Sumlin on the way out???

At least we beat the crappy teams. You lost to Iowa state 24-0

Feel free to hang your hat on meaningless games with no merit, a program with the (lack) of winning tradition of Texas A&M would focus on trivial things like a single game as if that is ultimately a program defining event... Texas is an actual winner with crystal in the showcase, both programs are a joke, only difference between the two right now is one is one actually knows what being a contender feels like, the other clings desperately to smoke-n-mirrors and self delusion

No worries though, you guys ever get sad about the sad direction of your program, you can always make up another fake national championship
thanks for dropping by ag...the SHEEP are waiting...


@Ketchum @Suchomel
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Thanks for the $10 service. How does the hot spunk feel steaming down your throat? Oh, it feels just like the burn in your angus after getting peppered by Chuck Strong's recruits in Louisville. Oh yeah, and also your "brothers" who are so happy you are in the conference as they needed another bunghole to drill with regularity. Then again, you may wanna check with all the recruits, coaches, and admins who are leaving sheeptown for a reality check. Talk about the rats bailing out of the rowboat, heh-heh-heh. Gonna be embarrassing next year when 45,000 empty seats are decorated as "12th man" seats. Hootie-hoot, wannabee. When you grow up or wake up from the pummeling you've received here feel free to head on over to the main board for a national dose of bewildering and embarrassing tales from people that have had the shock to run into a Gump like you peeps are. But wait a minute....that would only be reserved for nationally known and relevant Universities...which is precisely why you are here...ha-ha....nevermind...poooooooooooooor agggggggggie. Que the Looney Tunes cartoon gif of the figure turning into a sucker. What a maroon.
Thanks for the $10 service. How does the hot spunk feel steaming down your throat? Oh, it feels just like the burn in your angus after getting peppered by Chuck Strong's recruits in Louisville. Oh yeah, and also your "brothers" who are so happy you are in the conference as they needed another bunghole to drill with regularity. Then again, you may wanna check with all the recruits, coaches, and admins who are leaving sheeptown for a reality check. Talk about the rats bailing out of the rowboat, heh-heh-heh. Gonna be embarrassing next year when 45,000 empty seats are decorated as "12th man" seats. Hootie-hoot, wannabee. When you grow up or wake up from the pummeling you've received here feel free to head on over to the main board for a national dose of bewildering and embarrassing tales from people that have had the shock to run into a Gump like you peeps are. But wait a minute....that would only be reserved for nationally known and relevant Universities...which is precisely why you are here...ha-ha....nevermind...poooooooooooooor agggggggggie. Que the Looney Tunes cartoon gif of the figure turning into a sucker. What a maroon.
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Ha, looks like something slowed the aggy momentum today. What happened? :D Poor freaking aggys.
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Don't ban him :(

I didn't get to make fun of the aggsy yet.

I had so much to talk about. Like how 45 years with one MNC is still about 45 years closer to today by about 30 years.

My favorite part is that Aggsy have just as many advantages as Texas has both with money and facilities, fan support and everything you can imagine, except you do more with less than anyone in the history of sports.

You are even in the SEC and still can't get out of Daddy's shadow.

The sad part is, if Texas came to the SEC and told them we will join if you kick out the aggsy. Aggsy would be looking for a new conference and you know it.

Aggsy do nothing well, but hump sheep, judge meat, and flap their lips.

Texas will win another MNC before aggsy win another conference title.
Your gonna lose to ND next year in opener. Another blowout

TXAggie, do you understand that a 5-7 Texas team is always better than an 8-4(8-5) Aggy team simply because we are not Aggy's. Your entire existence and motivation is to one up The University. And this is factual.

Listen to you fight song and War hymn. Read the posts on Aggie Yell and count the number of times your fellow brethren simply want to be better than " TU. "The fact that this is so important to you and the Aggy fanbase substantiates that you guys suffer tremendously from an inferiority complex.

You guys moved to the SEC to establish you own identity, yet you failed to do so. College football is cyclical and there will be a time when the SEC is not what you guys hoped it will be. And when that happens, you will be in a significantly weaker position than you were when you were in the Big 12 and were considered to be " one " of the Texas schools.
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Add to the 1 title in 45 years lol.. 3 losing seasons in the past 6 years. Good luck in the little pizza bowl or potato bowl next year and zero draft picks this April.

One last note - Iowa state 24 Texas 0. LOL

But we are still not Aggy's. So we wake up confident and proud!
At least we beat the crappy teams. You lost to Iowa state 24-0

You Aggies are the most d*ck riding team ever. Can't win a damn thing on your own so you celebrate being associated with teams who beat you down regularly?

You know the fat girl that's out with the group of hot chicks on girls night out... You know the one that has to buy her own drinks while her hot friends are winning?'re that fat broad.
My God, we've had some witless, subliterate, thimble-brained, livestock-rapist trolls on this board, but this one is in a class by himself. Please un-ban this poor little angry aggy.
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Tate Martell confirmed the Mazzone hire and then deleted his tweet.

Looking like Sumlin just hired his Shawn Watson to keep a 2017 QB in the fold.
Some of you have wondered why I have been reporting on developments at Texas A&M recently, and I have some source relationships connected to TAMU System chancellor John Sharp and former Gov. Rick Perry from when I covered them as statewide office holders as a news reporter for The Associated Press in Austin (1992-98).

A little more background before we get into whether Texas A&M coach Kevin Sumlin ever wanted QB Kyler Murray or was forced to take the legacy of A&M record-setting QB Kevin Murray by A&M strong arms so Kyler wouldn’t go to Texas.

Perry and Sharp were roommates at Texas A&M.

Both obviously went on to win election to statewide office – Sharp as comptroller and Perry as the longest-tenured governor in state history.

In 2011, Perry-controlled regents at A&M appointed Sharp as chancellor of the 19-member TAMU System.

And pretty much ever since, Sharp, an incredibly savvy and power-hungry politician, has been orchestrating maneuvers to make sure he is the most feared and listened-to leader connected to the A&M campus in College Station (even though Sharp oversees all 19 members of the A&M System).

When A&M celebrated the re-opening of Kyle Field after a $450 million renovation (that I’m told actually cost $520 million because of $70 million in overruns), it was Sharp front-and-center kicking off the festivities.

Not A&M president Michael Young or then-athletic director Eric Hyman.


To friends, Sharp referred to the renovated Kyle Field as “The House That Johnny Built” – as in Johnny Sharp.

But paying for The House That Johnny Built is going to be a different story. The $450 million price tag (and $70 million in cost overruns) is being financed by student fees, ticket sales, suite revenue, A&M’s SEC TV revenue, pledges to the 12th Man Foundation and $25 million from Bryan-College Station.
The biggest problem facing A&M as it pays off roughly $350 million bonded to the university is that most of the pledges made to help finance a big chunk of the renovation costs were made back when oil was between $80 and $107 a barrel.

Oil is now hovering around $35 a barrel.

“When did things get desperate?” one high-powered A&M source said to me. “When the price of oil went below $50 a barrel.”

Whether he was carried away with his power or overly concerned about keeping interest high in A&M football, Sharp started to micromanage Kevin Sumlin and the football program, starting a year ago at this time, sources told HD.

According to those sources, Sumlin wasn’t concerned about Kyler Murray’s flickering allegiance to A&M and growing interest in committing to the University of Texas. Why? Because Sumlin and OC Jake Spavital were excited about the future of 5-star QB Kyle Allen.

Kevin Murray wasn’t crazy about Sumlin (based on a tweet he made about A&M’s lack of defense during the 2014 season) and probably preferred Texas’ Charlie Strong.

But A&M’s strong arms – led by Sharp – weren’t OK with the idea of Kyler Murray ending up at Texas, the sources said.

The sources said Sumlin was forced to make promises of playing time to the Murray family. Ultimately, those promises and Kyler’s mother saying, “I didn’t name you ‘Kyler,’ after ‘Kyle Field’ for nothing,” helped sway Kyler Murray to sign with the Aggies.

The season – and perhaps the funding of The House That Johnny Built - turned in a home game against Alabama.

That’s when Kyle Allen threw three pick-sixes and was ultimately replaced by Kyler Murray. After Murray threw one interception (not returned for a TD), Murray was replaced by Allen. Murray was irate. Let Spavital have it, and then Murray was benched for the next game against Mississippi.

But the sources said Sharp was blowing up the phones of Sumlin and Spavital starting in the middle of the Alabama game to get Kyler Murray more involved. So when Murray was benched for the Ole Miss game – a 23-3 loss - and the following week, the A&M strong arms told Sumlin to start Murray against South Carolina the following week.

A&M won. Murray started again against Auburn (a loss) and again against Western Carolina (a win).

Kyle Allen, who didn’t play at all against South Carolina or Auburn, then started the last two games of the season against Vanderbilt and LSU as Murray failed to play a single snap in either game.

By that time, sources said, all the relationships were broken - the relationships between the QBs and coaches and between Sharp, Sumlin and Spavital.

Basically, Sumlin contends he was forced to take Kyler Murray and promise playing time, which messed things up with Allen, sources said. And then when Sharp and his strong arms didn’t like the result, they were ready to be done Sumlin and Spavital, sources said.

“The only thing that saved Kevin Sumlin was a $20 million buyout and oil at $36 a barrel,” one source told HD. “Eric Hyman was fired because he didn’t share the view of firing Sumlin.”

I reported on Dec. 17 that Sharp was exploring the possibility of terminating Sumlin’s contract – possibly even having Sumlin fired for cause. I reported then that if Hyman wasn’t on board, he could be fired, too.

But an attorney for Sumlin indicated to A&M officials if Sumlin was fired for cause, the school would be facing a discrimination lawsuit in the neighborhood of $40 million, sources said.

Sharp told San Antonio Express-News reporter Brent Zwernamen my report was a “fairy tale.”

Sharp indicated to me that A&M had a clear chain of command – that Sharp hired and fired presidents, the president hired and fired athletic directors and the AD hired and fired coaches.

But Hyman didn’t want to fire Sumlin and didn’t believe Sumlin needed to fire Spavital.

Sharp and his strong arms, however, needed a scapegoat for A&M’s 71st-ranked scoring offense (27.8 ppg) and for the QB transfers that probably never would have happened if Sumlin wasn’t forced to take Murray, sources said.

For Sharp and his strong arms it’s all about keeping the money flowing to pay off the Kyle Field renovation, which means keeping the big money at A&M happy with football and in the giving mood. So on Wednesday HD reported that Hyman's replacement as AD would be Washington athletic director Scott Woodward and that Spavital's replacement would be UCLA OC Noel Mazzone at more than $1 million per year for three guaranteed years.

The question is if Sharp and the strong arms would have been better off never getting involved in the Kyler Murray recruitment, sources said.
Billy Liucci @billyliucci

Deal done. Former UCLA OC Noel Mazzone to take over Texas A&M offense. Will be in Aggieland tomorrow.
For such a seemingly straightforward news update, you sure can see the disappointment from looch. :D
Perry and Sharp were roommates at Texas A&M.
This really says so much. Bigger doofus?


To friends, Sharp referred to the renovated Kyle Field as “The House That Johnny Built” – as in Johnny Sharp.
Out of control ego.

But A&M’s strong arms – led by Sharp – weren’t OK with the idea of Kyler Murray ending up at Texas, the sources said.
Perfect small d*ck aggy.

The sources said Sumlin was forced to make promises of playing time to the Murray family...helped sway Kyler Murray to sign with the Aggies...Sumlin contends he was forced to take Kyler Murray and promise playing time, which messed things up with Allen...The question is if Sharp and the strong arms would have been better off never getting involved in the Kyler Murray recruitment, sources said.
I'd ask if Sharp needed the "mind numbing effects of alcohol" at this point but the obnoxious egotist probably blames everyone else but himself.
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The flying Mazzones may have hit a snag as aggy BOR may not sign off on a 3-year deal. I would say that's understandable as they're planning to fire Rumlin soon...
The flying Mazzones may have hit a snag as aggy BOR may not sign off on a 3-year deal. I would say that's understandable as they're planning to fire Rumlin soon...
word is that it should be somewhere around $ 1 mil a year @ 3 years. Not a bad payday for a fired UCLA OC who was in ICU 3 weeks ago with life threatening blood clots.

UCLA offensive coordinator Noel Mazzone in ICU with blood clots
Not to worry.....the ags have a new 5* QB savior coming in to propel them to greatness. Dont worry about the fact that he is the same size as Murray or that he never played against top flight competition...he is by God a 5* he might not be when the new rankings come out as no one has a clue how he got to be a 5*....and dont worry that Swoopes was a 5* when he first committed to us.....he will be better than Manziel because he is committed to aggy and after all....manziel was never a 5* so he has to be better right?...Only worry is that he is so highly regarded he might just go pro right out of HS.....and....and....well Hell!....hulabaloo kanek kanek
Not to worry.....the ags have a new 5* QB savior coming in to propel them to greatness. Dont worry about the fact that he is the same size as Murray or that he never played against top flight competition...he is by God a 5* he might not be when the new rankings come out as no one has a clue how he got to be a 5*....and dont worry that Swoopes was a 5* when he first committed to us.....he will be better than Manziel because he is committed to aggy and after all....manziel was never a 5* so he has to be better right?...Only worry is that he is so highly regarded he might just go pro right out of HS.....and....and....well Hell!....hulabaloo kanek kanek
I get the feeling that Taint Martell is going to be another Aggy flop!
Not to worry.....the ags have a new 5* QB savior coming in to propel them to greatness. Dont worry about the fact that he is the same size as Murray...
Is he the size of Murray or 5'6"figs the pervy smurf?