Current NCAA rules allow programs to sign up to 25 players in a new football signing class — termed “initial counters” — which includes high school players and transfers. Each FBS program also has a maximum of 85 total scholarship players. This means a coach could lose players to graduation and the transfer portal and then sign 25 initial counters but still be below the 85-scholarship player maximum
This waiver will allow those programs to replace up to seven departing transfers above the 25-player limit. Schools will only be allowed to replace players who enter the portal after either the end of the institution’s fall term or Dec. 15, 2021, whichever is earlier, a source told
The Athletic. Schools will only be allowed to replace players who are academically eligible at their new school
The NCAA D-I Council approved a one-year waiver of initial counter limits to allow schools to replace up to seven football transfers.
So they have 32 spots for recruits and transfers
They signed 28 recruits
they’ve got 5 transfers so far. That’s not counting Mathis. That’s 33 new players. Either they found a loophole in the rule or something has to give somewhere