Prayers for Nice, France


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
I don't know what to say. Nice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and this is just terrible.

I've seen the unedited video on BBC and if you have the slightest bit of a weak stomach, I'd advise you not to watch it.

73 dead and over 100 injured. I think it's time for the French to take the gloves off. Break out the guillotine fellas.
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Go find a General Patton to stamp out the roaches back by a unified alliance of world countries.Any one who preaches this radical view on killing innocent people will be put to death and kill the core breed.No Mas!!
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France is in big trouble, 8 percent of the population and growing. Too late for them really, not sure what can been done to stop this.
Thank goodness for the Atlantic or we would be in the same shape.
Prayers for France are needed.
Point taken 1972, but this is actually serious.....and close to home. 2 of the 84 dead in this attack are from Austin.Their name was Brodie I think. I think he was an attorney...son was a little league player....11 years old. No word on the wife or 2 daughters.

Further news....Young Brodie played little league for Hill Country Baseball league in case any of you know of it.
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Point taken 1972, but this is actually serious.....and close to home. 2 of the 84 dead in this attack are from Austin.Their name was Brodie I think. I think he was an attorney...son was a little league player....11 years old. No word on the wife or 2 daughters.

Further news....Young Brodie played little league for Hill Country Baseball league in case any of you know of it.
Actually oldhorn, we are the only species of primate that CAN live peacefully with strangers. Read Matt Ridley's THE RATIONAL OPTIMIST. War is not exceptional. Peace is. Fortunately, the human race is actually getting more peaceful.
I have become so jaded and disgusted by this stuff, it didn't phase me when I was watching this unfold.

Our leaders are sheep and they are taking citizens to the slaughter by refusing to acknowledge who the wolves are.

To the citizens of France, I'm sad for you, but you need to start holding your leaders responsible for this stuff.
The people of France were shocked after the night club attack.

Today, they are pissed.
I believe this is the 7th attack on French soil in the last 18months alone. I wonder how many it would take on US soil for us as a country to completely go apesh!t on this people? Hopefully it wouldn't take 7 times.
Don't worry the hate group Black Lives Matter wont let this horrible atrocity derail their message of hate. This world is coming apart at the seams and it could all be rectified with COMMON SENSE decisions but we're all too PC for that. Wait until it starts here with the frequency of France et al. I'm fearful of what our cowardly response will be. Probably negotiations.
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Bell.....I am as conservative as they come, but I think that is a bit over the top
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Bell.....I am as conservative as they come, but I think that is a bit over the top
Which part? I hope you are referring to my last sentence only because everything else is pretty spot on with maybe an exception to the world coming apart at the seams but even that is a little hard to argue at this point IMO.
I believe that Black lives matter is self serving and very much a publicity whore but I do not think they are a hate group

Another thing I believe to be true.....we will never completely eradicate terrorism as long as we are a free people. If we give up all our freedoms, the govt has a chance, but since I don't trust the govt to wipe their own ass I will never give into that line of defense.

Here is an idea, and I am serious. pay the mafia to fix it. They have no issue with getting anyone to tell everything they know and to give up anyone....just a thought.
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I believe that Black lives matter is self serving and very much a publicity whore but I do not think they are a hate group
I can understand your point but I differ a little in my opinion but respect your opinion. Day of Rage! by gosh:)
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Also Bell....while you were typing that, I was adding to my post with an edit.
I'm not a fan of BLM, but they are nothing compared to Islamic terrorists. One group wants you to sympathize with their opinion, the other wants everyone not in their group dead. They even want Muslims dead, if they aren't the right brand of Muslim. And I don't see much that can be done. It would almost be easier if all Muslims were evil, but they are not.
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I'm not a fan of BLM, but they are nothing compared to Islamic terrorists. One group wants you to sympathize with their opinion, the other wants everyone not in their group dead. They even want Muslims dead, if they aren't the right brand of Muslim. And I don't see much that can be done. It would almost be easier if all Muslims were evil, but they are not.
I don't know if your post was directed to me or not but if it was I certainly wasn't comparing the 2 as being equal I was just stating that the atrocities of last night will not be allowed to overshadow the Day of Rage festivities and the message being conveyed by Black Lives Matter, which I believe is based in hate. I'm not getting my hopes up that they will put their selfish demands aside for a day to recognize what a real crisis looks like. No, Radical Islam, is a whole other deal.
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My math skills tell me that 130 people died in the concert attack, 85+ are dead here with another 25 on like support.

So as it stands, 2 attacks have killed 215 people with likely more to die who are on life support. That's pretty substantial numbers and a very high average per attack.

Methinks if I were a bad guy I'd just label all of France as a soft target. And btw- if you think the crazies don't have a group of actuarials keeping track of the stats- you're naive.

2 attacks in France = 215 + deaths
1 attack in Garland = 2 dead terrorist 0 dead Texans

If I'm the bean counters for these wackos, I'm sticking to France.
I don't know if your post was directed to me or not but if it was I certainly wasn't comparing the 2 as being equal I was just stating that the atrocities of last night will not be allowed to overshadow the Day of Rage festivities and the message being conveyed by Black Lives Matter, which I believe is based in hate. No, Radical Islam, is a whole other deal.
I really wasn't addressing anyone. Just saw some mention of BLM on this thread. I think they are spoiled brats at worst, but in no way comparable to these filthy terrorists. You are probably correct.
Let's put it in perspective: Hitler killed 20 million people. Stalin killed 30 million people. Mao killed perhaps 100 million people. The Thirty Year's War in Germany killed 1/4 to 1/3 of the population. The Peace of Westphalia in 1648 was the end of religious war in Europe. These religious fanatics are mean, nasty folks who should stay where they are, or be buried where they are. But they are not an existential threat to the United States.
I was initially offended when I heard the phrase BLM. All human lives should matter, right?

Some of my black friends, however, are pretty upset about this, so I decided to look into it.

I found some research that supports BLM's complaints. Traffic stops overwhelmingly target blacks. So do drug laws, which target crack cocaine vs. powdered. Unarmed black men are twice as likely to be shot to death by police as unarmed white men, when adjusted for the neighborhood crime rate, if the officer was attacked, etc.

However, not all the research suggests racial bias. A study of the St. Louis PD found that black officers shoot black suspects at the same rate as white officers. It's a matter of where your beat is.

Another study found that officers delay longer before shooting blacks. Maybe the press and BLM protests are having an impact?

The whole story, I found, is much more complicated than just racism against blacks. Those living in urban neighborhoods commit more crimes, and attack officers more often. They need to shoulder the responsibility to raise young men who respect the law. They need to respect officers.
Let's put it in perspective: Hitler killed 20 million people. Stalin killed 30 million people. Mao killed perhaps 100 million people. The Thirty Year's War in Germany killed 1/4 to 1/3 of the population. The Peace of Westphalia in 1648 was the end of religious war in Europe. These religious fanatics are mean, nasty folks who should stay where they are, or be buried where they are. But they are not an existential threat to the United States.
All factual information.

6 years ago my aunt had a mole removed from her back. After a biopsy on said mole, the Dr informed her that it was cancerous, but the cancer was isolated to the area of the mole. The Dr recommended however that she continue to come in regularly for screenings.

My aunt- being the highly educated holistic medical believer that she was- decided not to take preemptive measures in combating this "possible" problem because she perceived her method of holistic treatments would prevent any future problems.

She's dead now. The cancer spread to her lungs (never smoked a day in her life) and her other organs.

Either we deal with cancerous moles and continue screening ourselves to guard against infection-- or we take the "holistic" approach and run the risk of dying.

Make your choice bro.
All factual information.

6 years ago my aunt had a mole removed from her back. After a biopsy on said mole, the Dr informed her that it was cancerous, but the cancer was isolated to the area of the mole. The Dr recommended however that she continue to come in regularly for screenings.

My aunt- being the highly educated holistic medical believer that she was- decided not to take preemptive measures in combating this "possible" problem because she perceived her method of holistic treatments would prevent any future problems.

She's dead now. The cancer spread to her lungs (never smoked a day in her life) and her other organs.

Either we deal with cancerous moles and continue screening ourselves to guard against infection-- or we take the "holistic" approach and run the risk of dying.

Make your choice bro.
I want to remove the mole Clob where do I sign up?? I have never owned an AR15 but the day after the Dallas shootings I purchased one. I am really enjoying it, they shoot great, at least mine does it's a Smith and Wesson.
All factual information.

6 years ago my aunt had a mole removed from her back. After a biopsy on said mole, the Dr informed her that it was cancerous, but the cancer was isolated to the area of the mole. The Dr recommended however that she continue to come in regularly for screenings.

My aunt- being the highly educated holistic medical believer that she was- decided not to take preemptive measures in combating this "possible" problem because she perceived her method of holistic treatments would prevent any future problems.

She's dead now. The cancer spread to her lungs (never smoked a day in her life) and her other organs.

Either we deal with cancerous moles and continue screening ourselves to guard against infection-- or we take the "holistic" approach and run the risk of dying.

Make your choice bro.
When I was med school, we got a patient at the VA who had refused enucleation of his eye for a pigmented lesion 17 years prior. When he presented at the VA, he was mostly melanoma. He got ferocious chemo and died. I think he got 17 years on his own. As I think about it, I wonder if his cancerous eye could have worked.
Who knows. But I know this: hatred, pure hatred, is like a virus. Some people just hate others-- some for different reasons but the main reasons are because of differences- either ideological or physical (race-gender) or because one group feels oppressed by another.

Not to go off on a diatribe that will launch people off on tangents-- but years ago I read on book by Simon Reeve called "the new jackals"(1998 I think). He warned about the new faces in terrorism- mainly Ramsey Yousef and Bin Laden.
He referenced a meeting between bin Laden and Peter Bergen where bin Laden laid out three reasons why they declared war on America.
1. We had boots on the ground in their holy lands of mecca and Medina.
2. We were allowing the Saudi royal family to remain in power by purchasing the oil that rightfully belonged to the people- not the royals.
3. We were giving billions annually to Israel in weapons and money.

Stop doing these 3 things, and Bin Laden would call off the dogs.

Well, we didn't-- so it began. Now it has spun out of control. Say what you want about bin Laden, but he wanted his attacks to be focused more on "political and financial symbolic targets"-- those were his principals (for lack of a better word).

These new cats-- they don't care. There are no rules. No principals. That Micheal Cain line from batman-- "some people just want to watch the world burn" really suits many of these people.

As far as "what do we do"? Well Bell, given what I just read from the 9-11 report that shows WITHOUT A DOUBT- that Prince Bandar of Saud was directly paying money to many of the 9-11 hijackers, and providing them with saudi military and intelligence contacts- I say step one is cut off all ties with the Kingdom of Saud. Never by another drop of oil from them. Ever. Without our financial support, they will wither and die on the vine.
2nd- strengthen eastern Eurasia with NATO troops in order to keep the bad people in that area-- IN that AREA. They have a blood feud that won't involve us, once we leave, and they've had that blood feud for a millineum. Let them sort it out.
3rd- instead of spending 8 billion annually on Afghanistan, 9 billion on Iraq and God knows how much on the rest of the middle east, use that money to properly protect OUR country and our western allies. Protect the homeland or the cancer will spread. We need to form a thorough vetting system in order to help those people that "truly need our help" and are committed to coming to America and adopting OUR laws while becoming a contributing member of US society. Holding dear to some of their culture is important, but not at the expense of violating the laws of the US or suppressing the freedoms of our society.

We can learn to coexist with people that make an effort to respect our laws while living in our country. The rest of them either need to return to their homeland and fight for it, or if they are committed to terroristic acts, need to die. Period.
Who knows. But I know this: hatred, pure hatred, is like a virus. Some people just hate others-- some for different reasons but the main reasons are because of differences- either ideological or physical (race-gender) or because one group feels oppressed by another.

Not to go off on a diatribe that will launch people off on tangents-- but years ago I read on book by Simon Reeve called "the new jackals"(1998 I think). He warned about the new faces in terrorism- mainly Ramsey Yousef and Bin Laden.
He referenced a meeting between bin Laden and Peter Bergen where bin Laden laid out three reasons why they declared war on America.
1. We had boots on the ground in their holy lands of mecca and Medina.
2. We were allowing the Saudi royal family to remain in power by purchasing the oil that rightfully belonged to the people- not the royals.
3. We were giving billions annually to Israel in weapons and money.

Stop doing these 3 things, and Bin Laden would call off the dogs.

Well, we didn't-- so it began. Now it has spun out of control. Say what you want about bin Laden, but he wanted his attacks to be focused more on "political and financial symbolic targets"-- those were his principals (for lack of a better word).

These new cats-- they don't care. There are no rules. No principals. That Micheal Cain line from batman-- "some people just want to watch the world burn" really suits many of these people.

As far as "what do we do"? Well Bell, given what I just read from the 9-11 report that shows WITHOUT A DOUBT- that Prince Bandar of Saud was directly paying money to many of the 9-11 hijackers, and providing them with saudi military and intelligence contacts- I say step one is cut off all ties with the Kingdom of Saud. Never by another drop of oil from them. Ever. Without our financial support, they will wither and die on the vine.
2nd- strengthen eastern Eurasia with NATO troops in order to keep the bad people in that area-- IN that AREA. They have a blood feud that won't involve us, once we leave, and they've had that blood feud for a millineum. Let them sort it out.
3rd- instead of spending 8 billion annually on Afghanistan, 9 billion on Iraq and God knows how much on the rest of the middle east, use that money to properly protect OUR country and our western allies. Protect the homeland or the cancer will spread. We need to form a thorough vetting system in order to help those people that "truly need our help" and are committed to coming to America and adopting OUR laws while becoming a contributing member of US society. Holding dear to some of their culture is important, but not at the expense of violating the laws of the US or suppressing the freedoms of our society.

We can learn to coexist with people that make an effort to respect our laws while living in our country. The rest of them either need to return to their homeland and fight for it, or if they are committed to terroristic acts, need to die. Period.
Bravo! Our "alliance" with Saudi Arabia infuriates me.