Russia vs Ukraine celebrity deathmatch


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) Tweeted:
Reports of communications jamming in Eastern Ukraine

Well boys, the guidebook says that once you jam their comms, you're free to unleash hell.
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OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) Tweeted:
Reports of communications jamming in Eastern Ukraine

Well boys, the guidebook says that once you jam their comms, you're free to unleash hell.
Sit back, grab some popcorn and watch how our spineless, I mean fearless leadership responds once it goes down.

Unrestrained dgaf dictator vs thoroughly corrupt Ukraine government vs woke progressive inept western politicians. Hollywood couldn't write a more entertaining script.
Russia is attempting to corner the energy mkt supply to Europe. This is how WW 2 started with Hitler annexing the Sudetenland. This going to be much larger than Russia taking some Eastern Ukrainian provinces. This is a Russian-Iranian-Chinese alliance that is looking to run the globe. Watch the East Med pipeline. It's Russia's greatest threat.
but at least we don't have to see those darned ol mean tweets from orangemanbad
Right, I know. For starters, I'd take gas higher by $2-$3 a gallon, Food up 40%, electricity up 30%, empty shelves, and an invasion of our southern border by cartels just so I'd never be triggered by orangeman again.

This was on the gas pump today. Too funny.

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Sit back, grab some popcorn and watch how our spineless, I mean fearless leadership responds once it goes down.

Unrestrained dgaf dictator vs thoroughly corrupt Ukraine government vs woke progressive inept western politicians. Hollywood couldn't write a more entertaining script.
Russia screaming to high heaven that Ukraine is shelling Russian citizens in Ukraine-- but no proof is being offered. Russia seems like they are trying to goad Ukraine into an actual attack so Russia can invade. So Russia sends "peacekeepers" into Eastern Ukraine--- armed peacekeepers in uniforms with little or no group ID patches on them....... you wouldn't know anything about that...... right?

So let's send the most highly trained counter-insurgency soldiers, on that continent, into a conflict zone where one spark could set this whole thing off.

The writing is on the wall.
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Oh, and btw----- if you guys think what Russian Spetsnaz did years ago in Chechnya was bad, wait until you see what they'll do in Ukraine. It will be straight up atrocious.
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Sad, but funny thing is FJB is helping to finance the Russian aggression by driving up oil prices (Russia's primary source of income) with his policies that shut down production in the states.
What a worthless POS...
Germany stepped up this morning and suspended the Nordstream pipe line. Of course, having a mild winter with plenty of gas in reserve didn't hurt.
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Sad, but funny thing is FJB is helping to finance the Russian aggression by driving up oil prices (Russia's primary source of income) with his policies that shut down production in the states.
What a worthless POS...
The solution to Russia is stupid simple.

1) immediately invest in US natural gas infrastructure so we can sell everything we're flaring off. Global warming peeps would get behind this idea.

2) unleash our oilfield production while dramatically increasing crude reserve capacity

3) covertly send in some frogs to practice demo on russian pipelines & infrastructure. 60% of Russian gdp instantly gets the Thanos snap.
Here's my take for what it's worth: Who here remembers claims of Russian collusion on Trump along with golden showers and he's compromised? Remember the big Mueller investigation that produced absolutely jack shit? Well it's come full circle to the actual culprits who are actually compromised, the Biden's.

I believe both Biden's are compromised and water is wet. Putin and Xi have the goods on both of them so now they can do what they want. TAIWAN IS NEXT plus a Nuclear Iran, and they'll use them, which means a WW fought with nukes!
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Sad, but funny thing is FJB is helping to finance the Russian aggression by driving up oil prices (Russia's primary source of income) with his policies that shut down production in the states.
What a worthless POS...
Yes driving up oil prices meanwhile he's been doing his part to wreck our economy and drive up steel prices so even though prices are high alot of oil producers arent exploring like they normally would with the high oil prices. Thanks alot Biden you dipshit fear monger
Sit back, grab some popcorn and watch how our spineless, I mean fearless leadership responds once it goes down.

Unrestrained dgaf dictator vs thoroughly corrupt Ukraine government vs woke progressive inept western politicians. Hollywood couldn't write a more entertaining script.
Our response will probably involve bending over.

I'm going to say what probably goes without saying, but if Trump were in office this whole Russia/Ukraine thing would look a whole lot different than it does right now. Biden is a pushover, and Putin, Xi and Khamenei know this and know that Biden is as soft as a marsh mellow. God help us.
Putin is a chess player. He planned on doing this in 2017-18 when Hillary was in office.

and then whooopsie daisy----- Hilldawg gets her ass handed to her and a wild card comes into office. Is he crazy? Will he nuke people. Loose cannon? Putin doesn't know--- so he doesn't risk a play for Ukraine with a dude in office that might just be crazy enough to nuke him into the stone age. What's the point of taking Ukraine if your entire army and country is now smoldering in radioactive dust?
Right, I know. For starters, I'd take gas higher by $2-$3 a gallon, Food up 40%, electricity up 30%, empty shelves, and an invasion of our southern border by cartels just so I'd never be triggered by orangeman again.

This was on the gas pump today. Too funny.

Fill up your lawn mower?
OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) Tweeted:
Rivet Joint starting up at Souda Bay

You seen this?

Nailed it! Or us...or...whatever, we're screwed.
You going to put your toe warmers away and put your air traffic controllers hat on and explain to the rest of the class what the actual fvck is going on in the skies in this area?

Fvcking drones every where, fvcking C-135 recon, global hawks-- it's a parking lot up there.
TJ (@te3ej) Tweeted:
Russian Strategic Bomber Voice HF active on 8131 Kilohertz USB at 0215 GMT. Aircraft passing short figure messages to ground control. Very busy!

You can monitor the frequency online at the following receiver in Europe.

Type in 8131 and click on USB.

Ho Lee sh!t balls......
Al Sura (@AlSuraEnglish) Tweeted:
#BREAKING - #Russian VDV forces confirmed in control of #Kyiv's airport.

If true...... wow. How the fvck fid they sneak airborne paratroopers in under the radar?