The Eyes of Texas

The university will only listen to $$$. It's time to really hit the university. I will do a thread on how to defund the athletics program while still being able to watch all of the sporting events for free.

All sports need to be defunded. Jerry Jones is going to lose an estimated 600mm to 1 billiin dollars this year. Want to end the nonsense? Empty the stadiums and kill the advertising revenue these teams pull in. Give me a like if you want me to do a "how to" thread on this.

All sports can be viewed for free online. It's time to cancel big sports. I don't subscribe to cable or satellite. It's worthless. I put the extra cash in to things that matter.
The university will only listen to $$$. It's time to really hit the university. I will do a thread on how to defund the athletics program while still being able to watch all of the sporting events for free.

All sports need to be defunded. Jerry Jones is going to lose an estimated 600mm to 1 billiin dollars this year. Want to end the nonsense? Empty the stadiums and kill the advertising revenue these teams pull in. Give me a like if you want me to do a "how to" thread on this.

All sports can be viewed for free online. It's time to cancel big sports. I don't subscribe to cable or satellite. It's worthless. I put the extra cash in to things that matter.
Damn could you be a bigger crybaby?
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Damn could you be a bigger crybaby?


Want to know the future value of sporting events? It's the cost of a decent VPN. Sporting events are worth $2-$3 per month in total. As long as they broadcast events on TV, there will be a way to view them for free. I expect most people to do this. I am going to help my buddies here who are being fleeced. At some point in the near future, the large corps will be forced to charge $2 per month for all sports. If they don't, they will be operating at a loss for the foreseeable future. Keep up the protesting athletes, you are digging your own graves.
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Boys, i am 100% done with NFL and NBA. I'll never spend another dime on Cardinals gear or Suns gear . . . and **** my once beloved Carolina Panthers too. They can all eat sheet and die. Not another dime from me EVER. And all of you know why I now feel this way. Could my Horns be next on the chopping block???

I will not apologize EVER for being born male, straight or white and **** anyone who says I should. And kneeling to another human . . . I'll gut you like a deer if you even ask. And I don't give 2 sheets if your great grand daddy was a slave, boo ****ing hoo, get over it already.

There's a war coming guys, perhaps its already here, and I'm ready for it. We're in the middle of an attempted coup by Marxist bent on pitting Americans against one another and bringing down the best nation on earth. OK, fine . . . BRING IT! Last time I went hunting I repeatedly killed Jack rabbits at 200 - 300 yards with a 22 rifle, no scope. How far away could i kill a 6 ft marxist asshole with my 30.06? Like I said . . . BRING IT!

Are you paying attention UT? How bout you Brennan? Eagles has picked the Marxist, fine. What about you UT, what side you gonna pick? I'm watching and I won't forget if you choose poorly . . . and I'm not the only one. I'M DONE BEING NICE. Give me liberty or give me death. Now where is my AR? I think I need to go to the range.
Everyone on here needs to sit in the shade and chill out for a little while there will be no changes involving the Eyes of Texas. There is a lot of anger right now and apparently most people on here don't understand the root of this anger.

Go on Netflix and watch the Kalief Browder documentary watch it and see the truth. Just listen to me. In a survey of white Americans 49% stated that cops are more likely to use excessive force against black people than white people a number that has shot up dramaticlly in just the in the last 2 weeks Their support for black lives matter has jumped to 57%.

And after you watch the Kalief Browder documentary watch 13th it's about the documentary that ended slavery and everything that's happened since then. There's also the documentary when they see us about the central park case.

Teach yourself you can unlearn what you learned before. I can speak from personal experience. My wife who is a lifelong conservative Republican was angry about George Floyd and she has become vocal against police brutality against people of color, a judicial system that had stacked the deck against them. We have 2 granddaughters who are half Nigerian and they took part in the George Floyd demonstration in Sacramento and were proud of them.

And yes I do think black lives matter. As a matter of fact in a recent survey 57% of white Americans also think black lives matter and I'm proud to day that my wife and I are among them. And if you say I'm not like that ok fine then talk to the people that are. I could go on but stop here but only for a little while

In 2015 their were approximately 53.5 Million interactions between the police and the public.

In 2015 their were approximately 1250 officer related killings.

That's means that in 2015, that means that .00235% of all police interaction resulted in an officer related killing.

In this country, we treat the outlier as the norm and the norm as the outlier.
And yes I do think black lives matter. As a matter of fact in a recent survey 57% of white Americans also think black lives matter and I'm proud to day that my wife and I are among them. And if you say I'm not like that ok fine then talk to the people that are. I could go on but stop here but only for a little while

I believe you would have a hard time finding anyone here that would argue that "black lives don't matter". At least I can't remember anyone expressing that opinion.

I think the problem is the insistence on making massive changes in an attempt to rewrite history, and concerns with "where will it end".

My $.02
I believe you would have a hard time finding anyone here that would argue that "black lives don't matter". At least I can't remember anyone expressing that opinion.

I think the problem is the insistence on making massive changes in an attempt to rewrite history, and concerns with "where will it end".

My $.02

The people that argue about BLM vs ALM are so ignorant. It's the same fing thing. ALM includes BLs.
Why anyone would get mad at someone or correct someone for saying BLM is beyond me.

If people do not understand why black people in this country feel disenfranchised, I don't know what to tell them.

However, you can't throw the baby out with the bath water.
The people that argue about BLM vs ALM are so ignorant. It's the same fing thing. ALM includes BLs.
Why anyone would get mad at someone or correct someone for saying BLM is beyond me.

If people do not understand why black people in this country feel disenfranchised, I don't know what to tell them.

However, you can't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Agreed 100%.

But nothing castrates people more than a group of people that run to your aid because they think "you can't do it on your own" ..... Think of the message that sends to the black community. Here come the white people to save the day for Black people. Why? So Whiley can hold that over their head 30 years down the road?
Agreed 100%.

But nothing castrates people more than a group of people that run to your aid because they think "you can't do it on your own" ..... Think of the message that sends to the black community. Here come the white people to save the day for Black people. Why? So Whiley can hold that over their head 30 years down the road?

You just described the Democratic Party.
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The current players making irrational militant demands to Texas, have now caused irreparable harm to our recruiting for the next 20 years. How? Because every school will tell a recruit that our beloved fight song is now racist, I can already hear this "why even their own players think that song is racist". They played the same card against us for years with Texas was last all white team to win National Championship in 1969. So, thank you Eagles and Co. for causing us more problems way beyond than what your little brain could imagine, just so you can protest. Also, we know this is all about BLM trying to get money and using players to demand money. If you UT caves and gives BLM money, then I am done with UT. I would hope someone would demand UT gives the NRA money, etc. Coach Herman better have a come to Jesus meeting very soon with these clowns for players and explain to them this is a football team not a protest team. You either one or the other. He should ask them if they do not like the Eyes of Texas, to leave. Get the antagonists out of the locker room.
I do believe and I think everyone believes that most cops are good cops. But law enforcement always seems to attract sociopaths. And I'm not just talking about some redneck cracker sheriff in the backwoods of MS it's nationwide. Now they are small in number actually very small but they make it hard for people to notice the cops who are part of the community who do good works and so it quietly a lot of them get commendations from the people they serve. And yes I do support the police.

Then you have the judicial system which is really stacked against people of color. It starts with prosecutors who will do anything, anything to protect the conviction. Sadly my home state is the worst state of all in this matter and as long as they keep electing people like Sharon Keller it will stay that way. I didn't mean to digress but they play on fears that manipulates people that will do anything to get out asap. So they plea out and even if they are innocent they have a record that is permanent which in turn keeps them from meaningful employment that they might otherwise get. And people this is something that is very real.
The people that argue about BLM vs ALM are so ignorant. It's the same fing thing. ALM includes BLs.
Why anyone would get mad at someone or correct someone for saying BLM is beyond me.

If people do not understand why black people in this country feel disenfranchised, I don't know what to tell them.

However, you can't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Agree 100%, and will add: "Why anyone would get mad at someone or correct someone for saying ALM is beyond me." I see a lot of that... people upset at others for saying ALM. Stupid. Asian lives matter. Black lives matter. Latino lives matter. Middle Eastern lives matter. Pacific Islander lives matter. White lives matter.

But BLM unfortunately does need to be emphasized in the USA, since so many people (including some police, DA's and juries) are acting to the contrary.

Yes, agree with OutThereInCali. Watch 13th on Netflix. A lot of our cultural perception of BP and especially black men is affected by media, going back to the huge impact of "The Birth of a Nation" (1915), a racist diatribe against blacks, if a silent picture can be called a diatribe. Even if you try not to be racist, as a WP, it's hard not to be affected a bit by these prevalent views. I'm sure black men are influenced, too. Imagine if white boys grew up with our culture suggesting that white men tend to rape black women, steal, murder, and be lazy good-for-nothings, and even if we don't actually commit those crimes, we really want to? Imagine if so many white kids didn't have a financial step up, compared to those of other races, and buddies to help them succeed on the nice side of town?

None of this is new. This has been going on my entire life, and more. George Floyd and the chauvinist Derek Chauvin and anti-BLM situations like that aren't new. The damning stats aren't new; they've just been ignored this entire time. It's just that finally good people are outraged, thanks to video and being off work or out of school due to Covid. People had time to view it, think about it, and protest about it. (And I'm thankful for that.)

But deleting the Eyes of Texas?!? What? Sorry, but I'm going to need some serious documentation that the lyrics themselves are racist before I stop singing Eyes. Love the Eyes.
The judicial “system” is not stacked against people of color. It is stacked against people without money. And yes, there is a group of bad cops that need to be harshly prosecuted when they step out of line. Finally, we need to acknowledge that your chances of a bad incident with a cop is greatly reduced if you do not engage in repeated criminal activity.
The current players making irrational militant demands to Texas, have now caused irreparable harm to our recruiting for the next 20 years. How? Because every school will tell a recruit that our beloved fight song is now racist, I can already hear this "why even their own players think that song is racist". They played the same card against us for years with Texas was last all white team to win National Championship in 1969. So, thank you Eagles and Co. for causing us more problems way beyond than what your little brain could imagine, just so you can protest. Also, we know this is all about BLM trying to get money and using players to demand money. If you UT caves and gives BLM money, then I am done with UT. I would hope someone would demand UT gives the NRA money, etc. Coach Herman better have a come to Jesus meeting very soon with these clowns for players and explain to them this is a football team not a protest team. You either one or the other. He should ask them if they do not like the Eyes of Texas, to leave. Get the antagonists out of the locker room.

The whole sports industry is basically over. Most haven't realized it yet. It will be apparent by Christmas. Back to playing sports for fun.
The drop in revenue is going to be massive. First, it will be Covid but when the fans never return, it will be like a permanent dry rot. It will fall apart.

1. Covid
2. lingering fears over covid.
3. No money to purchase expensive tickets
4. The corporate junk bond gravy train is drying up.
5. Massively pissed off fans will never return.
6. Fans, like me, who don't want to spend cash on crybabies will pirate the games on the net. The new supply and demand equilibrium will be pennies on what the dollars once were. Athletes will have to adjust to making 30k a year.
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A time to reflect, A time for change
The recent events have brought many things into focus. Our history, customs, and how we treat and make each other feel. From the loss of human interaction experienced from the Covid-19 global pandemic to the connection and outrage we are all experiencing from the police brutality and failed systems that allowed the death of George Floyd.
Reading through many of the comments posted to the response of the UT football players letter to the University of Texas, I feel that I need to speak up because I just don't understand the divide on this issue.
Growing up a white male there is no doubt i have had the opportunities that others have not been provided. Is that to say that I’ve gotten where I am due to a lack of hard work….No. The University of Texas taught me that. Race was a big part of my University experience and a big change from my suburban high school upbringing that had very little multi cultural exposure.
Engineering at UT was a global mix of students, on an equal playing field, all striving for the same goal of achieving a diploma regardless of race or background. This doesn’t seem to have always have been the case. Reading about celebrated racist professors and subtle racist undertones in The Eyes of Texas that continue to alienate members of our student body had never crossed my mind until now.
Now is a time to reflect, learn, and make our University better. Traditions and celebrations from the past that alienate our student body will damage the overall health to our University. The need to continue honoring such people and traditions needs and has to stop. Does doing something drastic like eliminating a song that we have spent the majority of our lives singing and have a connection to feel strange. Yes. Will most of us miss it at first. Yes. But can we all learn a new song and be proud of the new traditions that we create. YES!
I can still recall countless nights, walking back to my dorm wondering if i was good enough and if I could compete at the standards that the University demanded. It was times like these that I would stop at the tower and read, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. I would mainly think about these words at face value as they gave me the the strength to keep working harder to endure the grueling course work and high standards that the University demanded.
Buildings and statues should honor those that we respect while songs should bring us together in unity. Isolating our students or alumni no matter how big or small should not be what we stand for. I encourage you all to take this time to reflect and think about how important this time is to all of us and the University.
Again even though it will feel strange and the campus will look and sound different. I hope that when my kids are touring the campus in the future I will be able to tell them of all the changes that were made since I attended the University and look up at the tower and say to them that we found the truth, and it set us free to change the University for the better.
It is time for us to live up to our reputation and standards because what starts here changes the world,
Hook ‘em Class of 2002
I do not think trying to sanitize and erase history is the way to go. ALL humans are flawed. We need to have an open dialogue on our history without one side of the ideological spectrum shouting down the other side. College campuses need frank open two sided debate for us to move forward. I do not believe that UT or the vast major of collage campuses are willing to hear both sides of the conversation.
I do not think trying to sanitize and erase history is the way to go. ALL humans are flawed. We need to have an open dialogue on our history without one side of the ideological spectrum shouting down the other side. College campuses need frank open two sided debate for us to move forward. I do not believe that UT or the vast major of collage campuses are willing to hear both sides of the conversation.

Agreed. The university campus is antiquated. It is going away. Forcing a one sided morality is to push 50% of customers to an online format. Grand Canyon Christian Universtity is 5k per semester. Most kids in the 1350-1000 SAT range who are white will live at home, work part time, and graduate with no debt. It's here.
While all of you are BSing around with all this shit I am stockpiling Shiner and Ammo and Food and dog food, I invite any of you to come fishing with me and Trooper and Bubba if you can make it through the Barb wire and dog shit!....
Just a few thoughts from a very proud Longhorn graduate who also happens to be a "minority".

1. UT officials need to IMMEDIATELY come out and unequivocally state in no uncertain terms that they will NOT be changing our school song. The longer they wait the more it emboldens and enables those who are making these ridiculous demands.

2. UT has nothing to apologize for in terms of it's commitment to a diverse and welcoming and inclusive environment for ALL students.

3. Other than what this one single professor has opined, I have not seen nor ever been made aware that The Eyes of Texas was in any way conceived or created with a racial component. It's a very illogical reach in my opinion. Someone is just wanting to pick a racial fight with our university. How does this professor know? Where's his proof? Why is nobody challenging his premise? I think he's full of crap. His "proof" appears to be that the Eyes of Texas were played at the same Varsity theater where they also at one time had minstrel shows. Was it sung originally by students wearing blackface? Where's the direct racial component in the song? This is a ridiculous reach and should be rejected outright. This racist professor and all these athletes need to come out of their social media bubble and answer directly why they suddenly believe this garbage.

3. This is a clear indication that our football team is completely unfocused. This shows me that for them winning a championship is not the most important goal for them. It looks like we're heading to another miserable 6-6 or 7-5 season. Herman has a lot of work to do and it needs to be done immediately. Our team just doesn't know what it takes to win. I certainly don't hear about Saban or Dabo having to deal with these issues. That's because they are clear in their expectations and consistently hold everyone accountable. This is very disappointing because this is a season where we have a chance to actually be good. I don't think so anymore.

4. I would imagine that most of these athletes, professors and protesters crying about "systemic racism" vote religiously for Democrat party candidates. The history of the Democrat party is filled with racism that is wholly undisputed - the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and segregation to name just a few. If the Eyes of Texas is no longer worthy for those who demand racial equality then why in the hell do you keep voting Democrats in power? That's where your systemic racism exists.
A time to reflect, A time for change
The recent events have brought many things into focus. Our history, customs, and how we treat and make each other feel. From the loss of human interaction experienced from the Covid-19 global pandemic to the connection and outrage we are all experiencing from the police brutality and failed systems that allowed the death of George Floyd.
Reading through many of the comments posted to the response of the UT football players letter to the University of Texas, I feel that I need to speak up because I just don't understand the divide on this issue.
Growing up a white male there is no doubt i have had the opportunities that others have not been provided. Is that to say that I’ve gotten where I am due to a lack of hard work….No. The University of Texas taught me that. Race was a big part of my University experience and a big change from my suburban high school upbringing that had very little multi cultural exposure.
Engineering at UT was a global mix of students, on an equal playing field, all striving for the same goal of achieving a diploma regardless of race or background. This doesn’t seem to have always have been the case. Reading about celebrated racist professors and subtle racist undertones in The Eyes of Texas that continue to alienate members of our student body had never crossed my mind until now.
Now is a time to reflect, learn, and make our University better. Traditions and celebrations from the past that alienate our student body will damage the overall health to our University. The need to continue honoring such people and traditions needs and has to stop. Does doing something drastic like eliminating a song that we have spent the majority of our lives singing and have a connection to feel strange. Yes. Will most of us miss it at first. Yes. But can we all learn a new song and be proud of the new traditions that we create. YES!
I can still recall countless nights, walking back to my dorm wondering if i was good enough and if I could compete at the standards that the University demanded. It was times like these that I would stop at the tower and read, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. I would mainly think about these words at face value as they gave me the the strength to keep working harder to endure the grueling course work and high standards that the University demanded.
Buildings and statues should honor those that we respect while songs should bring us together in unity. Isolating our students or alumni no matter how big or small should not be what we stand for. I encourage you all to take this time to reflect and think about how important this time is to all of us and the University.
Again even though it will feel strange and the campus will look and sound different. I hope that when my kids are touring the campus in the future I will be able to tell them of all the changes that were made since I attended the University and look up at the tower and say to them that we found the truth, and it set us free to change the University for the better.
It is time for us to live up to our reputation and standards because what starts here changes the world,
Hook ‘em Class of 2002

Let's apply that logic across the entire country.

I guess we need to grind the faces off Mount Rushmore, We can tear down the Alamo, San Jacinto Monument, Washington Monument, and Jefferson Memorial. We are going to have to tear down anything related to the civil war, because the civil war was not about abolishing slavery or equality.

We have about 20 -25 presidential libraries that will have to go away.

Here is a list of inventions that were undoubtedly invented by racists, they have to be a constant reminders.

The cars
All String instruments
The piano
The train
The oven
The red light

I could keep going, if anyone wants.

And while were taking down racist statues, let's go ahead and get the 2Pac, Muhammad Ali, and Malcom X statues too.

As a country, we have jumped into the deep end of stupidity.
Just a few thoughts from a very proud Longhorn graduate who also happens to be a "minority".

1. UT officials need to IMMEDIATELY come out and unequivocally state in no uncertain terms that they will NOT be changing our school song. The longer they wait the more it emboldens and enables those who are making these ridiculous demands.

2. UT has nothing to apologize for in terms of it's commitment to a diverse and welcoming and inclusive environment for ALL students.

3. Other than what this one single professor has opined, I have not seen nor ever been made aware that The Eyes of Texas was in any way conceived or created with a racial component. It's a very illogical reach in my opinion. Someone is just wanting to pick a racial fight with our university. How does this professor know? Where's his proof? Why is nobody challenging his premise? I think he's full of crap. His "proof" appears to be that the Eyes of Texas were played at the same Varsity theater where they also at one time had minstrel shows. Was it sung originally by students wearing blackface? Where's the direct racial component in the song? This is a ridiculous reach and should be rejected outright. This racist professor and all these athletes need to come out of their social media bubble and answer directly why they suddenly believe this garbage.

3. This is a clear indication that our football team is completely unfocused. This shows me that for them winning a championship is not the most important goal for them. It looks like we're heading to another miserable 6-6 or 7-5 season. Herman has a lot of work to do and it needs to be done immediately. Our team just doesn't know what it takes to win. I certainly don't hear about Saban or Dabo having to deal with these issues. That's because they are clear in their expectations and consistently hold everyone accountable. This is very disappointing because this is a season where we have a chance to actually be good. I don't think so anymore.

4. I would imagine that most of these athletes, professors and protesters crying about "systemic racism" vote religiously for Democrat party candidates. The history of the Democrat party is filled with racism that is wholly undisputed - the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and segregation to name just a few. If the Eyes of Texas is no longer worthy for those who demand racial equality then why in the hell do you keep voting Democrats in power? That's where your systemic racism exists.

Did you know that he has developed a virtual tour of the campus to point out all the racism and white supremacy?
I’m not saying we need to erase history but our university is not destined to live in the past. We should evolve and continue to improve. Why should we continue to have traditions that alienate our current student body. I have to say I agree with the athletes. What good does this do to continue with these practices. We have grown and continued to learn from our past mistakes. Let’s move on.

Let's apply that logic across the entire country.

I guess we need to grind the faces off Mount Rushmore, We can tear down the Alamo, San Jacinto Monument, Washington Monument, and Jefferson Memorial. We are going to have to tear down anything related to the civil war, because the civil war was not about abolishing slavery or equality.

We have about 20 -25 presidential libraries that will have to go away.

Here is a list of inventions that were undoubtedly invented by racists, they have to be a constant reminders.

The cars
All String instruments
The piano
The train
The oven
The red light

I could keep going, if anyone wants.

And while were taking down racist statues, let's go ahead and get the 2Pac, Muhammad Ali, and Malcom X statues too.

As a country, we have jumped into the deep end of stupidity.
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Did you know that he has developed a virtual tour of the campus to point out all the racism and white supremacy?

Now we know that he has an agenda to promote. Why this guy is taken seriously is beyond me.

History is not designed to be "liked" or "disliked" or "glorified" or "unglorified". Our history is there for us to know where we have been as a nation. Our founders created this nation with the unique idea that we continuously strive to be a "more perfect" union. At one time we had slavery, then blacks were not considered a full person, women couldn't vote, blacks had no basic civil rights, etc. etc. We've made great progress as a nation and will continue to do so because we're good and decent people. Remember that we lost over 750,000 American soldiers in the civil war which is mind-boggling to me when you consider the population of the country was maybe one-third of what it is today. For anyone to claim that we're a racist country when we lost that many soldiers fighting against slavery just shows incredible ignorance and utter stupidity. This is a great nation, not perfect. We never will be but we always strive to be more perfect.

Knowing how many Americans (white and black) gave the ultimate sacrifice to help make progress in ridding our nation of the scourge of slavery should make everyone extremely proud when the anthem is played. To conflate the issue of slavery with police brutality is moronic, disgusting and sick. Less than 15 blacks a year are unfortunately killed each year from police brutality (both white and black cops). I wish it were zero but to make this your watershed moment for our country - please stop. That's foolish.
In the last 70 something years I have seen this country go from a Great country to a Use to be you could raise a fine family and have a great job which was plentiful, then the She WW2 Generation who fought to keep us safe, together white, Black, Hispanic and so on hit country,Politics messed it up, our Steel Meals gone that made this country strong, there will never be another Generation like the WW2 Generation, the last great Family Generation, since then there has been nothing but Wars and more Wars here in the US and abroad, I think its too hard for everyone to make something better the right way cause dyeing is easy, living everyday is harder than anything just making it through the next and the next especially when you get old, none of this shit matters anymore us old people sit back and laugh at this shit cause, one day its gonna be something else and you won't have to deal with it, pretty much you are what ya parents taught you in a since, they teach to be mean then you gonna be that way...etc, I think the world has tom many bad examples plus peer pressure thats not the right way to think that when ya got 6 months or less to live, is any of this shit gonna matter?
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I’m not saying we need to erase history but our university is not destined to live in the past. We should evolve and continue to improve. Why should we continue to have traditions that alienate our current student body. I have to say I agree with the athletes. What good does this do to continue with these practices. We have grown and continued to learn from our past mistakes. Let’s move on.

I'd like to see a vote on the number of people in the student body that are actually offended by the Eyes of Texas. How many is too many that a change must be made? One? Ten? Football team? Just want to know the rules.