Portland 2

I was pulled over in college on my way home from school. Driving down 37--- I was pulled over in Pleasanton by DPS. It was cold and he asked me to step out of the vehicle. I put my hands in my pockets because--- it was pretty damn cold-- and the Trooper did not like that. I pulled my hands out of my pockets and apologized and that's when he went for his gun. He drew down on me and asked me if I had any weapons on me. I froze and said I didn't. Then he asked me what was in my left front pocket. I had an asthma inhaler in there and he had mistaken it for a pocket gun. Needless to say I was cuffed and my truck was searched. I informed him of my two twin cousins out in West Texas that were both Troopers and he said he knew them both. He actually got on his bag phone and called one of them. Heck I even showed him my Texas football ring I was wearing. Didn't matter.
After it was all over, I was uncuffed and given a warning for speeding. That was the second time I had an officer draw his gun on me. The first time was in high school in Kingsville Texas.

Cops over reacting doesn't just happen with minorities.

You're right it has happened to white people just not as often as it does to blacks and latinos.
Me and a buddy was driving on MoPac , the bridge wasn't finished yet, and we turned around and going back when The lights hit us, was a State Trooper pulled us over, he came up to the door and was the biggest Black cop I ever seen, I mean Pro style about 6'5 , and asked what we was doing and we told him going back to town, ask if we been drinking and we said no, wasn't another car for miles, anyway he was the kind of guy you say no sir and yes sir to, biggest damn hands and fingers I ever saws, anyway he cut us loose and left, we was shakin biggest dude I ever saw////
I will share this story and I'm white. While in west Texas I was driving from Lubbock to Friona. I had a state trooper pull me over. This was when the speed limit would drop to 65 from 70 at night. I was driving a fairly new F-250 diesel and ran the feed mill on a feedlot. He came up to my door and asked me to step out of the truck which I did. He then told me to put my hands behind my back and he cuffed me for "his and my safety". He then had me lean against the hood of his car. He asked for permission to search my truck and I gave it. He said there was a lot of drug activity happening in that area and because I was going 67 in a 65 he pulled me over, he then explained I fit the "profile" of guys running drugs in that area. I was in cuffs for about 45-1 hr. He then wrote me a ticket and sent me on my way. He told me over and over that it was best for me to just admit I had it and they would probably be easy on me with no priors. He left my truck a mess and seemed mad he didn't find anything. I can remember being scared because it was a dark and empty highway. I know people make bad decisions. I know people are pulled over based on profiles. I also know that doing as told works best. Yes I don't know what it's like to be a minority. I have had many conversations with many minority teenagers and adults I work with that the more you say "yes sir" or "yes ma'am" the better it goes most of the time.

You don't have to apologize for being white. And black people I've met over the years tell me the same thing about yes sir no sir. It's when you stand up for yourself that the ass beating is coming.
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You're right it has happened to white people just not as often as it does to blacks and latinos.

I'm not going to write a book trying to respond your posts like others have, but this notion that police are out to get Black people is so wrong. There are a host of statistics that prove otherwise.

Black peoe commit way more crimes as a percentage of the population than white people do. They murder people as a percentage way more than white people do. Police (who are also Black btw) interact with black people more as a percentage than they do with white people. This isnt difficult.

Police still kill twice as many whites as blacks. Is it because of race only in the instances where they kill black people? When they kill whites its completely different? Come on man!

When George Floyd has enough fentinyl in his system to kill an elephant and can't breathe from the moment the cops pull him over, and yet all we see on TV for a month straight is a select cut of cell phone footage, this is why people are divided. Because no one cares about facts. Only emotions.

When rapist Jacob Blake resists arrest, fights the cops and then reaches into his car and gets shot, people treat him like MLK.

I'm sick of the idiocy. And then they want to defund police and these idiot mayors and governors say they don't want national guard help, so citizens take it upon themselves to police the neighborhood, and lo and behold people die! Hell the CHOP people killed two Black people themselves because no police were allowed.

So Kyle Rittenhouse is evil now.

This is what Biden and Kamala and Maxine and Nancy and other Democrat leaders wanted. They are on video saying it. Just use Google and you will see it. BLM leaders are on video praising the murder of a Trump supporter in Portland. Kyle sure didn't praise his shootings. He turned himself in!

But they blame Trump! That's so rich. Im sick of it. Im voting for Trump and I hope others are smart enough to see what is happening. Trump sure ain't perfect but he's not the one stoking violence.
I hope you didn't think I was just going to go away.

I know I didn't type that correctly and was trying to correct that. Like I said you only believe what you see on Fox news. Tucker Carlson? You talk about liberals not having any character? You should pay attention to who Tucker Carlson hangs out with that one is ignorant on your part. And another thing about conservative character. You are understandably proud of your brother. But you also seem to be proud that while he is married to a beautiful woman and you seem to be very proud that he is having sex with women in at least 9 different cities. Your words. You make a broad statement like that then you open yourself to people who question that don't complain you said it yourself.

Let's see oh this one from you it's really rich. Planned Parenthood only being in the hood huh? In the Sacramento area where I live there are 5 PP. One is in a poor neighborhood but it's mostly Russian and Ukranian and there aren't many black Russians or Ukrainians at least I haven't met any they both have a sizeable presence here and I've been here for 16 years. Now one is in the well to do suburb where I live which is Roseville. The other 3 are in the hospital districts another inaccurate broad statement you made.

I didn't have the time at first to answer all of your 5 points. I've never heard of somebody white who got fired so somebody black could have his job. Another broad statement you made. that is inaccurate.

Somebody black who rear ended a white family and then got out and shot killed them all? I don't know this story but like the case in NC if this is true then put him in prison for the rest of life he deserves it.

White kids getting passed over for black kids who didn't have better grades or test scores the majority of those kids had the grades and went on to graduate. And affirmative action has benefitted many people. The Castro brothers were poor kids raised by a single mother. They were academically accomplished in high school and aa gave them the opportunity to attend Stanford where they excelled. And now San Antonio has a generation of leaders for the future. You do seem to have a problem with inaccurate broad statements.

I don't have the time to go over all of that lengthy post of yours. But one last thing. The last time I checked Memphis and St Louis not Chicago had the highest number of homicides once again you didn't do your homework. And ftr there are more white men on death row than any other race.

Now wasatch lets back to the heart of the matter shall we? Systemic racism.

This one started 80 years ago during the New Deal. FDR had an FHA act which enabled white families buy a home which later enabled them to the suburbs. Black people were not given that opportunity. They were denied those loans and as a result whites pulled ahead and equity gains. And with the white flight places grocery stores left and eventually there were more liquor stores than grocery stores. I could go on this is way to deep to go on.

Health and environment
In criminal conviction
The anti drug abuse act of 1986
Juvenile misconduct
Juvenile court
And so so many more
Systemic racism has its roots in American history for well over 100 years.
Systemic racism is all over the world England, South Africa, Australia, and others.

And if you went to a black neighborhood spouting all of this denial about systemic racism they'd laugh in your face.

And I'm not going away.
Julian Castro was a horrible mayor. Just like Henry (empty stadium) Cisneros. Henry set San Antonio on the road to bankruptcy with the Alamodome and, even worse, the lavish police/fire union contract he cut to get the stadium bonds passed. Julian Castro got the city to buy into "Pre K for SA." To spend the last tax money allowed. For something that has NEVER been shown to have a lasting impact.
I will share this story and I'm white. While in west Texas I was driving from Lubbock to Friona. I had a state trooper pull me over. This was when the speed limit would drop to 65 from 70 at night. I was driving a fairly new F-250 diesel and ran the feed mill on a feedlot. He came up to my door and asked me to step out of the truck which I did. He then told me to put my hands behind my back and he cuffed me for "his and my safety". He then had me lean against the hood of his car. He asked for permission to search my truck and I gave it. He said there was a lot of drug activity happening in that area and because I was going 67 in a 65 he pulled me over, he then explained I fit the "profile" of guys running drugs in that area. I was in cuffs for about 45-1 hr. He then wrote me a ticket and sent me on my way. He told me over and over that it was best for me to just admit I had it and they would probably be easy on me with no priors. He left my truck a mess and seemed mad he didn't find anything. I can remember being scared because it was a dark and empty highway. I know people make bad decisions. I know people are pulled over based on profiles. I also know that doing as told works best. Yes I don't know what it's like to be a minority. I have had many conversations with many minority teenagers and adults I work with that the more you say "yes sir" or "yes ma'am" the better it goes most of the time.
Solution here is to end the "war on drugs". He was looking for a reason to steal your truck. Sometimes they have a stash to plant on you. The last few years, asset forfeiture has exceeded the value of goods stolen by ordinary criminals.
I'm not going to write a book trying to respond your posts like others have, but this notion that police are out to get Black people is so wrong. There are a host of statistics that prove otherwise.

Black peoe commit way more crimes as a percentage of the population than white people do. They murder people as a percentage way more than white people do. Police (who are also Black btw) interact with black people more as a percentage than they do with white people. This isnt difficult.

Police still kill twice as many whites as blacks. Is it because of race only in the instances where they kill black people? When they kill whites its completely different? Come on man!

When George Floyd has enough fentinyl in his system to kill an elephant and can't breathe from the moment the cops pull him over, and yet all we see on TV for a month straight is a select cut of cell phone footage, this is why people are divided. Because no one cares about facts. Only emotions.

When rapist Jacob Blake resists arrest, fights the cops and then reaches into his car and gets shot, people treat him like MLK.

I'm sick of the idiocy. And then they want to defund police and these idiot mayors and governors say they don't want national guard help, so citizens take it upon themselves to police the neighborhood, and lo and behold people die! Hell the CHOP people killed two Black people themselves because no police were allowed.

So Kyle Rittenhouse is evil now.

This is what Biden and Kamala and Maxine and Nancy and other Democrat leaders wanted. They are on video saying it. Just use Google and you will see it. BLM leaders are on video praising the murder of a Trump supporter in Portland. Kyle sure didn't praise his shootings. He turned himself in!

But they blame Trump! That's so rich. Im sick of it. Im voting for Trump and I hope others are smart enough to see what is happening. Trump sure ain't perfect but he's not the one stoking violence.

They were still human beings who didn't deserve to die people on here refuse to see that. George Floyd was flat out murdered. One of the people who shot Jacob Blake was a punk ass 17 year old. And those charges from 5 years ago were dismissed from lack of evidence. As for the rape charge just because of his criminal charges gives the police no excuse to do what they did.
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The murder rate per million of the black population is 32

The murder rate per million of the white population is 13.
They were still human beings who didn't deserve what happened to them people on here refuse to see that. George Floyd was flat out murdered. One of the people who shot Jacob Blake was shot by some punk ass 17 year old. And those charges from 5 years ago were dismissed from lack of evidence. As for the rape charge just because of his criminal charges gives the police no excuse to do what they did.
No one is arguing that Floyd or Blake "deserved" what occurred. Yes, horrible situations and those isolated situations should be dealt with accordingly. There are judicial processes in place to deal with these isolated situations. In every profession including legal, medical, and law enforcement, someone graduates at the bottom of the class. Deal with these bad cops individually and accordingly. These are individual, isolated occurrences, not some part of a national law enforcement plan to eradicate POC. Indeed, in Chicago, its law enforcement that is now under attack as in Dallas several years ago. The MSM would have you believe otherwise. Floyd/Blake were just the excuse needed by the BLM organization (not the movement) to put in place their socialist agenda that has been financed and planned for many years. DOJ is investigating the financing of this national marxist organization, as well it should.
Did you hear about the Israel-UAE deal last week? Was it on CNN?

I don't watch CNN I spoke only of Wolf Blitzer. And as far as this Israel/ UAE pact goes this was just a bullshit ploy by Netanyahu who btw is in the middle of criminal charges. From what I've read in the New Yorker and the council of foreign relations Trump didn't play any meaningful role in negotiations. Also the fact that the United States has moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which happened on Trump's watch something that he campaigned on is proof that he has no regard for the Palestinians. Which is why I think he is an apologist for Netanyahu.
They were still human beings who didn't deserve to die people on here refuse to see that. George Floyd was flat out murdered. One of the people who shot Jacob Blake was a punk ass 17 year old. And those charges from 5 years ago were dismissed from lack of evidence. As for the rape charge just because of his criminal charges gives the police no excuse to do what they did.

You know for certain that Floyd was murdered? Better call off the trial now, YOU have spoken. Dude was dying from a drug overdose as the cops pulled him over.

Jacob Blake was shot by a 17yo? What? Cops are 17 now? That's news to me....

Blake had 911 called on him by his ex girlfriend dude. They didn't just show up and shoot him.

What's wrong with you? You have no idea what the facts are on anything clearly.
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No one is arguing that Floyd or Blake "deserved" what occurred. Yes, horrible situations and those isolated situations should be dealt with accordingly. There are judicial processes in place to deal with these isolated situations. In every profession including legal, medical, and law enforcement, someone graduates at the bottom of the class. Deal with these bad cops individually and accordingly. These are individual, isolated occurrences, not some part of a national law enforcement plan to eradicate POC. Indeed, in Chicago, its law enforcement that is now under attack as in Dallas several years ago. The MSM would have you believe otherwise. Floyd/Blake were just the excuse needed by the BLM organization (not the movement) to put in place their socialist agenda that has been financed and planned for many years. DOJ is investigating the financing of this national marxist organization, as well it should.

Well as I've said on this board many, many, times BLM is not centralized. That means each chapter has its own agenda it makes it hard to gage how much power they really have and that is by design. Look Sacramento is no racial utopia. What the BLM is doing here is trying to trying to bring an end to economic racial imbalance in downtown Sacramento.

In many cities BLM protests that started out peaceful turned violent in part because the police attacked the demonstrators with pepper spray and when the protestors resisted it turned violent. I'm not an apologist for BLM I don't support the more militant views wirh some of the BLM. But they do have some good ideas And I shouldn't have used deserved. What I should have said was that people on here don't think it's a big deal because of the victims past.
I think they should put all their asses on s plane to Gitmo for holding a America city and its people hostage and making peoples close their Businesses close because of looting etc They are taking away their means of making a living..they are not changing anything, its all gonna be the same when they get through...The Army's gonna march after election!
They were still human beings who didn't deserve to die people on here refuse to see that. George Floyd was flat out murdered. One of the people who shot Jacob Blake was a punk ass 17 year old. And those charges from 5 years ago were dismissed from lack of evidence. As for the rape charge just because of his criminal charges gives the police no excuse to do what they did.
I'm not at all sure that George Floyd was murdered. As I understand it, he had a "white powder" on his tongue when stopped. Speculation is he was carrying fentanyl, needed to dispose of it. Chest wall tightness to the point of inability to breath is a known complication of rapid administration of fentanyl. I know this because I spent several years doing cardiac anesthesia. We know that he had a very high level of fentanyl in his bloodstream at autopsy. High enough to call it an overdose if not for the circumstances. Perhaps enough for that to be the actual cause of death.
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That's true various cities have reported it. It happens all the time in Sacramento. I'll offer a specific time that I witnessed it personally. I used to live in a San Antonio home division Vista. I'll. be even more specific. It's on Judson Road between Stahl Rd and loop 1604. Anyway I was dropping off a coworker and we saw a black kid just driving around the neighborhood not bothering anyone. The SA cops were around and they pulled him over. Then they made him get out. Then they handcuffed him while they searched his car. They found marijuana. no more than 2 joints. It was a damn misdemeanor. For all their efforts all they could come up was misdemeanor. All while that guy was handcuffed. I saw it happen right in front of me.

I've learned that black people have a built on fear of the police. Black families teach their children at a young age how to react when they get pulled over by the police because it's going to happen at least once in their lives. I have talked to black parents they've told me themselves.

Two more instances. Stop and frisk. Of those 90% of that I mentioned 80% are not guilty. Stop and frisk gives police the right to pull people over and blacks and Latinos are often made to get out of the car. And so many times they are physically confronted and if they protest it's going to get ugly. Stop and frisk is in most states. But recently the state of New York made it unconstitutional. Then there it's no knock warrants that's how Breona Taylor was killed. They killed in because they thought there wasn't any. Her boyfriend who licensed to carry a gun fired a shot in self defense. Then the cops fired as many as 26 shots at her. No knock warrants are just plain wrong. A productive working woman died for no reason.

Just to be clear, 90% of all people stopped by the police have not committed a crime and your anecdotal evidence was an instance where the person stopped was committing a crime.

Were you on the debate team?
You know for certain that Floyd was murdered? Better call off the trial now, YOU have spoken. Dude was dying from a drug overdose as the cops pulled him over.

Jacob Blake was shot by a 17yo? What? Cops are 17 now? That's news to me....

Blake had 911 called on him by his ex girlfriend dude. They didn't just show up and shoot him.

What's wrong with you? You have no idea what the facts are on anything clearly.

Give it up, man. It's hopeless. Liberals don't like facts or common sense. Normal people will never be able to understand liberal logic and their whacko ideology. It's like talking to a wall. Their heads are going to explode in 60 days, lol. =)roll
Wtf does Clinton sitting with Jeffrey Epstein have to do with Tucker Carlson?

You were still bragging on your brothers sex life.

I said I didn't know this story but I also said if true then he deserves to be in prison for the rest of bis life.

20 years ago the Vista home division was a nice place and mostly white that was the reason for his harassment.

In regards to the anti drug act of 1986 that Clinton and Biden supported. I never said Democrats were morally perfect far from it. Clinton was an asshole for supporting it as were the other Democrats who did.

I don't watch CNN and as far as your independent sources you were the one who said he trusts Tucker Carlson which is about as network as you can get.

As far as PP goes I know what we have here and as far as being in poor neighborhoods in San Antonio well that's TX for you.

Vista and High Country haven't been white since the late 80s. It wasn't white back then as most of the friends I had in that neighborhood were black. Same with High Country. There is no place in San Antonio one could classify as mostly white. In the 80's the demographics of Madison were about 40% white, 40% Hispanic and 20% black or other. By the 2000's (i know this because I'm good friends with former Madison Principal Chris Thompson) it's about 50% Hispanic, 25% Black and white kids are the grouped in with the last 25% The demographics of the surrounding communities are about the same as the high school.

Again, I know the area like the back of my hand, there is nothing you can tell me about San Antonio.

Just for giggles I checked the locations of planned parenthood in Minneapolis St Paul. They are probably one of the whitest cities I've ever lived in. Second only to Salt Lake city. With 6 locations in the twin cities only the location in Brooklin heights and Edina would be considered white neighborhoods. The other locations are in Hmong, Ethopian, and Hispanic communities. The last one is in the medical district.

I guess Texas isn't the only state with this problem.

I thought I would highlight once more. The two most successful groups in the United States are Asians and Indians. Best jobs after college, highest college entrance test scores, highest average Fico scores. Highest income of any group. I guess systemic racism is color blind to these groups.

I will repeat, Systemic Racism does not exist!!!

I'm more than happy to continue to watch Tucker Carlson as he is the best news commentator and the most honest. After all, why do you think the left is trying so hard to suppress him.
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You know for certain that Floyd was murdered? Better call off the trial now, YOU have spoken. Dude was dying from a drug overdose as the cops pulled him over.

Jacob Blake was shot by a 17yo? What? Cops are 17 now? That's news to me....

Blake had 911 called on him by his ex girlfriend dude. They didn't just show up and shoot him.

What's wrong with you? You have no idea what the facts are on anything clearly.

yawn roll my eyes. They shot him 3 minutes after they arrived.

And excuse me that punk ass 17 year old was in Kenosha after the shooting. And there he was on camera with a military semi automatic strapped to his shoulder there's pictures of him. And you know what those Kenosha police did? They didn't try to stop him instead they gave him a bottle of water. This was the same Kenosha police department that 5 days earlier shot Jacob Blake. He's not even a resident of Kenosha he came from a small town in IL. He fired at least one shot and has been charged with possession of weapon while underage. The police chief actually said he didn't find anything with his police allowing a minor to carry a weapon. So let's see after the shooting the police allowed him to go home and get his story straight. They gave him a bottle of water. They allowed a minor to carry a military semi automatic in public. He is no hero he's a punk. But weren't you one of the people who admired or is sympathetic to him?

Now getting back to Jacob Blake. There is evidence that the Kenosha police were being less than truthful about him having possession of a weapon. He was also shot in front of his three kids.

And you are the only one who thought George Floyd died of a drug overdose. What we're they just putting him out of his misery? Are you that hard hearted and oblivious? Are you just desperate to win an argument?
Vista and High Country haven't been white since the late 80s. It wasn't white back then as most of the friends I had in that neighborhood were black. Same with High Country. There is no place in San Antonio one could classify as mostly white. In the 80's the demographics of Madison were about 40% white, 40% Hispanic and 20% black or other. By the 2000's (i know this because I'm good friends with former Madison Principal Chris Thompson) it's about 50% Hispanic, 25% Black and white kids are the grouped in with the last 25% The demographics of the surrounding communities are about the same as the high school.

Again, I know the area like the back of my hand, there is nothing you can tell me about San Antonio.

Just for giggles I checked the locations of planned parenthood in Minneapolis St Paul. They are probably one of the whitest cities I've ever lived in. Second only to Salt Lake city. With 6 locations in the twin cities only the location in Brooklin heights and Edina would be considered white neighborhoods. The other locations are in Hmong, Ethopian, and Hispanic communities. The last one is in the medical district.

I guess Texas isn't the only state with this problem.

I thought I would highlight once more. The two most successful groups in the United States are Asians and Indians. Best jobs after college, highest college entrance test scores, highest average Fico scores. Highest income of any group. I guess systemic racism is color blind to these groups.

I will repeat, Systemic Racism does not exist!!!

I'm more than happy to continue to watch Tucker Carlson as he is the best news commentator and the most honest. After all, why do you think the left is trying so hard to suppress him.

That's bullshit. I lived in Vista from September 28 1991 to September 28 1999 exactly 8 years. And it was a a mostly white neighborhood. A handful of black and black Hispanic families most of them homeowners as*****. 5459 Maple Vista right up there in the cul-de-sac.

And your boy Tucker made an ass out of himself defending that 17 year old punk in WI. Most of the audience booed the rest laughed.

First of all you are clearly wrong, as usual, about Vista and High Country when I lived there. HC was also mostly white, mostly homeowners. My kids went to Fox Run most of the kids were white and there wasn't much of a crime problem. But you insist you know more about that neighborhood back then and you clearly don't and until I moved to Midland in 2003 it was still like that I visited my kids all the time I remember.

Parting words from me to you. You say you're half black and since you insist there is no such thing as systemic racism go to a black neighborhood and say that. Go read black scholars and say it's wrong.
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Just to be clear, 90% of all people stopped by the police have not committed a crime and your anecdotal evidence was an instance where the person stopped was committing a crime.

Were you on the debate team?

No but I am smarter than you.
My wife who I love has asked me to walk away from this thread and because it's her I will.
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That's bullshit. I lived in Vista from September 28 1991 to September 28 1999 exactly 8 years. And it was a a mostly white neighborhood. A handful of black and black Hispanic families most of them homeowners as*****. 5459 Maple Vista right up there in the cul-de-sac.

And your boy Tucker made an ass out of himself defending that 17 year old punk in WI. Most of the audience booed the rest laughed.[/QUO
yawn roll my eyes. They shot him 3 minutes after they arrived.

And excuse me that punk ass 17 year old was in Kenosha after the shooting. And there he was on camera with a military semi automatic strapped to his shoulder there's pictures of him. And you know what those Kenosha police did? They didn't try to stop him instead they gave him a bottle of water. This was the same Kenosha police department that 5 days earlier shot Jacob Blake. He's not even a resident of Kenosha he came from a small town in IL. He fired at least one shot and has been charged with possession of weapon while underage. The police chief actually said he didn't find anything with his police allowing a minor to carry a weapon. So let's see after the shooting the police allowed him to go home and get his story straight. They gave him a bottle of water. They allowed a minor to carry a military semi automatic in public. He is no hero he's a punk. But weren't you one of the people who admired or is sympathetic to him?

Now getting back to Jacob Blake. There is evidence that the Kenosha police were being less than truthful about him having possession of a weapon. He was also shot in front of his three kids.

And you are the only one who thought George Floyd died of a drug overdose. What we're they just putting him out of his misery? Are you that hard hearted and oblivious? Are you just desperate to win an argument?

3 minutes after the cops arrived? Based on what timeline? The cops were called because of him. He had an outstanding warrant for his arrest. The video clearly shows he was physically fighting the officers. They tried to take him. He goes to his car. For what reason? To go on a high speed chase with children in the car? Really? Poor old Jacob Blake? You're nuts to be defending him. And there was a knife on the driver side floorboard.

Kyle Rittenhouse is on video being interviewed before the shooting. Then he's on video being chased by a felon who drove further than he did to get to Kenosha and that felon threw something at him. You bet Kyle shot him. He was under assault.

The other two men he shot chased him too. One tried to smash him in the head with a skateboard. The other had a gun too.

Kyle literally went to the police with his hands up. They didn't know what had happened.

You have no clue what the video evidence is for any of this.
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yawn roll my eyes. They shot him 3 minutes after they arrived.

And excuse me that punk ass 17 year old was in Kenosha after the shooting. And there he was on camera with a military semi automatic strapped to his shoulder there's pictures of him. And you know what those Kenosha police did? They didn't try to stop him instead they gave him a bottle of water. This was the same Kenosha police department that 5 days earlier shot Jacob Blake. He's not even a resident of Kenosha he came from a small town in IL. He fired at least one shot and has been charged with possession of weapon while underage. The police chief actually said he didn't find anything with his police allowing a minor to carry a weapon. So let's see after the shooting the police allowed him to go home and get his story straight. They gave him a bottle of water. They allowed a minor to carry a military semi automatic in public. He is no hero he's a punk. But weren't you one of the people who admired or is sympathetic to him?

Now getting back to Jacob Blake. There is evidence that the Kenosha police were being less than truthful about him having possession of a weapon. He was also shot in front of his three kids.

And you are the only one who thought George Floyd died of a drug overdose. What we're they just putting him out of his misery? Are you that hard hearted and oblivious? Are you just desperate to win an argument?
Apparently you've never shot 3 people in the same night. I can't tell you how thirsty it makes one. As far as Floyd goes, who is to say he didn't die of Covid? I mean after all the left media couldn't just let enough alone with his death, they had to announce that he tested positive for Covid during his autopsy but for some reason omitted talking about the drugs found in his system.
Apparently you've never shot 3 people in the same night. I can't tell you how thirsty it makes one. As far as Floyd goes, who is to say he didn't die of Covid? I mean after all the left media couldn't just let enough alone with his death, they had to announce that he tested positive for Covid during his autopsy but for some reason omitted talking about the drugs found in his system.

Thanks. I just spit Diet Dr Pepper everywhere.
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Trump hasn’t done anything about Netanyahu for the last 20 years??? WTF?? Trump hasn’t been President but for 3.5 years...The 8 years before that ole Netanyahu was under the supervision of your boy Obama.

And Clob.... I was born and raised in Kingsville. I don’t know anyone that hasn’t had a gun drawn on em by the cops.
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And you are the only one who thought George Floyd died of a drug overdose. What we're they just putting him out of his misery? Are you that hard hearted and oblivious? Are you just desperate to win an argument?
Where do you not get your news? Floyd was loaded up on narcotics, including Fentanyl.
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Reactions: Belldozer1
Give it up, man. It's hopeless. Liberals don't like facts or common sense. Normal people will never be able to understand liberal logic and their whacko ideology. It's like talking to a wall. Their heads are going to explode in 60 days, lol. =)roll
I had an interesting lunch today in the LA area with a few colleagues including a Brit who’s lived in the states for about 15 years and another colleague who is a socialist ideologue. Spoke about current events. The Brit grew up with this notion of government as a benevolent, paternal body that takes care of you. He wasn’t aware that Pelosi and Newsom belong to a power hungry, multigenerational political family. And, when I mentioned the notion of holding rioters accountable by convicting them of violating laws that are already on the books, the socialist looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights. Even holding people accountable for committing crimes is too much for him to handle. The scary part: the socialist has a UT degree in eco from the liberal arts school and he’s previously mentioned taking a sociology class that left an impression on him.