This Just Got Real

I think Briles days are numbered. I can't imagine Baylor doing a half measure on this with the spotlight right on them. Keeping Briles will just fire up more scrutiny.
I'll be shocked if they do anything at all to Briles. Canning Starr is exactly what I expected. It allows Baylor to claim they've made a huge change while they leave Briles untouched. Without incontrovertible evidence directly linking Briles to a cover-up, I don't see him going anywhere.
I'll be shocked if they do anything at all to Briles. Canning Starr is exactly what I expected. It allows Baylor to claim they've made a huge change while they leave Briles untouched. Without incontrovertible evidence directly linking Briles to a cover-up, I don't see him going anywhere.

Claim to who? The entire public thinks this is a joke
Claim to who? The entire public thinks this is a joke

Does it matter? It's a joke, but it's less of a joke than doing nothing (or just firing the Title IX coordinator, for instance), which seemed like a plausible outcome not long ago.

I think Baylor will be content to say, "Look, we fired the president of the university -- that's a major response to this problem," let the public think what it wants beyond that, and hope that the scandal doesn't grow in any game-changing fashion, allowing attention to gradually move on to other scandals elsewhere. If the evidence doesn't hit Briles any more directly than it has, and the overall costs of keeping Briles don't outweigh the benefits, I doubt they'll do anything to him.
My guess is that Briles survives if this story goes away quickly. If this is still a national story 3 weeks from now then Art gets the heave ho too.

But make no mistake, Baylor likes the taste of winning but do they like it more than ethical or lawful behavior by their coaches and players?

We'll know the answer to that by July 4th!
Bringbackroyal-- I get where you're coming from, BUT, now that the microscope is on them, what happens if another young lady comes out and claims some form of sexual assault or attempted rape or whatever. I mean, even if it's something as stupid as an athlete grabbing some girls Butt in a bar. By definition, that's sexual assault.
...if it is seen as though Baylor keeps Briles bc of athletic wins, they will take a major perception hit coast to coast andit will cost them alot more than simply firing Briles...
This is what's going to happen. We'll see what kind of hit they take in perception. To me they've lost all credibility as a moral authority unless they fire the rape enabler.
I know nothing about the internal dynamics of Baylor and how Starr is regarded among the powers that be. If he wasn't well liked the firing isn't a surprise. If he was at least tolerated by most and liked by key decision makers then this report must be really ugly. My guess is that Starr isn't the only one that is going to be fired. If this stays in the press more will be going out the door
So what's "doing the right thing" in your mind as a "Christian University" (your words)? Keeping the same football staff that knew girls were being hurt and allowed girls to be raped while covering multiple instances of it up and harboring the rapists? That's your idea of doing the right thing? As Christians? Because football?

Baylor's strategy is "who can we fire and look like we care and still be good at football?"
Scholz is right. Obviously, the moral standard is absent and in fact continues to be lowered at each and every turn of events. To top things off, they can't make a decision or take action when they have had all of the information for quite some time.
I am less concerned with what happens a Baylor than I am with what happens at the Waco Police dept. If the feds come in to investigate this as a coverup or complicit action by the waco PD, someone is going to jail. This is the type thing the Feds like to jump on for the glory.
We already know how bad this systemic problem is, one internal review document that Baylor partnered with and is going to try and hide behind notwithstanding. The Baylor athletic dept, Baylor university and Waco PD covered up rapes and didn't help raped girls for the sake of football wins. The only questions are how much of a crap Baylor gives about it. Doesn't seem they really care about PR and I predict they'll think one sacrificial lamb should suffice. Art Briles isn't going anywhere. Old Baylor decision maker/fanboys are deathly afraid of becoming irrelevant again.

I agree.

I think BU believes that this firing puts this to bed. Thing is, it doesn't. If the media looks at it that way and increases scrutiny.....then heat will be put on Briles. Right now, he's just chilling. Not too worried. BU still wants the wins he brings and the relevancy, more than doing it the right way. Like the U in the 80s. Or OU, every year. Or ATM with Johnny Autograph.
Briles will have to be fired as well. He kept a serial rapist on his team and let him kept playing and now parents don't want to send their daughters there because of fear. How will it look with Starr getting fired and not Briles? If it wasn't for baylor being a private university everything would be out in the open. Don't forget this isn't the first time baylor has made the news for something crazy. Remember the basketball team? Now this is happening baylor won't survive this. IF the big 12 goes down the toilet baylor will be screwed nobody will want them.
I'll be shocked if they do anything at all to Briles. Canning Starr is exactly what I expected. It allows Baylor to claim they've made a huge change while they leave Briles untouched. Without incontrovertible evidence directly linking Briles to a cover-up, I don't see him going anywhere.
I agree with everything except the part I put in bold. o_O:rolleyes: You predicted something similar, but not quite, if memory serves (and I understood you correctly). Didn't you predict Starr would be reassigned? AFAIK, Chip and Ketch haven't said that.

We'll see what actually happens to Starr, once BU makes an announcement.
I know nothing about the internal dynamics of Baylor and how Starr is regarded among the powers that be. If he wasn't well liked the firing isn't a surprise. If he was at least tolerated by most and liked by key decision makers then this report must be really ugly. My guess is that Starr isn't the only one that is going to be fired. If this stays in the press more will be going out the door
On a university's BOR, there are always regents who don't see eye-to-eye with the president, and want him out. This was their chance.

(At least, that's my perception based on what goes on in Austin, at Texas.)
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I agree with everything except the part I put in bold. o_O:rolleyes: You predicted something similar, but not quite, if memory serves (and I understood you correctly). Didn't you predict Starr would be reassigned? AFAIK, Chip and Ketch haven't said that.

We'll see what actually happens to Starr, once BU makes an announcement.

Sorry, I just meant canned from the presidency in the above post. I still think he'll likely be offered a comfortable position in the law school.
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I know nothing about the internal dynamics of Baylor and how Starr is regarded among the powers that be. If he wasn't well liked the firing isn't a surprise. If he was at least tolerated by most and liked by key decision makers then this report must be really ugly. My guess is that Starr isn't the only one that is going to be fired. If this stays in the press more will be going out the door

From what I saw on a Baylor board decisions are going to be made by June 3rd. According to some of those posters no one is safe and that includes Art Briles. According to my Baylor sources a group of wealthy donors, Drayton McLean, Walter Umphrey, and a few more will decide and according to my Baylor family members DM is well known for keeping his own council.
I am less concerned with what happens a Baylor than I am with what happens at the Waco Police dept. If the feds come in to investigate this as a coverup or complicit action by the waco PD, someone is going to jail. This is the type thing the Feds like to jump on for the glory.

Also, I think it's fair to ask the people of Waco if they've lost perspective when it comes to Baylor fb. I mean the SU case did go to court. And he was convicted and given 6 months probation !!!!! Wth is wrong with those jurors? In my entire life I've never heard of anyone who got convicted of rape and got probation. Fortunately, the judge was furious and did what he could do which was give him 6 months in jail. The people in that town need a reality check.
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Sorry, I just meant canned from the presidency in the above post. I still think he'll likely be offered a comfortable position in the law school.

I'm 99% certain that they won't. The national media is going to destroy Ken Starr. Baylor has handled this terribly. And after the pr disaster from this scandal they can't risk any more.
I'm 99% certain that they won't. The national media is going to destroy Ken Starr. Baylor has handled this terribly. And after the pr disaster from this scandal they can't risk any more.

I don't think stowing him away in the law school will generate any significant and sustained controversy. I'd love to be wrong, though. We'll see.
Do they not have the common sense to realize that everytime one of their football players commits a transgression while BrIles is there this entire laundry list will be rehashed? It will happen regardless for the near future but would fade.
I wonder if any of the "journalists" following this story have looked into his time at Houston. I think one thing that would absolutely lead to his immediate firing would be this same type of thing (hopefully this isn't the case or not to this level) happening while he was at Houston. Then it would create a precedent. AGAIN I AM NOT SAYING I HOPE THIS IS THE CASE, BUT THROWING OUT THINGS THAT WOULD MAKE HIS FIRING INEVITABLE!
I know nothing about the internal dynamics of Baylor and how Starr is regarded among the powers that be. If he wasn't well liked the firing isn't a surprise. If he was at least tolerated by most and liked by key decision makers then this report must be really ugly. My guess is that Starr isn't the only one that is going to be fired. If this stays in the press more will be going out the door
Everyone I know likes the guy. Which is why I can only conclude that the report is worse than we (the BU faithful) want to believe.
This morning I'm watching CNN and they are going through the whole Donald Trump going after Hillary because of Bill's mistresses etc- and the CNN anchor says something to the effect of "As you all remember it was Ken Starr who was making a push for how President Clinton mistreated these women.... and now Ken Starr is embroiled in a scandal as the university president at Baylor...".

If you don't think there are still people in the main stream media that are still pissed off at him for what went down over Bill, you're wrong. They've disliked him for years and most had probably given up on there ever being a chance to exact some sort of revenge on him. Well Kenny, if you lie down with dogs, don't act surprised when the flees bite.

My question is, with regard to the Waco PD, IF DOJ comes in and can prove any sort of collusion between the cops and Starr's office, does DOJ not just go after the Waco cops, but also Starr?
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This is what's going to happen. We'll see what kind of hit they take in perception. To me they've lost all credibility as a moral authority unless they fire the rape enabler.
Sholz is on record - if Briles is fired, the BU has credibility as a moral authority!
Sholz is on record - if Briles is fired, the BU has credibility as a moral authority!
You sell yourselves as that as a "Christian University" (your words). As a religious institution. That's supposed to be moral, right? I think I read that somewhere. As of now, you've sold your souls for football wins.
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You sell yourselves as that as a "Christian University" (your words). As a religious institution. That's supposed to be moral, right? I think I read that somewhere. As of now, you've sold your souls for football wins.
Absolutely you read that from me. Which is why we have to get this right - and that begins with releasing the report. If you are going to fire the President - surely the Trustees are smart enough to know that throwing a bone to the public will appease no one. Assuming that is so, and the report truly calls for firing of the President then you can't stop with one. Release the report so we can see the whole carcass and remove the stench.
Baylor has just built a new stadium and I think up graded their training facilities. They are not going to just go away even if they fire Briles.

My position in this is that it doesnt really matter to me how they conduct their business. I think Briles is a POS, but if that is who they want, then so be it. We can beat them anyway.
I'm personally tired of uber religious hypocrites who turn out to be the worst people out there.
Here is where things could go bad for the Baylor football staff:

A source close to the situation said Starr arrived at his meeting with regents on Tuesday morning "lawyered up" and may not go quietly. A source close to Starr raised questions about how much of the complaints against BU football players actually got to the president's desk versus being handled underneath him without his knowledge.

If the above is pursued vigorously and made public, football people could go. Otherwise Baylor wins on the field and Briles stays. There is time, but not much. Baylor probably reaches a settlement with Starr and the dirty laundry stays in the closet.
Here is where things could go bad for the Baylor football staff:

A source close to the situation said Starr arrived at his meeting with regents on Tuesday morning "lawyered up" and may not go quietly. A source close to Starr raised questions about how much of the complaints against BU football players actually got to the president's desk versus being handled underneath him without his knowledge.

If the above is pursued vigorously and made public, football people could go. Otherwise Baylor wins on the field and Briles stays. There is time, but not much. Baylor probably reaches a settlement with Starr and the dirty laundry stays in the closet.

I think this is what it will come down to.

It's hard for me to believe that a guy with Star's experience would try and cover all of this up. It's going to come down to what information got to him. I'll bet everybody that reports to Star in these matters is not having a real good morning. I'll include WPD also.
Hypocrisy seems fairly universal to me.
I think there are different levels of hypocrisy. Here's an analogy for you. Who's more obnoxious, the Longhorn who leaves a game early or the holier than thou, we're the best fans in the universe aggy? Both are leaving the game early, one is clearly more hypocritical.