Russia vs Ukraine celebrity deathmatch

Hitler confiscated the"sudentland" western response so he annexed western response so he invaded Poland.....too damned late to respond...England andFrance lost all AF trying to defend zPoland.

The lines are drawn. Talk though try will, none want to face one.
Rumors that Russia will start bombing Kiev Ukraine at 3am Ukrainian time. That's 1
hour and 50 minutes from now.
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50.5876412, 30.2101091

Go to these coordinates on Google maps or earth.

This is the airfield being fought over tonight.

Check out te GIANT transport planes junked on the runway.
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Gents, ready to ruck up and get in the fight?

Ukrainian president said he'd arm any volunteer. I bet he'd even let Americans come in with our own store bought weapons.

Oh and btw--- Ukraine is bleeding but they're still in this fight. Allegedly, a company of Russian soldiers surrendered to Ukrainian forces saying that they were not told they were going to be sent in to kill Ukrainians..... still waiting on OSINT to confirm that. But right now, if I'm Poland, I grab Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia and I call Georgia on the phone and I start going rip sh!t riot on all fronts. If Russian troops have been fed disinformation, seeing Polish GROM roll up is going to make even a seasoned operator sh!t kittens. And with the other satellite states joing in, there's no way Russia could conduct operations on so many fronts. Turn this around and make it a land grab. When the dust settles, you've got bargaining power over Putin.

If you sit still he's just going to chomp away at you. Get in the game Baltics.
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The biggest rub of it all, Ukraine agreed to give up its nuclear capability after it separated from USSR back in the early 90s.
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The biggest rub of it all, Ukraine agreed to give up its nuclear capability after it separated from USSR back in the early 90s.

Budapest memorandum. And Clinton promised to protect them if Russia invaded.

Imagine that, a Democrat asking you to give up your weapons so they can protect you....and then not protecting you.
Chris Taylor (@FutureBoy) Tweeted:
The full transcript is incredible.

This is metal as fvck right here.
Unbelievable! However, the Russian mindset is not much different than your garden variety woke American liberal. They impose mandates on people’s lives and property and then audaciously tell you to comply and not escalate the situation. Fvck you and your tyrannical ways!!

Budapest memorandum. And Clinton promised to protect them if Russia invaded.

Imagine that, a Democrat asking you to give up your weapons so they can protect you....and then not protecting you.
Great post brother.
The biggest rub of it all, Ukraine agreed to give up its nuclear capability after it separated from USSR back in the early 90s.
Has Ukraine showed any aggression or provoked Russia at all other than Russia’s opinion that Ukraine is leaning more western these days?
In the end,this is not like England. Or even S Korea or Taiwan is being invaded,. Ukraine has been a Russian province since the early days of the Tsars. Independent though they were,they are/were a totally corrupt regeme. I don't like what is going on,but it is not like they were our best pals either ...

And if you think they gave up their nukes because we told them to.....well I can't help you.
Has Ukraine showed any aggression or provoked Russia at all other than Russia’s opinion that Ukraine is leaning more western these days?
Not that I'm aware of, at least in a militarily way. Let's not confuse Ukrainian gov as being innocent good guys either. They are as corrupt as it gets so I'm sure they've needled Putin every chance they could, especially dangling the possibility of NATO acceptance over his head. But in the grand scheme of things acting like a douche is one thing, invading a sovereign country is another animal altogether.

Other than Chernobyl and corrupt Biden family dealings most people, including myself, don't know much about Ukraine.
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In the end,this is not like England. Or even S Korea or Taiwan is being invaded,. Ukraine has been a Russian province since the early days of the Tsars. Independent though they were,they are/were a totally corrupt regeme. I don't like what is going on,but it is not like they were our best pals either ...

And if you think they gave up their nukes because we told them to.....well I can't help you.
Ok...I'll bite.

I've read several memos about this but I've never seen one that had any concrete proof to back it up.

Conventional thinking says Ukraine gave up the 3000 weapons (1000 tactical and 2000 city killers) for the following reasons:

1. Security. The NPT signed by us and UK and Russia said nobody ever would attack them, and we would assist them if someone did.
2. Money. Maintaining a nuclear arsenal is expensive and nuclear objects in Ukraine didn't have a stellar reputation after Cheronbyl, and people in Ukraine didn't really trust those in charge of the nukes.
3. Choice. We didn't really leave them one. We couldn't allow a broke ass former soviet nation, rapidly being taken control of by mobsters, to be able to get their hands on nukes that could be sold to Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, the IRA, or whomever else out there that would want to nuke a city.

If you've got something else, I am all ears.

Those nukes never belonged to nor ever were in the hands of the Ukraine's....they were Russian owned and Russians. The nukes were in Ukraine for strategic purposes.

WE wanted them out of Ukraine as badly as the Russians, because Ukraine was run by thugs.

I suspect we signed meaningless treaties for show that time Russia had no teeth left so to speak.
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Those nukes never belonged to nor ever were in the hands of the Ukraine's....they were Russian owned and operated.
Yes. They were Soviet nukes that were on soil that became Ukrainian soil after the Soviet collapse. But Russia couldn't send troops down and "confiscate" them..... they had no way of doing so. Since possession is 90% of ownership, the Ukrainians now "possessed" those weapons-- that were built buy the Soviets.

I concede this to you. But I guess I'm still confused where you're coming from.
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I don't have an agenda. I am speaking from what I remember of those events at the time they happened. As far as those nukes....I have doubts that Ukrainians even had any launch codes. Yes, the nukes were there
...sorry. Got cut out....the nukes were there,but under Russia control.At the time the Ukrainians had no resources to stand up to the Russians.
Here’s our Charmin soft leader trying to act tough. Is anyone else a little concerned that out imbecile leader may be visualized as being so weak but attempting to poke the bear at the same time? Nobody and I mean NOBODY takes Biden as any kind of authoritative figure and he should just shut the **** up. He’s an absolute embarrassment

Who had "get run over by a Russian tank after surviving 2 years of covid" on their Bingo card?

Raise ya hand
Why does NATO still exist? This alliance was the West’s response to Soviet aggression during the Cold War. Once the USSR collapsed (thanks to Reagan) and the Warsaw Pact disbanded, that should have been the end of it. Instead, we keep adding countries to the alliance — with a requirement of admission being that they buy their weapons from American defense contractors.

Everyone acknowledges that Vladimir Putin’s main concern is that Ukraine will be asked to join NATO. How about, as a compromise, the U.S. pulls out of NATO?

Nope! Can’t shut down this utterly worthless organization, requiring America to defend the likes of Latvia, should some other pipsqueak nation violate its precious borders. NATO countries should be down here in Texas right now, defending our borders if we were to truly uphold the stated purpose of NATO. Hell nah, our border isn’t being invaded by foreigners - no siree Bob! What are we talking about?

Our own border has become a transmission belt for the third world, bringing in rapists, murderers, future welfare recipients and left-wing activists. The Democratic Party’s brilliant policy of defunding the police and emptying the prisons has led to, shockingly, a surge in violent crime. Our schools have been taken over by lunatics who teach white kids they are evil — and probably transsexual too!

The media’s breathtaking concerns for Ukraine’s borders has the added bonus of blocking Americans from thinking about illegal immigration and crime from our open borders. Let’s make sure that we don’t take our eyes off the ball! Democrats are going to focus on Ukraine all the way to the mid terms to avoid having to talk about immigration, rising crime, woke politics and sky high inflation.
...sorry. Got cut out....the nukes were there,but under Russia control.At the time the Ukrainians had no resources to stand up to the Russians.
Yes. The Russians still had the codes. Buy don't kid yourself-- ripping out those uranium and plutonium cores and selling them on the black market is pretty easy to do---- if your know your sh!t.
Why does NATO still exist? This alliance was the West’s response to Soviet aggression during the Cold War. Once the USSR collapsed (thanks to Reagan) and the Warsaw Pact disbanded, that should have been the end of it. Instead, we keep adding countries to the alliance — with a requirement of admission being that they buy their weapons from American defense contractors.

Everyone acknowledges that Vladimir Putin’s main concern is that Ukraine will be asked to join NATO. How about, as a compromise, the U.S. pulls out of NATO?

Nope! Can’t shut down this utterly worthless organization, requiring America to defend the likes of Latvia, should some other pipsqueak nation violate its precious borders. NATO countries should be down here in Texas right now, defending our borders if we were to truly uphold the stated purpose of NATO. Hell nah, our border isn’t being invaded by foreigners - no siree Bob! What are we talking about?

Our own border has become a transmission belt for the third world, bringing in rapists, murderers, future welfare recipients and left-wing activists. The Democratic Party’s brilliant policy of defunding the police and emptying the prisons has led to, shockingly, a surge in violent crime. Our schools have been taken over by lunatics who teach white kids they are evil — and probably transsexual too!

The media’s breathtaking concerns for Ukraine’s borders has the added bonus of blocking Americans from thinking about illegal immigration and crime from our open borders. Let’s make sure that we don’t take our eyes off the ball! Democrats are going to focus on Ukraine all the way to the mid terms to avoid having to talk about immigration, rising crime, woke politics and sky high inflation.
All true. China Joe will continue to use the Russia/Ukraine conflict as a distraction from our own southern border problems.

I give the Ukrainians props for taking up arms and defending their own country. If we assembled on the southern border with arms to protect the country, our own government would label us militants, insurrectionists, or anti-American.

Interesting how Biden never condemned Trudeau's dictatorial actions to stomp the peaceful truck convoy. We all know why.
All true. China Joe will continue to use the Russia/Ukraine conflict as a distraction from our own southern border problems.

I give the Ukrainians props for taking up arms and defending their own country. If we assembled on the southern border with arms to protect the country, our own government would label us militants, insurrectionists, or anti-American.

Interesting how Biden never condemned Trudeau's dictatorial actions to stomp the peaceful truck convoy. We all know why.
Sleepy and Trudeau are in cahoots and it's a good thing.
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Right, I know. For starters, I'd take gas higher by $2-$3 a gallon, Food up 40%, electricity up 30%, empty shelves, and an invasion of our southern border by cartels just so I'd never be triggered by orangeman again.

This was on the gas pump today. Too funny.

Just got back from a round trip to Tucson, (from Houston). 2300 miles and $560 lighter in the wallet. The farther West you drive, the higher the gas. $3.19 Houston - $3.64 Tucson. The high was $3.99 in some podunk AZ town out in bum fvck.
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