So There I was, minding my own business.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2005
fat, dumb and happy....sitting on my porch swing enjoying the warm day, a beautiful Hoyo de Monterey Epicure #2 seegar and a nice breeze off the Brazos when it occurred to me. I've never seen a thread on cigars on this forum. Do any of you bastiges besides myself, enjoy a good cigar?
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My favorite in the past was a Punch double Corona, double Maduro. One could usually last about 9 holes. I miss those.
Never was a big cigar guy. Copenhagen is my drug of choice.

BUT, that being said- I do have a few cigar stories.

I've smoked only 3 brands in my life- and only on vacations.

1st time- in Puerto Vallarta. A group of us went on a company trip. I was in my mid 20s. It was right before 9/11. Bar tender at this swanky resort asks if I've ever smoked a REAL Cuban cigar. I tell him I've never even smoked a fake one.
He takes us all into this HUGE humidor and I pick out a Romeo y Julieta because I don't know sh!t about sh!t.
Bartender says "hey, I got a drink that goes with that." Brings me a half cognac, half sweet sherry wine mix in a snifter. I thought it was a steal for $75.
My parents are in Europe for their 40th wedding anniversary for a month. I have to be over there for a conference and a close friend of mine is working in Manchester at the time. We all meet up in Amsterdam and my buddy (who's a cigar freak) takes me and Dad to a smoking club.

I'm giving my Dad a REALLY hard time because my company exploded that year and I actually made more money than my father who owned an oil & gas company.
Oh, he got me back.

My boy goes "hey, lets pick out some cigars." My big mouth goes "meh- you guys go and get what you want and bring me one and a drink-- my treat."
They come back with 3 cigars and 3 glasses of cognac. They were Cohibas. We smoke the cigars, sip the cognac, laugh, talk, all that.
Then the dude brings me the fvcking bill.


The cognac was Louis XIIIIII Remy whatever- and the cigars were some 50th anniversary Cohiba especiales sh!t that were like 400 euros each. Fvcking bill was like 2 grand

They just laughed and laughed.

3rd time- I'm in the Cayman Islands.

Buddy goes, "hey, they've got a hell of a cigar lounge here- let's go have one."

Go in- check out the wares- the sommelier comes over and suggests a Monte Christo Churchill. Fvcker was huge. Tasted like chicken fried asshole. Drank about 6 glasses of spiced rum trying to get my mouth to stop tasting like Satan's sweaty duck butter.
Fvcker charged me a Bill and a half to have my taste buds assaulted- and I paid another hundo to try and spiced-rum it away.

So needless to say @freeper -- my cigar experiences haven't been a highlight reel moment in my life.
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I don’t know shit about shit either when it comes to sea-gars, but I enjoy one usually at Thanksgiving and New Year. Thats about it. I do like them. Any recommendations? Some of the girlies I partied with long ago would smoke Swisher Sweets, does that count? Skoal and Copenhagen not for me, but I did a little bit of Red Man just to be like the others. Btw, the Red Man brand has changed its name to America’s Best