And excuse me that punk ass 17 year old was in Kenosha after the shooting. And there he was on camera with a military semi automatic strapped to his shoulder there's pictures of him.
You have probably never picked up a gun. There is no such thing as a military semi-automatic rifle. The only semi-automatic the military uses is it's side arm. The military equivalent has 3 shot modes. Single shot, burst, and full auto. Just because a gun is semi auto doesn't make it a military gun. It's like saying I put lights on my sword so now it's a light saber, and I am a jedi. What you call a punk, I call a hero.
And you know what those Kenosha police did? They didn't try to stop him instead they gave him a bottle of water.
He isn't a criminal why treat him as one.
He's not even a resident of Kenosha he came from a small town in IL. He fired at least one shot and has been charged with possession of weapon while underage.
His home is 30 minutes, and he has a job as a life guard in Kenosha and was working that day. He was asked to help protect the businesses there and was given the gun by a resident. He obviously knew how to handle the gun since the only people he shot were the attackers. The fact that he was running from the mob and they can be heard yelling "Get him", proves he wasn't the aggressor but rather just defending himself.
The police chief actually said he didn't find anything with his police allowing a minor to carry a weapon.
Can't break a law that doesn't exist, I often take my 11 year old daughter with me to the gun range, she is a hell of a shot. She could drop a fool in a second.
They allowed a minor to carry a military semi automatic in public. He is no hero he's a punk. But weren't you one of the people who admired or is sympathetic to him?
Wisconsin is a open carry state, deal with it. I don't know who else admires him, but if he were my kid, I'd raise his allowance.
Parting words from me to you. You say you're half black and since you insist there is no such thing as systemic racism go to a black neighborhood and say that. Go read black scholars and say it's wrong.
I never said I was half black, I said I was a half breed, half white half Mexican. There is no such thing as systemic racism, I would have no problem going into any neighborhood and saying it. I'm pretty sure the only reason you are saying it is because you too scared of black people to ever disagree with one. If a black dude came to your house and wanted to **** your wife, I'm pretty sure you would let him, it would be systemic racist to deny him.
Apparently you've never shot 3 people in the same night. I can't tell you how thirsty it makes one.