SIAP: Sandusky's Son Arrested for Child Sexual Assault

I find it fascinating how willing we are to lower ourselves to similar levels in situations like this.

Not sure I get your take as intended, so if not - my mistake. They cannot be rehabilitated. Why spend thousands of dollars jailing them? Just torture them and kill them and dispose of their bodies in a trash can. That really is a reasonable and justifiable response to their actions.
Not sure I get your take as intended, so if not - my mistake. They cannot be rehabilitated. Why spend thousands of dollars jailing them? Just torture them and kill them and dispose of their bodies in a trash can. That really is a reasonable and justifiable response to their actions.

I think he's getting at that we become vengeful, hateful people in these cases. It's sad to read the comments on this page- some people's idea of justice and punishment doesn't quite fit with mine. I hope they'll be ready to explain their words (God forbid their actions) when they meet their own creator.
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My wife's uncle is an attorney that works a lot of CPS type cases. Some of the cases he works make you ill.

Thing about these type of people is that they are not capable of "rehabilitation". They cannot be positive contributing members of society and will always seek to destroy. As such, they should be tortured and then killed and thrown in a dumpster.
Put him in open community in Huntsville,that will do it
Put him in open community in Huntsville,that will do it

There is no doubt they would. That being said, I wouldn't waste time or money housing and feeding them. Torture and a slow painful death with an un-sanctimonious discarding of the body.
A long time ago I saw a special on sexual offenders in prison. In the program in the prison the inmates were lined up to be castrated. I think even with them removing stuff they had the thoughts of touching children. They are some really sick twisted individuals.
"never have understood why so many of the abused become abusers".

you don't know much about human psychology and how the mind works then.

I actually minored in Psychology in college. You obviously don't understand the context of my quote. Coming from a family that had an abused sibling and hearing the pain and destruction of her experience, it doesn't make sense to me that she or anyone like her would wish and/or inflect the same nightmare on someone else.

Since you are the proclaimed expert, please enlighten me on human psychology and how the
mind works.
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Went through process to foster adopt a few years ago. During the training they warned us that kids who were sexually abused were likely to view that as normal behavior and reenact it. I've seen families with generations of sexual abuse. It's truly horrible.

It's an extremely tragic thing that may very well go back dozens of generations in some families.
I hope he becomes someone bitch in prison if he is convicted.

Now, I've always found this sort of attitude to be highly disturbing. Sandusky Jr. needs to be locked up for the protection of society, but the perpetuation of rape culture in our prisons is one of the real problems hindering our society by making our ex-cons even more violent.
Although it makes me sad, I am always suspicious of any adult (especially men) that wants to spend an inordinate amount of time with children.

While I understand this sort of sentiment, it really is not a healthy way for our society to exist. Constant distrust breeds far more problems than it solves.
I find it fascinating how willing we are to lower ourselves to similar levels in situations like this.

Exactly. It's like the Medieval mob mentality of cheering on a good old fashioned public torturing. This sort of mentality and the disease of being a rapist/molestor are born of the same thing.
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Now, I've always found this sort of attitude to be highly disturbing. Sandusky Jr. needs to be locked up for the protection of society, but the perpetuation of rape culture in our prisons is one of the real problems hindering our society by making our ex-cons even more violent.
We are both entitled to our opinions. Becoming someone bitch would be fitting based on the crime. Let's face, cons tend to do evil shit to pedophiles for a reason.