seatbelt. I told his boss you can bring that SOB to me and I will knock his ass out right now. I'm surprised I didn't get arrested,
You were sayin9

His choice, he has the money to have all the women on the side and his family. I don't make his choices for him, but he is my brother so I back him. He also has a big picture of him with Jesse Jackson partying at some homecoming social event at Howard. Trust me when I say this, He is far from the only person who has a little side action. Plus, you still miss the point, nothing has held him back, he is a successful business man who flies all over the US and is in the top 2% of incomes in this country and he didn't get there from Sports or Entertainment, he got there from hard work. BTW, he is also conservative, or as he likes to say a closet Republican, and that is because it would hurt his business if he went against the Black narrative of the NAACP and the liberal Democrats.

Lol, See here is the thing, you lived here in San Antonio, same as me, There are 5 planned parenthoods in this city. One off of Perrin Bietal mostly black and Hispanic area, 2 on the far west side in hispanic areas, one on the south side near E Southcross and one in the Medical center. 5 planned parenthoods and 4 of them in black or Hispanic areas.

Now lets look at Austin Again, 5 planned parenthoods, 4 of them are East of IH 35 in black neighborhoods one is where I would call closer to a white neighborhood but still off of Lemar.

Should I go on to Houston or Dallas. It's all part of the narrative, like I said, in New York alone, there were more abortions performed in the black community than live births.


Fire police based on race.

See what you miss when you spend all your time watching CNN

I find it funny you passed over the part where I pointed out that the two most successful groups in this country are minorities. Asians and Indians. But of course you did, it didn't fit your narrative. Trust me when I tell you, the Castro brothers suck and this city/state would be much better off without them and their failed policies.

Wow, and they are also controlled by Democrat mayors and city councils just like all the other failed blue cities. Just like Austin San Francisco, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, and New York.

Lol, I'm in the real estate business, I know first hand the rules and regulations with regard to lending to minorities and even doing appraisals.

So now the enviroment is racist? I didn't know mother nature was white? I don't know what you are talking about with health, unless you are referring to the Sickle cell, damn racist disease.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Fully supported by Joe Biden and Bill Clinton in the 90's.

Again, you can thank Joe Biden and Bill Clinton in the 90's.

Again, you haven't convinced me it is real, so again, I call BS. You remind me of Joseph Goebbels, Nazi minister of Propaganda. If you tell a big enough lie to as many people enough times, eventually they will believe it.

Some will, but some would agree with me. If you went into a Cuban neighborhood spouting all your Socialist rhetoric they would kick your Castro loving ass out of there.

How funny your one example is where I grew up. You see I went to James Madison, I grew up in the Woodstone Subdivision and used to spend most of my time in high country and Vista subdivisions. I know the ghettos they turned into since I still live in San Antonio. My parents live about 1 mile from Vista, I know for a fact that if a cop pulled over a black kid it was because he fit the profile of someone that committed a crime in that area. Like I said, I'm from that part of town and I wouldn't want to be caught in High Country or Valley Forge subdivisions after dark and I still have family in Valley Forge.

Wtf does Clinton sitting with Jeffrey Epstein have to do with Tucker Carlson?

You were still bragging on your brothers sex life.

I said I didn't know this story but I also said if true then he deserves to be in prison for the rest of bis life.

20 years ago the Vista home division was a nice place and mostly white that was the reason for his harassment.

In regards to the anti drug act of 1986 that Clinton and Biden supported. I never said Democrats were morally perfect far from it. Clinton was an asshole for supporting it as were the other Democrats who did.

I don't watch CNN and as far as your independent sources you were the one who said he trusts Tucker Carlson which is about as network as you can get.

As far as PP goes I know what we have here and as far as being in poor neighborhoods in San Antonio well that's TX for you.
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So I'm a socialist that's rich.

I said that systemic racism was a deep complicated issue it would take to long to post here something that's been going on for well over 100 years. In fact it's all over the world. Study it for yourself but I know you won't.

I don't see how the number of homicides in big cities has to with Democratic mayors they weren't any better when they had Republican mayors.