I would never accuse you of that being 100% of the reason. Ever. Maybe .01%, but never 100%. But that what a hot button something like this "CAN" become if we all don't keep our heads.It is pretty clear you aren't racist and I had thought you articulated well what you meant about "right fit" last year or whenever that was. But, I just wanted to add a little more context for what it is worth. I have never been a race issue guy, though it may have come across that way. My perspective goes waaayy back to when Craig James was discussing the troubled coaching era "Mr Porsche" John Mackovic. He coined the phrase "He just ain't Bubba". That particular catch phrase resonated with the public and caught on to everybody talking about the Texas football program. Simply, I interpreted that phrase into white man from the south, wrong or right. When you said "right fit", I made a wrong assumption to my preconceived notion. BTW, I have never called anybody here racist, it was simply a discussion to argue that particular point. My words were so close to doing it that I'll just say "fair enough" if I am accused of using the race card on that particular discussion.
Did I WANT charlie to succeed-- hell yes because I wanted texas to succeed. Did I think he would? Nope.