So There I was, minding my own business.....

Oh, I never even brought up “choir practice” from the old days. After shift, we’d meet up inside one of the hangars at the abandoned Mueller airport to drink beer and blast Girls Gone Wild on a TV/VCR combo. We once even got two of the straight chicks on shift to make out. Damn, those were the days.
Back in my gang unit days, we spent two weeks training with LAPD CRASH and LASO OSS. Those CRASH guys went all out for us. When our time with them was over they sent a couple of the Hollywood cops, (chiseled features, looked like a recruiting poster) to hit the clubs while the rest of us went up to Griffith Park and a remote lot. The Hollywood boys met us up there with some of the nightclub talent and they put on an all-girl show for us while we guzzled all the beer we could handle and smoked cigars. That was some night.....and a rough drive back to Nevada....yep...those were the days.....makes me want to watch Colors now....
Back in my gang unit days, we spent two weeks training with LAPD CRASH and LASO OSS. Those CRASH guys went all out for us. When our time with them was over they sent a couple of the Hollywood cops, (chiseled features, looked like a recruiting poster) to hit the clubs while the rest of us went up to Griffith Park and a remote lot. The Hollywood boys met us up there with some of the nightclub talent and they put on an all-girl show for us while we guzzled all the beer we could handle and smoked cigars. That was some night.....and a rough drive back to Nevada....yep...those were the days.....makes me want to watch Colors now....
Hold up......

I need some clarification real quick before I keep reading this post....

You said "gang unit days...."

You worked in Reno (if I'm not mistaken).
What kind of fvcking moron decides to be a gang banger in Reno?
Seriously..... was Branson just too hard core for them?
Were there gangs of little old widows attacking the slot machines at Cal Neva?
Seriously..... being a gang member in Reno has got to be about as common as being a Jew in Afghanistan.

I'm sure there was some loansharking-- like in Vegas (back in the day). I'm sure there was some booger sugar being passed around. Obviously you had ho's and pimps.
But straight up "We need to go to LA to get bloods and crips and MS13 style gang training under our belt" just seems like some overkill for Reno.

If I'm wrong- tell me.

I mean..... they made a fvcking TV show called Reno 911 for heavens sake..... and one officer wore shorts to work.